Lesson Plan 1 Curriculum

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Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate Rafaela Duangmala

Date/Time of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level Pre-Kindergarten
Cooperating Teacher Classroom Number

Name of Lesson Creating Community Helper Vehicles

Content What concepts or developmental skills will this lesson address?
area(s)/developmental Using NYS Pre-K Common Core Standards, children will be able to demonstrate their creative
domain(s) addressed approaches to learning by creating vehicles from various materials, use
fine motor skills such as cutting, taping, gluing materials together, and use cognitive ability to
identify basic shapes that make up the vehicles.
Brief description of the lesson This lesson aims to promote children's observational skills and creativity through constructing
vehicles with materials such as recycled and found objects. After referencing, “Clothesline Clues
to Jobs People Do” by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook, teacher explains that some
community helpers need different modes of transportation to support their jobs. Together with
students, discuss the different kinds of vehicles as shown in the book and seen from their
communities. Students will then describe their vehicle and identify shapes used to make their
This lesson is: * A new concept/activity * A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
* A review of a previous * A conclusion of a concept
Why is there a need for this lesson?
Community helpers are an essential part of people’s lives and children might see and interact
Rationale with them daily, whether it be a bus driver or see a police car zoom by. Just like community
workers have various modes of transportation, every object has a form and varies in shapes.
Children will be able to learn about the different vehicles used by community helpers and its

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

functions and also have fun learning shapes by making their own vehicles based off their
observations. In addition, the lesson is environmentally friendly (previous month’s unit-
environment) as it involves found and recyclable objects. Students might be more aware of
items in the environment that they can reuse and recycle, and change with imagination.
Children will also learn how to share materials since recyclable and found objects varies in
quantity. The hands-on activity will increase cognitive ability in geometric shapes and also fine
motor skills that keeps the child physically engaged.
Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 20 mins at most, no
Timeframe more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
20 minutes
Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Children will be able to assemble vehicles of community helpers and identity shapes by
describing the vehicle’s characteristics (wheels are circular, etc).
Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning, or Common Core Standards are addressed? Are there other standards
used? New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core:
Domain 1: Approaches to Learning
PK.AL.3 Approaches tasks, activities and problems with creativity, imagination and/or
willingness to try new experiences or activities.
Domain 2: Physical Development and Health
PK.PDH.5 Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects.
Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy
PK.CLL.3 Demonstrates that he/she understand what they observe.
PK.CLL.4b Uses existing objects to represent desired or imagined objects in play or other
purposeful way.
Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World - Mathematics
PK.CKW.2 (Geometry) Correctly name shapes regardless of size.
Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson? For edTPA consider this: Which academic language demands am I targeting? Choose

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

one, including language functions, vocabulary, syntax, or discourse that is central to this learning
segment. How is this activity using the specific language demand?
Students will be able to discuss different types of community helper vehicles they see in their
neighborhood or school area and then use content specific language to characterize their vehicle
and job function ( fire trucks can put out fire, etc), and shape names. Using inquiry questions
like: What kind of career or job person do you think this vehicle belongs to? What shapes do you
see in this model?

Resources/materials needed: ● Acrylic paint

(Include any worksheets or ● Markers, colored pencils, crayons
sources of evidence for ● construction paper
children’s learning you will use ● found and recycled objects (buttons, bottle caps, cups, plates, boxes, etc)
during the activity) ● cardboard
● scissors
● adhesives (glue, tape, etc)
● visuals of shapes, community workers and their vehicles
● toy model vehicles (firetruck, bulldozer, etc)
● photos of community helpers and vehicles
● shape cutouts
Technology inclusion (if Smartboard or projector to show pictures of vehicles used by community helpers and also
applicable) sounds some vehicles can make (sirens).
Procedures (step by step) Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to
introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process in getting them interested and
Children will participate in the activity as a small group (four to five children) with teacher
scaffolding. This activity involves art to engage learners with multiple open sensory materials.
Teacher will ask students what kinds of interesting vehicles they have seen around their
community. As we learned about community helpers, students will work with the teacher to

