How To Do Personal Evangelism

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How To Do Personal Evangelism 

You are to be commended for your desire to do personal evangelism.  We read in Proverbs
11:30, "He who wins souls is wise."  Where someone spends eternity can very well depend
on what we do or don't do.  There are those desiring to hear the gospel but they don't know
what it is and they will not know unless we teach them. 

     The purpose of this web site is to help you to teach the lost so they can be saved and go to
Heaven.  Included in this web site is a 4 lesson Bible study in pdf format you can download,
print, and use to teach others the gospel of Christ.  Also there is a 2 lesson study you can use
to continue to study with the new Christian and another 2 lesson study you can use to study
with those who have fallen away.  Permission is granted for you to print any of the lessons
and anything else on this site and make as many copies as you need, but please do not sell

If you have any comment or questions, please E-mail me at   Ron


1) Why Do Personal Evangelism
2) Sources Of Prospects
3) Setting Up The Study
4) What To Say
5) Conducting The Study
6) Persuasion
7) Closing The Study
8) Four Lesson Evangelistic Bible Study
9) Two Lesson Bible Study For The New Christian
10) Two Lesson Bible Study To Help Restore The Fallen
11) Handling Objections And Answering Questions
12) Questions To Ask About One's Salvation 
13) Denominational Doctrines
14) Two Lesson Evangelistic Bible Study In English & Spanish
Why Do Personal Evangelism
     To evangelize means to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Christ.   Jesus
in giving the Great Commission to the eleven apostles says in Matthew 28:19-20,
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
things I have commanded you."  Imagine that Jesus saying these words to eleven of
us today and we were one of the eleven. 

What would be our reaction?  Impossible?  Incredible?  Absurd?  Or Lord don't

you see there are only eleven of us?  Or would we think "Yes Jesus really means
me also."  We are also under this obligation to teach others.  Jesus had just
commanded the eleven to go teach and to teach those who were converted to
observe all things he had command them which included that we are also to be
taught to go and teach.

     Paul says in Romans 1:14, "I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the
Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise."  In like manner today we are
debtors to every non-Christian because we have the good news that can save his
soul.  This places us under obligation to share the gospel with the lost so they can
be saved.  Because someone loved us enough to teach us the truth, shouldn't we do
as much for someone else?  What if you were unsaved and doomed to Hell,
wouldn't you want someone to teach you the saving gospel of Christ?

     If people have not heard and learned the gospel they cannot obey it.  In 1 Peter
4:17  the question is asked, "What shall be the end of those who do not obey the
gospel?"  The answer is given in 2 Thessalonians 1:8 which says when the Lord
comes He will come "In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know
God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ."  We should not want to
see anyone lost but as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:11, "Knowing the terror of the
Lord we persuade men."  People are going to be lost forever if we don't teach them

     The Lord doesn't want anyone to be lost.  We read in 2 Peter 3:9, "The
longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come
to repentance."  They can only come to repentance when they know what to do. 
We also read in 1 Timothy 2:4, "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to
a knowledge of the truth."  Because of what the Lord has done for us, we have the
obligation to teach others so they can come to a knowledge of the truth and be
saved.  Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:16, "Woe is to me if I preach not the gospel." 
How are we going to answer the Lord if we haven't bothered to tell the good news
to others?
     Our Lord in teaching His disciples, tells them in John 4:35, "Do you say there
are still four months then comes the harvest?  Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes
and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest."  Our Lord was
speaking of the spiritual harvest of souls who would be lost in eternity if they are
not harvested.  There is an urgency to teach the lost for Jesus says in Matthew
9:37-38, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray
the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."  We must work in the
Lord's harvest because if we don't then those we could have taught will be lost and
we don't want that to happen.

     In the first century the good news of the gospel caused such great excitement
that "And daily in the temple and from house to house they ceased not to teach and
preach Jesus" (Acts 5;42).  We need to be as excited today.  And even when they
were being heavily persecuted, some even to death, we read in Acts 8:4,
"Therefore those who were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the
word."  What should stop us today?  We are not being persecuted.  We have many
more advantages.  We have the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, the
Internet, and the printed page.  We are without excuse.

     Teaching the lost is the work the Lord has commanded each of us to do. 
Successful evangelism is accomplished one person at a time.  Evangelism is not
only to be done in distant lands, but we must also teach those near us, our next
door neighbours.   God will be with us as we teach His word to the lost.  We will
be successful because we read in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me."  When we do what the Lord says to do we will not

     When we teach the lost we cause all of Heaven to rejoice.  Jesus tells us that
there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner repents
(Luke 15:7, 10).  The joy of teaching one the gospel and seeing them obey it is
beyond description. 
Sources of Prospects
     Prospects are everywhere.  The vast majority of people we come in contact with
are lost (Matthew 7:13-14) and need to be taught the gospel.  We need to develop
an interest in spiritual matters with them and ASK them to study the Bible with
us so they can learn the truth of God's word, obey it, and go to Heaven.  The only
way to set up a personal Bible study is to ASK.  We need to have the parents’
permission for those who are not 18 years of age.

1)  Children of Members.  Whether they are minor or adult children they have
usually attended the church of Christ with their parents. 

2)  Spouses of Members.  Usually have attended with their believing spouse.

3)  Friends Who Attend Youth Functions With Our Youth.  These provide a
contact that is many times overlooked.

4)  Non-members Who Attend Ladies Bible Class.  Those members who are
their friends can be instrumental in helping you to set up a personal Bible study
with the non-member.

5)  Benevolent Contacts.  When we show care and concern for others they are
more likely to be open to a personal Bible study.

