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In this Pedal operated hacksaw machine and drilling machine which are operated by human effort

which means by pedaling and can be used for small industrial applications and Household needs

in which no specific input electricity or power is needed. The pedaling plays a key role in creating

energy which can be further transferred. This project consists of a crank and slider mechanism

which operate hacksaw and chain connects drilling machine with paddle. In the mechanism pedal

is directly connected to the hacksaw through crank and slider mechanism for the processing of

cutting the metal sheets and wooden blocks and PVC materials. And chain is connected with

drilling machine with the help of crank. The objective of the modal is the operation of the machine

without electricity. The main aim is to reduce the human effort for cutting and drilling various

materials such as wooden blocks, cast iron, PVC etc. By using human effort through pedaling there

is transfer of motion and that turns into linearity motion and further process towards cutting action.

Importance of this project lies in the very fact that it is green project and helps us to reduce our

electricity need. Secondly, this machine can be used and transferred to our working place easily.

We might as a matter of first importance want to thank our counsel, Engr Asad Raza Gardezi his

related help, scholarly commitments, and individual supportive gestures are what made our work

conceivable. We might likewise want to express late hour organization, and incidental mechanical

outline proposals were all main considerations in the achievement of the undertaking.


FIGURE 2 ADARSH PERDAL POWER WASHING MACHINE ..........................................15

FIGURE 3 PEDAL OPERATED FLOUR MACHINE [2]....................................................16


FIGURE 5 PEDAL ........................................................................................................19

FIGURE 6 CRANK .......................................................................................................20

FIGURE 7 SLIDER MECHANISM ..................................................................................21

FIGURE 8 HACKSAW ..................................................................................................22

FIGURE 9 BLADES .....................................................................................................23

FIGURE 10 CHAIN ......................................................................................................25

FIGURE 11 FREEWHEEL ............................................................................................26

FIGURE 12 BALL BEARING ........................................................................................28

FIGURE 13 ROLLER BEARING ....................................................................................28

FIGURE 14 DRILL MACHINE ......................................................................................29

FIGURE 15 DRILL BIT ................................................................................................30

FIGURE 16 CUTTING MACHINE..................................................................................33

FIGURE 17 DRILL MACHINE ......................................................................................34

FIGURE 18 WELDING PLANT .....................................................................................35

FIGURE 19 WELDING .................................................................................................36

FIGURE 20 TYPES OF JOINTS ......................................................................................36

FIGURE 21 LAP JOINT ................................................................................................37

FIGURE 22 BUTT JOINT..............................................................................................38

FIGURE 23 TEE JOINT ................................................................................................38

FIGURE 24 CORNET JOINT .........................................................................................39

FIGURE 25 EDGE JOINT .............................................................................................40




TABLE 1 CAST IRON PIPES.........................................................................................42

TABLE 2 PVC PIPES ..................................................................................................42

TABLE 3 WOOD BLOCK .............................................................................................43

TABLE 4 DRILLING IN CAST IRON ..............................................................................43

TABLE 5 DRILLING IN WOOD ....................................................................................43

TABLE 6 DRILLING IN PLASTIC MATERIAL ................................................................44

Table of Contents

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 2

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 3

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................. 8

1.1 Hacksaw: ............................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Drilling Machine: .................................................................................................................. 9

1.3 Operating Mechanism: ........................................................................................................ 10

1.4 Importance of Pedal Powered Hacksaw and Drilling Machine: ......................................... 11

1.4 Objectives: ........................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 14

2.1 Pothamsetty Kasi V Rao Hacksaw Using Crank Slider Mechanism: ................................. 14

2.2 Adarsh Pedal Power Washing Machine: ............................................................................. 15

2.3 Rahul D. Patel Human Power Utilization: .......................................................................... 16

2.4 Dr. S. S. Umale Pedal Operated Metal Cutting Machine: .................................................. 17

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 18

3.1 Material Selection: .............................................................................................................. 18

3.1.1 Raw materials: .............................................................................................................. 18

3.2 Properties of Cast-iron: ....................................................................................................... 18

3.2.1 Tensile Strength: ........................................................................................................... 18

3.2.2 Low Melting Point:....................................................................................................... 19

3.2.3 Resistance to Deformation: .......................................................................................... 19

3.3 Parts of Machine: ................................................................................................................ 19

3.4 Fabrication:.......................................................................................................................... 32

3.4.1 Fabrication of Machine:................................................................................................ 32

3.5 MACHINING OPERATIONS:........................................................................................... 33

Chapter 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 42

4.1 Results: ................................................................................................................................ 42

4.1.1Results of Hacksaw cutting: .......................................................................................... 42

4.1.2 Results of Drilling Operations: ..................................................................................... 43

4.2 Advantages: ......................................................................................................................... 44

4.3 Disadvantages: .................................................................................................................... 45

Chapter 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 46

5.1 Conclusion:.......................................................................................................................... 46

References: .................................................................................................................................... 47


Industries are basically meant for Production of useful goods and services at low production cost,

machinery cost and low inventory cost. Today in this world every task have been made quicker

and fast due to technology advancement but this advancement also demands huge investments and

expenditure, every industry desires to make high productivity rate maintaining the quality and

standard of the product at low average cost in an industry a considerable portion of investment is

being made for machinery installation. So in this paper we have a proposed a machine which can

perform operations like Cutting and Drilling in ferrous and non-ferrous material by Human power

or Pedal power. As this machine overcomes all the limitations and drawbacks of conventional

hacksaw machines, it is also helpful for small-scale industries due to its simple working and

operating conditions along with its compatibility, efficiency and affordable price.[3] [4n]

1.1 Hacksaw:

A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to cut through softer materials.

