Dissertation Guidelines

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Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies

School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Even Semester: January-May

 Guidelines for preparation and submission of

Dissertation -10th Semester (BA/BBA LLB)

 Guideline for preparation and submission of Internship

Report- BA/BBA LLB 10th Semester

 Guidelines for conduct of Comprehensive Viva,

Evaluation of Summer Internship Report and

 General Instructions for Writing Summer Internship


 Guidelines for choice of Seminar Papers (elective

papers) from 7th to 9th Sem. of BA LLB & BBA LLB
of GGS IP University
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of

Dissertation -10th Semester (BA/BBA LLB)
The students of 10th Semester are required to send the soft copy of the
dissertation by 30th March positively (deadline for submission) through
official email ID given to them. After the last date, further submissions will
not be allowed. A hardbound copy of the dissertation must be deposited
according to the date notified by the college. One copy of the same will be
produced at the time of VIVA along with a pdf copy in a CD.
The Dissertation committee will generate the plagiarism report.

The students are advised to meet their concerned Mentor/Guide/Supervisor

on weekly/daily basis as directed by the mentor/guide/supervisor, for which
mentor/guide/supervisor will be keeping a record of meeting and guidance
provided to the students.
The mentor/guide/supervisor will further advice the concerned students not
to print the final report of dissertation unless the plagiarism report is found
less than 50%.

Plagiarism Report in Turnitin Software

More than 50% will be subject to rejection and given a chance for
resubmission with modification.

Grades for turnitin report:

45-50 C+
40-45 B-
35-40 B
30-35 B+
25-30 A-
0-25 A
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

• Certificate
• Declaration
• Contents
• Abbreviations
• Table of Cases
• Acknowledgement
• Preface / Introduction
• Main Text
• Bibliography
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi


This is to certify that the research work entitled “________________” is the
work done by Mr. /Ms. ____________________ Enrolment No.
___________ under my guidance and supervision for the partial fulfillment
of the requirement of B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)/B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons) degree at
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela,

Signature & Name of Mentor/Guide/Supervisor :

Date & Place:

I declare that the dissertation entitled “_________________” is the outcome
of my own work conducted under the supervision of __________________,
at Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela,

I declare that the dissertation comprises only of my original work and due
acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used.

Signature & Name of Student

Mr. /Ms. ______________________________BA/BBA LLB (tick any one)
Date: Enrolment No.:_________________
Place: Batch: ________________________
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi



General Instructions
Paper size
International standard paper size A4 (297 x 210 mm).

On one side of the paper only.

Top 1.0”, Bottom 1.0”, Left 1.5”, Right 1.0”.

Line spacing

Character spacing

Times New Roman

Font size
12 Main Text, 10 footnotes.

Page Limit
From Introduction to Conclusion page limit 80 to 90 pages, may exceed as the
topic or research.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Submit one hard bound copy and 1 CD containing your dissertation in PDF
format. One copy may be given to Supervisor/Mentor and one copy must be kept
by the student at the time of Viva-Voce.

1 Paper: Use high-quality acid-free A4-size paper, with only one side of the

2 Printing: A high-quality laser printer should be used for the final copy.

3 Headings:

In disciplines where section numbering is normally used, the following

guidelines apply:
Chapter title: 18 – 24 pt size, bold.

Main Section Headings: can be numbered as chapter-number. Section-number

(e.g., 3.2 for chapter 3, section 2) in 14 pt size, bold.

Second Headings: can be numbered as x.y.z (e.g., 3.2.4 for chapter 3, section
2, and subsection 4) in 12 pt size, bold.

First Subheadings: can be numbered as w.x.y.z (e.g., for chapter 3,

section 2, subsection 4, and sub-subsection 1) in 12 pt size, regular. Second
Subheadings: preferably unnumbered, 12 pt, italics.

4 Text Font: Acceptable fonts generated by word processing programs include,

but are not restricted to: Times New Roman 12, Helvetica 12, and Letter Gothic
12. The font provided through LaTex is acceptable. Bold and italics should not be
used excessively in the text. Furthermore, colored text should not be used.