6)  Bible School and VBS Contacts.  By their attendance they have indicated an
interest in Bible study.

7)  Visitors to Worship Services.  By their attendance they have displayed an

interest in the church.

8)  Hospital Contacts.  Those undergoing serious illness can see that their life
could end at any time.

9)  Delinquent Members.  We should always try to restore the fallen, "Brethren if
anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him
know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from
death and cover a multitude of sins" (James 5:20).

10)  Neighbours.  We should want those who live near us in this world to also be
with us in Heaven. 

11)  Fellow Employees.  We work with these 5 days a week.  During lunch and
breaks we should bring up spiritual subjects and talk with them about their souls.
12)  Door knocking.  A good way to find prospects in a neighbourhood. 

13)  Friends and Relatives of Members.  It is good when other members can help
you in contacting their friends and relatives in setting up a Bible study with them. 

14)  Newcomers to Town.  They are seeking to establish new friends and are
putting down new roots.  

15)  Visitors to Your Home.  We need to ask them to have a personal Bible study
with us.    

16)  Those Who Take Bible Correspondence Courses.  These have already
indicated an interest in Bible study.

17)  Funerals.  Those attending funerals, at that time, tend to realize the brevity of
this life.

18)  Fair Booths.  Here you can come into contact with many people, who stop at
the booth, who are interested in spiritual matters.

19)  Jails & Prisons.  Many incarcerated people realize they need to make some
positive changes in their lives.  In jails and prisons you can always find people who
are wanting someone to teach them the Bible.

20)  Rest Homes.  People in rest homes like visitors and may want a personal
Bible study.  

21)  Newspaper & Radio Contacts.  These show an interest by responding to

newspaper, TV, and radio contacts.

22)  Questioners & Objectors.  One who questions or objects is open to a


23)  Friends of New Converts.  Many times a new convert has friends and he
would also like for them to be taught the gospel.

24)  People Seeking Counselling.  These are needing and wanting to make
changes in their lives.

25)  Those Getting Married.  Particularly if the spouse of a member is not a


26)  People Undergoing Trauma.  People undergoing serious problems are

usually looking to God for help and are usually very good prospects.
Setting Up The Study
1)  Pray to God to help you to say the right thing, in the right way.  Pray for open
doors, for wisdom & strength to take advantage of the opportunities.  Pray for open
hearts and for the prospect to have ease of understanding.

2)  Until a study is set up it can’t be conducted.  To set up a study we must

ASK.  We should not be afraid that we are going to make a mistake in asking a
person to study the Bible with us.  The only person who never made a mistake is
the one who did nothing for fear of making a mistake, but he made the biggest
mistake of all by doing nothing.  If we have sincerity and love for lost souls then
what we say will not be so important.  We must realize that everyone has a
precious soul.  Remember to always strive to gain a study appointment with a
definite time and date rather than just answering questions on the spur of the

3)  Different people should be approached differently.  Jude 22-23 says, "And
on some have compassion, making a difference; and others save with fear, pulling
them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."

4)  Be genuinely sincere when we are talking to someone about his soul.  His
soul is the most important thing in the world, and if he thinks we think so then he
will see how important it is.  If we could only realize how precious a soul is, then
we would not despair any effort to teach them the truth.  Love of the lost will lead
us to an untiring effort for the salvation of others.  If we really love the souls of
people, we cannot bear the thought that they will be lost forever.  People don’t care
how much we know until they know how much we care.  People will be more
willing to listen to us if they really believe we care.  

5)  Be genuinely interested in the interests of others.  In choosing His apostles,

Christ was interested in the fishing of Peter, Andrew, James, and John and He
helped them catch some fish.  We should help people in time of need and they will
be grateful to us.  If we are not interested in people, they will not be interested in
what we have to say about the gospel.    

6)  Don’t be intimidated.  The vast majority of people are a novice and their
knowledge of spiritual matters is quite limited.

7)  Get the person alone.  Christ talked to Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, and the
Samaritan woman alone.  It is difficult to talk to a person about his soul before
8)  Spend time in getting people ready to hear.  Jesus did.  He often healed and
fed people and then they were in a proper frame of mind to listen. 

9)  Invite non-members to eat with you.  Christ ate with Zacchaeus.  It is said of
the Lord in Matthew 9:11 that He ate "with publicans and sinners."  We should be
making friends with those who are not Christians so they can be led to Christ.

10)  In talking to another we should remember that his convictions are just as
sacred to him as ours are to us.  What he believes may seem foolish to us, and it
may be easy for us to see his error, but it is hard for him.  It is difficult for him to
give it up.

11)  Never, never, never argue and always maintain a calm composure and tone
of voice when talking to people about their salvation.  If you argue, a soul will be
lost.  Many people want the truth and will welcome it if it is presented correctly.  

12)  Avoid a belligerent, haughty, excited, argumentative, or angry attitude.  If

we don’t then a wall of opposition springs up.  (A) If you say "I’ll prove it to you",
in his mind he thinks "I’d like to see you do it."  (B) If you say "Let me show you",
he thinks "Maybe so but I won’t accept it from you if you do."  It is better to say
"could we see what the Bible says."  Don’t quote scriptures to him.  Ask him to
read the scripture.

13)  We should not make the other person angry.  Most people don’t get angry
because of the truth but because of the way or attitude in which it is presented. 
Some go to the other extreme and spend so much time trying to be nice and are so
careful to try to keep from hurting someone’s feelings that they never get around to
setting up the study or presenting the truth.  Too many times we may care more for
a person's feelings than we do for their soul.

