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&: It is expected that a student portfolio would be able to succinctly but effectively showcase the
tasks performed, requirements completed, exams taken, topics learned, insights gained, and other
documented outputs (whether group or individual) of a student in the course Assessment and Evaluation of
Learning. It is also expected that it would be presented in such a way that students¶ progress in the
achievement of the course learning outcomes would be evident.

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General Appearance and Organization ± 20 points
Content and Materials ± 20 points
Summary Papers ± 20 points (see instruction below)
Narrative ± 20 points
Final Reflection: 20 points
Total: 100 points


Summary Papers:
Write two summary papers; one for › › 
 and one for    
›  › 
. Each summary should contain two short paragraphs. The first
paragraph is for the summary of what you have learned from the topic, while the second
paragraph is for the insights that you have gained from the topic. Each summary should
be typed in one short white bond paper (single-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 10-
12). Each summary is worth a maximum of 10 points.

Write a narrative of topics discussed and learning tasks you experienced during the
course of the semester for the course Assessment and Evaluation of Learning. It should
be able to answer the following questions:   
   It should be in
chronological form consistent with how the class progressed from topic to topic as
prescribed by the course outline. The narrative should be typed in a white, short bond
paper (single-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 10-12; maximum of 3 pages). You are
free to write your narrative in any style you want provided that the basic requirements
mentioned above are met.

Final Reflection:
Write a reflective paper about the possible implications or applications of your learning
and insights in the course Assessment and Evaluation of Learning to your future role as a
classroom teacher. It is expected that in your reflection, the importance of assessment and
evaluation in the classroom would be described on a more personal level in consonance
with what you have learned or experienced from the course. The reflection paper should
be typed in 1 or 2 pages of white, short bond paper (single-spaced, Times New Roman,
font size 10-12). You are free to write your reflective paper in any style you want
provided that the basic requirements mentioned above are met.

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1.? Title Page (must include title of the project, student¶s name, instructor¶s name, course title,
semester and school year, date of submission)
2.? Table of Contents (with pages, if applicable)
3.? Course Outline
4.? Introduction to the Portfolio
5.? Narrative
6.? Summary Papers
7.? Worksheets
8.? Paper-and Pencil Tests Developed (Original and Revised)
9.? Rubrics Developed
10.? Handouts for Reporting/Documentation of Reporting
11.? Final Test Developed (First Draft, Proof of Expert Validation, Second Draft, Proof of Expert
Validation, Final Draft for Testing)
12.? Documentation of Testing/Test Proctorship (if any)
13.? Final Reflection
14.? Appendix A: Quizzes and Assignments
15.? Appendix B: Hand-outs and other Reference Materials Used

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