5 Spacing: Double or one and a half spacing is required for the text. Only
footnotes, long quotations, bibliography entries (double space between entries),
table captions, and similar special material may be single spaced.

6 Margins: Left, 4 cm; top, bottom, and right, 2.5 cm. These are necessary to
allow for binding and trimming.

7 Page Numbering: Preliminary pages of the Dissertation Report, i.e. those

preceding the text are to be numbered in Roman numerals. The first page must not
show its page number. Pages of the text itself and of all items following the text
should be numbered consecutively throughout in Arabic numbers(0-9), beginning
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

with number 1 on the first page of the first chapter. Page numbers should be
placed in the lower right corner or center of the page. Only the number should
appear, not page 9.

8 Tables and Figures: Figures and tables should be inserted at the appropriate
place in the text. Figures must have numbers and captions under the figures.
Tables have their titles and numbers above.

9 Drawings: Any material which cannot be typed or computer generated should

be drawn with permanent black ink in neat and heavy lines. Photographs of
drawings are acceptable. Xerox reproductions of drawings are acceptable if they
are of high contrast.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi



This is to certify that I, ______________________(Full name of the student)

Enrol. No. ____________, have completed the dissertation work on the topic
under the guidance of Dr./ Mr./ Ms. ______________________ for the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.A./BBA LL. B. (H).
This is an original piece of work and the same has not been submitted earlier
to any other Institute for the award of any other degree. A presentation on
the dissertation report was made on ____________ and the suggestions as
approved by the faculty were duly incorporated.

Date: Signature of the Student

Place: Name of the Student

Certified that, the dissertation report submitted in partial fulfillment of

BA/BBA LLB (H) to be awarded by GGS IP University, Delhi by
____________________(Name of Student), Enrl. No. _____________ has
been completed under my guidance and is satisfactory.

Date: Signature of Guide/Supervisor

Place: Name of Guide/Supervisor

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi


The following format may be normally adopted for the Dissertation:

1. Cover page

2. Inner cover page.

3. Undertaking from the candidate.

4. Self declaration certificate from the candidate and Certificate from the Supervisor.

5. Certificate for the completion of course work/comprehensive examination.

6. Acknowledgments.

7. List cases and tables, if any.

8. Abbreviations

9. Contents.

10. Preface of the dissertation.

11. Introduction.

12. Literature review.

13. Chapters covering the work of the candidate.

14. Conclusion.

15. References/Bibliography

16. Appendices.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

(A typical Specimen of Cover Page & Title Page)

<Font Style Times New Roman - Bold>
<Font Size 18><1.0 line spacing>
A Dissertation
<Font Size 14>
<Font Size 14><Italic>
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
<Font Size 14><1.0 line spacing>
< Times New Roman ><Font Size 16>
Header and Footer -NIL

Name of the student Research Supervisor

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi


<Times New Roman><Font Size 16><1.0 line spacing>

MAY _ _ _ _(Year)
<Font Size 14>

(A typical Specimen of Table of Contents)

<Font Style Times New Roman, Font Size 14>

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

General Instructions for Writing Summer

Internship Report
1 Paper: Use high-quality acid-free A4-size paper, with only one side of the paper.
2 Printing: A high-quality laser printer should be used for the final copy.
3 Headings:
In disciplines where section numbering is normally used, the following guidelines apply:
Chapter title: 18 – 24 pt size, bold.

Main Section Headings: can be numbered as chapter-number. Section-number (e.g., 3.2

for chapter 3, section 2) in 14 pt size, bold.

Second Headings: can be numbered as x.y.z (e.g., 3.2.4 for chapter 3, section 2, and
subsection 4) in 12 pt size, bold.

First Subheadings: can be numbered as w.x.y.z (e.g., for chapter 3, section 2,
subsection 4, and sub-subsection 1) in 12 pt size, regular. Second Subheadings:
preferably unnumbered, 12 pt, italics.

4 Text Font: Acceptable fonts generated by word processing programs include, but are
not restricted to: Times Roman 12, Helvetica 12, and Letter Gothic 12. The font provided
through LaTex is acceptable. Bold and italics should not be used excessively in the text.
Furthermore, colored text should not be used.

