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Bad Effect of Smoking

Cigarette is poisonous thing that give relax effect to our body. The reverse side of it’s use
and benefits, cigarette that very small, cigarette contain big danger for smoker or people
around smoker. There are some reason why we must avoid from smoking.
a. By consume cigarette, we waste our money. Consume cigarette are equal we burn a lot of
money for save many danger disease for our body. For example, a smoker spends 2 packs of
cigarette a day and its price are 1 dollar a pack. Imagine, if we smoke everyday, we burn
730$ for not useful thing.
b. Cigarette butt can burn anything. Many conflagration happens because someone throws
cigarette butt everywhere near the thing that easily to burned. Cigarette butt also make
public transportation and public place dirty. So, we will disturbed by cigarette butt.
c. Cigarette smoke disturbing many people around smoker.
d. Problem that very important are cigarette and it’s smoke are very dangerous for our
body. Cigarette contain more than 4000 chemical substances, among them 200 substances
are poisonous and 43 kinds of them can make cancer for body. Some of the poisonous
substance in cigarette are tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Nicotine stimulates chemical
substance in the brain so cause addiction and stimulates adrenaline glands produce
hormone that disturb the work of heart. As the effect blood pressure and heart beat
increase. Tar is oxidation waste, has black colored and very sticky. Tar is very dangerous
because it’s a carcinogenic material (stimulator substance of cance ); makes tooth, fingers,
and nails of smoker become yellow blacked. Tar also make the stop of vibrating hair
movement in respiratory tract. So the dangerous materials can't be prevented to enter
respiratory tract. Carbon monoxide is imperfect burning result. People who sucks the smoke
of cigarette, in his blood cells found that carbon monoxide replace oxygen so his body is lack
of oxygen. Carbon monoxide also poisonous and causes death if our body are poisoned by
carbon monoxide in relatively long time.
So, we can conclude that smoking is stupid activity that sacrifice money, health, social
life, positive perception and others. So, avoid smoking start from now!

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