14)  Be alert for people who are undergoing trauma such as death of loved
ones, serious illness, divorce, automobile accidents, financial difficulties, etc.  In
times like these, people realize how vulnerable they are and many times are
looking to God for help.  Many times this provides a great opportunity to talk to
people about their souls.    

15)  A person must see that he is lost and needs the study.  Do not allow the
person to jump around with you.  Examples of poor soil: (A) "Let me check with
my husband."  (B) Would you check back latter?"  (C) "I will study if it doesn’t
take too long."  (D) "I would like to ask my preacher."  (E) Being passive.
What To Say

(cold door knocking)

1) "Good morning sir, how are you today? (his response)  We are on a campaign
for Christ, sharing the gospel with people.  We would like to share with you a very
interesting Bible study.  For instance how would you answer the first question on
#12 (of Lesson #1)?" (his response)

2) "Would you like to see what the Bible says?"  (his response) (Have him read the
scripture.)  (note: Have him to also read and answer the second and third questions)

3) "This is a three lesson study to help you to understand what God’s will is so that
you can go to heaven.  We would be happy to go through these three lessons with
you.  Would you like to do that?" (his response)

4)  "We could study now or this evening at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"

(to friends)

     "John, there has been something I’ve been wanting to talk with you about for
some time and that is your relationship with God and your soul’s salvation.  I feel
guilty for not having talked with you yet and I’m sorry.  John if you were to die
tonight do you know for certain that you would have a home in Heaven?"  (Wait
for his answer.)  "I can share with you from the Bible how you can go to Heaven,
would you like that?"  (His response.)  "We could study now or tomorrow evening
at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"

     Or "John you’re a very fine individual and I appreciate you as a friend.  You are
honest, kind to your family, and a good person; but you are not a Christian.  You
may have wondered why I haven’t talked with you before, but I just can’t continue
without talking with you.  Have you thought much about where you will spend
eternity?" (His response.)  "I would like to share with you a very interesting Bible
study.  For instance how would you answer question #12 (of Lesson #1)?" (His
response.)  Would you like to see what the Bible says?" (His response.) (Have him
to read the scripture.)  "This is a three lesson study to help you to understand what
God’s will is so that you can go to Heaven.  We would be happy to go through
these three lessons with you.  Would you like to do that?" (His response.)  "We
could study now or this evening at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"
     Or "John we are going to one of two places in eternity, I want to go to Heaven,
which place do you want to go?" (His response)  "I can share with you from the
Bible how you can go to Heaven, would you like that?" (His response.)  We could
study tonight or tomorrow night at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"

     Or if asked, "Do you believe that only members of the church of Christ are
going to Heaven and everyone else is going to Hell?"  Your answer, "John, it does
not really matter what I believe, or what you believe, or what any other person
believes.  What really matters is what the Bible says you need to do to go to
Heaven.  Could I share with you what the Bible says that you need to do in order to
go to Heaven?"
Conducting The Study
1)  Be on time.

2)  Take a silent partner with you.  You or your silent partner should be a woman if
you are studying with a woman.

3)  Be sure to eliminate any distractions or disturbances.  Take a baby sitter if


4)  Be sure to take enough studies, pencils, paper, Bibles.

5)  Each one in the study should have his own lesson to answer.  All need to put
their names on their lesson sheets.

6)  A good place to study is the kitchen or dining table.

7)  Start with a prayer.

8)  King James, American Standard, NKJV, or NASV are preferable with this
study, but have the individual to use his own Bible regardless of the version.  

9)  You might ask them, "Do you accept the Bible as the word of God?" & "Do
you want to go to Heaven?"  "John, if you discover something in our study of
God's word that you haven't done, would you be willing to change and do what
God says?"

10)  You might stress that "We want to speak where the Bible speaks and remain
silent where the Bible is silent and let the scriptures speak to us as to what God
wants us to do."

11)  Tell them that if they do not understand something or have questions to let you

12)  Have the individual and his or her spouse do the reading of scripture.  Involve
the individual in the study as much as possible.  Don't quote or read scripture to
him.  This can provoke arguments.  Allowing the individual to read the truths,
especially from his own Bible will help hold his attention and have more of an
impact on him. 

13)  Do not skip any scriptures or questions and do not proceed until agreement
with scriptures is gained.  If he answers the question wrong have him to re-read the
scripture and ask, "What does the Bible say?"
14)  Use illustrations and explanations to help emphasize the point.

15)  Do not preach to him, but let the Bible give the answers.  Never apologize for
the truth or express regret or excuse for what the Bible says as if we are half
ashamed of it.  We should never be ashamed to talk to a friend or acquaintance
concerning his soul, Christ, and the gospel.  

16)  Don't argue - you will always lose.  We should never get angry or
argumentative when discussing a religious point with others.  We read in 2
Timothy 2:24, "The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men,
apt to teach, patient."  When asked questions, try as much as possible to say, "Let’s
see what the Bible says."

17)  Always show sincere concern and interest.  If we do all the talking in the
study, we will fail to get the other person's viewpoint.  If we will let him express
himself, we can work at the problem from his point of view and not from our own. 
If we will not listen to him, how can we expect him to listen to us. 

18)  Do not allow the one you are studying with to get off of the lesson.  "Don't
chase rabbits."

19)  This study can be covered in one, two, three, or four study appointments
although three is best.

20)  With this study you don’t have to remember a lot of scriptures.

21)  If a person believes that his sins were taken away before his baptism and that
he was saved before his baptism, then he still has all of his sins and he is still lost. 
The lost must understand it is at baptism that God forgives us of all of our sins, 
gives us salvation, and makes us one in Christ.   