3.5 Spacing: Double or one and a half spacing is required for the text. Only footnotes,
long quotations, bibliography entries (double space between entries), table captions, and
similar special material may be single spaced.

3.6 Margins: Left, 4 cm; top, bottom, and right, 2.5 cm. These are necessary to allow for
binding and trimming.

3.7 Page Numbering: Preliminary pages of the thesis, that is, those preceding the text
are to be numbered in Roman numerals. The first page must not show its page number.
Pages of the text itself and of all items following the text should be numbered
consecutively throughout in Arabic numbers, beginning with number 1 on the first page
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

of the first chapter. Page numbers should be placed in the lower right corner or center of
the page. Only the number should appear, not page 9.

3.8 Tables and Figures: Figures and tables should be inserted at the appropriate place in the
text. Figures must have numbers and captions under the figures. Tables have their titles and
numbers above.

3.9 Drawings: Any material which cannot be typed or computer generated should be drawn with
permanent black ink in neat and heavy lines. Photographs of drawings are acceptable. Xerox
reproductions of drawings are acceptable if they are of high contrast.


Paper size
International standard paper size A4 (297 x 210 mm).

On one side of the paper only.

Top 1.0”, Bottom 1.0”, Left 1.5”, Right 1.0”.

Line spacing

Character spacing

Times New Roman

Font size
12 Main Text, 10 footnotes.

Page Limit
From Introduction to Conclusion page limit 80 to 90pp.
Submit one hard bound copy and 1 CD containing your dissertation in PDF format.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi


The following format may be normally adopted for the Internship Report

1. Cover page

2. Inner cover page.

3. Undertaking from the candidate.

4. Self declaration certificate from the candidate and Certificate from the Supervisor.

5. Certificate for the completion of Internship issued by the Advocate/Law Firm.

6. Acknowledgment.

7. List cases and tables, if any.

8. Abbreviations

9. Contents.

10. Preface of the Internship.

11. Introduction.

12. Report Writing as per the court diary.

13. Chapters covering the work of the candidate.

14. Conclusion

15. References/Bibliography

16. Appendices if any

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Guidelines for choice of Seminar Papers (elective

papers) from 7th to 9th Sem. of BA LLB & BBA LLB of
GGS IP University
There are elective subjects (Seminar Papers) to be taught with purpose of
developing specializations. These Seminar Papers are to cover upcoming and
specialized subjects of law which will offer a choice to the students to develop
expertise in the area of their interest/ choice. Principal/ Dean SoL will describe and
inform the students about the importance of various Seminar papers well in
advance before the commencement of 7th/8th/9th Semester to enable students to give
their choice for a particular Seminar Paper in the 7th/8th/9th Semester.

Following guidelines will be adhered to:

1. Optional subject in 7th/ 8th/ 9th semester can be chosen by the students before
the commencement of the semester as a Seminar Paper specified in the GGS
IP University Syllabus for BA/ BBA LLB programme.
2. The selection and option given by the students will only be done on the basis
of :
i. The student must give the option for choice of Seminar Paper before
the End of 6th//7th/8th Semester.
ii. Students will submit in writing about the choice of optional subject
(Seminar Papers) at-least 20 days in advance before the
commencement of new semester (7th/8th/9thSemester).
iii. Student can be given optional subject(s) only on the basis, if more
than 20% of the total students of the class opt for the same
subject(Seminar Paper)
iv. In no case, if less than 20% students in the class give option for a
particular Seminar Paper, the optional subject will not be taught to
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Guidelines for conduct of Comprehensive Viva, Evaluation

