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• Several changes have been made, however,

of minor importance, including the
Creating a preface, rearranging content, and
modifying various definitions.

• The demands of activity have been removed •Los aspectos de una actividad, que incluyen
from the domain and placed in the general los objetos y sus propiedades, espacio,
view of the process of increasing the demandas sociales, secuencias y ritmo de
discussion of the basic skill of the occupational tiempo acciones y habilidades requeridas y
Activity Analysis Therapy professional. funciones corporales y estructuras corporales
necesarias para llevar a cabo la actividad
• Recognizes the importance of commitment •captura la esencia y significado de la
and connection and the impact of mind, body actividad diaria a través del compromiso y
and spirit in the customer's participation in disciplina dedicada a la ocupación
• Occupancy areas are now called • el termino de áreas de ocupación es
occupations. remplazado por ocupaciones

• The additional intervention methods used in

practice have been added, and a clearer
distinction is made of the interventions of
occupations, activities, and preparatory
methods and tasks

• performance skills: have been redefined •destrezas de ejecución habilidades que

-motor skills demuestran los clientes en las acciones que
-process skills realizan en su vida cotidiana.
-social interaction skills -destrezas motores
-destrezas sensoriales
-destrezas de regulación emocional
- destrezas cognitivas
- destrezas de comunicación y sociales

• occupations: areas of occupation are now • Las áreas de ocupación son definidas como
called occupations. Occupations are central to diversos tipos de actividades de la vida en que
a client’s persons, groups or populations las personas, grupos y poblaciones participan
identity and sense of competence and have
particular meaning and value to that client

• client: the clients of occupational therapy • los clientes son categorizados como
are typically classified as -personas familias, cuidadores, empleados y
-persons including those involved in care of a otros
client -organizaciones negocios, industrias agencias
-groups collectives of individuals, families, -poblaciones comunidades, militares,
workers, students personas sin hogar, personas con
-populations collectives groups of individual enfermedades crónicas y en condiciones de
living in similar locale incapacidad
• Several changes have been made, however,
of minor importance, including the
Creating a preface, rearranging content, and
modifying various definitions.
• The demands of activity have been removed
from the domain and placed in the general
view of the process of increasing the
discussion of the basic skill of the occupational
Activity Analysis Therapy professional.

• Recognizes the importance of commitment

and connection and the impact of mind, body
and spirit in the customer's participation in
• Occupancy areas are now called

• The additional intervention methods used in

practice have been added, and a clearer
distinction is made of the interventions of
occupations, activities, and preparatory
methods and tasks..
Comparación marcos de trabajo

Esp. Diana Cristina Lourido Jurado

Lizeth Andrea Acosta Legarda
Universidad Mariana
Facultad de ciencias de la salud
Programa de terapia ocupacional
San juan de pasto

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