Spring 2011 - MKT501 - 2 - BC060400865

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Question # 1:
As a marketing manager, what are the external factors you should consider in order to
make this product successful in the market? (10 Marks)

Whether launching a new product, as a marketing manager following are the factors that I
consider in order to make the product successful in the market.

 The product must meet a markets needs better than the competition and customer
 The product must be taken to market through high-volume, competitive routes to
 The product must be rock-solid, high quality and actually deliver the value
promised so customers actually get the benefits they are seeking and that we are
selling to them.
 The pre-launch market conditioning must create enough awareness with both
prospective customers and sales channels that this new product is coming to
enable the product to gain enough early mind share and traction that leads to both
actual proof and social proof that the product is ready for the market. To grow
beyond the initial launch, the product must be proven to meet mainstream
customer needs mainstream customers are notoriously risk-averse, so they want to
see other companies like them have already taken the risk and proven the product
in their environment before using it.
 The go-to-market engine must buy into the product early and allocate resources to
it. Such as sales force for directly sold product, resellers/affiliates for indirect
sales must choose to invest.

Question # 2:
As a marketing manager, explain the product decisions you should make in order to be
successful in the market?
 Solid up-front homework – to define the product and justify the project.
 Voice of the customer – a slave-like dedication to the market and customer inputs
throughout the project.
 Product advantage – differentiated, unique benefits, superior value for the
 Sharp, stable and early product definition – before Development begins.
 A well planned, adequately resourced and proficiently executed launch.
 Tough go/kill decision points or gates – funnels not tunnels.
 Accountable, dedicated, supported cross-functional teams with strong leaders.
 An international orientation – international teams, multi-country market research
and global products.

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