of Summer Internship Report and Dissertation
As per the examination scheme and detailed syllabus for BA/BBA LLB, 5 year
integrated course of GGS IP University for conduct of Comprehensive Viva,
Evaluation of Summer Internship Report and Dissertation, following guidelines
should be kept in mind for the smooth and efficient conduct of above activities for
BA/BBA LLB students of the College.
a. Guidelines for the conduct of Comprehensive Viva
i. At the end of every odd and even(1st to 9th) semester committee comprising
of all faculty members involved in teaching BA/BBA LLB students during
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Semester respectively shall be
constituted by the Principal SoL to conduct the Comprehensive Viva on the
subject taught during the semester.
ii. The Comprehensive Viva is a Non-University Evaluation Subject (NEUS)
and is of 2 credits only.
b. Guidelines for conduct of Comprehensive Viva and Summer Internship
i. After 4th, 6th and 8th Semester, students have to undergo a compulsory
Summer Internship for one month and on that, a report has to be submitted
by each student separately.
ii. Summer Internship will start immediately after the end of External End
Term Examination of 4th, 6th and 8th Semester and will be completed by the
end of 31st July every year. No students will stay back after 31st July for
Summer Internship.
iii. In case, if any student is required to continue the Summer Internship
beyond 31st July, he/she will have to take written permission from
Principal, School of Law, which will be duly approved by the Director
General, CPJCHS&SOL.
iv. While going under the Summer Internship, the students are required to
maintain the Court Diary issued from the College. This diary will be
maintained on daily basis.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

v. The students will be given letter of recommendation by the Principal,

School of Law for their Summer Internship, with the Advocate/ Law Firm/
Law Institute/ Commission etc.
vi. The students have to submit the letter of recommendation to the concerned
advocate/ Law firm/ Law Institute/ Commission etc.
vii. After the Completion of Summer Internship, the student is required to
obtain the Internship Certificate from the concerned Advocate/ Law firm/
Law Institute/ Commission etc. to whom the student is attached for
Summer Internship.
viii. After the Summer Internship, the students are required to prepare
Internship Report, attaching the Certificate of Internship issued by the
Advocate/ Law firm/ Law Institute/ Commission etc.
ix. All the students will be allotted the supervisor/ guide for preparing the
Summer Internship Report, as per the guidelines uploaded on College’s
x. After the guidance from the concerned Supervisor/ Guide, the students are
required to prepare the hard bound copy of the report. No students will take
hard bound copy until the supervisor gives the go ahead permission in
writing with signature and date on rough copy of Internship Report.
xi. Students are required to submit the duly approved Summer Internship
Report to the concerned supervisor as per the notice of submission of
Summer Internship Report.
xii. The Students are required to appear before the committee for Viva Voce
for Comprehensive Viva and Presentation for evaluation of Summer
Internship Report by the Committee, constituted through the notice of the
xiii. For any other help/ clarification, students can meet to the Principal/ Dean,
School of Law.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Guideline for preparation and submission of

Internship Report- BA/BBA LLB 10th Semester
1. During the 10th Semester, students are required to under-go for Internship from
January to April (Minimum period shall be of 12 weeks)

2. Students are required to follow the proper procedure prescribed for Internship such as
filling of form, interaction with Principal/ Dean, School of Law and then after the
proper procedure the students will be given an authority letter and a Court diary by the
Principal/ Dean School of Law.

3. Internship may be done with lawyers, law firms, law officers, Hon’ble Judges etc.

4. Students have to prepare and submit an Internship Report minimum of 80 pages.

5. Internship report should present a detailed account of various tasks handled by the
students during internship. The report should inter alia present, in the following
sequence, a brief account of the (1) organization/ place of internship; (2) the internship
experience –reasons for the choice of the firm, law office etc., (3) results – what could
the student learn from the internship; (4) how many hours per week the students spent
with the officer/lawyer/firms etc. and (5) An overview of the nature of internship/
date-wise specific tasks assigned to the internee, the work assignment, duties and

6. The students shall attach with the report copy of duly signed certificate of Internship
from the concerned. Students shall carry original copy of internship certificate at the
time of Viva.

7. A mentor/guide will be provided to the students to guide and advise the students. The
list of mentor/guide for a group of students will be published and circulated by the
Principal/Dean School of Law. The students are advised to take help from the
mentor/guide and prepare the Internship Report.

