Myanmar's Noble Lady in Distress - Tibet Sun

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5/24/2019 Myanmar’s noble lady in distress .:.

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Tech/Science Myanmar’s noble lady in distress

Health By Laden Tshering Samdup
KATHMANDU, Nepal, 16 September 2017

Interviews The UN, the western media and the HR

Weather activists are back in their favourite hunting
ground — the poor and weak nation Burma.
Week in Photos
They know they can easily bully this nation
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into submission and so everybody is out in full
Election 2016 force to grab this golden opportunity to justify
Links their existence and earn their living. Just a few
degrees north is the fire spitting dragon China
Arts and Letters
the most oppressive regime in the history of
Laden Tshering Samdup
CTA mankind but to whom they meekly submit and
Dalai Lama surrender and before whom they become
McLeod Ganj dumb toothless tigers. Six million Tibetans for 57 long years have silently
endured the worst nightmare of human rights abuses at the hands of this
Miss Tibet
diabolical regime hoping and praying for deliverance from the evil, Amen,
Music Tibet but these world bodies whose rationale for existence and stated mission is
TCHRD to act as protective umbrella for the weak and the poor have turned blind
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and deaf to the Tibetans’ plight. Their impotence and indifference have
Help us to serve you erased these 6 million Tibetans from the face of the world and international
better. Donate
through PayPal or attention and consigned them to the flames of Hell. Tibetan blood, tears,
contact us.
pain, sorrow and lives continue to be traded for Chinese Yuan, commerce
and investments.

Mynamar gained independence in 1948 and it was this same nation China
which through various ruses ensured that the birth of this nation was a
miscarriage, never allowing it to rest in peace. They engineered the armed
uprisings of the Communist Party of Burma and mass protest movements by
indigenous Chinese population. In the areas bordering China, it instigated,
trained and armed Burma’s ethnic tribes Karen, Kachin, Kayah, Rakhine and
Shan and made them fight a war of independence with Burmese security
forces. These continued internecine wars now famous as the ‘world’s longest
running civil war’ made the Military Junta able to usurp power to protect the
integrity and sovereignty of the Burmese nation. The Burmese fight for
survival was misinterpreted and widely publicized by the western media and
Human Rights groups as ethnic genocide and western governments
pressured into taking actions; the economic and other sanctions that
followed isolated Burma from the rest of the international democratic
fraternity. The Chinese were quick to capitalize on this situation and in the
guise of development projects stripped Burma bare of its natural resources
and occupied locations in Burma strategic to its military interests.

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This situation was re-enacted in Sri Lanka, another poor and weak nation
devastated by civil war and struggling to save its sovereignty and integrity.
The media and HR activists as usual lead the charge and their governments
followed suit with sanctions and isolation of this island nation. China quietly
maneuvered into this vacuum and enslaved Sri Lanka with debt. It now,
through its Sri Lankan connection, sits plum in the middle of the Indian
Ocean, renamed the South West China Sea.

These are just two of the many glaring examples of how the western media,
UN and HR activists have unwittingly become storm troopers for fulfilling
China’s territorial hegemonic ambitions. They have helped spread the
despotic rule of Communist China and the gradual shrinkage of dominance
of democracy. So Trump may have hit the bull’s eye when he called the
media ‘fake’ and labelled the UN ‘the club’ for people to have a good time.

Surprisingly, the media, UN and the HR activists still remain blissfully

unaware of their blunder. They are now pouncing again on Burma with the
Rohingya issue, more vigorously this time around because of the
involvement of Aung San Suu Kyi and the news value she carries because of
her Nobel prize. They are vociferously demanding that the prize awarded to
her be confiscated, in the process making themselves eligible for a
Friendship Award from China.

India however has already sensed the dangers of pushing Burma back into
the hands of China, and Prime Minister Modi immediately after the BRICS
meeting in China rushed to Burma to reassure Aung San Suu Kyi of India’s
support. He also stepped into the thick of it by promising to take an active
part in the development of Rakhine state, the home of the Rohingyas, a
shrewd move to increase India’s presence in the region to checkmate the
Chinese and also to address the refugee problem at the point of its origin.

India walked their talk with Mynamar in the World Parliamentary Forum
recently held in Indonesia by dissociating itself from the Bali Declaration
which sought to censure Burma on the Rohingya issue. Surprisingly,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka were
among the countries that joined the Bali declaration. These countries posing
as champions of non violence and tolerance towards race and religion have
themselves soiled their hands over these issues in the recent past, Nepal
over their Madesh Andolan, Bhutan and the eviction of the Nepalese, Sri
Lanka’s bloody war with Tamil militants and Bangladesh a nation born out of
racial genocide by Pakistan, etc. Many other countries including the US have
resorted to violence like Myanmar when their nation’s security and
sovereignty was threatened. So, “He that is without sin among you, let him
cast the first stone at her.”