22)  This study involves the individual, and teaches the individual what he must do
to be saved, that denominationalism is wrong, that the Lord only established His
one church, and what God expects of an individual when he becomes a Christian. 
Keep three things in mind:  1. The one who has not obeyed the gospel is lost,  2.
The gospel is God's power to save the lost,  3. We are the vessels through which
the gospel is carried to the lost.

23)  In winning souls we seek by studying God's word to  1. Arouse within the lost
the realization of their lost condition.  2. Guide them into an understanding of
God's plan of salvation.  3. Excite within them a desire for this salvation.  No work
requires so much patience and perseverance as soul winning.  We have the greatest
message the world has ever known.  Millions are searching for it.  They have not
found it but have become bogged down in denominationalism, worldly pleasures,
sin, etc.  Many would gladly give these up for the pure gospel of Christ if they only

1)  Webster- Persuade: To cause someone to do something especially by reasoning,
urging, or inducement; to convince.

2)  Some are opposed to the use of persuasion, believing that we should merely
present the gospel and then let the sinner make up his own mind about obeying or
rejecting it.  Yet these same people do not apply this same line of reasoning to
other areas of their lives.  If persuasion is wrong then it would be wrong for a
young man to try to persuade a young lady to marry him, or for parents to persuade
their children to make better grades in school or to behave.  Salesmen would go
hungry if they didn’t persuade.

3)  Which is worse, to over-persuade or to under-persuade?  Either way they are

still lost.  I had rather be guilty of over-persuading than under-persuading. 

4)  Before we try to persuade the individual must have been properly taught.  We
must make sure the individual understands what they need to do to obey the gospel
and why.

5)  2 Corinthians 5:11 "Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade
men".  We should not want anyone to be lost.

6)  Acts 2:40 "And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying,
Be saved from this perverse generation."  When Peter preached the gospel in all of
its power and simplicity, he did not sit down at the end of his presentation.   Peter
was trying to persuade them to accept the gospel.  Why?  Because they were lost
and doomed to the fires of an eternal burning Hell.  We must use every legitimate
means at our disposal to rescue those who are lost in sin.

7)  Jude 22-23 "And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others
save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the

8)  Luke 14:16-23 (Parable of The Great Supper) "Then the master said to the
servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that
my house may be filled."

9)  Acts 13:43 "Many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and
Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of
God."  (This was at Antioch in Pisidia.  Here we see persuasion is accomplished
through speaking.)
10)  Acts 18:4 "And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded
both Jews and Greeks."  (Paul was at Corinth.  Persuasion is also accomplished
through reasoning.)

11)  Acts 18:13 "Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the
law."  (We today should persuade people to worship God correctly.)

12)  Acts 19:26 "Moreover you see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but
throughout almost all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people,
saying that they are not gods which are made with hands."  (Persuasion can be
accomplished through seeing and hearing.  The lost can be persuaded through
seeing the sincere interest of a Christian who cares enough to go and teach them.)

13)  Acts 26:28 "Then Agrippa said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a
Christian."  (Not all efforts of persuasion are successful, but none will be if
persuasion is absent.)

14)  Acts 28:23 "So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his
lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God,
persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets,
from morning till evening."  (Paul was at Rome persuading the Jews)

15)  Acts 21:14 "So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will
of the Lord be done."  (This is Agabus trying to persuade Paul.  There comes a
time when people will not be persuaded, then we should stop for the time being.)

16)  Acts 24:24-25 (KJV) "And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and

judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I
have a convenient season, I will call for thee."  (Paul persuaded Felix the Roman
governor to the point that he trembled.)

17)  Acts 18:28 "For he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the
Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ."
Closing the Study
(After Being Properly Taught)

1)  Establish A Need – Before one can be led to obey the gospel, he must first
realize he is a sinner doomed to the fires of Hell.

2)  Display A Loving And Caring Attitude - Use a low, calm tone of voice.

3)  Eliminate Objections Before The Close – "John, if in the course of our study
tonight you were to discover something the Lord wanted you to do that you have
not done, would there be anything to keep you from doing it tonight?"

4)  Ask The Individual To Respond.  "John let's go to the church building right
now so that you can be baptized into Christ."

5)  Close In The Affirmative – By asking a series of questions which he answers

yes to.
A. Do you love Jesus?
B. If you love Jesus will you obey Him?
C. Do you want to please Jesus?
D. Do you want to go to heaven?
E. Is it your understanding that one has to be baptized to be saved?
F. Since Jesus wants you to be baptized and you understand the importance of
being baptized, wouldn’t it please Jesus for you to be baptized right now?
G. Fine let’s go right now. (Stand up)

6)  Silence – Ask the one to be baptized and then remain silent.

7)  Change Places With Him – "Suppose that you are me and I am you, and you
have taught me what God wants me to do to be saved.  Let’s suppose that I see that
I need to be baptized for the remission of my sins so I can be saved and go to
heaven, but I don’t want to do anything about it.  What would you tell me?  No
really tell me what you would say if you really loved my soul and wanted me to go
to Heaven?"

8)  Emotional Close – Relate an incident with which you are personally
acquainted with in which the sinner hesitated to obey the gospel and died lost. 
"But the tragic thing about it is he will not have another opportunity.  You have an
opportunity right now, but do you know if you will have another opportunity after
tonight?  Then let’s go and take of this matter right now."

9)  Help The Individual Face The Consequences – "John, do you realize what
you have just said?  You are telling God that the death of His Son on the cross on
your behalf is not important to you.  You are rejecting the salvation that God wants
to give to you.  John, God is going to put you in one of two places: Heaven or
Hell.  Now you have just rejected Heaven.  What does that leave you?" (Remain
silent and wait for his answer.)

