Habits in The Kadosh Author Jonathan Azael (Adams Brand) Edition England

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The Writer's Mission Is To Provide Conferences, Change Your

Mindset In An Exelent Mind With Integrity And Excellence,

Courtesy From A Biblical Perspective And
Reliable, That Encourages People to Know and Serve
Mashiach Yahshua
Special Reflection

we must leave all the bad habits

Yahshua wants us Pure in Holiness from our head to our feet,

because only God Elohim speaks to us and gives us word and

The only follower of Elohim being as Bene Israel we must serve

the Almighty with all our heart

It is necessary to leave all the bad habits like not brushing one's
teeth, being in the cellular one long time it is necessary to leave
the bad habits, to leave the sin like the greed, greed, fornicacion or
adultery among others

Now if we tell ourselves to love the Eternal but we do not keep

our eyes from seeing something bad, if we do not take care of
our hands that do not touch things that are not from us

But rather keep the Mitzvot, Commandments that Elohim has

placed so that there is Shalom and Blessing from the same
Not obeying Elohim, it brings serious consequences since
Yahshua is not by our side or that you are with spots on your
clothes speaking spiritually and have no salvation and sin will
harm you in your body

Reflection Simple Questions

What is the cost to serve YHWH?

It costs us nothing, absolutely nothing

Is There Impossible Thing For Elohim?

Nothing is impossible for Him

We Need Food, Water, Clothing To Dress?

Of course not, Elohim is good and gives us all this and gives us
Eternal Life

What to do if there are spots?

do not allow sin to take away peace, there are spiritual and
physical habits to change our mind from bad and perverse things
to the mind Healthy and full of wisdom, look for the good to be
educated having good manners
How Does the Torah Impact on Our Lives?

For many people the Torah is a burden and they say `` But it is
difficult to keep the Torah'' among other things

Now the Torah is not a burden, the Torah teaches us to behave in

the right way, it teaches us to be instructed in HUMILITY, LOVE

When one comes to the Torah we realize many things that are
wrong in our life and that maybe you think it is not bad

And it's like we're in a mirror and we see all the flaws that we have
in our life and that we must remove the bad from us

Now let's be Purcros, Clean, let's be careful, let's be an

example to others

Now, perhaps since you were young, you were not taught
values, but now that you know this, you want to be educated
according to what THE ETERNAL WANT now, maybe you
were in the best universities and they taught you VALUES.
However, the Torah teaches us many things, not only values
but also also to behave and in the Tanakh Bible we see
Humility, Obedience, Love and Patience but we also see
Warnings, Disobedience and Consequence
But it is so that we learn not to commit inrreverences, but more
than anything the Torah gives us a lesson, it teaches us to learn
and move forward in this life the Torah teaches us how to properly
form in the Physical and Spiritual the Torah is like a book

What is the Transformation That Does the

Torah in Us?

The Torah teaches us to Love the neighbor and even our enemies

1º Point

The Torah teaches us to bless not to curse but to bless and in the
world there have been problems among neighbors. Maybe your
neighbors ask you `` You are not like us '' or maybe they criticize
you, but they DO NOT LOVE AND RESPECT each other. , learn to
be STRAIGHT, give them an example with the good, with love,
humility, be kind

2º Point The Torah teaches us to be humble

We must be humble, not arrogant or overbearing, we must be

humble. Honest, speak truthfully, maybe you ever told a lie but I
give you an advice do not lie anymore `` It is better to tell the
truth and not lose the salvation or our Personal image for a
lie''the Educated person must always tell the truth because that
makes him more Conscient
3º Point The Torah teaches us to be a good son of God

The Torah marks that we should be Light for others and we

should love Elohim over all things, the Torah instructs us to truth
teach us to be humble, not to make fun of others, not to speak ill
of someone, to True Respect and be Light, the Torah teaches us
to Honor the father and the mother to Obey the Mitzvot of Elohim

