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S.Y. 2018-2019


2005 - 2017

This work is made possible through joint efforts of the members and volunteers of the
Law Student Government Academics Committee 2018-2019. This is not an original
work by the persons named herein but is only a compilation of answers to bar
examination questions by the UP Law Complex, Philippine Association of Law Schools,
and local law students and lawyers. This work is not intended for sale nor commerce
but may be freely distributed and mass produced by those who seek a better
understanding of the concepts in Agency, Trust and Partnership.

Due credit and appreciation are extended to those who actually own the intellectual
property rights over the content of this material as well as to the contributors and
volunteers. The latter intends to do no copyright infringement nor do they accept any
liability for the content and consequences of any act performed by the user, except for
typographical, grammatical, or related errors.

For contributions, suggestions, participation, you may approach the Law Student
Government or contact the same through any of the following media: Facebook: LSG
San Beda Manila (@lsg.sanbedamanila); E-mail address:

Law Student Government 2018-2019
Academics Committee

Academics Committee Head:

Daytia, Jewel Joice G.
3rd Year Batch Representative
Pojas, Kristofer Abe B.
4th Year Batch Representative

Vice Chair for Academics:

Barba, Maria Andrea Louise T.
Areño, Kim Louise C.

Law Student Government 2017-2018

Academics Committee

Academics Committee Head:

Angara, Patrick Alexis
2nd Year Batch Representative

Vice Chair for Academics:

Alfaro, Rennette Joy G.

Members/ contributors:
Mirabel, Lydia Marie I.
ATP Subject Head

Bartolome, John Paul P.

Caba–as, Cristopher Dave D., CPA
Paglinawan, Domine David A.
Reyes, Earl James G.
Santos, Ma. Lourdes M.
Tolentino, Inah Beatriz R.
Vista, Erica Mae C., CPA





shall be in writing; otherwise, the sale shall
AGENCY be void (Art 1874, NCC). The property was
sold by Y to B1 wihtout any written
authority from the owner X. Hence, the sale
to B1 was void.
THROUGH AN AGENT (2010): X was the
owner of an unregistered parcel of land in
Alternative Answer:
Cabanatuan City. As she was abroad, she
Under the facts, B-1 has a better
advised her sister Y via overseas call to sell
right to the land. Given the fact that the
the land and sign a contract of sale on her
Deed of Sale in favor of B-1 and B-2 are not
inscribed in the Registry of Deeds, the case
is governed by Art 1544 of the New Civil
B2, unaware of the sale of the land to B1,
Code which provides that in case of double
signified to Y his interest to buy it but asked
sales of an immovable property, the
Y for her authority from X. Without
ownership shall pertain to the person who is
informing X that she had sold the land to B1,
in good faith was first in possession and in
Y sought X for a written authority to sell.
the absence thereof to the person who
presents the oldest title, provide there is
X e-mailed Y an authority to sell the land. Y
good faith.
thereafter sold the land on May 1, 2001 to B2
on monthly installment basis for two years,
In a case, the Supreme Court has
the first installment to be paid at the end of
held that in a sale of real estate the execution
May 2001.
of a notarial document of sale is tantamount
to delivery of the possession of the property
Who between B1 and B2 has a better right
sold. The ownership of the land therefore
over the land? Explain.
pertains to the first buyer. It may also be
mentioned that under Art 3344 no
Suggested Answer:
instruments or deed establishing,
B-2 has a better title. This is not a
transmitting, acknowledging, modifying, or
case of double sale. Since the first sale was
extinguishing right to real property not
void. The law provides that when a sale of a
registered under Act 496 shall be valid
piece of land or any interest therein is
except as between the parties. Thus, the
through an agent, the authority of the latter

