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Changes after death

Irreversible cessation of life, unable to move + permanent stoppage of vital orgas of the body.

 Somatic/  Molecular / cellular death  DECOMPOSITION / PUTREFACTION
systemic/clinical - Combination of autolysis + bacterial action
death Early sign of death - earliest organ to decompose - pancreas
 Associate with 1) Cooling of the body - last organ : prostate in male / uterus in
- flat EEG Estimated time of death : nulliparous female.
- ECG : asystole No of hours after death = (normal temp -
rectal temp at time of examination) ÷ Characteristic(s) :
average rate of temp fall per hour. I. Green discoloration of the RIF of the
anterior abdominal wall - d/t gut bacteria in
2) Eye changes cecum decompose hemoglobin.
a) Fragmentation of retinal vessel (dotted II. Decomposition of hemoglobin : superficial
→ segmented) vessel - linear branching patterns of variable
b) Absent corneal reflex discoloration (marbling appearances) 48-72
c) Not response to stimuli hours
d) Reduced intraocular tension III. Gas released → body begins to swell. (face,
e) Taches noires abdomen, eyes & tongue protrudes)
- brown pigmentation d/t partially closed eyes IV. Last stage, soft tissue liquefy.
as a result of dirt deposition.
- Immersion in water will slower the process of
- loss of epidermis
- bloated

- when body lies underwater for many weeks.
3) Skin changes - post mortem hypostasis (wet condition) → hydrolysis of fat tissue .
No circulation
↓ Early stage :
Blood sedimentation Pale, rancid, greasy semi-fluid material with a
↓ most unpleasant smell.
Depends on position (follow the gravity) Late stage:
↓ Grey, firm, waxy compound.
Pink/deep purple /bluish discoloration
* but if the areas in contact with firm surface - Body in dry condition
→ the areas become pale. - can be divided into 2 : artificial & natural.

High temperature

Retain natural appearance & feature of body

- dry skin, leathery, rusty brown odor, skin

adheres close to the bone, skeletanised features
of face.

- started after 2 hours  SKELETALIZATION

- fixed color after 5 hours ~ 2years - soft tissue diminished
Test : try to press whether it is blanching or ~ 5 years - bones will be bare & disarticulated.

4) Rigidity
No ATP + ↑ lactic acid

Actin & myosin bind together

Muscle become stiff

- affected by temperature:
Cold environment - onset & duration prolong
Warm environment- short onset & duration

- occur to all muscle

- start at small muscle first (ocular , perioral)
then large muscle

Feels warm + flaccid - < 3 hours

Warm + stiff : 3-8 hours
Cold+stiff : 8- 36 hours
Cold + flaccid : >36 hours

- related to individual who are at high level of
emotional + physical stress immediately
before death.
- affect individual muscle
Eg : drowning victim

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