The cutting edge of a saw is either a serrated blade or an abrasive. A saw may be worked by hand,

or powered by steam, water, electric or other power. An abrasive saw uses an abrasive disc or band

for cutting, rather than a serrated blade.[4][1n] such hacksaws have a handle, usually a pistol grip,

with pins for attaching a narrow disposable blade. The frames may also be adjustable to

accommodate blades of different sizes. A screw or other mechanism is used to put the thin blade

under tension. On hacksaws, as with most frame saws, the blade can be mounted with the teeth

facing toward or away from the handle, resulting in cutting action on either the push or pull stroke.
In normal use, cutting vertically downwards with work held in a bench vice, hacksaw blades are

set to be facing forwards. [w]

1.2 Drilling Machine:

Drilling machine is one of the most important machine tools in a workshop. It was designed to

produce a cylindrical hole of required diameter and depth on metal work pieces. Though holes can

be made by different machine tools in a shop, drilling machine is designed specifically to perform

the operation of drilling and similar operations. Drilling can be done easily at a low cost in a shorter

period of time in a drilling machine. Drilling can be called as the operation of producing a

cylindrical hole of required diameter and depth by removing metal by the rotating edges of a drill.

The cutting tool known as drill is fitted into the spindle of the drilling machine. A mark of

indentation is made at the required location with a center punch. The rotating drill is pressed at the

location and is fed into the work. The hole can be made up to a required depth. [3]There are two

types of drilling machines used by maintenance personnel for repairing and fabricating needed

parts: hand-feed or power-feed. Other types of drilling machines, such as the radial drill press,

numerically controlled drilling machine. Multiple spindle drilling machine, gang drilling machine,

and turret drill press, are all variations of the basic hand and power-feed drilling machines. They

are designed for high-speed production and industrial shops. Drilling depth is controlled by a

depth-stop mechanism located on the side of the spindle. The operator of the machine must use a

sense of feel while feeding the cutting tool into the work. The operator must pay attention and be

alert, to when the drill breaks through the work, because of the tendency of the drill to grab or snag

the work piece, wrenching it free of its holding device. Due to the high speed of these machines,

operations that require drilling speeds less than 450 revolutions per minute cannot be performed.
Reaming, counter boring, and Counter-sinking may require slower speeds than drilling and may

not be able to be performed for all materials on these machines. [8]

1.3 Operating Mechanism:

Pedal power is the transfer of energy from a human source through the use of a foot pedal and

crank system. This technology is most commonly used for transportation and has been used to

propel bicycles for over a hundred years. Less commonly pedal power is used to power agricultural

and hand tools and even to produce electricity. Some relevance includes pedal powered grinders

and pedal powered water wells. Some third world development projects currently transform used

bicycles into pedal powered tools for sustainable development. The pedal powered hacksaw setup

has a simple mechanism operated with chain and sprocket gear arrangement. During pedaling, the

wheel rotary motion is converted into the “To and Fro” motion of the cutting tool (Hacksaw). That

is the principle of slider crank mechanism.[5] [5n] This project concentrates on pedal powered

hacksaw machining and pedal power drill machining. Pedal Powered Hacksaw and Drilling

Machine (PPH&D) is working on Slider Crank Mechanism. And at the same time drilling

operation can be operated as drill machine is connected with crank with the chain and the chain is

connected with the pulley and pulley is connected with spindle which is operated by the v shaped

belt as the belt move the spindle of the drill machine moves and we can adjust the desire RPM by

adjusting the belt position on the pulley. A bicycle frame was mounted on the supporting frame as

prime mover to power the crank mechanism through a chain and sprocket drive. The supporting

frame was constructed using angle iron.[6]

1.4 Importance of Pedal Powered Hacksaw and Drilling Machine:

The Pedal powered hacksaw and drill machine is used to cut ply wood in small scales. Pedal

operated hacksaw and drilling machine helps to obtain a less effort uniform cutting. It can be used

in places where electricity is not obtainable. It is designed as a portable one which can be used for

cutting in various places. The main parts of Pedal Powered Hacksaw and Drilling Machine are

hack saw, reciprocating Strip welded to the pedal of a bicycle, flywheel, sprocket and chain drive.

And a saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge to cut through softer

materials. The cutting edge of a saw is either a serrated blade or an abrasive. A saw may be worked

by hand, or powered by steam, water, electric or other power. An abrasive saw uses an abrasive

disc or band for cutting, rather than a serrated blade. And in our system the hack saw is connected

with the reciprocating rod. And drilling machine is connected with the flywheel and then connected

with crank by chain. Mechanization or mechanization is the process of doing work with machinery.

