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Lesson 10 – Damage Stability

Damage Stability Incidents

Loss Buoyancy Method
Bilging of a Midships Compartment
Bilging of a End Compartment
Bilging of a Side Compartment

Damage Stability- (Bilging)

1. Due to collision
2. Due to Flooding : fire extinguishing,
internal structural damages or
opened up hull plating.
3. Grounding

Copied from


2 methods of calculating Damage Stability

• Loss buoyancy method

• Added weight method*

Loss Buoyancy Method

Volume of lost buoyancy  Volume of gained buoyancy

Therefore :
Initial UW Volume = UW Volume after bilging
position of G: Remains unaffected


Intact W/P

Loss Buoyancy Method

Water Plane may get affected or may not

That depends on :

The location of damage

Compartment having a WT flat or not

What could happen

• Sinks – therefore draft increases

• Water Plane changes - therefore “I”
• Position of B - therefore LCB , KB, KM, GM
• Position of F - therefore LCF
• B and G separated - therefore List , Trim


Bilging – amidships Compartment

Do this in class to understand how the diagrams have to be drawn

A box shaped vessel floating at an even keel in salt water has the following
Length 75m breadth 18 m Depth 11 m
Draught 6 m KG 6.80 m
An empty amidships watertight compartment 15 m long and extending the full
breadth and height of the vessel is bilged.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the new draught
(b) the GM in the flooded condition
(c) the righting moment at an angle of 160

Answer: 7.5 m 0.55 m 1596.37 tm

You must know how to calculate KB, using moments about the keel

Will be explained at tutorials (similar to the table below )

P % = BS x 100

The amount of space that flooded

water could occupy in a
compartment as a %


Permeability as per SOLAS

Space (general compartments) Permeability

Stores 0.60
Occupied by Accommodation 0.95
Occupied by Machinery 0.85
Void 0.95
Intended for liquids 0 or 0.95

Space (Cargo Compartments) Permeability

Dry Cargo spaces 0.70 – 0.95
Container 0.70 – 0.95
Ro-Ro 0.90 – 0.95
Liquid Cargo 0.70 – 0.95

Bilging – amidships Compartment

Do the same question in class to understand how permeability is

A box shaped vessel floating at an even keel in salt water has the following
Length 75m breadth 18 m Depth 11 m
Draught 6 m KG 6.80 m
An empty amidships watertight compartment 15 m long and extending the full
breadth and height of the vessel is bilged.

Calculate EACH of the following:

(a) the new draught

Bilging - End Compartment


100 20
S= 1m

5 KB
UW Volume KB Moments
from Keel

Initial 120 x 22 x 5 2.5 33000

Lost - 20 x 22 x 5 2.5 - 5500

Gained + 2200 5.5 + 12100

Final 13200 39600

Final KB = 39600 = 3 m

100 20


A 5
UW Volume AB Moments
L B Ht from Aft

Initial 120 x 22 x 5 60 792000

Lost - 20 x 22 x 5 110 - 242000

Gained + 2200 50 + 110000

Final 132000 660000


Final AB = Final Moments = 50

Final Volume

100 20
A 22

5 AF
WP Area AF Moments
LB from Aft

Initial 120 x 22 60 158400

Lost - 20 x 22 110 - 48400

Final 2200 110000


Final AF = Final Moments = 50

Final Volume


Bilging - Side Compartments

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