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

build their favorite community helper vehicle from the ones that they observed in their own
Instruction/Mini Lesson(Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this
learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try); and ask for
active involvement (we try) during a whole group session.
1. Having previously read “Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do” and discussed community
helpers, teacher ask students if they can recall the different vehicles that are in the book.
(Who does this vehicle belong to?)
2. Teacher will then showcase toy models of vehicles used by community helpers and ask
students if they recognize it or know what the vehicle is called. (Have you seen this
before? Do you know what this is called?) Teacher will also display other types of
vehicles on the board. (What vehicles have you seen in your neighborhood? What do you
think they do?)
3. Teacher will display shape cutouts on board and explain to class that objects are made up
of various shapes and today we will make our own vehicles in small groups and use
geometric shapes to describe objects. (What shapes do you see in this vehicle?)
Independent Practice(small group activity, working with partners, or independently)
4. Teacher set out materials to prepare for art activity (and ideally students are asked to
bring in found and recycled objects to class).
5. Teacher will explain that they will use their imagination to construct community helper
vehicles out of various materials given. Teacher will then model and demonstrate how to
use materials to make own vehicle for students to observe. Teacher will also name
shapes being put on the vehicle while pasting.
6. Students tell teacher the name of the vehicle they are going to create and then utilize
materials to then construct it. If guidance is needed, teacher will help poke holes for
safety and assist. Images are available on the board and teacher can search for vehicles
upon student request.

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

7. Students will use descriptive language to name the community helper vehicle and
identify at least three shapes they used to build it.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
8. Teacher will ask students to share their creation and name the vehicle. Students can talk
about why the vehicle is important to the community and what kind of worker operates
it. Students also discuss what shapes they used and which they did not use.

Method of assessing children’s Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s

understanding of Outline the steps you will take to Learning Outline the steps Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) evaluate student’s prior knowledge. you will take to evaluate Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, Teacher will evaluate prior students’ learning. What take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or knowledge by asking students what evidence will I have to language learning. What
worksheets you will use for they know about community helpers assess whether students evidence will I have to
assessment(s) and how they get around and help have successfully achieved assess whether students
others. Also ask if students have seen the content objectives? have successfully achieved
vehicles that community helpers used Teacher will have a the content objectives?
before. checklist to see if children Assess content specific
identified at least three vocabulary if student
shapes in their creation. correlates the names of the
Also use anecdotal notes shapes and vehicles
to see if what the child correctly. Where they able
identifies is actually the to answer questions like:
name of the object. (If What kind of individual do
object is a fire truck but you think this vehicle
student names it a police belongs to? What shapes do
car or if circle is a square) you see in this model?

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated Supporting children with identified Supporting English Language Learners
instruction/instructional delays or disabilities What modifications should I make to the activity to
modifications What considerations should I keep in ensure all students are included and engaged in all steps
mind regarding cultural relevance, required to meet the lesson’s objectives?
age appropriateness, and ability levels Teachers make English vocabulary labels/flashcards
for all learners? for ELL Students so they can tape it to vehicles and
For students having difficulty with shapes in the classroom. This makes it interactive and
shapes, teacher can modify materials students can therefore strengthen their skills by
so that student can have tangible matching words to objects. Teacher can also translate
shaped blocks or tangrams. Students names of vehicles and shapes on pictures and write it
will them have a visual aid in front of on a label to assist, and then student can recall and
them that they can touch and stack to write in English.
build. Teacher can also work with Supporting gifted students
individual alone and create a What modifications should I make to the activity to
template and student can place ensure all students are included and engaged that may
blocks on top. Can be assessed if the reach beyond the lessons' objective?
blocks are in the correct placement. identify other shapes.
Gifted students can utilize more complex shapes
(hexagon, rhombus, etc) and can also be asked to
identify and find objects in the classroom that pertains
to that shape.
Follow up/Extension activities How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in
Extension activity: Students can guess which shapes were used more and then collaboratively
chart their data to visually see which shape was used the most.
Students can also glue figures of community helpers on popsicle sticks and sort them to the
appropriate vehicle.

Learning Activity Plan for Pre K-Grade 2

Any additional information

that would be helpful for the
observer to know

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning

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