Now as an educated person we must obey from the rules and

bylaws set by Elohim himself because in the regulations we learn
to know what is convenient and what is not and we should be
courteous to honor our Aba at all times

4º Point
The Torah teaches us to dress properly and properly

Now the formal clothes in men and women represent Honesty,

Honor, Education, Manners, Prepared and Qualified Person

However the Torah also marks a correct dress and it is to have

Recato as different people the Torah marks that man should wear
Talit his prayer robe, his Kipa and his Tzizit in the woman his
Mitpajat and his long skirts but it is a commandment to having
modesty the clothing that marks in the Torah has meaning
example the Talit that man uses represents Humility, Authority and
that we are under an authority that is Yahshua
5º Point The Torah teaches us not to go after sin

Sin affects your economy, your finances, sin gets sick, sin takes
away what you have, it is okay not to sin, to remain in holiness, to
see pornography is sin because they do not keep their eyes

Do you think that a clean, pure, careful person is seeing this

type of garbage?

No, because he takes care of himself, he stays pure and careful

before what he sees, he still does not watch television because
most of the television programs are dirty things, pornography,
conflicts, death and we should not, we must take care of our eyes
for everything you see on the internet or from your home

Let's be careful and clean, we should have an education. `` If we

change our attitudes, the ways of obeying the Eternal will change
your life and c we do not need idolatry or pornography, the
convenient thing is to have a clean and different life to end all the
impurity you have and say THE SUFFICIENTLY I WANT TO

We must be Clean having Holiness and being careful with

everything we see, hear and do

6º Point
The Torah teaches us to be Citizens here on earth

It is in 1 Peter 2 verse 13-17 that we should obey the

authorities set by Elohim here on earth
Now that a clean Kadosh has to have a good behavior, we should
not speak badly of the rule of a nation, because to speak ill of
someone is gossip and defamation and a Kadosh should never
speak badly

You have to respect the authorities of your nation from security to

ruler and even if you have done something wrong in your country
we must respect The Eternal is who governs the world and he is
the one who will judge who has not fulfilled his work, meanwhile
not we must speak badly of someone, we must be clean citizens
not dirty people

The Torah gives us joy, shalom, healing, teaching, the Torah

teaches us to go on the right path and induce us in life

7º Point The Torah teaches us to eat healthy

We as a temple of Ruach HaKodesh must take care of our body,

take care not to eat unclean or something that damages our body

You who now know that this fulfills this, like saying Father give me
of your Ruach Hakodes, fill us with your Ruach HaKodesh, but if
we do not take care of our body how can we say that
Now I understand this, the example is in the Tanaj Daniel who
received the word of Elohim, had revelations but took charge
of his food, took over the temple that is our body if they did
among others in the Bible let's do the same revelation search ,
word take care of the temple of Elohim and when you have
done that the revelation will come, word

What is the correct way to feed?

Eating what the Eternal believes are fruits, vegetables, etc. Along
with what Elohim allowed in Leviticus 11, now let's take care of our
body, we should not eat unclean things, there are people who do
not like to eat vegetables, fruits among others, but it is what Elohim
has created for our well-being, to take care of the Ruach HaKodesh
temple, which is our body, I ask you to pay attention in the time of
Noah, Moses, of the apostles, Shaliachim had the kind of food that
there is today. food that man thinks clearly does not

You are looking for Physical Health there is what Elohim believe
HE did for us, to have health, not to suffer from disease we love
what Elohim created

Now there are many examples, teachings that the Torah gives us
from a to how to pray correctly, from how to dress with modesty

I advise you change your habits begins to take care of your

body, begins to have a clean mind, pure and without limits, it
changes in truth a different person and trained from the point of
the Torah
Writer Jonathan Adams Brand Cerda
Writer Adams

copyright of the author forbidden piracy of this reflection and any

book by the author Jonathan Adams

The writer and teacher Jonathan Adams is a

British person who is dedicated to the study of
manners and mental education


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