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Subhotosh Banerjee  School of Geology

Remote surface mapping using and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma,
Norman, Oklahoma 73019

orthophotos and geologic maps Subhotosh Banerjee received his B.Sc. and M.Sc.
degrees from Calcutta University and his M.S.
degree in geology from the University of Okla-
draped over digital elevation homa (2002). He is currently working toward
a Ph.D. in structural geology at the University
models: Application to the Sheep of Oklahoma. His research interests are in sur-
face and subsurface structural analysis and the
Mountain anticline, Wyoming application of remote sensing and geographic
information systems to structural geology.
Subhotosh Banerjee and Shankar Mitra Shankar Mitra  School of Geology and
Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman,
Oklahoma 73019;
Shankar Mitra holds the Monnett Chair and
ABSTRACT Professorship of Energy Resources at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D.
Remote mapping of surface structures can be conducted by draping
degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1976.
digital orthophotos and geologic maps over digital elevation models
His primary research interests are in surface
in geographic information systems. Formational contacts can be and subsurface structural analysis.
mapped by viewing the intersections of these contacts with the
topography on a true-to-scale, three-dimensional image. Bedding
orientations can be determined from (1) the trends and slopes of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dip slopes or (2) best fit planes to multiple points of intersection
The authors thank AAPG reviewers Zeev Berger,
of a bedding surface with the topography. The methods are tested Sandro Serra, and Kathy Hanks and editor
against mapped formation contacts and bedding attitudes for the John Lorenz for their reviews of the manuscript
Sheep Mountain anticline in the Bighorn basin, Wyoming. Detailed and for their comments and suggestions. We
mapping of formation contacts is improved by careful observations also acknowledge a fellowship from Phillips
of the contacts on three-dimensional images. Interpreted bedding Petroleum (now Conoco-Phillips) to support
attitudes from slope and multiple-point solutions show strong posi- Subhotosh Banerjee.
tive correlations with field measurements. This mapping method
provides an efficient and accurate alternative to stereoscopic mapping
using aerial photographs and satellite images, particularly for re-
mote and inaccessible areas.


The identification of prospective structures for hydrocarbon explo-

ration and production involves the integration of surface and sub-
surface data. Although good surface maps are available for many

Copyright #2004. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received September 2, 2003; provisional acceptance October 31, 2003; revised manuscript
received February 2, 2004; final acceptance February 17, 2004.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, no. 9 (September 2004), pp. 1227 – 1237 1227
Figure 1. Location map of the Sheep Mountain anticline (modified from Hennier, 1984).

previously explored regions, surface maps for remote images and a proper correction for the resulting dis-
and unexplored areas are commonly poor to nonexis- tortions. The acquisition of quantitative data involves
tent. The first step in exploring such areas commonly a correct estimation of several parameters and is there-
involves the delineation of prospective structures using fore prone to instrument and operator error.
surface mapping. This article describes a method for surface mapping
Remote-sensing techniques have long been recog- that involves the integration of topographic and geo-
nized as an effective tool for supplementing direct field logic data by the draping of geologic maps and georec-
measurements in structural mapping. These methods tified photographs over digital elevation models (DEM)
allow rapid mapping of areas and are most effective in in a geographic information systems (GIS) database.
areas where structures are poorly exposed or inacces- Using this method, formation contacts and faults can
sible. Traditional approaches included the use of aerial be accurately mapped using a three-dimensional per-
photographs and satellite and radar images to map for- spective of the intersection of the contacts and faults
mation contacts and faults. A review of these methods with the topography. In addition, quantitative data of
is provided in Sabins (1997). More quantitative meth- bed strikes and dips can be obtained using slope data
ods have included the use of stereoscopic aerial pho- for dip slopes and best fit surfaces for points of inter-
tographs to estimate bed strikes and dips from topo- section between the beds and the topography.
graphic slopes (Colwell, 1955; Threet, 1956; Miller, The methods are applied to a well-exposed and
1961; Turner, 1977; Ricci, 1982; Sabins, 1997). With mapped structure, the Sheep Mountain anticline, within
the advent of stereoscopic satellite data, such as Landsat the Bighorn basin area in Wyoming to show the corre-
and SPOT imagery, these methods have also been lation between the measurements obtained using these
applied to satellite data and used to successfully obtain remote mapping methods and those obtained by direct
quantitative measurements over large areas (Berger field mapping.
et al., 1992; Bilotti et al., 2000). The Sheep Mountain anticline is a major anticline
The mapping of structures using these approaches located on the northeastern margin of the Bighorn ba-
involves the use of vertically exaggerated stereoscopic sin in northern Wyoming (Figure 1). Structures in the

