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com Issue: 3 - March 2012


Watch Over Wednesday:

A new risk particularly to
young girls.

The Governance of e-Safety:

How does your school
“manage” e-safety?

What’s happening in
Tip: Twitterland?
Brilliant educational resources
for schools.
Within this document you will see – More à followed by random
text, this is known as a URL shortener which saves typing out really
long web addresses. If you are reading this electronically you can
click on the link. If you are reading from paper you can type the
address link into your web browser.

Who manages your internet filtering and how do you know it is

being managed? Do you know the difference between managing
and blocking?

Watch Over Wednesday – new risk

Did You Know
This a new trend by mainly on the internet. This is a
People spend over 700 billion young girls posting YouTube concerning statistic and one that
minutes per month on videos and asking, “Am I pretty?” will only increase if children don’t
Facebook. understand the risks they are
exposing themselves to.
Whilst we may be able to
There are now over 465 understand why young girls are The internet opens up a whole new
million Twitter accounts. doing this, they need to realize world of communication for all of
they are opening up to a plethora us, but that new world has a dark
of trouble: unwanted attention; side to it. It is vitally important that
In 2011 an average of 35
inappropriate remarks; bullying; children, young people, staff,
billion tweets were sent
predators amongst others. educators etc. are aware of this
every day. darker side, understand what e-
A number of reports cite that 1 in safety is, and importantly what to
5 children have received do in the event of an incident.
unsolicited sexual attention
e-Safety Governance
Have you considered the risks?
The safeguarding of children and young people in schools or any other
establishment where there are children is paramount. To most this
statement would be common sense, but it does beg the question why
Ofsted have deemed it necessary to up the ante on safeguarding under
its new inspections. In this context, I am talking about e-safety. For
those that may not be aware e-safety is applicable to both behavior and
Many schools do a great job of teaching our children how to be safe
using new technologies. This is achievable because there are some
fantastic resources already created by professional agencies for this
purpose. Many schools do a great job of teaching our children how to

Here are some questions for you to consider: available there is a risk to the school, and it is
imperative these risks are identified,
1. Do all of your staff understand what e- assessed and mitigated.
safety is?
2. Do you have an e-safety officer in Let’s use an example. Peter is from an under-
school, somebody who is privileged family, no access to any ICT at
appropriately trained and keeps up home. The school loans Peter a laptop so that
with the latest risks and advice? he can do some work. A few days later
3. Do you allow students to use Peter’s mum rings the school and states her
communication tools in school, i.e. son has been accessing illegal images. She
email or social networking? If so do blames the school as there was no filtering,
you understand the possible no active monitoring software. Potentially
implications to your school of the school could be held vicariously liable.
inappropriate use of these tools, i.e.
cyber bullying? When it comes to technology and e-safety I
4. Do you loan laptops or other devices to have found that this is an area which is little
staff/students? Have you risk assessed understood, a case of “how do you know
inappropriate use of these devices and what you don’t know”, but it is also an area
implications to the school? which has become ever more important.
5. Have you, or are you considering a In a state maintained school the advice is
bring your own device (BYOD) policy slightly different to an academy due to the
in school? different legal responsibilities, however you
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. should not under-estimate the significance of
e-safety governance.
This is what I term the governance of e-safety.
In other words, for every facility you make If you need help in this area, drop me an
email: 2
If you are a Twitter user you will already
know that education professionals and
others share brilliant examples of their own
work and others that they have come across.
What’s Happening in
Each edition of this newsletter showcases Twitterland?
some of these resources for you to use in
your school, or at home, or for you to get ideas of your own.
Some great educational
resources from people I
Ian Addison is a primary school teacher and ICT co-ordinator
working at St John the Baptist Primary School, Waltham Chase, am following.
Hampshire. A well respected figure in Twitterland he takes the
use of ICT in education that extra mile whilst freely giving time
to advise and help other educators. Take a look at his blog to
see some of his thoughts and great work. In particular have a
look at his Projects for inspiration.

iEARN – Learning with the world, not just about it.

130 countries, 30 languages, 40,000 educators, 2 million youth.
iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is the world's largest non-profit
- sodales. global
network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to
collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference.

Do you know what the “Flipped Classroom” is? Have a look at this site, it will tell you what it is
and shows 3 resources to record, present and host your lessons online.

If you are not familiar with Edmodo it is a microblogging system designed specifically for
teachers and students. Using Edmodo teachers can create a microblogging network for their
classes, a fantastic way to get the children working collaboratively.

You can subscribe on my website to be notified when each

new edition of this newsletter is available.
Is there anything you would like to read about?
email me at – 3

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