In an early engineering text a machine is defined as follows:

“Every machine is constructed for the purpose of performing certain mechanical operations, each

of which supposes the existence of two other things besides the machine in question, namely, a

moving power, and an object subject to the operation, which may be termed the work to be done.

Machines, in fact, are interposed between the power and the work, for the purpose of adapting the

one to the other.”[6]

Using human powered generation gives a power source that is not directly derived from natural

sources. An example is that it can be operated if there is no sun for solar generation, no wind for

wind generation, and no water for hydro generation.[7][7n] in many developing countries like

Pakistan, The energy usage has been increasing through years, but there has been no sufficient

increase in the production. In the case of electricity, this leads to load shedding and increase in
prices.[8][3n] there are millions of people in remote villages in Pakistan who lives day to day

without reliable power supply. And thus to fulfill their demand there are conventional hand

operated saw and drill machine without an easy way to power it. These hand processes are

characterized by slow operation, fatigue and low production rate. Pedal power is the transfer of

energy from a human source through the use of a foot pedal and crank Since the thigh or quadriceps

is largest and most powerful muscles in the human body it make sense to utilize it for generating

as much as energy from human body. With the body in seat, the legs can provide a pedal work.

The person can generate four times more power (1/4 horsepower (hp)) by pedaling than by hand

cranking. At the rate of 1/4 hp, continuous pedaling can be done for only short time, about 10

minutes. However pedaling at half of this power (1/8 hp)can be sustained for around 60 minutes

Maximum power produced with legs is generally limited by adaptions within the oxygen

transportation system. On the other hand the capacity for arm exercise is dependent upon the

amounts of muscle mass engaged and that is why a person can generate more power by pedaling

than hand cranking. As a consequence of the brainstorming exercise, it was apparent that the

primary function of pedal power one specific product was particularly useful: the bicycle. Many

devices can be run right away with mechanical energy.[4]

In the present scenario machines are electrically driven. Machine with electric motor are faster but

that are costly as well as required electricity. The unit operating by means of electricity has limited

applications in the rural area. In remote and interior places where there is no facility of electricity

as well as in urban areas, while in the duration of load shading or during electrical power-off

timings, this type of human power operated unit will have very extensive utility. Therefore this

human powered machine is having extensive utility in such areas. Also it reduces the machining

equipment cost as two machines can be used simultaneously on same platform. To reduce the
human efforts for cutting the PVC pipes, metals and wood. To make the cutting process precise

and fast. To save the electrical power required to operate the hacksaw. [4]

1.4 Objectives:

I. Totally Manually Operated and specially design for rural Areas where no electricity is


II. Cost should be minimum.

III. Design should be simple and reliable.

IV. Having a long working tenure without any structural deformation.

V. Will use a less effort pedaling power to produce uniform cutting drilling of PVC pipes,

metals, and wood and as the same time serve as an exercising machine for fitness.


As we know that in many developing countries the big issue is electric shortfall and in all these

countries Pakistan is facing this problem and as the gap between the ever increasing demand of

power and its generation has prepared a daily busy schedule of load shedding (power cuts).

There are millions of people in remote villages in Pakistan who lives day to day without reliable

power supply. Where hacksaw and the drill machine is the basic need of small industries so to

fulfill this need PPH&D is designed.

2.1 Pothamsetty Kasi V Rao Hacksaw Using Crank Slider Mechanism:

Pothamsetty Kasi V Rao[1] [8n] the main objective is to fabricate the hacksaw cutter machine

using the principle of slider crank mechanism. This can be used for industrial applications like

cutting the wooden blocks, metal bars as well as Household purposes like cutting PVC pipes and

other materials. Initially modeling is done in solidworks as per dimensions to achieve required

stroke and velocity for the cutter. The slider in the crank slider mechanism is replaced by

hacksaw cutter to get the required model of Hacksaw cutter machine

Figure 1 Pothamsetty Kasi V Rao Hacksaw Using Slider Mechanism [1]

2.2 Adarsh Pedal Power Washing Machine:

Adarsh and Kushagra [7], Pedal Powered Washing Machine (PPWM) is a low cost washing

machine made up of easily and readily available scrap parts in daily life. It is a machine which

generates power through human pedaling and with the drive mechanism, converts the pedaling

motion into required rotary motion of the drum. Its innovation lies in its simple design, use of

inexpensive parts, very low repairing and maintenance cost, affordability to each member of the

society and it does not affect the environment. Intends to directly address the problems faced in

washing clothes, and thus have developed a new design for easy effort in washing, rinsing and

drying clothes. PPWM is a completely new concept, which in its one laundry cycle does washing,

Figure 2 Adarsh Perdal Power Washing Machine

rinsing and drying of clothes similar to that of an automatic washing machine available in the

2.3 Rahul D. Patel Human Power Utilization:

Rahul C. Patel [2][6n] in the age of fossil fuels, human power was neglected but the hazardous

environment pollution caused by fossil fuel again brought the human power resources in the stream

of renewable power resources. So in recent past, vast research has been taking place to harness

human power for energizing various process units. This review paper is based on one of that

renewable power resources which is human power. Human has applied energy through the use of

arms, hands and back, with the invention of bicycle and pedaling, legs also began to be considered

as a means to develop power from human muscles. A person can generate four times more power

by pedaling than by hand-cranking. The power levels that a human being can produce through

pedaling depend on how strong the pedaling person is and on how long he or she needs to pedal.

