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Private sector presents proposals

on letters of credit to BCV chief tion beneficia} for thé permit you to lessen the pro-
By Aaron W. Finkel prívate sector proposal.
Daily Journal Staff The plan, which offers a country," Romero Nava blem of the unrecognized ob-
solution to the problem of the added. ligations contracted by the
The prospects for a solution ·exchange-rate differential of Accompanying Romero government through the
to the private sector's un- outstanding promissory notes Nava in presenting the Central Bank with com-
recognized letters of credit issued to importers by the prívate sector plan to Tinoco mercial banks and_importers.
problem received a shot in the Central Bank as well as losses were Eddo Polesel and Jorge "The specific proposals in
arm Thursday when the incurred through letters of Chapellin Bello, president question are:_
country's business leaders credit signed at the old and first vice president, re- "1 The acceptance by the
presented two proposals to Bs.14.50 preferential ex- spectively, of the Federation Central Bank that the ex-
·central Bank President change rate, was presented of Chambers of Commerce cbange-rate losses of im~
Pedro Tinoco. to Tinoco by representatives (Fedecamaras) and Jorge pórters be paid in thirty six
After presenting the plan of all the major private sector Serrano, president of the (36) equal and consecutive
to Tinoco private· sector business organizations. Venezuelan Construction monthly payments, for pend-
Chamber. ing obligations corresponding
leaders were hopeful a quick Edgard Romero Nava to national imports dating
solution could be reached sident of the National Trade In addition to Tinoco
Tinoco understands · the and Services Council (Con- ,Freddy Rojas and Fernando from June 1988 to March 13,
prívate sector's problem and secomercio), said it is impor• Lauria, representatives of 1989.
"we got a magnificent recep- tant to emphasize that the the Central Bank's direc- "2 - The establishment of a
tion" to the proposal, said proposed solutions are the torate for the prívate sector, conversion mechanism that
National Industrial Council same for all importers. The also received the document. guarantees the immediate ac•
(Conindustria) President plan was put forth by Con• The text of the document ceptance by commercial
Ernesto Navarro Ruíz. secomercio and Conindustria reads as follows: banks of promissory notes-
Navarro said Tinoco; who to benefit everyone, whether "In accordance with the issued by the Central Bank at
along with Planning Minister members of the Chambers or contents of Exchange 100 percent of their
Miguel Rodríguez left Thurs- not, he said. "W e hope that Agreement No. 1 of March equivalent in bolivars on the
day night for New York to the success of the plan will be 13, 1989, the prívate business date the note was signed." .
continue · debt negotiations, total and we should be op- sectors of production trade The proposal was signed by.
plans to set up a commission timistic that all involved are and services direct to you Navarro Ruiz and Romero
immediately to study the interested in finding a solu- concrete proposals that will Nava.

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