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Other prominent feature of this town is its largely spread area of cemetery, some sources claim
that Laki shah Saddar graveyard is second largest cemetery in Pakistan after Makuly graveyard
in Thatta district, Sindh. This cemetery buries people from pre-historic dynasties to modern age
common people of adjacent areas.It is worth to note that many of the graves and tombs existing
here are a real piece of art, but having no recorded history, even no serious effort is so far made
to research and explore hidden dimensions of this cemetery. A big number of religious figures
are also laid to rest in this cemetery. The most prominent is the Shah Saddarudine Moosvi, he is
a one the earliest person who came to south Asia in order to avoid the persecution of Abassi in
old Iraq. He is believed to be a person from 8th generation of Imam moosa Kazim, 7th imam
according to Shia sect of Islam. Shah saddar"s shrine is a famous place for many people of
Pakistan who regularly come there to pay their respect and prayers.

Historically Laki shah saddar has rich culture, and having sound and viable past in terms of trade
and commerce. Like many other cities and towns in Pakistan, Laki shah saddar was a very open
and secular town before division of south Asia in 1947.Even today there are many pre-partition
buildings which speak volumes of one of the most organised and civilized community living in
Laki Shah Saddar before the split in 1947.

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