I. Questions: Pay Attention To These Questions

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a. With question words
Where do you live?
What do you do?
Who did you talk to last night?
*Pay attention to these questions:
What makes you so sad?
Who gave you this book?
Which is the best to you?
ð Which, what, who as a subject + Sing.V
b. Without question words:
Are you a teacher?
You like me, don’t you?
Would you like beer, tea or coffee?


a. So and too (affirmative sentence)
A: I want to see a movie.
B: I also want to see a movie.
ð I do, too. = So do I.
b. Neither and either (negative sentence)
A: I don’t want to do the homework.
B: I don’t want to do the homework, as well.
ð I don’t, either. = Neither do I.


Negative adv + aux + SV

ü Never, at no time, not once
ü Hardly, seldom, rarely, barely, scarcely
ü Little, few, no longer, no more, nowhere, not only…but also, nor
ü Under no circumstances, on no account, on no condition, for no reason, in no way
Eg: He has never thought of himself as a man of success.
ð Never has he considered himself as a man of success.
ð At no time has he thought of himself as a man of success.
Helen didn’t apologize to her boss at all.
ð Not once did Helen make an apology to her boss.
She is not only beautiful but she’s also intelligent.
ð Not only is she beautiful but she’s also intelligent.
You shouldn’t press this button under any circumstances.
ð Under no circumstances should you press this button.

Youth English Society


IV. No sooner…than…/hardly…when…

No sooner + had + S + V3 than S’ + V2’

Hardly when
Eg: As soon as she went home, she took a bath.
ð No sooner had she gone home than she took a bath.
ð Hardly had she gone home when she took a bath.
ð Scarcely had she gone home when she took a bath.

V. So – such

So + adj/adv + aux + S + that S’V’

Such + be + N + that + SV

Eg: The play was so popular that many people came to see it.
ð So popular was the play that many people came to see it.
ð Such was the popularity of the play that many people came to see it.
Her anger was such that she broke the vase.
ð Such was her anger that she broke the vase.
ð So angry was she that she broke the vase.

VI. Conditional
Type 1

Should + S + V1, S’ will V’

Eg: If you need my help, phone me.

ð Should you need my help, phone me.
Unless Tom comes tomorrow, things will go wrong.
ð Should Tom not come tomorrow, things will go wrong.
Type 2

Were + S + to-inf, S’ would V’

Eg: If I had a car, I’d take you to their airport.

ð Were I to have a car, I’d take you to their airport.
If Peter were here now, the party would be much more pleasant.
ð Were Peter (to be) here now, the party would be much more pleasant.
If Mary were doing her homework now, she couldn’t have called you.
ð Were Mary (to be) doing her homework now, she couldn’t have called

Youth English Society


Type 3

Had + S + V3, S’ + would have V3

Eg: If I had known you, I’d have asked you for help.
ð Had I known you, I’d have asked you for help.
If she hadn’t been waiting for such a long time, she wouldn’t have got so angry.
ð Had she not been waiting for such a long time, she wouldn’t have got so angry.
If my mother hadn’t forced me to go into this field, I wouldn’t be in this dilemma.
ð Were Mary (to be) doing her homework now, she couldn’t have called you.

But for + N, S would have V3
If it hadn’t been for
Had it not been for

Eg: But for the rain, I’d have gone out.
ð Without the rain, I’d have gone out.
ð Had it not been for the rain, I’d have gone out..
ð If it had not been for the rain, she couldn’t have called you.

VII. Adverbs of place + sit/stand/lie/be/stay/walk/run/…

Adv of place + lie +S

Eg: Here comes the bus.

On the table were lying two dogs.

VIII. ADVERBIAL PARTICLES WITH Verb of position/movement

Up/down/in/out + lie +S

Youth English Society


Eg: A man walked out and a woman came in.
ð Out walked a man and in came a woman.
A bird flew up into the sky.
ð Up into the sky flew a bird.
A heavy rain fell down last night.
ð Down fell a heavy rain last night.

IX. Only…

Only + by + V-ing/N + aux + SV

Eg: You can only pass the coming exam if you work harder/by working harder.
ð Only if you work harder can you pass the coming exam.
ð Only by working harder can you pass the coming exam.
I only come here because I want to tell you something very important.
ð Only because I want to tell you something very important do I come here.
She only left home at 1am.
ð Only at 1am did she leave home.

X. Not until/ only when/ only after

Not until
Only when + SV + aux + S’V’
Only after

Eg: He didn’t see her again until 1990.

ð Not until 1990 did he see her again.
ð It was not until 1990 that he saw her again.

He didn't understand the word until the teacher had explained it twice.
ð Not until the teacher had explained the word twice did he understand it.
ð It was not until the teacher had explained the word twice that he understood/could understand it.
ð Only when/after the teacher had explained the word twice did he understand it.
ð It was only when the word had been explained by the teacher twice that he understood/could
understand it.

Eg: Tom doesn't work as hard as Peter does/does Peter.
He has more money than you do/do you.
The cake was excellent. The coffee was excellent, too.
ð The cake was excellent, as is the coffee.
ð The cake was excellent. So was the coffee.

Youth English Society

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