10)  Reassurance – "1. John have I shared anything with you that is not from the
Bible?  2. Have I taken anything out of context?  3. Then the conclusions you have
come to are your conclusions based on God’s word, aren’t they?  4. So if you do
these things who will you be obeying?  5. Can you go wrong if you do what God’s
word says to do?

11)  Comparison – Compare what he believes with what the Bible teaches.  Or
compare the advantages of being in Christ with that of being outside of Christ. 
"Which one is according to the Bible?"  or "Which one will God accept?"

12)  Welcome Objections - Don’t Be Afraid Of Objections.  Objections tell you

what he thinks and feels?  1. "John, your question is why wasn’t the thief baptized,
is that right?  2. John, do you have any other questions?  3. If we can answer this
question to your satisfaction is there anything else that would keep you from being
baptized tonight."

13)  Key Words To Use In Closing –

1. Why or Why Not – The individual cannot answer honestly without committing
himself.  "Why are you waiting?"  "Why not now?"
2. Let’s – This is a cooperative and unselfish word, which leaves the idea that you
and the one you are studying with are trying to work the matter out together. 
"Let’s see what the Bible says."  Or "Let’s go now to the building and baptize you
into Christ."
3. When – Helps nail down a specific time and impress upon him the urgency of
the matter.  "When does the Lord want you to be baptized."
4. Which – "Which one is according to the Bible?"  "Which one will God accept?"

13)  Every Time You Try to Close you are checking the individuals spiritual
pulse to see how near he is to being baptized.  If you try to close and he does not
respond, give him some more teaching concerning the questions he has and try for
a close again.  Continue to persuade as long as you can.  Acts 2:40 "And with
many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, Be saved from this
perverse generation."

14)  Always Leave The Door Open For Further Studies – Try other studies such
as OBS, Jule Miller, etc.

     Scriptures To Use In Closing

1. Mark 9:43-48 "Cast into Hell, where their worm does not die and the fire is not
2. Luke 16:19-31 Rich man and Lazarus.
3. Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment."
4. James 4:14 "For what is your life? It is as a vapour that appears for a little time."
5. John 5:28-29 "All that are in the graves shall come forth, they that have done
good to the resurrection of life, they that have done evil to the resurrection of
6. Matthew 16:26 "What is a man profited if he gains the whole world and loses his
own soul."
7. Hebrews 5:8-9 "He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him."
8. Ephesians 5:23 "He is the saviour of the body."
9. Acts 26:27-28 "You almost persuade me to become a Christian."
10. 2 Thess 1:7-9 "Vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the
11. John 12:48 "He who rejects Me and does not receive My words has that which
judges him"
12. Mattthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the
kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven."
13. Luke 6:46 "But why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I
14. Revelation 20:10 "Devil was cast into lake of fire and brimstone and tormented
day and night"
15. Revelation 20:15 "Anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into
the lake of fire."
16. Matt 25:41 "Depart from Me, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil
and his angels."
17. Matthew 7:13-13 Few saved, many lost.
18. Acts 22:16 "And now why are you waiting, arise and be baptized and wash
away your sins"
19. 2 Corinthians 6:2 "Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of
20. John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments." (Do you love Jesus?)
Handling Objections And Answering Questions
     We should welcome objections because they will assist us in leading an honest
person to obeying the gospel.  Objections tells what the one you are teaching thinks
and feels.  They tell us how near he is to obeying the gospel.  It may be a sign the
objector is seeking more information.  The average objector is a novice and his
knowledge is quite limited.  He is a learner who is needing to be taught.  Do not
take his objections too seriously.  While he is saying not yet or no, he may be
wanting you to convince him.

     Listen to the objector carefully and hear him out completely.  This will help to
disarm him.  Treat the objection as a question which will help eliminate tension. 
Restate the objection as a question and ask him if you understand him correctly. 
For example you might say, "John, your question is, 'Why wasn't the thief on the
cross baptized?'  Is that right?  John, do you have any other questions?  If I could
answer this question to your satisfaction, is there anything else that would keep
you from being baptized tonight?"

     If the objection has nothing to do with the point you are trying to make, do not
deal with it at that time.  You might say, "John that is a good question.  Let me
write it down and study on it and then we can deal with it later.

      Avoid a belligerent, haughty, excited, argumentative, or angry attitude.  If you

don't then a wall of opposition will spring up.  Proverbs 15:1 says, "A soft answer
turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  It is better to say, "Could I
share with you what the Bible says that one must do to be saved?" or what ever the
objection was.  We should talk with the objector in a calm, slow, low pitched
voice, particularly if he is becoming agitated or angry.  Colossians 4:6 says, "Let
your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you
ought to answer every man."

     Today the vast majority of the religious world says that they are saved by "faith
only". Many good people erroneously think they are saved when they "accept Jesus
as their personal saviour" and say the "sinner’s prayer".  But where in the Bible are
we told this?  It is not there.  This may sound good and impressive, but this is
false.  This is a lie of Satan.  This is something man has dreamed up.  Then two or
three weeks later many denominational churches encourage people to be baptized
to join that denomination.  They say that one does not have to be baptized to be
saved because they say you are saved before you are baptized.  I cannot think of a
more flagrant crime against both God and Man than to teach lost sinners, who want
to be saved something different than what God says in the Bible.  In this case if
they are eventually baptized, their sins are not forgiven and they are not saved
because their baptism was not for this purpose.  They still have every sin they have
ever committed and are still lost because they have believed a lie.
Answering Questions: 1 Peter 3:15, "And be ready to give an answer to every
man who asks you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear". 
Below are some suggestions on how to answer an objector's questions.

