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America Niebla pg.


10th Grade Puente English

Comparison Essay

Although some may argue that the moms are too hard on their children it shows how

much they care about them. Wanting to be successful like in ¨Everyday Use¨ by Alice Walker

and become a prodigy with immigrant parents like in ¨Two Kinds¨ by Amy Tan, also helps you

understand the unconditional love your parents have for you. Both parents show their different

types of parenting in each story, however, they also each show that they love their children and

want what's best for them.

In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, she talks about a mom with two kids ad one becomes

successful and the other is always with her grandma, the grandma made a quilt with generations

of types of clothing worn by ancestors. In this short story, the mom is more laid back and doesn´t

make or pressure her daughters to become something they don´t want to do. One daughter was

always spending time with their grandma (Maggie), while the other wanted her education and be

successful (Dee) because the grandma made a quilt of generations of clothing the mother gave it

to Maggie instead of Dee.

In the short story, Two Kinds by Amy Tan the mother wants her daughter (June) to be the

best in playing piano and wants her daughter to become a prodigy. June´s mom is an immigrant

and came into the country wanting to have the best daughter with the best academics. Her mom

is harder on her daughter than the mom is Everyday Use, she makes her play piano even though

she hates it. Later on, June quits playing the piano and decides that she wants to become

something else. When her mom passes, she realizes that her mom wanted the best for her.

Both stories have a mother and daughter bond. Both moms do have love and care for

their daughters. They both want the best for their daughters, be successful, and have a good


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