Chapter 9 - Intro To Contracts

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NAME: Nicholas Gavalas

ASSIGNMENT: chapter 9/ intro to contracts.
PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT: To give us an introduction into types of contracts.


1. Steinberg v. Chicago Medical School.

Facts: he applied for med school and paid a 15$ application fee. He was rejected and filed an
action against them. Cms claimed no contract into existence.
Courts Response: Trial court’s dismissal reversed, came and case remanded.
Legal Concepts: Requirements of a contract.
How its applied: by him paying for the application a valuable consideration was promised.
Reason why: this concept applies because since he was titled a full evaluation on bases of the
criteria for entering the school, and he didn’t receive one they didn’t fulfil their end of the

2. Fox v. Mountain West Electric, Inc.

Facts: L hired mwe who contacted fox to help with the installation of the systems. Made a
contract in agreement and began work. fox didn’t like the change orders and left the job. Mwe
hired lss. Fox filed for monetary damage and for materials and services provided.
Courts Response: The decision of the district court is affirmed
Legal Concepts: Express contract.
How its applied: they had made a written contract stating that fox was
Reason why: since a flow down procedure was proposed and they wanted a bidding procedure
and didn’t get what they wanted they decided to leave which broke the contract that they
agreed on.

3. Skebba v. Kasch
Facts: hired skebba as a sales rep and advanced to vp of sales. After bad financial problems in
the company he was contacted by another company to work for them. He was made a verbal
agreement to pay him 250k under certain circumstances. Turned down offer and stayed with
company. Asked for written agreement without success then when it came time for him to
receive the money, the boss denied ever making that agreement. Instead gave severance
package of 2 years pay.
Courts Response: Order of trial court reversed, and case remanded.
Legal Concepts: promissory estoppel
How its applied: even though the promise wasn’t in proper contract, it was still a valid
agreement since K profited off S.
Reason: since s was such an important part to K success, it was found that the promise was in
contract and he was payed up. Since it would cause an injustice he was forced to pay off S.

4. Jasdip Properties SC, LLC v. Estate of Richardson

Facts: J agreed to purchase prop from R, he could only pay 210k of the price. R sued for the
money he had paid.
Courts Response: Judgment of the trial court is reversed, and the case is remanded.
Legal Concepts: quasi contracts
How its applied: since J paid money towards the contract and didn’t receive anything it would be
unfair if R got to keep the money he had paid.
Reason why: since the money was given but the property stayed in his name and he had the
210k he was forced to return the money under implied law and restitution.

5. I only had 4 cases in my textbook

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