Deed of Sale of B-2 has no binding effect on Yes, the revocation is proper. Art.
B-1. 1920 provides that the principal may
expressly or impliedly revoke the agency at
AGENCY; SALE OF A REAL PROPERTY will, and compel the agent to return the
THROUGH AN AGENT (2014): Joe document evidencing the agency. Joe
Miguel, a well-known treasure hunter in Miguel may however be held liable for
Mindanao, executed a Special Power of damages if he abused his right in revoking
Attorney (SPA) appointing his nephew, John the agency.
Paul, as his attorney-in-fact. John Paul was
given the power to deal with treasure- Alternative Answer:
hunting activities on Joe Miguel’s land and No, the revocation is not proper.
to file charges against those who may enter Under Art. 1927, an agency cannot be
it without the latter’s authority. Joe Miguel revoked if a bilateral contract depends upon
agreed to give John Paul forty percent (40%) it, or if it is the means of fulfilling an
of the treasure that may be found on the obligation already contracted, or if a partner
land. is appointed manager of a partnership in the
contract of partnership and his removal
Thereafter, John Paul filed a case for from the management is unjustifiable.
damages and injunction against Lilo for
illegally entering Joe Miguel’s land. In the case of Republic v. Evangelista,
Subsequently, he hired the legal services of (G.R. No. 156015, August 11, 2005), which has
Atty. Audrey agreeing to give the latter similar facts as the present case, it was held
thirty percent (30%) of Joe Miguel’s share in that “an exception to the revocability of a
whatever treasure that may be found in the contract of agency is when it is coupled with
land. interest, i.e., if a bilateral contract depends
upon the agency. The reason for its
Dissatisfied however with the strategies irrevocability is because the agency becomes
implemented by John Paul, Joe Miguel part of another obligation or agreement. It is
unilaterally revoked the SPA granted to John not solely the rights of the principal but also
Paul. Is the revocation proper? that of the agent and third persons which are
affected. Hence, the law provided that in
Suggested Answer: such cases, the agency cannot be revoked at
the sole will of the principal.”

cannot be revoked if a bilateral contract
In this case, the interest of John Paul depends upon it, or if it is the means of
and Atty. Audrey in the agency is the fulfilling the obligation already contracted,
treasure that may be found in the land. The or if a partner is appointed manager of a
contract with the lawyer depends on the partnership in the contract of partnership
agency which renders such agency as one and his removal from the management is
coupled with an interest. Therefore, Joe unjustifiable. In this case, if the lawyer could
Miguel cannot unilaterally revoke the sell his client’s property, the lawyer will be
agency. entitled not only to his commission, but also
to his attorney’s fees. These attorney’s fees
AGENCY COUPLED WITH INTEREST were already owed by the client to his lawyer
(2015): A lawyer was given an authority by before the SPA was executed. The agency is
means of a Special Power of Attorney by his a means of fulfilling an obligation already
client to sell a parcel of land for the amount contracted.
of P3M. Since the client owed the lawyer
P1M in attorney’s fees in a prior case he
handled, the client agreed that if the
property is sold, the lawyer was entitled to TRUST
get 5% agent’s fee plus P1M as payment for
his unpaid attorney’s fees. The client,
however, subsequently found a buyer of his
own who was willing to buy the property for
Explain the following concepts and
a higher amount. Can the client
doctrines and give an example of each:
unilaterally rescind the authority he gave
Concept of trust de son tort
in favor of his lawyer? Why or why not?
(constructive trust)

Suggested Answer:
Suggested Answer:
No, the client cannot unilaterally
A constructive trust is a trust NOT
rescind the authority he gave in favor of his
created by any word or phrase, either
lawyer because the agency is coupled with
expressly or impliedly, evincing a direct
interest, the interest being the attorney’s
intention to create a trust, but is one that
fees which the client owed the lawyer. Under
arises in order to satisfy the demands of
Art. 1927 of the Civil Code, an agency

justice. It does not come about by agreement 4. Art 1455 NCC which provides:
or intention but mainly operation of law and "When any trustee, guardian or any person
construed as a trust against one who, by holding a fiduciary relationship uses trust
fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains funds for the purchase of property and
or holds the legal right to property which he causes conveyance to be made to him or to
ought not, in equity and good conscience, to third person, a trust is established by
hold (Heirs of Lorenzo Yap v. CA, 371 Phil 523, operation of law in favor of the person to
1991). The following are examples of whom the funds belong."
constructive trust:
1. Art. 1456 NCC which provides: "If IMPLIED TRUST (2015):
property is acquired through mistake or Mr. A, a business man, put several real estate
fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of properties under the name of his eldest son
law considered a trustee of an implied trust X because at that time, X was the only one of
for the benefit of the person for whom the legal age among his four children. He told
property comes." his son he was to hold those assets for his
siblings until they become adults
2. Art 1451 NCC which provides: themselves. X then got married. After 5
"When land passes by succession through years, Mr. A asked X to transfer the titles
any person and he causes the legal title to be over three properties to his three siblings,
put in the name of another, a trust is leaving two properties to himself. To A’s
established by implication of law for the surprise, X said that he can no longer be
benefit of the true owner." made to transfer the properties to his
siblings because more than 5 years have
3. Art 1454 NCC which provides: "If passed since the titles were registered in his
an absolute conveyance of property is made name. Do you agree? Explain.
in order to secure the performance of an
obligation of the grantor toward the grantee, Suggested Answer:
a trust by virtue of law is established. If the No, I don’t agree with X. This is clear
fulfillment of the obligation is offered by the case of an implied trust provided in Art.
grantor when it becomes due, he may 1453 of the Civil Code which states that
demand the reconveyance of the property to “when property is conveyed to a person in
him." reliance upon his declared intention to hold
it for, or transfer it to another or the grantor,

