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Competency mapping

Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization, the jobs
and functions within it. Competency mapping is important and is an essential activity. Every
well-managed firm should have well defined roles and list of competencies required to perform
each role effectively. Competency mapping identifies an individual’s strengths and weaknesses
in order to help them better understand themselves and to show them where career
development efforts need to be directed. Competency mapping is not only done for Confirmed
employees of an organization and it can also be done for contract workers or for those seeking
employment to emphasize the specific skills which would make them valuable to a potential

Core competencies of PCMM

People Capability Maturity Model (short names: People CMM, PCMM,P-CMM) is a maturity
framework that focuses on continuously improving the management and development of the
human assets of an organization. It describes an evolutionary improvement path from ad hoc,
inconsistently performed practices, to a mature, disciplined, and continuously improving
development of the knowledge, skills, and motivation of the workforce that enhances strategic
business performance. The PeopleCMM consists of five maturity levels that establish successive
foundations for continuously improving individual competencies,

 developing effective teams,

 motivating improved performance, and
 shaping the workforce the organization needs to
 accomplish its future business plans.


 Is a roadmap for implementing human resource practices that continually improve the
capability of an organization’s human resources.
 Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.
 Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs.
 Characterize the maturity of their workforce practices
 Set priorities for immediate action
 Integrate workforce development with process improvement
 Become an employer of choice.

The People Capability Maturity Model adapts the maturity

framework of the Capability Maturity Model for Software (CMMSM),
to managing and developing an organization's workforce. The motivation for
the P-CMM is to radically improve the ability of organizations to
attract, develop, motivate, organize, and retain the talent needed to
continuously improve software development capability.

The five stages of the People CMM framework are:

1. P-CMM - Initial Level (Typical characteristics: Inconsistency in performing practices,

Displacement of responsibility, Ritualistic practices, and Emotionally detached
2. P-CMM - Managed Level (Typical characteristics: Work overload, Environmental
distractions, Unclear performance objectives or feedback, Lack of relevant knowledge, or
skill, Poor communication, Low morale)
3. P-CMM - Defined Level (Although there are performing basic workforce practices,
there is inconsistency in how these practices are performed across units and little synergy
across the organization. The organization misses opportunities to standardize workforce
practices because the common knowledge and skills needed for conducting its business
activities have not been identified)
4. P-CMM - Predictable Level (The organization manages and exploits the capability
created by its framework of workforce competencies. The organization is now able to
manage its capability and performance quantitatively. The organization is able to predict
its capability for performing work because it can quantify the capability of its workforce
and of the competency-based processes they use in performing their assignments)
5. P-CMM - Optimizing Level (The entire organization is focused on continual
improvement. These improvements are made to the capability of individuals and
workgroups, to the performance of competency-based processes, and to workforce
practices and activities. The organization uses the results of the quantitative management
activities established at Maturity Level 4 to guide improvements at Maturity Level 5.
Maturity Level 5 organizations treat change management as an ordinary business process
to be performed in an orderly way on a regular basis)

 Ensures that organization-funded training and professional development

activities are cost-effective, goal-oriented and productive
 Enables employees to achieve a high level of competence in an efficient manner
 Records the employee’s acquisition of the skills, knowledge, safety and other
procedures relating to each task
 Reduces cost overruns caused by poor performance or miscommunication of job
 Improves communication between employee and management
 Increases internal employee mobility, providing the organization with greater
ability scale and flex as needed
 Establishes a framework for constructive feedback by management at scheduled
training and performance appraisal intervals.

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