1228 Geologic Note

Bighorn basin involve Precambrian basement and were The basic methodology for the acquisition of quan-
formed during the Laramide orogeny. The structure is a titative data for all of these methods involves the accu-
northwest-southeast–trending, doubly plunging anti- rate measurement of several parameters and is there-
cline that exposes units ranging in age from the Missis- fore prone to both instrument and operator errors. The
sippian Madison Group to the Cretaceous Thermopolis calculation of elevations of individual points is also te-
Formation. The best exposed units are in the Permian dious. Finally, all interpretations and measurements are
Phosphoria Formation. based on a single viewing direction.
The excellent exposure of this structure enables
detailed surface mapping of the structure. The most
detailed maps of the area northwest of the Bighorn
River were made by Hennier and Spang (1983) and REMOTE MAPPING METHODOLOGY
Hennier (1984). These surface maps and field mea-
surements provide an opportunity to test the methods The methodology of mapping proposed in this paper
of mapping contacts and estimating bed attitudes using employs the integration and draping of geologic maps
the methods described in this paper. and digital orthophoto quadrangle (DOQ) photographs
over DEM within a GIS database using the program
ArcGIS (Figure 2). Digital orthophoto quadrangles
and digital elevation models are available from the U.S.
PREVIOUS RELATED STUDIES Geological Survey for most locations in the United
Remote mapping of surface structures has long been Digital elevation models consist of a raster grid of
recognized as an effective tool for supplementing field regularly spaced elevation values that are primarily
mapping, particularly in remote or inaccessible areas. derived from the U.S. Geological Survey topographic
The first applications of this approach included the map series. They are typically available as 7.5-min
mapping of structures using stereo pairs of aerial pho- DEM, which correspond to the U.S. Geological Survey
tos. This method was used both to map formational 1:25,000 or 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle maps.
contacts and to estimate bedding attitudes. The acqui- Most of the models have a grid spacing of 30 m (100 ft),
sition of quantitative data involved the determination but 10-m (33-ft) grids are also available. For the Sheep
of topographic slope and its use to determine the dip Mountain structure, 7.5-min DEM with a 10-m (33-ft)-
of an interpreted dip slope. The methods of slope grid spacing were used (Figure 2b).
measurement involve (1) the use of stereoscopic par- Digital orthophoto quadrangles are computer-
allax, (2) the comparison of a slope plane generated generated images of aerial photographs, in which the
instrumentally, with a slope segment, and (3) the use image displacements caused by terrain relief and cam-
of tracing overlays to obtain the slope by geometric era tilt have been removed. Therefore, they combine
construction (Turner, 1977). The most commonly used the image characteristics of the aerial photographs
method involves the determination of the elevation of and the georectified qualities of a map. The images are
points from the parallax, the height of the sensor, and available both as 3.75-min (quarter quadrangle) im-
the base of the distance directly below the sensor for ages, which cover an area of 3.75-min longitude by
the images. 3.75-min latitude, and 7.5-min (full quadrangle) im-
The availability of satellite and radar images ex- ages, which cover an area of 7.5-min longitude and
tended the use of remote mapping methods to a more 7.5-min latitude. For the Sheep Mountain area, 3.75-
regional scale. Methods for obtaining quantitative topo- min quadrangles with 1-m (3-ft) resolution were used
graphic data from radar data were also devised (Zebker (Figure 2a).
and Goldstein, 1986). The recent availability of ste- The draping of orthophotos of 1-m (3-ft) resolu-
reoscopic satellite images, such as Landsat and SPOT tion over DEM of 10-m (33-ft) resolution enables the
satellite data, has improved the acquisition of quanti- identification and mapping of photographic features
tative data, using similar approaches to those that were at a very magnified scale (Figure 2c). The lower resolu-
developed for aerial photographs (Berger et al., 1992; tion (10 m; 33 ft) of the DEM does not significantly
Bilotti et al., 2000). The methods can be used for both reduce the mapping resolution and, in fact, aids in
nadir-viewing Landsat images or off-nadir images, such average slope calculations by smoothing out meter-scale
as SPOT satellite data. irregularities in the topography.