1)  What if you are asked, "Do you believe that only members of the church of
Christ are going to Heaven and everyone else is going to Hell?"  Response: "John,
it doesn't matter what I believe, or what you believe, or what anyone else believes. 
What really matters is what God says in the Bible.  Could I share with you what
the Bible says we must do in order to go to Heaven?"

2)  What if you are asked, "Do you think my mother and father are in Hell?" 
Response: "Knowing you, I am sure you had wonderful parents, but we are not
their judge, God is.  You are not going to give an account for your parents, but for
yourself.  Could I share with you what the Bible says we must do in order to go to

3)  What if you are asked, "What will happen to someone who has never heard of
Christ or the Bible?"  Response: "John, the important question right now is what is
going to happen to you who has a chance to know what God's will is?  Could I
share with you what the Bible says we must do in order to go to Heaven?"

4)  What if it is stated, "There are too many hypocrites in the church."  Response:
"Hypocrites get married, play golf, drive cars, rent houses, and run businesses. 
Would you not do these things because hypocrites do them?  The hypocrite will be
lost, but do you also want to be lost along with the hypocrite?"

5)  What if you are asked, "Are you doubting my sincerity?"  Response: "No I
believe you are sincere, but sincerity alone will not get us to Heaven." 
Questions To Ask About One's Salvation
(Below are some questions that you might want to ask the one you are studying with before
you teach him anything about baptism)

1)  Have you been saved?

2)  How old were you when you were saved?

3)  Did you go forward in church when you were saved?

4)  Was it on Sunday morning, Sunday night, or Wednesday night when you went

5)  Did you accept Jesus as your personal Saviour when you went forward?

6)  Did you or the preacher say the "Sinner's Prayer" for you when you went

7)  Were you saved and your sins forgiven when you went forward in church?

8)  If you had been killed in a car wreck, on the day you went forward, as you were
going home from church, would you have gone to Heaven?

9)  Have you been baptized?

10) How long after you were saved were you baptized?

11) So you say that at age ____ you went forward in church and you got saved and
your sins forgiven and then you were baptized ____ weeks later?

12) So you say that you were saved and your sins were forgiven ____ weeks before
you were baptized.

13) So your baptism had nothing to do with your being saved and nothing to do
with your sins being forgiven since you were saved and your sins were forgiven
before you were baptized?

Note: If a person is baptized, but not for the purpose of being saved and not to have
his sins forgiven then that baptism does not save him nor does God forgive his
sins, so he is still lost and still has every sin he has ever committed.  We must obey
God by doing what God says to do, when God says to do it, how God says to do it,
and for the reason God says to do it.
Denominational Doctrines
Below are brief descriptions giving where and when each of the
denominations listed began and who started them. Also given are some of
their basic beliefs especially what they falsely teach and practice that one
must do to be saved. Anything that is more than, less than, or different
from what the Bible teaches is false doctrine (Revelation 22:18-19). Their
denominational creeds are accepted over the Bible. Satan has many false
doctrines which are designed to cause people to be eternally lost. Satan
uses people to teach his false doctrines. Quotations from the Bible are in
red. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says, “For such are false apostles, deceitful
workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder;
for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is
no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of
righteousness.” Also near the bottom of this page is a list of these false
doctrines with a link to a page giving the Bible’s answer to each one. I do
not know of any denominational group which teaches God's plan of
salvation as is contained in the Bible. Most of them reject, condemn, and
even laugh at what God says in the Bible that we must do to be saved so
we can go to Heaven.
     There are more than 600 different denominational churches, all with
different and conflicting doctrines, beliefs, and teachings.  They all wear
different names, practice different forms of worship, have different plans of
salvation, and each has its own earthly headquarters. How could anyone
conclude that scripture authorizes any of this present confusion or that God
is at all pleased by the wholesale abandonment of His plan as found in the
Bible? “For God is not the author of confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33), but
man is. If the more than 600 different denominational churches were all
teaching and following only God’s word as found only in the Bible then
there would only be one church, the church of Christ.   

Assembly of God
In 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas several Pentecostal type of churches
combined into the General Council of the Assemblies of God. They chose
Springfield, Missouri as their headquarters.  They believe that one is saved
by “faith only” when one accepts Christ as his Saviour and receives the
Holy Spirit. They say one is saved and cleansed from sin when he is
baptized with the Holy Spirit, which is evidenced by speaking in tongues.
After one is saved they say that he should be baptized in water as a public
expression of his faith. They, like the majority of denominational churches,
say one is saved and his sins forgiven before he is baptized in water.  They
look for the premillenial 1000 year reign of Christ here on the earth. They
also claim to do “divine healing”.