If the task to be powered will continue for hours of time, 75 watt mechanical power is generally

considered the limit for a larger healthy non-athlete. A healthy athletic person of the same build

might produce up the twice the amount. Therefore human power may be used for a process if the

power enables a person to drive device at same rate as that achieved by hand-cranking but with far

less effort and fatigue.

Figure 3 Pedal Operated Flour Machine [2]

2.4 Dr. S. S. Umale Pedal Operated Metal Cutting Machine:

Dr. S. S. Umale [4] the pedal operated machine has been designed and fabricated for cutting of

different metals The 12”hacksaw blade (HSS, 12 mm and 0.5mm) is used to cut materials like

M.S, copper, brass, etc. The rotary motion of the pedal is being converted to reciprocating motion

(to and fro) by using four bar mechanism. Bicycle like structure is developed and manufactured

ergonomically. By this apparatus or machine and average human can cut 20 pieces of metal of

12mm diameter. The mechanical efficiency of the machine is 79% and the mechanical advantage

of 0.45 which shows that this is more beneficial than electrical and hand operated metal cutting

machine and the machine is successfully operated by 100, 150 and 200 RPM and show cutting

time less than 70% of the human operated. And the good part is that the lubrication is the only

maintenance required and the ware rate is slow too. And the life time is more than a decade

Advantages of this machine are saving electricity, easy cutting, reliable, cost effective, exercising,


Figure 4 DR. S. S. Umale Pedal Operated Metal Cutting Machine



3.1 Material Selection:

3.1.1 Raw materials:

Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon, and is popular because of its low cost and ability to make

complex structures. The carbon content in cast iron is 3% to 4.5% by weight. Silicon and small

amounts of Manganese, Sulphur, and Phosphorus are also present in it. The products of cast iron

exhibit reasonable resistance against corrosion. It is neither malleable nor ductile, and it cannot be

hardened like steel. It melts at about 2100 ºF, and has either a crystalline or a granular fracture.

The mechanical properties of cast iron are very much dependent on the morphology of its carbon

content. Carbon is present in the form of plates in gray cast iron, whereas, it is incorporated in

compound Fe3C (cementite) in white cast iron. Nodular cast iron, which show better tensile

strength and strain than gray cast iron, carry carbon in the form of sphere shaped graphite particles.

3.2 Properties of Cast-iron:

3.2.1 Tensile Strength:

Different varieties of cast iron are used in the construction of machines and structures. Cast iron

having a tensile strength of 5 tons per square inch, or less, is of no value for the purpose where

strength is required. This type may however be used for balance weights, foundation blocks, or for

purposes where weight alone is of consequence. Some varieties of cast iron show a tensile strength

as high as 19 tons per square inch, but on an average, the strength is 7 tons per square inch. Addition

of vanadium can increase the strength of cast iron. High Compressive Strength: Compressive
strength is defined as the ability of a material to withstand forces which attempt to squeeze or

compress it. Cast iron shows high compressive strength, which makes it desirable for use in

columns and posts of buildings. The compressive strength of gray cast iron can be almost as high

as that of some mild steels.

3.2.2 Low Melting Point:

Its melting temperature ranges from 1140 ºC to 1200 ºC. Nowadays, many advanced melting,

alloying and casting methods are being used, which can bring the new irons formed, in competition

with steel.

3.2.3 Resistance to Deformation:

Cast iron structures show resistance to deformation and provide a rigid frame. However, if one

part of the casting after the iron is poured into the molds, is very thin, and another very thick, the

problem of the structure Breakdown becomes prominent. The reason for this is when the thin part

cools first and contracts, the thick part which cools down afterward causes stress in the thin part,

offering sufficient force to break it. [6]

3.3 Parts of Machine:


Pedal are usually made of hard plastics

mainly used to propel cycle or anything with

the use of feet of human. They are initially

attached to cranks connecting directly to the

driven (usually front) wheel to propel.

Figure 5 Pedal

The crank is the component of a bicycle drivetrain that converts the reciprocating motion of the

Figure 6 Crank

rider's legs into rotational motion used to drive the chain or belt, which in turn drives the rear wheel.

It consists of one or more sprockets, also called chain rings or chain wheels attached to

the cranks, arms, or crank arms to which the pedals attach. It is connected to the rider by the pedals,

to the bicycle frame by the bottom bracket, and to the rear sprocket, cassette or freewheel via the

chain The two cranks, one on each side and usually mounted 180° apart, connect the bottom

bracket axle to the pedals.

