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Over time globalization has been presented as a modern phenomenon that grows

every day with the pursuit of economic, social and political relations between
countries. Although since ancient times have been such relationships include the
sources, nature and function of the system of globalization they have largely
In the midst of globalization there are advantages and disadvantages according to
the different parts of the world, for example the decisions investors from developed
countries affect the stability or financial instability in underdeveloped countries, also
increased or decreased rates interest of large international companies market
affect the population. Besides that globalization is present in the interconnections
between countries through its borders, this is a development mode that is used in
much of the world but also has legal consequences according to the rules of each

Globalization is activities of different types have in common border crossings,

these activities involve states, both their public and private companies,
international and regional institutions, industry bodies, the NGOs and some other
entities that are not directly associated with specific states. However, the diversity
of activities and processes covered are not very clear and there is a problem in
each of the categories, it is important to understand the economic, political, social
and legal phenomena.
As an economic phenomenon, globalization involves the release of trade
investment and finance, such as the ability to move goods, capital and services
across borders and across the market in other countries with legal and
administrative permissions required. Given the countries which are operating in
export areas where the market is effective, efficient and competitive.
As a social phenomenon, globalization involves extensive contact between people
from different countries whose mission is to share ideas about fashion, food,
entertainment, among others, which makes it leads to a standardization of the
product. also included the advancement of science and technology, particularly
information technology and new forms of communication, allowing easy access to
digital information and the free movement of certain persons across national
borders, the ability to these to relocate, reside and work in other states and obtain
multiple citizenships.
As a political phenomenon, globalization focuses on maintaining public order,
entities determined meet maintain the smooth functioning of international business,
such as the United Nations General Assembly the text says, for example, performs
work of public policy, the council safety regulates or maintains peace, there are
also other organizations like the UN, which regulates maritime, climate issues,
international treaties, public health and many activities necessary for the proper
management of activities.
As a legal phenomenon, this focuses on the processes of change in the rules,
practices and procedures in the different judicial systems, which involves the
standardization of national and international laws, along with legal processes,
connections between laws, application of the same law and legal practice.
Globalization has been very complex changes, not only in investment, exports and
trade across borders but has also evolved level social system, environment,
manufacturing and working conditions, privatization of public assets and the
increase in debt issues by developing countries.
Regarding manufacturing, transport and communication along with investment,
trade and finance, they have allowed manufacturers businessmen to project their
factories on a global scale, with higher benefits and costs of risk are obtained are
Whether it is good or bad globalization depends on the perspective from which you
see, because there are beneficiaries and losers of economic globalization, so it
would have to assess the causes of income. In addition to this, there are several
inconsistencies that make it difficult to indicate the increase or decrease in wealth.
Amid globalization naked eye can see greater economic inequality between
developed countries and those still under development due to the high
concentration of capital and greater investment by companies in these developed
countries; further increase in the capital of national entrepreneurs making
unemployment to rise, as more and less labor and more facilitative work machines
used these entrepreneurs.
But all is not bad, thanks to globalization and the exchange of products have been
found to have reduced these costs, which means that nationally are achieved at
lower prices; further it increases the competition between the large multinationals,
which causes them to worry about creating products of high quality and necessary
for the population. technological improvements that help the production and
delivery are implemented faster and the amount of product increases, easy to
export and easy accessibility to products that previously could not be obtained
easily as now.
In laws, in globalization are governed by levels; internationally it is constituted by
conventions, agreements, investment agreements and decisions of major
international organizations. Nationally this constitutes duties, tariffs, quotas and
other aspects required in economic activities. At the subnational level, are criminal
trades, rules of the rights to market and local laws governing the planning and
development of various economic activities. Each of these levels of law may have
directly or indirectly impact the economic system of globalization.
Economic globalization has been developed through an inevitable and necessary
for us business between countries, said continuous process accelerated
evolutionary process, this vision promises the most influential people in society to
determine a guarantor of benefits progress, these processes They are so important
that it would be difficult to reverse or eliminate the international economic
globalization process.
In terms of theory, globalization refers to a systematic and structured way of seeing
the social and economic reality; One theory is not always true, because it can be
challenged by new information or other superior theory, which is why the theories
of globalization are updated and taking their path according to the objectives that
will be taking and new market principles internal and external globally.
An ideology in the company of a theory, is a vision we have to understand, analyze
and predict the phenomena of globalization, its causes and consequences. Unlike
a theory that is exposed to hypothesis tests failed results or changes over time; an
ideology of globalization is not open to change, this leads to more selective use of
information to avoid errors, and ignore what prevents the development of the global
Economist Paul has Argued That Once You Have an ideological model: it is almost
impossible to avoid seeing the world in terms of the model focusing on the Means
Which forces and can effect your model ... Those Represent and ignoring it can
not. That the result is the very act of modeling has the effect of destroying
knowledge as well as creating it.
Finally and according to the text should be noted in general terms that globalization
is increasing, the integration of countries in economic, social and political level is
rapidly expanding as a result of liberalization and the increasing volume and variety
international trade in goods and services, technological advances, thus reducing
the costs of transport and products that were inaccessible before. Globalization is
necessary for the development of developing countries and the improvement in

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