Banerjee and Mitra 1229

Figure 2. Method of construc-
tion of a three-dimensional terrain
model. Georectified orthopho-
tographs (a) are draped over
digital elevation model (b) to ob-
tain the final terrain model (c).

MAPPING OF FORMATION CONTACTS ponents are georectified, the distortions and vertical
exaggeration associated with stereoscopy are eliminated,
The mapping of formation contacts is significantly and all features can be viewed on a one-to-one scale. It
improved by the use of the draped images in three is possible to view the intersections in three dimensions
dimensions. Traditional mapping techniques involved and thereby use the best perspectives for each point
the mapping of formation contacts at outcrop loca- on the formation contact in the mapping process.
tions and extrapolation or interpolation of these con- The method of mapping uses two images of the
tacts through intermediate areas using simple rules draped surfaces, used on side-by-side computer screens
relating the intersections of the formation boundary (Figure 3). The Arc Scene image enables interactive
with the irregular topography. This requires the accu- three-dimensional viewing of the images, whereas a
rate use of the rule of Vs and, unless practiced care- corresponding Arc View image is used to map the for-
fully, is subject to significant human error. mation contacts. The Sheep Mountain structure is a
The use of satellite or aerial photographs in stereo- well-exposed anticline and therefore provides a good
scopic pairs provides an effective supplement in the opportunity for comparing mapped formation con-
mapping of contacts and can significantly improve the tacts with those obtained using the three-dimensional
quality of mapping. Similarly, SPOT satellite data can draped images. Because the structure is intersected
also be used to enhance mapped contacts (Berger et al., by an intricate network of bedding-normal drainage,
1992). However, this method is also prone to errors mapping in three dimensions provides better control
because of the vertical exaggeration of the stereoscop- in the placement of formational contacts at topographic
ically viewed images and distortions when viewing areas Vs (Figure 4).
away from the immediate center point or nadir. The Hennier and Spang’s (1983) map constructed from
method also involves the viewing of formation contacts field mapping is compared with those made by remote
in only the vertical direction. Finally, the manual pro- mapping. The overall quality of Hennier and Spang’s
cess of tracking contacts through the area using stereo- map is good and shows little difference with that obtained
scopy is somewhat tedious. by remote mapping. At a very detailed scale, however,
Because existing geologic maps and orthophotos can mapping of the formation contact through valleys
be draped directly over the digital elevation models, we and ridges is significantly improved in several loca-
can view an integrated image that allows easy correlation tions through the integrated three-dimensional im-
between the three components. Because all three com- agery (Figure 5).

1230 Geologic Note

Figure 3. Method of mapping formation contacts. Mapping was done (a) in the map view (Arc View), whereas the three-
dimensional model (Arc scene) was used to view formation contacts and topography in three dimensions (b).

Figure 4. A three-dimensional model for the northwestern part of the Sheep Mountain anticline showing mapped formation contacts.

Banerjee and Mitra 1231

Figure 5. Improvement in de-
lineation of formation contacts
using three-dimensional mapping.
White lines represent results
from an earlier map by Hennier
(1984). Tops of Amsden and
Tensleep formations have been
significantly modified because
of the effect of topography,
whereas the top of Madison is
not modified.

QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENTS be directly estimated from the normal to the maxi-

mum slope direction in map view.
The acquisition of quantitative field measurements using Programs embedded in ArcGIS enable the cal-
stereoscopic aerial photographs has been applied to a culation of slope values for any topographic grid using a
large number of areas, which could not be accessed variety of cell sizes (Figure 6a–c). Bed dips and strikes
by traditional mapping. As discussed in a previous can be estimated by performing a slope calculation on
section, most methods involve the calculation of dips an interpreted dip slope. As in the case of all previ-
and strikes from a dip slope using the parallax be- ously used methods for stereoscopic photo pairs, the
tween stereoscopic photographs to determine the slope. accuracy of the measurements is dependent on the
More recently, similar approaches have also been ap- degree of coincidence between the bedding plane and
plied to SPOT satellite images (Berger et al., 1992; the dip slope. This is dependent on the bed dip, lithol-
Bilotti et al., 2000) either using the traditional parallax ogy, and the nature of weathering and erosion in the
approach or using three points on the dip slope whose area.
elevations can be estimated. As discussed previously, Once a potential dip slope is identified, the de-
these approaches, although effective, involve correc- termination of bed dip is dependent on the correla-
tions for vertical exaggeration and can also be tedious tion between the slope and the actual dip of bedding.
in practice. If most of the slope corresponds to the actual bedding
Draping of DOQ on DEM in a GIS system en- dip, then the best estimate for the dip would be the
ables a direct measurement of bed attitudes using 1:1 mean of the dip over that area. However, in most cases,
three-dimensional images. Two methods are discussed: a very small part of the slope corresponds to the ac-
the first using slope measurements of interpreted dip tual bedding dip. In this case, the maximum value of
slopes and the second using best fit planes to intersec- the slope will most closely correspond to the actual
tions between bedding surfaces and the topography. bedding dip. Therefore, the bedding dip commonly
ranges between the mean and the maximum of the
Bed Attitudes from Slope Data slope measurements.
Figure 6a– c show the range of dips for a dip slope
The slope of any topographic surface can be deter- in the Phosphoria Formation on the west limb of the
mined using simple equations relating the change in Sheep Mountain anticline. In this case, a significant part
rise with elevation (Burroughs, 1986). The strike can of the sloping surface has been identified as a dip slope.

1232 Geologic Note

Figure 6. (a) Three-dimensional view of flatirons, with locations of six points on the dip slope. Field measurement in a nearby valley is
306/69j northeast. (b) Slope map draped over DEM for the same flatiron; colors represent values of slope in degrees. (c) Histogram
showing slope values (22 cells) in degrees. The maximum and the mean value of the slope are 69.8 and 64.6j, respectively. (d) Six
points are plotted in three-dimensional space; the best fit medium plane passing through those points has an orientation of 302/64j
northeast. Color bar shows elevation in meters.

Therefore, the mean value of the slope is used to de- the best fit plane to all of the intersection points. In
termine the dip of bedding. For most measurements its simplest form, the method uses the three-point
around the Sheep Mountain anticline, the slopes are of solution for estimating bed dip and strike that is wide-
poorer quality, so that the maximum slope value pro- ly used for surface and subsurface analysis. The use
vides a better estimation of the true dip. of three points to estimate bedding dip and strike
(Bilotti et al., 2000) is prone to significant error, re-
sulting from any one of the points not lying directly
Bed Attitudes from Surface Intersections on the slope or an incorrect estimation of its coor-
dinates. Therefore, the use of multiple points to deter-
Bed attitudes can also be obtained directly from the mine the bedding attitude provides a more accurate
intersections of the bedding plane with the topography. bedding attitude.
The points can be obtained from a dip slope or from For a series of intersection points with coordinates
outcrop points of a bed on the topography. The dips x i, y i, and z i, the best fit medium plane is calculated by
and strikes can be directly estimated by determining minimizing the normal distance from that plane to

