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For Greening Highways





Sri Venkateshwara Fibre Udyog, Bangalore 2 of 3


Geogreen Blanket Stone Pitching / Concrete

S t o n es a re p ro c u red f ro m Q u a rry &
P ro d u c ed m a i n l y f ro m en v i ro n m en t C em en t i s m a d e f r o m L i m e st o n e. B o t h
friendly coconut fibre t h e m a t eri a l s a re n o t en v i ro n m en t
f ri en d l y .
P o l l u t i n g t h e en v i ro n m en t b y w a y o f
H el p s i n red uc i n g t h e p o l l u t i o n d eg ra d i n g o n e a rea ( S t o n e q u a rry ) t o
reh a b i l i t a t e a n o t h er
Economical & Sustainable E x p en si v e
I m m ed i a t e st a b i l i z a t i o n tha t
I m m ed i a t e st a b i l i z a t i o n, l i m i t ed l i f e
st ren g t h en s o v er t i m e, l o n g er l i f e
concrete may need maintenance
m a i n t en a nc e f ree
Will always looks black on it’s own and
T h e sl o p e l o o k s n ea t & g reen rea d y
w o n ’ t h a v e a n y k i n d o f g reen ery u n l ess
for vegetation / plantation
i nc o rp o ra t ed a rt i f i c i a l l y
Vegetation cannot be grown on stones
A P erf ec t m ed i u m f o r v eg et a t i o n
& C o nc ret e
Decreases water velocities Increases water velocities
W o rk s w i t h n a t u ra l f o rc es ra t h er M o re l i k el y t o c a use d o w n st rea m
t h a n f i g h t i n g t h em ero si o n
A est h et i c a l l y p l ea si n g A est h et i c a l l y d i sp l ea si n g

Sri Venkateshwara Fibre Udyog, Bangalore 3 of 3


Step 1 Site Preparation

The surface should be naked or graded to an even surface free of
depressions or projections. Landscape features should be formed with
natural lines.

Step II Fertilizer distribution:

Spread fertilizer/soil conditioner along with the good soil evenly over
the prepared soil

Step III Spread Geogreen Blanket

Secure crest and toe of the blanket by burying in a trench 300 mm deep
and a 300 mm wide. Additional anchorage is achieved by installing a
row of staples along the crest and toe. Backfill and compact the trench
after stapling.

Step IV Apply Geogreen Blanket

Unroll blanket down slope in the direction of the water flow. The
blanket should not be stretched but should have firm contact with the
soil. Anchor blanket using staples or stakes.

Step V New Roll attachment

To start a new roll, overlap the end with previous one by 3-4”, the
failure of seam during excessive water flow shall be protected. Spread
a layer of soil (10-12 mm) above the installed blanket.

Step VI Vegetation
can be developed with the help of broadcasting of selected mixed grass
seeds according local climatic & soil condition, which should be
renewable/recyclable in short span of time and provide sustainable
slope stabilization without any maintenance if it is applied during

Step VII Irrigate slope

Irrigate the slope as required to promote the growth of native
grass/turf. For additional beautification, creepers like Bougainvillea
can be planted on the top of the slope.


The treated site is to be watering & maintained till first flowering
minimum 3 months in on rainy days Avoid Grazing. After heavy
downpour, supervision is a must. If any damage due to heavy
downpour, suitable corrective & preventive measure should be taken
immediately. Gully formation if any, shall be suitably corrected
depending upon the site condition.
Note: All the above details are as per the field experience and if any minor modification and
requirements would be intimated during installation to achieve better performance.

Avoid Grazing. After heavy downpour, supervision is a must. If any damage due to heavy
downpour, suitable corrective & preventive measure should be taken immediately.

Gully formation if any, shall be suitably corrected depending upon the site condition.

Note: All the above details are as per the field experience and if any minor modification and
requirements would be intimated during installation to achieve better performance.
Our Innovative Product: Geogreen Blanket

Geogreen blanket is an environment friendly product which helps in erosion

control of the soil. GECB is a specially designed natural geotextile made from
non woven coconut fibre further reinforced with closely woven polymer nettings
(with minimum aperture size of not greater than 2mm) on both side and to
enhance the tensile strength and to form a strong quilt suitable for different
height & degree slopes irrespective of geo climate condition The GECB shall be
introduced as an interlay over the already compacted slopes for the purpose of
soil retention, enhancement of surface stability, permeability, of the turfs and
vegetation developed from the seeds.
Coir has a high lignin content and is biodegradable in nature. Reinforcement
with HDPE is done to enhance its tensile strength and thus increase the longevity
of the product providing innovative applications. It has become the most
popular coir based innovation in recent times which is non-conventional, eco-
friendly, economical and with wide application in slope protection. It has
become the geologist’s most effective ally to prevent soil erosion.

Fig1: Geogreen Blanket

The salient features of the product include:

o Quick Soil Binder
o Permits excellent air, water and light permeability
o Holds seeds and saplings in place promoting quick vegetation
o Allows for deep rooting of plants and penetration of nutrients
o Absorbs sunrays and enhances vegetative growth
o Encourages the restoration of terrestrial and aquatic riparian habitat
o Easy installation and follows the contour of the soil surface
o Eco-friendly and non-polluting
o Aesthetically pleasing

Basic Functions:

Transmission: Geogreen Blanket accumulates and conveys considerable fluid
flow within its own plane towards an outlet, thus draining
the soil in which it is placed.

Filtration: Geogreen Blankets serves as a filter by allowing fluids to

pass through it in the normal line of flow while preventing
the soil particles from being carried away by the fluid

Separation: Geogreen Blankets prevent the mixing of different materials

such as fine soil and gravel when subjected to squeezing so
that each of them can retain individual properties.

Reinforcement: Geogreen Blanket functions as a tensioned membrane when

placed between two materials having different pressures and
its tension balances the pressure difference between the two
materials, thus strengthening the structure. Geogreen
Blanket acts as a tensile member when it provides tensile
modulus and strength through interface shear strength.
Protection: Geogreen Blanket protects a material when it nullifies or
distributes stresses and strains to the protected material.

Keys to Geogreen system’s efficiency:

o Use of natural product like coconut fiber, which is biodegradable

o UV resistant
o High lignin content of coir makes it resistant to molds and rots
o Retains moisture for longer period, which helps in growth of vegetation in
less time and with lesser water
o Easy to install and requires small number of unskilled crew and
conventional tools and plants
o Can be tailor-made to meet site specific requirements

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