there is an implied trust in favor of the The two remaining partners, A and
person for whose benefit it is B, are liable. When any partner dies and the
contemplated.” In this case, A is the trustor, business is continued without any
S is the trustee, and the three other children settlement of accounts as between him or his
of A are the beneficiaries. A and/or his three estate, the surviving partners are held liable
children may file an action to compel X to for continuing the business despite the
transfer title in favor his three siblings death of C (Art 1841, 1785, par 2, and Art
within ten (10) years from the time the cause 1833 of NCC).
of action accrues upon an obligation created
by law- when the children attains the age of B. What are the creditors’ recourse/s?
majority. (Art. 1144, Civil Code) Explain.

Suggested Answer:
Creditors can file the appropriate

PARTNERSHIP actions, for instance, an action for collection

of sum of money against the “partnership at
will” and if there are no sufficient funds, the
(2010): A, B, and C entered into a
creditors may go after the private properties
partnership to operate a restaurant business.
of A and B (Art 816, NCC). Creditors may
When the restaurant had gone past break-
also sue the estate of C. The estate is not
even stage and started to garner
excused from the liabilities of the
considerable profits, C died. A and B
partnership even if C is dead already but
continued the business without dissolving
only up to the time that he remained a
the partnership. They in fact opened a
partner (Art 1829, 1835, par 2, NCC; Testate
branch of the restaurant, incurring
Estate of Mota v. Serra, 47 Phil 464 [1925]).
obligations in the process. Creditors started
However, the liability of C’S individual
demanding for the payment of their
properties shall be subject first to the
payment of his separate debts (Art 1835.
A. Who are liable for the settlement of the
partnership’s obligations? Explain?
ORAL PARTNERSHIP (2009): An oral
partnership is valid.
Suggested Answer:

Suggested Answer: also be valid. The interested party may
TRUE. Partnership is a consensual simply require the contract to be made into
contract, hence, it is valid even though not a public document in order to comply with
in writing. the required form (Article 1357, NCC). The
purpose of the law in requiring a public
Alternative Answer: document is simply to notify the public
TRUE. An oral is a consensual of the about the contribution.
partnership is valid even though not in
writing. However, if it involves contribution SHARE; DEMAND DURING THE
of an immovable property or a real right, an EXISTENCE OF PARTNERSHIP (2012):
oral contract of partnership is void. In such A partner cannot demand the return of his
a case, the contract of partnership to be share (contribution) during the existence of
valid, must be in a public instrument (Art. a partnership. Do you agree? Explain your
1771, NCC), and the inventory of said answer.
property signed by the parties must be
attached to said public instrument (Art. Suggested Answer:
1773, NCC). Yes, he is not entitled to the return of
his contribution to the capital of the
Alternative Answer: partnership, but only to the net profits from
TRUE. Partnership is a consensual the partnership business during the life of
contract, hence, it is valid even though not the partnership period. If he is a limited
in writing. The oral contract of partnership partner, however, he may ask for the return
is also valid even if an immovable property of his contributions as provided in Art 1856
or real right is contributed thereto. While and 1857, Civil Code.
the law, in such a case, requires the
partnership to be in a public document, the CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP; 2014
law does not expressly declare the contract Timothy executed a Memorandum of
void if not executed in the required form Agreement (MOA) with Kristopher setting
(Article 1409 (7 ,NCC ). And there being up a business venture covering three (3)
nothing in the law from which it can be fastfood stores known as “Hungry
inferred that the said requirement is Toppings” that will be established at Mall
prohibitory or mandatory (Article 5, NCC), Uno, Mall Dos, and Mall Tres.
the said oral contract of partnership must