John Smyth is generally considered to be the founder of the Baptist
Church in Holland in 1608.  Most Baptists teach that “one must accept
Jesus as your personal Saviour” and say “the sinner’s prayer” in order to be
saved and have your sins forgiven. They say that baptism is not essential
to salvation and not essential for the forgiveness of sins. They claim that
they are saved and their sins are forgiven before and without baptism. But
where in the Bible is any of this found? It is not there because men, with
the help of Satan, have come up with these false ideas. But what does the
Bible say? Jesus says in Mark 16:16, “He that believes and is baptized
shall be saved”.  But just as 1+1=2, Jesus says belief + baptism = saved.
In Acts 2:38 we read, “Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins”. And in Acts 22:16 one was
told, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash
away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord”.
The Baptists say one is saved by “faith only”. But what does the Bible
say about faith only? James 2:24, 26 says, “You see then that a man is
justified by works, and not by faith only…For as the body without the spirit
is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” Before one, who is to become
a Baptist, is baptized he is asked to confess that he believes that God has
already pardoned his sins. The purpose of Baptist "baptism" is to join the
Baptist Church. Since Baptist "baptism" is not done for the purpose of
forgiveness of one’s sins and to be saved, then with Baptist "baptism",
one’s sins are not forgiven and one is not saved. One still has every sin he
has ever committed and is still lost.
They say that after one is saved it is impossible for one to be eternally
lost. This is the false doctrine of “once saved, always saved”. They say
that you cannot fall from God’s grace and be eternally lost. In Galatians 5:4
KJV, the Bible says, “You have become estranged from Christ, you who
attempt to be justified by the law; you have fallen from grace”. 1
Corinthians 10:12 says, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed
lest he fall.”    

The Catholic Church came into being by men departing from the truth of
God’s word in the Bible. The changes occurred in the organization,
worship, name, and what God required for one to be saved. In 606 AD,
Boniface III was the first to assume the title of universal bishop or pope. It
was not until 1870 AD that the Vatican Council proclaimed the pope
infallible in all his decisions pertaining to the Catholic Church. Anything
man says that does not come from the Bible is false doctrine and is vain
which will cause one to lose his soul in eternity.  Jesus says, "And in vain
they worship Me, teaching as the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9).
One of the doctrines and commandments of men of the Catholic Church
is the false doctrine of the “original sin” which they say newborn infants
inherit from Adam. But the Bible says, “The soul who sins shall die. The
son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the
son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the
wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” (Ezekiel 18:20). We do
not inherit sin, we commit sin. 1 John 3:4 says, “sin is the transgression of
the law”. Infants do not commit sin. In order to get rid of the “original sin”
in infants they sprinkle or pour water on them and call it baptism. Infants
do not have any sin and are not candidates for baptism because they
cannot believe. In Acts 8:36-37 a question is asked and the answer given,
“See here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?  Then Philip
said, If you believe with all your heart you may”. An infant cannot believe
and he does not have any sin that needs to be washed away. And not only
that, sprinkling or pouring is not a scriptural baptism. The original Greek
word used in the Bible is BAPTIZO which is translated baptize. BAPTIZO
only means immerse and does not mean to sprinkle or pour. One who has
been sprinkled or poured has not been baptized and still has every sin he
has ever committed and is still lost. When a person who was sprinkled as
an infant becomes accountable and begins to sin, he thinks he does not
need to “repent and be baptized for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).
Since he does not obey the Lord’s command to repent and be baptized for
the forgiveness of his sins, he still has every sin he has ever committed and
is still lost. Satan has many ways of causing people to be eternally lost.
The Council of Trent and the Lateran Council of 1215 AD gave the
priests the power to forgive sins, but only God can forgive sin. There are
many other false doctrines and commandments of men held by the
Catholic Church.

Christian Scientist
Christian Scientist also known as “Church of Christ, Scientist” was
founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts, which
became the mother church. She made miraculous healing the central point
of her religion. They do not baptize or partake of the Lord’s Supper. They
refer to God as “Father-Mother”, rather than “Father”. The writings of Mary
Baker Eddy still govern her church to this day. 

Church of God
     The Church of God is headquartered at Cleveland, Tennessee.  Its roots
can be traced to a crude meeting house on the Tennessee-North Carolina
border in 1886.  They believe that eternal salvation is obtained by "faith
only" where one accepts Jesus as their personal Saviour and says the
"sinner's prayer".  They also say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is to
cleanse the heart and that the speaking in tongues is initial evidence of the
baptism of the Holy Ghost.  After one is "saved" they baptize the individual
in water.  Even though they are generally good moral people, one cannot
go to Heaven by practicing their false doctrine.  They believe in miraculous
healing and practice foot washing.  They also believe in the false 1000 year
premillenial reign of Christ here on the earth.

Church of God in Christ

     The Church of God in Christ was founded in 1897 by C. H. Mason.  He
claims the name "Church of God in Christ" was revealed to him by God
while walking along a certain street in Little Rock, Arkansas.  This
denomination has its headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee.  They say that
baptism "is an outward demonstration that one has already had a
conversion experience and has accepted Christ as his personal Savior". 
They believe that following conversion one is baptized with the Holy Ghost
which is evident by the speaking in tongues, and that one cannot be saved
without the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  They believe in and claim to
practice "divine healing".     

Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church originated from the Anglican Church of England.
Instead of being called the Anglican Church of America and because of the
Revolutionary War with England, it is called the Episcopal Church. Some
of their doctrine is similar to Catholicism and some is similar to Methodism.
They believe one is saved by “faith only”. In their creed book, the Book
of Common Prayer, they say, “Wherefore that we are justified by Faith only
is a most wholesome Doctrine and very full of comfort” (No XI). Their creed
book also states, “The Baptism of young children is in any wise to be
retained” (No. XXVII). They say infants are born in sin inherited from their
parents. Pouring is their usual form of “baptism”. When the child, who was
baptized as an infant, grows of age, he is confirmed. 

