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THE RAMAYANA SUMMARY BORN DURING AN AGE WHEN THE DEMON RAVANA TERRORIZED THE WORLD, RAMA IS THE VIRTUOUS, WISE, AND POWERFUL PRINCE OF AYOHYA, AS A YOUNG MAN, HE IS ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WHAT NO OTHER MAN HAS EVER DONE: HE LIFTS AND STRINGS THE BOW OF SIVA, AND BY SO DOING HER EARNS THE RIGHT TO MARRY THE BEAUTIFUL SITA. THE EVIL DEMON RAVANA HEARS OF SITA'S BEAUTY, AND KIDNAPS HER. HE HAS FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HER AND TRIES TO SEDUCE HER, JUST WHEN HE IS ABOUT TO ASCEND THE THRONE OF AYODHYA, HIS FATHER DASARATHA IS FORCED TO EXILE HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS TO THE FOREST DUE TO A VOW MADE LONG AGO. UNRUFFLED, RAMA ACCEPTS HIS EXILE; HIS WIFE SITA AND HIS LOYAL BROTHER LAKSHMANA ACCOMPANY HIM. IN THE FOREST, THE PRINCELY BROTHERS KILL MANY DEMONS AND VISIT MANY WISE MEN AND. WOMEN, BUT SHE REBUFFS HIS ADVANCES FOR NEARLY TEN MONTHS, DESPERATE TO WIN HER BACK, RAMA AND LAKSHMANA FORM AN ALLIANCE WITH THE MONKEY KING SUGRIVA, AND INVADE LANKA WITH AN ARMY OF MONKEYS. AFTER MANY VIOLENT BATTLES, RAMA DEFEATS RAVANA AND WINS BACK SITA. HE IS CONCERNED THAT SHE HAS BEEN UNFAITHFUL DURING HER LONG CAPTIVITY, AND SO SITA UNDERGOES A TRIAL BY FIRE TO PROVE HER CHASTITY, RAMA TAKES HER BACK, AND THEY RETURN TO RULE AYODHYA FOR MANY WONDERFUL YEARS, IN ANOTHER VERSION OF THE TALE, RAMA HEARS HIS PEOPLE GOSSIPING ABOUT SITA'S IMAGINED INDISCRETIONS, AND HE BANISHES HER TO THE FOREST, WHERE SHE GIVES BIRTH TO RAMA'S TWIN SONS. SITA AND THE CHILDREN CONFRONT HIM YEARS LATER; HE TRIES TO EXPLAIN HIS HARSH ACTIONS TO SITA, BUT SHE VANISHES INTO THE EARTH TO ESCAPE HIM. Mahabharata is one of the most important epics of ancient India. The story of ‘Mahabharata’ shows how money and property govern human relationships and even demolish them. The story is set around Hastinapur, a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. There is a considerable scrimmage for the throne of Hastinapur between two brothers born to Vichitravrya, Pandu and Dhritrashtra. Dhritrashtra who was born blind always suffered from inferiority complex and grows up into a malicious and vindictive man. On the other hand, Pandu, a generous and liberal man qualifies to become the king. He marries Kunti but is unfortunately cursed by a sage that he will die if he consummated his marriage. Therefore, he chooses to leave the kingdom to Dhritrashtra and go into the forest along with his two wives. Dhritrashtra marries Gandhari and gives birth to hundred sons called Kauravas. Years ago, pleased with Kunti’s services Durvasa gave her a mantra by the virtue of which she could ask for anything and that would appear in front of her in human form. Curious Kunti decided to test the mantra and called Sun god who appeared in front of her only to leave unwedded Kunti with a son named Karna. Karna was set afloat in a river by his mother, Kunti. Kunti uses the mantra again into the forest seeing her agonized husband and gives birth to Yudhisthira, Bhima and Arjun. She passed on her divine energy to the second wife of Pandu, Madri who became a mother of Nakul and Sehdeva later. Hence the five brothers came to be known as Pandavas. Aroused by passion, Pandu and Madri consummated their marriage and hence Pandu died. Kunti returns to Hastinapur after regretful Madri burns herself. There she finds that Kauravas have grown up and Shakuni, Gandhari's brother resides with them. Pandavas who are the rightful heirs to the throne are not welcomed in Hastinapur. Duryodhana, the eldest of Kauravas despises the Pandavas and plans death for them along with his venomous uncle, Shakuni. They decide to kill the brothers along with their mother in a palace made of wax specially designed by Shakuni but fortunately the quick- witted Pandavas manage to escape the trap. They hide into the forest where Arjuna marries Draupadi and Bhima marries Hidimba. Being unaware of what Arjuna has won, Kunti simply asks him to share his victory among other brothers. Hence Kunti became a common wife of the five brothers. After escaping a number of traps laid by the Kauravas the five brother return to Hastinapur to claim half of the kingdom. They move to Khandavprastha, later re-named Indraprastha. Duryodhan vows to demean Draupadi after being insulted by her. Manipulative Shakuni takes advantage out of the Yudhisthira’s weakness of gambling and invites the Pandavas for a game. He tricks them into gambling away all their entire kingdom, wealth and their common wife, Draupadi. While Duryodhana tries to disrobe her, Lord Krishna comes and saves her honor. The elders of the court sent the Pandavas to exile for twelve years, in addition to one year incognito. After thirteen years, Pandavas come back to claim their kingdom to which Kauravas completely refused. This resulted

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