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SLE Reflection

For my Service Learning Experiences, I made a huge impact on my karenni community

middle schoolers. I teach them three classes that’s two hour long. I showed them some of the

interview videos. I told them about my high school life because there was a lot of people telling

me that high school is hard, which sound really scary. I told them to take honor or AP classes of

the subject they like. Some of them will be in High School next year. It might look like it don’t

mean nothing but it means a lot to us who don’t have older siblings to look up to and we are

mostly first generation will be attending college.

First I had hard time coming up with my Services Learning Experiences because a lot of

people were asking me what will I do for my SLE since I told them my junior research paper is

about “In-State College should Be Free for Eligible Students. I overthink about it for a night and

asked advices from some of my friends who graduated last few years. I came up with some ideas

and then I stay after school to work on it with my chemistry teacher. After talking to my

chemistry teacher, I feel good about it and start doing what’s on my plan.

From my service learning experiences, I learned that most of my karenni community

have the same struggles. Most of our parent try to depend on us, they sacrifice to come to U.S.

for us to get better education so we want to pay them back by making them proud.

Next time, I will do differently by making the class more fun for them. Try to make up

some games that relates to my topic because they were kind of lazy when all I ddi was lecture

and let them write. I hope to be a better educator next time. This graduation taught me a lot of

things, I’m thankful.

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