Slider Mechanism:

A slider crank mechanism is used to convert the rotary motion of the crank into the reciprocating

motion of hacksaw. The lengths of the crank and connecting rods are made using trial and error

Figure 7 Slider Mechanism

method. The hack saw is guided by an aluminum plate. The vertical movement of the hacksaw

will be guided by to iron rods. The vertical movement will act as a feeding unit. The Slider-crank

mechanism is used to transform rotational motion into translational motion by means of a rotating

driving beam, a connection rod and a sliding body. In the present example, a flexible body is used

for the connection rod. The sliding mass is not allowed to rotate and three revolute joints are used

to connect the bodies. While each body has six degrees of freedom in space, the kinematical

conditions lead to one degree of freedom for the whole system. A slider crank mechanism converts

circular motion of the crank into linear motion of the slider. In order for the crank to rotate fully

the condition L> R+E must be satisfied where R is the crank length, L is the length of the link

connecting crank and slider and E is the offset of slider . A slider crank is a RRRP type of

mechanism i.e. It has three revolute joints and 1 prismatic joint. The total distance covered by the

slider between its two extreme positions is called the path length. Kinematic inversion of slier

crank mechanisms produces ordinary with worth quick return mechanism.


A hacksaw is a fine tooth hand saw with a blade held under tension in a frame, used for cutting

materials such as metal or plastics. Hand held hacksaw consist of a metal arch with a handle,

usually a piston grip, with pins for attaching a narrow disposable blade. Fig: Hacksaw frames A

screw or other mechanism is used to the thin blade under tension. The blade can be mounted with

the teeth facing toward or away from the handle, resulting in cutting action on either push or pull

stroke. On the push stroke, the arch will flex slightly decreasing the tension on the blade, often

resulting in an increased density of the blade to buckle and crack. Cutting on the pull stroke

increases the blade tension and will result in greater control of the cut and longer blade life.

Figure 8 Hacksaw


Blades are available in standardized lengths, usually 10 or 12 inches for a standard hand hacksaw.

“Junior “hacksaws are typically 150mm long. Powered hacksaws may use large blades in a range
of sizes, or small machines may use the same hand blades. The pitch of the teeth can be anywhere

from fourteen to thirty-two teeth per inch (tips) for a hand blade, with as few as three tips for a

large power hacksaw blade. The blade chosen is based on the thickness of the material being cut,

with a minimum of three teeth in the material. As hacksaw teeth are so small, they are set in a

"wave" set. As for other saws they are set from side to side to provide a kerf or clearance when

sawing, but the set of a hacksaw changes gradually from tooth to tooth in a smooth curve, rather

than alternate teeth set left and right. Hacksaw blades are normally quite brittle, so care needs to

be taken to prevent brittle fracture of the blade. Early blades were of carbon steel, now termed 'low

alloy' blades, and were relatively soft and flexible. They avoided breakage, but also wore out

rapidly. Except where cost is a particular concern, this type is now obsolete. 'Low alloy' blades are

still the only type available for the junior hacksaw, which limits the usefulness of this otherwise

popular saw

Figure 9 Blades

For several decades now, hacksaw blades have used high speed steel for their teeth, giving greatly

improved cutting and tooth life. These blades were first available in the 'All-hard' form which cut
accurately but were extremely brittle. This limited their practical use to benchwork on a work piece

that was firmly clamped in a vice. A softer form of high speed steel blade was also available, which

wore well and resisted breakage, but was less stiff and so less accurate for precise sawing. Since

the 1980s, bi-metal blades have been used to give the advantages of both forms, without risk of

breakage. A strip of high speed steel along the tooth edge is electron beam welded to a softer spine.

As the price of these has dropped to be comparable with the older blades, their use is now almost



A panel hacksaw (no longer commonly available) eliminated the frame, so that the saw could cut

into panels of sheet metal without the length of cut being restricted by the frame. Junior hacksaws

are the small variant, while larger mechanical hacksaws are used to cut working pieces from bulk

metal. A power hacksaw (or electric hacksaw) is a type of hacksaw that is powered either by its

own electric motor or connected to a stationary engine. Most power hacksaws are stationary

machines but some portable models do exist; the latter (with frames) have been displaced to some

extent by reciprocating saws such as the Sawzall, which accept blades with hacksaw teeth.

Stationary models usually have a mechanism to lift up the saw blade on the return stroke and some

have a coolant pump to prevent the saw blade from overheating. Power hacksaws are not as

commonly used in the metalworking industries as they once were. Band saws and cold saws have

mostly displaced them. While stationary electric hacksaws are not very common, they are still

produced. Power hacksaws of the type powered by stationary engines and line shafts, like other

line-shaft-powered machines, are now rare; museums and antique tool hobbyists still preserve a

few of them.

Chain a bicycle chain is the roller chain which is use for the power transmission. And this transmit

power from cranks to sprocket. Most of the chains which use for this purpose are mostly made of

Figure 10 Chain

alloy steel or plain carbon but some are nickel plated to avoid rust. We use bicycle chain because

this is very efficient one study reported that its efficiency is high as 98.6% which is very good and

another good factor is that efficiency is not effected by lubrication. A larger sprocket will give a

more efficient drive because it moves the point of pressure farther away from the axle, placing less

stress on the bearings, thus reducing friction in the inner wheel. Chain wear, often called chain

stretch, becomes an issue with extensive cycling. The wear is removal of material from the

bushings and pins (or half-bushings, in the Sedis design, also, called "bushing less", where the

bushing is part of the inner plate) rather than elongation of the side plates.

