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The Power of

Alternative Energy
With Timmy Gaynor, Ben Campana, Emerson
Staley, Madi Salinas, Evelyn Jones, and
Rebecca Gomez
Costa Rica connection

We went to Costa Rica in January of 2019

We visited Earth University where and that is where we started to talk about our
Why We Chose Alternative Energy

● After visiting Costa Rica, we all realized that alternative energy is the
solution to defeat climate change.
● Like how EARTH University harnessed methane gas from waste products, it
is easier than it seems to steer away from fossil fuels.
The Global Impact

➢ Air Pollution

➢ Thermal Pollution

➢ Oils Spill

➢ Global Warming
Local Info
Take Action
Reflection from the Project

➢ Learned a lot about a very important issue

➢ Taught others
Advocacy Pieces

Website by Ben Campana

Art piece by Rebecca Gomez
How to get involved

- Install solar panel(s) in your home

- Texas wind

-Call your city council representative

-Do more research! Get informed

Thank You!
Any Questions?
Works Cited
Energy, US Department. “Natural Gas.”, US Department of Energy, 2018,

“GreenChoice® for Residential Customers.” Austin Energy, 31 Oct. 18AD,

“Renewable Energy.” Austin Energy, 3 Oct. 2018,

“The Hidden Costs of Fossil Fuels.” Union of Concerned Scientists, 30 Aug. 2016,

Thompson, Andrea. “FAQ: The Science and History of Oil Spills.” LiveScience, Purch, 23 Apr. 2010,

“World Health Organization Releases New Global Air Pollution Data.” Climate & Clean Air Coalition, 2 May

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