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EXPT. No. : 1

NAME & ID. :




 This report is to be carried out individually.

 You are not allowed to Plagiarize.

Learning Outcome and Programme Outcome:



List of Learning Outcomes covered:-

Conduct experiments on DC Generators and Motors to investigate their characteristics.

(PO3, P4)

List of Programme Outcomes covered:-

1. PO3:- Ability to select and use suitable tools and techniques for complex
engineering problems.

Question Vs Taxonomy

Lab Cognitive Level Psychomotor Level Affective Level

Report 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

Exp No.

1 20M 80M

POM 20% 80%

Explain the testing of the DC Generator and its characteristics related to the objectives.

The aim of this experiment is to conduct suitable tests on the DC generator and determine its no
load and load characteristic.

1. To conduct resistance test on DC generator and determine armature and field resistance
2. To conduct no load test DC generator and determine open circuit characteristic
3. To conduct load test and determine its load characteristic and voltage regulation

1. Power Supply( Model: A0240SA )
Machine Rating:
Vin: 230/400 V 3PH + N + GND 50 Hz
Vout: 3PH 0-430V 2.5A 400V 10A

2. DC Shunt machine ( Model: A4244S )

Machine Rating:
P: KW 0.25 RPM(Tr/mn): 3000
V: 220 …. 240 V
I arm: 1.7A I exc: 0.2A

3. Brake Dynamo ( Model: A4430S )

Machine Rating:
P: KW 0.3 RPM(Tr/mn): 3000
V: 220 …. 240 V Vexc= 220V
I arm: 1.8A I exc: 0.2A

4. Cable

5. Multi-meter
1. Part 1(a): Armature Resistance Measurement Test

1. Connect the connection as shown in Figure 1.1.

2. Make sure all the switchers are kept open and PS3 is equal to 0V before switch on power
3. Switch on the power supply and slowly increase PS3 by voltage knob until the voltage
reach 220 V.
4. Increase the load step by step and record the armature current and voltage in each step in
Table 1.
5. After finish record all the results, slowly decrease PS3 by voltage knob until the voltage
reach 0 and switch off power supply.

Part 1(b): Field Resistance Measurement Test

1. Connect the connection as shown in Figure 1.2.

2. Make sure all the switchers are kept open and PS4 is equal to 0V before switch on power
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Increase the PS4 step by step and record the field current and voltage in each step in
Table 2.
5. After finish record all the results, slowly decrease PS4 by voltage knob and switch off
power supply.

Part 2: No Load Test

1. Connect the connection as shown in Figure 1.3.

2. Make sure all the switchers are kept open and PS3 and PS4 are equal to 0V before switch
on power supply.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Adjust the PS3 and PS4 until the speed of rotation equal to 3000 r.p.m.
5. Record the initial generated emf and field current in Table 3.
6. Increase the field current step by step.
7. Record the generated emf and load current in each step in Table 3 forward path.
8. After finish forward path, decrease the field current step by step and record the result in
Table 4 reverse path.
9. Slowly decrease PS3 and PS4 by voltage knob and switch off power supply.
10. Repeat Step 2 to Step 7 with speed of rotation equal to 2800 and 3100 r.p.m in forward
only but record result in Table 5 and 6 respectively.

Part 3: Load Test

1. Connect the connection as shown in Figure 1.4.

2. Make sure all the switchers are kept open and PS3 and PS4 are equal to 0V before switch
on power supply.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Adjust the PS3 and PS4 until the speed of rotation equal to 3000 r.p.m.
5. Record the initial generated emf and load current in Table 7.
6. Increase load step by step by turning the PS4 voltage knob
7. Record the generated emf and field current in each step in Table 7.
8. After finish record all the results, slowly decrease PS3 and PS4 by voltage knob and
switch off power supply.

Use suitable methods and follow the procedures to determine the characteristics of a dc generator
experimentally and the unknown quantities specified in the objectives above. The generator
should not be damaged or destroyed and any of the equipment used. The method must be
feasible and practical. In each case:
a. Identify the equipments needed and include a labeled diagram.
b. Write concise procedures, describing any measurements made and assigning each
measurement a symbol.
c. Show explicitly using equations how the measured quantities would be used to determine
the unknown quantity.


1. Record the results obtained from resistance measurement test, No load test, load test and
determine the following

1. Armature and field resistance

2. O.C.C of the DC Generator
3. Load characteristics of the DC Generator and plot the load characteristics
4. The voltage regulation of the dc generator and plot the voltage regulation graph
5. Conduct detail analysis from the results obtained.
In the Discussion section you should give an overall appraisal of the results of your work. It is
here that you will have the best opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the work and
to give a critical account of what has been achieved.

The Conclusion is a short summary of the results of your work (about 200 words). The
Conclusion should follow naturally from the Discussion. It should give a concise statement of
what has been achieved. Anticipated application of techniques developed should be summarized
very briefly. The Conclusion should be self-contained, i.e., it should not make reference to any
sections, figures, or references in the report.


All references to books, papers, and other publications must be fully and correctly quoted to be
useful to the reader.


In the text
The analysis of the varactor diode multiplier has been extensively reviewed by Scanlan (1989)
and will….

In the References section

Scanlan, J O (1989), “Analysis of Varactor Harmonic Generators”, Bell Systems Technical
Journal, Vol. 44, pp75-92.
Assessment Criteria:

a. Report format.
General Formatting Requirements of Report

 Marks will be allocated for proper formatting, which includes these elements:-
- Report must have introduction, ,procedure, circuit diagrams, test results, discussion &
anlysis,conclusion and references.
- Pages of the report must be properly numbered.
- Report must have a cover page and a table of contents page.
- All figures and tables must have a title.
- Properly citing sources of information using the Harvard Name System of
Referencing (

 The report should not exceed 20 pages of main text body (excluding title page, table of
contents, list of tables and figures, list of abbreviations, list of references and appendices
if any).

 The report must be formatted with a font size of 12 if Times New Roman or a font size of
11 if Arial. Use a line spacing of 1.5. Ensure the paragraphs are properly aligned and

b. Report documentation as follows:

i) Ability to Practice Professional Behaviour 10%

ii) Report Format 10%
iii) Preliminary Work 10%
iv) Lab Work 20%
v) Experimental Results and Analysis 30%
vi) Discussion 10%
vii) Conclusion 10%
Circuit Diagrams

Figure 1.1 Armature Resistance Measurement Test Circuit

Figure 1.2 Field Resistance Measurement Test Circuit

Figure 1.3: DC Generator No Load Test Circuit

Figure 1.4: DC Generator Load Test

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