Banerjee and Mitra 1233

each of the points. An example of the calculation the western limb dips between 20 and 40j southwest. This
medium plane using the three-dimensional mapping provides a test for the reliability of remote measure-
software Gocad is shown in Figure 6d. In this ex- ments for a wide variety of dips.
ample, the estimation of the bedding attitude using Figure 7 shows the measured and interpreted bed
the best fit medium plane from six intersection points attitudes for 31 points for the northwestern part of the
is performed for the same dip slope that was previ- Sheep Mountain structure. The histograms show the
ously analyzed using slope analysis (Figure 6a). The relative values of dip for the field measurements and
result is the same as the mean slope for the area covered those estimated using the slope and multiple-point
by the points and about 5j less than the maximum methods. Figure 8 shows the same points plotted on a
slope. graph of measured versus interpreted dips. The high
correlation coefficients indicate a good positive cor-
relation between the interpreted and measured values,
Comparison of Remote and Field Measurements particularly for the lower dipping, southwest limb of
the structure. Among the remote measurements, the
The Sheep Mountain anticline provides an excellent surface intersection method provides a closer fit to the
opportunity for the comparison of quantitative bedding field measurements. The final map showing the re-
measurements using field studies and remote mapping. vised formation contacts and the calculated dip and
Carefully collected field measurements from Hennier strike measurements is shown in Figure 9.
and Spang (1983) can be compared with the remote
measurements using slope and surface intersections.
At its northwestern part, the structure is a relatively
simple, plunging asymmetric anticline, in which the two DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
limbs and hinge are well exposed, enabling a large num-
ber of traditional outcrop measurements. The steeply Draping of orthorectified photographs and geologic
dipping, northeastern limb dips between 60 and 85j maps over DEM provides an effective mechanism
northeast, whereas the more gently dipping, south- for remote mapping of surface structures. The method

Figure 7. Comparison of bedding-plane dips from field measurement with dips generated from slope maps and multiple-point
solutions. White dots show locations where bedding attitudes were interpreted using slopes and multiple points. The locations of the
field measurements are within a 150-m (490-ft) radius from these points.

1234 Geologic Note

Figure 8. Interpreted dips
from slope maps (crosses) and
multiple-point solutions (trian-
gles) plotted against measured
dips within a 150-m (490-ft)
radius. Results show a good
linear fit and a positive corre-
lation coefficient.

is an efficient and accurate replacement for traditional quality of the quantitative data obtained decrease with
mapping of structures using stereoscopic photographs the quality of the exposure. However, we emphasize
and satellite images. It can be used to supplement that the method provides the only source of data for
field mapping, particularly in remote and inaccessible poorly exposed and inaccessible areas.
areas. The applicability of the method is also constrained
The method enables both the tracing of forma- by the availability of digital orthophotos and high-
tional contacts and the acquisition of quantitative bed- quality DEM data. Currently, high-quality DEM data
ding data using slope data or intersections of bedding are only available in the lower 48 states in the United
surfaces with the topography. States. However, such data can also be extracted from
Testing of the method against field maps for the other remote-sensing data, including SPOT (Bolstad
Sheep Mountain anticline in the Bighorn basin, Wyo- and Stowe, 1994; Zhen et al., 2001) and the Advanced
ming, shows that it provides an accurate tracing of Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radi-
formational contacts and a positive correlation between ometer (Hirano et al., 2003) satellite data. Bolstad and
interpreted and calculated bedding attitudes. Stowe (1994) have compared the quality of data ob-
The method yields the highest quality data for the tained from standard DEM approaches to that ob-
well-exposed structures. However, it can also be ap- tained from SPOT data and found that the data qual-
plied to areas where the structures are less well ex- ity is comparable.
posed. The method has been successfully applied to Because there is widespread coverage of satellite
map a fairly large area in the Caribou Mountain area data, extensions of the technique can be extended to
of the Idaho–Wyoming fold-thrust belt (Banerjee and remote and inaccessible areas where geologic maps are
Mitra, 2004, unpublished work). The accuracy and not available. However, the accuracy of geologic maps

Banerjee and Mitra 1235

Figure 9. Final structural map of the Sheep Mountain anticline. Black symbols are data from Hennier (1984), and white symbols are
interpreted from slope maps and multiple-point solutions. Formation contacts are modified using the methods described in this paper.

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1236 Geologic Note

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Banerjee and Mitra 1237

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