8. Students after reporting to the Advocate/Law Firms/Law Officers/ Hon’ble Judges/

Institutions etc. are required to maintain proper discipline. Any type of misconduct by
the students at the Internship place will not be tolerated and immediately the
student/s will be withdrawn from the Internship.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

9. In case of any difficulty faced by the students at the Internship place, he/she may
contact immediately the Convener of Internship & Placement or Principal, School of

10. Students are required to maintain the Court diary to record the daily activities
undertaken by them and keep the Court Diary in safe custody for making of Internship
Report on daily basis.

11. At the end of Internship, students are required to prepare Internship Report under the
supervision of mentor (published in college notification) and will submit it in
accordance with the notice published by the college.

12. No duplicate copy/file of previous Internship Report is allowed to be made by the

students as it may lead to rejection of their Internship Report.

13. Students are required to go through the Internship Report writing pattern and in case of
any doubt; they may contact their Mentor/Convener Internship /Dean, School of Law.

General Instructions for Writing Summer

Internship Report
1 Paper: Use high-quality acid-free A4-size paper, with only one side of the paper.

2 Printing: A high-quality laser printer should be used for the final copy.

3 Headings:

In disciplines where section numbering is normally used, the following guidelines apply:
Chapter title: 18 – 24 pt size, bold.

Main Section Headings: can be numbered as chapter-number. Section-number

(e.g., 3.2 for chapter 3, section 2) in 14 pt size, bold.

Second Headings: can be numbered as x.y.z (e.g., 3.2.4 for chapter 3, section
2, and subsection 4) in 12 pt size, bold.

First Sub-headings: can be numbered as w.x.y.z (e.g., for chapter 3, section 2,
subsection 4, and sub-subsection 1) in 12 pt size, regular. Second Sub-headings:
preferably unnumbered, 12 pt, italics.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

4 Text Font: Acceptable fonts generated by word processing programs include, but are not
restricted to: Times Roman 12, Helvetica 12, and Letter Gothic 12. The font provided through
LaTex is acceptable. Bold and italics should not be used excessively in the text. Furthermore,
coloured text should not be used.

3.5 Spacing: One and a half spacing is required for the text. Only footnotes, long quotations,
bibliography entries (double space between entries), table captions, and similar special material
may be single spaced.

3.6 Margins: Left, 4 cm; top, bottom, and right, 2.5 cm. These are necessary to allow for binding
and trimming.

3.7 Page Numbering: Preliminary pages of the thesis, that is, those preceding the text are to be
numbered in Roman numerals. The first page must not show its page number. Pages of the text
itself and of all items following the text should be numbered consecutively throughout in Arabic
numbers, beginning with number 1 on the first page of the first chapter. Page numbers should be
placed in the center of the page. Only the number should appear, not page 9.

3.8 Tables and Figures: Figures and tables should be inserted at the appropriate place in the
text. Figures must have numbers and captions under the figures. Tables have their titles and
numbers above.

3.9 Drawings: Any material which cannot be typed or computer generated should be drawn with
permanent black ink in neat and heavy lines. Photographs of drawings are acceptable. Xerox
reproductions of drawings are acceptable, if they are of high contrast.


Paper size
International standard paper size A4 (297 x 210 mm).

On one side of the paper only.

Top 1.0”, Bottom 1.0”, Left 1.5”, Right 1.0”.

Line spacing
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi

Character spacing

Times New Roman

Font size
12 Main Text, 10 footnotes.

Page Limit
From Introduction to Conclusion page limit 80 to 90 pages.

Submit one hard bound copy and 1 CD containing your report in PDF format. One extra copy
must be with the student at the time of Viva-Voce with Court Diary.
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies
School of Law
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Institute
Recognized by Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Affiliated by GGSIP University, Delhi


The following format may be normally adopted for the Internship Report

1. Cover page

2. Inner cover page.

3. Undertaking from the candidate.

4. Self declaration certificate by the candidate and Certificate by the Supervisor.

5. Certificate for the completion of Internship issued by the Advocate/Law Firm.

6. Acknowledgment.

7. List cases and tables, if any.

8. Abbreviations

9. Contents.

10. Preface of the Internship.

11. Introduction.

12. Report Writing as per the court diary.

13. Chapters covering the work of the candidate.

14. Conclusion i.e. outcome of the Internship

15. References/Bibliography

16. Appendices, if any

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