Freewheel is an important part of Mechanical and Automotive engineering. It is also called

overrunning clutch. Freewheel is a device in a transmission that disengages the driveshaft from the

driven shaft when the driven shaft rotates faster than the driveshaft. An overdrive is sometimes

mistakenly called freewheel, but is otherwise unrelated. The condition of a driven shaft spinning

faster than its driveshaft exists in most bicycles when the rider holds his or her feet still, no longer

Figure 11 FreeWheel

pushing the pedals. In a fixed-gear bicycle, without freewheel, the rear wheel would drive the

pedals around. The simplest freewheel device consists of two saw-toothed, spring-loaded discs

pressing against each other with the toothed sides together, somewhat like a ratchet. Rotating in

one direction, the saw teeth of the drive disc lock with the teeth of the driven disc, making it rotate

at the same speed. If the drive disc slows down or stops rotating, the teeth of the driven disc slip

over the drive disc teeth and continue rotating, producing a characteristic clicking sound

proportionate to the speed difference of the driven gear relative to that of the (slower) driving gear.

Bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion and reduces friction between moving

parts to only the desired motion. The design of the bearing may, for example, provide for free

linear movement of the moving part or for free rotation around a fixed axis or, it may prevent a

motion by controlling the vectors of normal forces that bear on the moving parts. Many bearings

also facilitate the desired motion as much as possible, such as by minimizing friction. Bearings are

classified broadly according to the type of operation, the motions allowed, or to the directions of

the loads (forces) applied to the parts. The term "bearing" is derived from the verb "to bear “a

bearing being a machine element that allows one part to bear (i.e., to support) another. The simplest

bearings are bearing surfaces, cut or formed into a part, with varying degrees of control over the

form, size, roughness and location of the surface. Other bearings are separate devices installed into

a machine or machine part. The most sophisticated bearings for the most demanding applications

are very precise devices; their manufacture requires some of the highest standards of current


Types of bearings:

There are many kinds of bearings. Some of them are:

 Ball bearings

 Roller bearing
Ball bearing:

A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that

uses balls to maintain the separation between the

bearing races the purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce

rotational friction and support radial and axial loads. It

achieves this by using at least two races to contain the

balls and transmit the loads through the balls. In most

applications, one race is stationary and the other is Figure 12 Ball Bearing

attached to the rotating assembly (e.g., a hub or shaft). As one of the bearing races rotates it causes

the balls to rotate as well. Because the balls are rolling they have a much lower coefficient of

friction than if two flat surfaces were sliding against each other

Roller bearing: A rolling-element bearing, also known as a rolling bearing,] is a bearing which

carries a load by placing rolling elements (such as balls or rollers) between two bearing rings. The

Figure 13 Roller Bearing

relative motion of the pieces causes the round elements to roll with very little rolling resistance

and with little sliding A rolling element rotary bearing uses a shaft in a much larger hole, and

cylinders called "rollers" tightly fill the space between the shaft and hole. As the shaft turns, each

roller acts as the logs in the above example. However, since the bearing is round, the rollers never

fall out from under the load. Fig: Roller bearing Rolling-element bearings have the advantage of a

good tradeoff between cost, size, weight, carrying capacity, durability, accuracy, friction, and so

on. Other bearing designs are often better on one specific attribute, but worse in most other

attributes, although fluid bearing can sometimes simultaneously outperform on carrying capacity,

durability, accuracy, friction, rotation rate and sometimes cost. Only plain bearings are used as

widely as rolling-element bearings.

Drilling Machine:

Drilling machine is the component in which its carry the

drill bit to make or carry a drilling process. The bottom end

carries the drill bit and the other end is mounted on a ram

of a pneumatic cylinder. Inside the drilling machine having

a setup which is use to drive a spindle of a drill bit.

Base: Provides a heavy rigid frame on which all the main

components are mounted. It is a fixed frame structure. This

is used to carry the pneumatic components, supports and

other drilling machine setup components.

Figure 14 Drill Machine

Vertical support:

The column or vertical support is cylindrical in shape and built rugged and solid. The column

supports the head and the sleeve or quill assembly. The vertical support is held on base support

and it never takes any movements. It’s used to hold the cylinder setup for make the drilling


Drill bit: The spindle holds the drill or cutting tools and revolves in a fixed position in a sleeve.

The drill bit or cutting tool is used to removing a material from work piece.

Figure 15 Drill Bit

Maintenance and lubrication:

Many bearings require periodic maintenance to prevent premature failure, but many others require

little maintenance. The latter include various kinds of fluid and magnetic bearings, as well as

rolling-element bearings that are described with terms including sealed bearing and sealed for life.

These contain seals to keep the dirt out and the grease in. They work successfully in many
applications, providing maintenance-free operation. Some applications cannot use them

effectively. Many bearings in high-cycle industrial operations need periodic lubrication and

cleaning, and many require occasional adjustment, such as pre-load adjustment, to minimize the

effects of wear. Bearing life is often much better when the bearing is kept clean and well lubricated.

However, many applications make good maintenance difficult. For example, bearings in the

conveyor of a rock crusher are exposed continually to hard abrasive particles. Cleaning is of little

use, because cleaning is expensive yet the bearing is contaminated again as soon as the conveyor

resumes operation. Thus, a good maintenance program might lubricate the bearings frequently but

not include any disassembly for cleaning. The frequent lubrication, by its nature, provides a limited

kind of cleaning action, y displacing older (grit-filled) oil or grease with a fresh charge, which

itself collects grit before being displaced by the next cycle.