The dictum of non violence and intolerance to racial and other prejudice
should not be limited and ham-fistedly enforced on weak nations only. It’s
more important for powerful nations to practice what they preach. We have
to guard against the Chinese foreign policy of making one man’s sorrow into
their own joy to prevent the much larger threat of democratic values being
swamped by authoritarian rule. The Myanmar issue needs to be handled
with compassion to both sides and to prevent at all cost another democratic
nation falling under the despotic rule of China.

If we value human rights and democracy then we need to resist and fight
back against this authoritarian regime and the best place to start is under a

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Free Tibet banner.

About the author

Laden Tshering Samdup is a retired businessman living in Kathmandu. He has MA (Hons) in

economics from Birla Institute of Technology and Science from Pilani, Rajasthan, India. He can
be reached c/o Boudha Peace School, Phulbari, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Copyright © 2017 Laden Tshering Samdup

Published in Tibet Sun

Posted in Opinions » Tags: Aung San Suu Kyi, China, Myanmar, Myanmar Ethnic

There are 4 comments so far.

4. chewang Ngokhang, from Southern California, says:

on 19 September 2017 at 2:41 pm

The more political entities dig up dirt on Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi and
the Buddhists, the more my English teacher’s words in the ’60s resonate.
His advice: “Don’t ever get involved in politics. It’s a dirty dirty game.”

Hey Laden, did you hear this from Mr. Banerjee in your class at St.
Augustine’s in Kalimpong? Just curious.

3. Laden Tshering Samdup, from Kathmandu,Nepal, says:

on 20 September 2017 at 8:23 am

yes we were indeed fortunate to have Mr. Banerjee as our master. He

taught us about politics thro Shakespear’s Julius Caesar. You too Brutus
was one of the famous lines

2. P. lhamo, from N. Delhi, says:

on 17 September 2017 at 4:47 pm

Thank you for this much needed opinion piece.

The total ” bullying of Myanmar into submission”, the outright “virulence” in

the attacks on Aung Saan Sun Kyi (thus Buddhism) = the double standards
engaged by the so called HR activists & media.

So much so that one can’t help but think that this is to deflect the horrors of
the on-going “war” ravaging our world between two ‘Cousin’ monotheistic
worlds. So here’s the opportunity to put the spot light on this leader of this
weak nation & let’s drag her down to our level.

Aung Saan Sun Kyi is the Leader who made the difficult decision & put her
country Myanmar FIRST & sacrificed life with her immediate family.
She’s been in the leadership position for just 2 years.

The Muslim community pre Myanmar independence of 1948 & earlier have
integrated into the country’s society. It was the liberation of Bangladesh in
the early 1970s that saw millions of refugees. Almost 2 crore of them now
in India, a million in Myanmar (those not supporting liberation of
Bangladesh) & 50k in Pakistan. All of them are illegal or don’t have
citizenship of those countries.
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Now the violence & radicalization by groups in this 1 million is what

Myanmar is fearful about.

India knows this only too well & even the Bangladesh leader does not want
her vulnerable country to be turned into a hot spot for extremists from the
Middle East & Pakistan to spark & influence their brand of global jihadism.

1. Gangchena, from Phoenix, says:

on 17 September 2017 at 7:44 am

There is a virulence in the attacks on Aung San Suu Kyi and Buddhists
which I think comes from the wealth and power of Monotheists, who now
run the UN human rights office.

Although NATO and Saudi Arabia justify inflicting collateral damage of mass
civilian casualities and engaged in fire-bombing and nuclear strikes during
Second World War and now visited total destruction in strikes against ISIS
strongholds the corporate media only attacks “Burmese Buddhists” when
reporting civilian casualties.

There are a small number of militant monks who think Islam poses an
existential threat to Buddhists–based on history of Islam and attacks on
Buddhists– but there is no justification for the generalization now used to
tar all Buddhists.

Although HH the Dalai Lama has followers among Theravada nations it

cannot be denied that these countries have refused to let him visit and give
teachings to the Buddhist followers who invited him.

Now these Monotheistic mischief makers seek to put HH the Dalai Lama in a
no-win situation and tar all Buddhists–the violence is not because of
Buddhism and condemning all Burmese Buddhists will be counterproductive.

Some half a million Bengali refugees are in Pakistan but is their

mistreatment there due to Islam? Of course, the rich Islamic countries have
failed to help them– maybe Christian Europe can take them?

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