The pertinent provisions of the MOA
provides: What is the contractual relationship
1. Timothy shall be considered a between Timothy and Kristopher?
partner with thirty percent (30%)
share in all of the stores to be set up Suggested Answer:
by Kristopher; The contractual relationship
2. The proceeds of the busin ess, after between Timothy and Kristopher is that of
deducting expenses, shall be used to partnership. Art. 1767 of the Civil Code
pay the principal amount of P500, provides that under a contract of
000.00 and the interest therein partnership, two or more persons bind
which is to be computed based on themselves to contribute money, property,
the bank rate, representing the bank or industry to a common fund, with the
loan secured by Timothy; intention of dividing the profits among
3. The net profits, if any, after themselves. Moreover, Art. 1769 of the
deducting the expenses and Civil Code states in part that receipt by a
payments of the principal and person of a share of the profits of a business
interest shall be divided as follows: is prima facie evidence that he is a partner in
seventy percent (70%) for Kristopher the business, provided that the said profits
and thirty percent (30%) for were receives in payment for debt, as wages,
Timothy; annuity, interest on a loan, or as
4. Kristopher shall have a free hand in consideration for a sale. In this case, the
running the business without any MOA between Timothy and Kristopher
interference from Timothy, his stipulated that they shall share in the profits
agents, representatives, or assigns, of the business 30-70. The contributions of
and should such interference the partners include a bank loan obtained by
happen, Kristopher has the right to Timothy and industry in the form of
buy back the share of Timothy less managing the properties by Kristopher.
the amounts already paid on the Thus, the requisites for establishing a
principal and to dissolve the MOA; contract of partnership are complied with.
5. Kristopher shall submit his monthly JOINT VENTURE (2015): X and Y are
sales report in connection with the partners in a shop offering portrait painting.
business to Timothy. Y provided the capital and the marketing

while X was the portrait artist. They tantamount to an involuntary servitude,
accepted the P50, 000.00 payment of Kyla to which is against the law.
do her portrait but X passed away without
being able to do it. B. Yes. The Supreme Court has ruled that a
joint venture may be considered a species of
A. Can Kyla demand that Y deliver the partnership (Aurbach v Sanitary Wares
portrait she had paid for because she was Manufacturing Corp., 1989; Philex Minig v CIR,
dealing with the business establishment 2008). It has also ruled that “a joint venture
and not with the artist personally? Why or is hardly distinguishable from, and may be
why not? likened to a partnership since their elements
are similar, i.e., community of interests in
B. In this jurisdiction, is a joint venture the business and sharing profits and losses.
(i.e., a group of corporations contributing Being a form of partnership, a joint venture
resources for a specific project and sharing is generally governed by the law on
the profits therefrom) considered a partnership.” (Litonjua v Litonjua, 2005)
Alternative Answer:
Suggested Answer: A. Yes. Art. 1768 states that a partnership
A. No, Kyla cannot validly demand that Y has a juridical personality separate and
deliver the portrait. Although she may be distinct from that of each of the partners.
correct that it is the partnership that she The facts do not allege that Kyla contracted
contracted with, Kyla cannot demand that Y for a purely personal service, hence the
deliver the portrait if the intention of the partnership is the entity which she
parties was that the portrait should be done contracted with, so even upon the death of
by X and this is precisely why the obligation X, she can demand that Y as the remaining
was constituted. With the death of X, the partner deliver the portrait in fulfillment of
obligation was extinguished because it is a the obligation of the partnership to her.
purely personal obligation which is
extinguished upon the death of the obligor. B. No, a joint venture is not considered a
Finally, the obligation is an obligation to do. partnership. Although the Supreme Court
To oblige the surviving partner, Y, to deliver has recognized that for certain purposes, a
the painting (do the painting) would be joint venture is a form of partnership and
should be governed by the law of

partnerships, it has also recognized a
distinction between the two business forms,
and has held that although a corporation
cannot enter into a partnership contract, it
may however engage in a joint venture with
others. (Aurbach v. Sanitary Wares
Manufacturing Corp., 1989)


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