Some bearings use a thick grease for lubrication, which is pushed into the gaps between the bearing

surfaces, also known as packing. The grease is held in place by a plastic, leather, or rubber gasket

(also called a gland) that covers the inside and outside edges of the bearing race to keep the grease

from escaping. Bearings may also be packed with other materials. Historically, the wheels on

railroad cars used sleeve bearings packed with waste or loose scraps of cotton or wool fibbers

soaked in oil, and then later used solid pads of cotton.

3.4 Fabrication:

3.4.1 Fabrication of Machine:

Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and assembling processes:

Cutting is done by sawing, shearing, or chiseling (all with manual and powered variants); torching

with hand-held torches (such as oxy-fuel torches or plasma torches); and via numerical control

(CNC) cutters (using a laser, mill bits, torch, or water jet). Bending is done by hammering (manual

or powered) or via press brakes and similar tools. Modern metal fabricators utilize press brakes to

either coin or air-bend metal sheet into form. CNC-controlled back gauges utilize hard stops to

position cut parts in order to place bend lines in the correct position. Off-line programming

software now makes programming the CNC-controlled press brakes seamless and very efficient.

Assembling (joining of the pieces) is done by welding, binding with adhesives, riveting, threaded

fasteners, or even yet more bending in the form of a crimped seam. Structural steel and sheet metal

are the usual starting materials for fabrication, along with the welding wire, flux, and fasteners that

will join the cut pieces. As with other manufacturing processes, both human labor and automation

are commonly used. The product resulting from fabrication may be called a fabrication. Shops that

specialize in this type of metal work are called fab shops. The end products of other common types

of metalworking, such as machining, metal stamping, forging, and casting, may be similar in shape

and function, but those processes are not classified as fabrication. There are few types of

fabrication methods done on the machine.

The performing operations are:

I. Cutting

II. Drilling

III. Machining

IV. Welding

V. Cleaning

VI. Assembly



Cut the Raw material in different sizes according to requirement. For cutting purpose

variety of tools are used. The most common way to cut material is by Shearing (metalworking);

Special band saws designed for cutting metal have hardened blades and a feed mechanism for even

Figure 16 Cutting Machine

cutting. Abrasive cut-off saws, also known as chop saws, are similar to miter saws but with a steel

cutting abrasive disk. Cutting torches can cut very large sections of steel with little effort.


Drilling is used to produce holes in the objects. In this project plates requires holes for making

assembly. These holes are done by vertical type drilling machine.

Figure 17 Drill Machine


Machining is a trade, in and of it, although Fab shops will generally entail a limited machining

capability including; metal lathes, mills, magnetic based drills along with other portable metal

working tools.


Welding is the main focus of steel fabrication. The formed and machined parts will be assembled

and tack welded into place then re-checked for accuracy. A fixture may be used to locate parts for

welding if multiple elements have been ordered. The welder then completes welding per the
Figure 18 Welding Plant

engineering drawings, if welding is detailed or per his own judgment if no welding details are

provided. Special precautions may be needed to prevent warping of the weldment due to heat.

These may include re-designing the weldment to use less weld, welding in a staggered fashion,

using a stout fixture, covering the weldment in sand during cooling, and straightening operations

after welding. Straightening of warped steel weldments is done with an Oxy-acetylene torch and

is somewhat of an art. Heat is selectively applied to the steel in a slow, linear sweep. The steel will

have a net contraction, upon cooling, in the direction of the sweep. A highly skilled welder can

remove significant warpage using this technique.

Steel weldments are occasionally annealed in a low temperature oven to relieve residual stresses.

Such weldments, particularly those employed for engine blocks, may be line-bored after heat


Figure 19 Welding

Types of Welding:

There are many types of butt welds, but all fall within one of these categories: single welded butt

joints, double welded butt joint, and open or closed butt joints. A single welded butt joint is the

name for a joint that has only been welded from one side. A double welded butt joint is created

when the weld has been welded from both sides. With double welding, the depths of each weld

can vary slightly. A closed weld is a type of joint in which the two pieces that will be joined are

touching during the welding process. An open weld is the joint type where the two pieces have a

small gap in between them during the welding process.

Figure 20 Types of Joints

Lap Joint:

A lap joint or overlap joint is a joint in which the members overlap. Lap joints can be used to join

wood, plastic, or metal.

Figure 21 Lap Joint

A lap joint may be a full lap or half lap. In a full lap, no material is removed from either of the

members to be joined, resulting in a joint which is the combined thickness of the two members. In

a half lap joint or halving joint, material is removed from both of the members so that the resulting

joint is the thickness of the thickest member. Most commonly in half lap joints, the members are

of the same thickness and half the thickness of each is removed.

Butt joint:

A butt joint is a joinery technique in which two members are joined by simply butting them

together. The butt joint is the simplest joint to make since it merely involves cutting the members

to the appropriate length and butting them together. It is also the weakest because unless some

form of reinforcement is used (see below) it relies upon glue alone to hold it together. Because the
orientations of the members usually present only end grain to long grain gluing surface, the

resulting joint is inherently weak.

Figure 22 Butt Joint

Tee joints:

Tee joints are used when one part must be joined to the canter of another part forming a “T”. Like

Figure 23 Tee Joint

the other types of weld, there are several ways that this joint can be prepared and welded, each

with their own benefits and disadvantages. Most methods of welding tee joints involve welding

the two joints between the parts, with either a high or low energy density beam. Like the other

weld types.
Corner joint:

Corner joints are used to join two members located approximately at right angles to each other in

the form of an L. The fillet weld corner joint is used in the construction of boxes, box frames, and

similar fabrications. The closed corner joint issued on lighter sheets when high strength is not

required at the joint. In making the joint by oxyacetylene welding, the overlapping edge is melted

down and little or no filler metal is added. When the closed joint is used for heavy sections,

Figure 24 Cornet Joint

The lapped plate is V-beveled or U-grooved to permit penetration to the root of the joint. The

open corner joint is used on heavier sheets and plates. The two edges are melted down, and filler

metal is added to fill up the corner. Corner joints on heavy plates are welded from both sides.

Edge joint:

Edge jointing or just jointing is the process of making the edge of a wooden board straight and

true in preparation for subsequent operations, often ultimately leading to joining two or more

components together. Traditionally, jointing was performed using a jointer plane. Modern
techniques include the use of a jointer machine, a hand held router and straight edge, or a table-

mounted router.

Figure 25 Edge Joint


It is the operation to clean all the machined parts without burrs, dust and chip formals. So that the

parts are brightened and good looking


After the weldment has cooled it is generally sand blasted, primed and painted. Any additional

manufacturing specified by the customer is then completed. The finished product is then inspected

and shipped
Pedal Operated Hacksaw and Drilling Machine:

Figure 27 (i) pedal Operated hacksaw and drilling Machine

Figure 26 (ii) pedal Operated hacksaw and drilling Machine

Chapter 4

4.1 Results:

4.1.1Results of Hacksaw cutting:

Cast Iron Piper:

Performance of Pedal powered hacksaw and drill machine for cutting operations on cast iron pipes
SR No R.P.M Time(sec) Depth of cut(mm)

1 30 120 12

2 40 120 14

3 50 120 17

Table 1 Cast Iron Pipes

PVC Pipes:

Performance of Pedal powered hacksaw and drill machine for cutting operations on pvc pipes

SR No R.P.M Time(sec) Depth of cut(mm)

1 30 120 15

2 40 120 19

3 50 120 23

Table 2 PVC Pipes

For wood block:

Performance of Pedal powered hacksaw and drill machine for duty cutting operations on wood


SR No R.P.M Time(sec) Depth of cut(mm)

1 30 120 18

2 40 120 23

3 50 120 27

Table 3 Wood Block

4.1.2 Results of Drilling Operations:

For Cast Iron:

SR No RPM Hole Depth(mm) Feed/rev Time(sec)

1 50 12 0.635 23.5

2 100 12 0.635 12.3

3 150 12 0.635 8.2

Table 4 Drilling in Cast Iron

For wood:

SR No RPM Hole Depth(mm) Feed/rev Time(sec)

1 50 10 0.635 17

2 100 10 0.635 10

3 150 10 0.635 6

Table 5 Drilling in Wood

For Plastics Material:

SR No RPM Hole Depth(mm) Feed/rev Time(sec)

1 50 12 0.635 22

2 100 12 0.635 12

3 150 12 0.635 7

Table 6 Drilling in Plastic Material

4.2 Advantages:

I. Pedal powered hacksaw can be used for light duty cutting operations and also useful for

the Drilling operation.

II. Pedal powered hacksaw and drilling can be used in remote places where electricity is not


III. It is designed as a portable one which can be used for cutting in various places.

IV. The ply wood can be cut without any external energy like fuel or current.

V. Since Pedal powered hacksaw and Drill machine uses no electric power and fuel, this is

very cheap and best.

VI. Pedal powered hacksaw and drill helps to obtain less effort uniform cutting.

VII. There are fewer losses in power transmission by using pedal powered hacksaw.

VIII. It is more even cutting and drilling operation than hand saw and drilling.

IX. As pedaling is done by human it is good exercise and is goo to health.

4.3 Disadvantages:

I. Leads to physical stress

II. High thick material cannot be cut and drilled.

III. More amount of human efforts is required.

Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusion:

Thus this paper work might be useful in all industries. For practical applications this is fabricated

for light duty operation. Its height, weight, and other mechanical designs may not be suitable for

any other operation or work on hardened materials. We are proud that we have completed the work

with the limited time successfully. The pedal powered hacksaw and drill machine works with

satisfactory conditions. We are able to understand the difficulties in maintaining the tolerances and

also quality. We have done to our ability and skill making use of available facilities.

I. The machine is cost very effective compared to power hacksaw machine and electrical drill

machine. Also, the machine consumes no electricity at all, which is a major plus point of

the machine.

II. Machine is simple in design, reliable, and can be used where electric supply is not available,

particularly in rural areas.

III. The machine operates with the mechanical efficiency of 79%

IV. The only maintenance required is lubrication.

V. Teeth blunt rate and wear rate is very slow.

VI. If maintained properly, the life of the machine is more than 15 years.

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