Greek Orthodox Church

     The doctrines of the Greek Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church
are quite similar.  They both hold their "Sacred Traditions" on the same
level as or above the Bible.  In 1054 AD they split and went their separate
ways after a rivalry of many years.
     They do say that baptism is necessary to be saved, but the children of
Greek Orthodox families are normally "baptized" shortly after birth, even
though they can’t believe (Mark 16:16) or repent (Acts 2:38).  Before an
infant is "baptized", the Orthodox priest takes some oil and blesses it.  The
priest pours some of the oil into the hands of the godparent.  He then takes
the oil and makes the sign of the cross on the child's forehead, breast, and
between his/her shoulders.  Baptism is administered by bishops and
priests; however, in emergencies any Eastern Orthodox member can
     Chrismation (sometimes called confirmation) is the mystery by which a
baptized person is granted the gift of the Holy Spirit through anointing with
"Holy Chrism".  The "Holy Chrism" is the "holy anointing oil" or
"consecrated oil" with which one is anointed.  A baptized and chrismated
Eastern Orthodox member is a full member of the Greek Orthodox Church,
and may receive the communion regardless of age.  Chrismation is another
false doctrine of men which is foreign to the Bible.
     In partaking of the communion, they use leavened bread and they
believe the bread and wine become the genuine body and blood of Christ
through the operation of the Holy Spirit.  Communion is given only to
baptized and chrismated Eastern Orthodox members who have prepared
by fasting, prayer and confession.  The priest will administer the gifts with a
spoon, called a "cochlear", directly into the recipient's mouth from the
chalice.  From baptism, young infants and children are carried to the
chalice to receive holy communion.  They worship the icons of their saints
who are in picture frames and painted on the inside walls of their churches,
to whom they burn candles and pray.  They burn incense in their worship,
but where do they get the authority for this and the other false doctrines
mentioned above except from their traditions of men?  Jesus says, "And in
vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. 
For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men"
(Mark 7:7-8).  The tradition of men is vain and useless, which will cause
people to be eternally lost.  Anything that is more than, less than, or
different from what the Bible says is a false and perverted doctrine.

Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Jehovah’s Witnesses denomination was founded by Charles
Russell in 1872, although the name Jehovah’s Witnesses was not selected
until October 1931. In their publication entitled, “Let God Be True” they
say, “What then does Christian baptism signify? It is not a washing away of
one’s sins, because cleansing of sin comes only through faith in Jesus
Christ” (page 183-184). Also in their publication, “Make Sure Of All Things”
they say, “Repentance must precede salvation, but Sins not Washed Away
by Baptism” (page 30). They, along with the majority of the denominational
world, say that one’s sins are not washed away and that one is not saved
even though Jesus says, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved"
(Mark 16:16). They baptize, but not for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38)
and for one to be saved (Mark 16:16), so the person they baptize just got
wet and still has every sin he has committed and is still lost.
They also state in “Make Sure Of All Things”, “The earthly globe will
remain forever, will never be burned up or desolated, but will be restored to
paradisaic conditions" (page 108). But God’s word says, “But the day of
the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass
away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both
the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” (2 peter 3:10). “Let
God be true and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).

Lutheran Church
The Lutheran Church was established by Martin Luther during the
1500’s. Lutherans endorse a number of creeds including the following:
Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed, Athanasian Creed, Augsburg Confession,
and Luther’s Catechism, which were all written by men. Luther originated
the doctrine of salvation by “faith only”, which the Lutheran Church and the
majority of the denominational world follow. They teach that baptism is not
essential to salvation. The false doctrine of “faith only” is condemned by
the Bible in James 2:24, 26.
Lutherans teach that an infant inherits the “original sin” of Adam. But
this contradicts what the Bible says in Ezekiel 18:20. There is a
contradiction in their own doctrine since they teach that infants should be
“baptized”. To justify their doctrine of “faith only” they say that infants are
aided by the faith of others who bring them to baptism. They teach that
baptism can be sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. But the Bible says
immersion is the only form of baptism. They teach that one should confess
his sins to the pastor and will receive forgiveness from the pastor as from
God Himself.

In 1536 Menno Simons led a movement in Europe, which became
known as Mennonites.  The Mennonites are named after Menno Simmons,
their founder. Because of persecution a number of Mennonite families
settled in America. There was a split in the Mennonite Church in 1693 with
the new group being known as Amish, which was named after Joseph
Amman and the old group maintaining the Mennonite name.  The Amish
are a little more strict in their doctrine than the Mennonites. 
In the Mennonite General Conference in August 26, 1955, it was
adopted “Although baptism is a most meaningful symbol and the rite for
admission to the church and although it is based upon solemn vows, yet it
is not an end in itself, nor is salvation dependent upon it." The Mennonites
do not believe that baptism is essential to salvation, but Jesus says, “He
that believes and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). Usually the
Mennonites and Amish pour for "baptism" and they observe communion
twice a year.

John Wesley did not begin the Methodist Church, but he laid the
foundation for it. They are governed by the Methodist Book Of Discipline.
They teach that baptism is not essential to salvation. Their Discipline,
Article 9 says, “Justification of faith only is a most wholesome doctrine and
very full of comfort”. But this contradicts what the Bible says in James
2:24, 26. Their “baptism” is usually sprinkling, but this contradicts what the
Bible says in John 3:23, Acts 8:38-39, Romans 6:4. They baptize (sprinkle)
infants but this contradicts what the Bible says in Mark 16:16, Acts 8:36-37
since infants cannot believe.  Only after 6 months probation is one admitted
to full membership of the Methodist Church (Article 49).  They are also
governed by the Methodist General Conference which meets every 4 years
to determine what they are to believe.

Mormonism, also known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
was organized by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York. They say that the
Bible is not all of the word of God. The three books written by Joseph
Smith, ”Pearl of Great Price”, “Doctrine and Covenants”, and the “Book of
Mormon” falsely claim to also be the word of God. Joseph Smith’s Book of
Mormon was first published in 1830. It contained many, many grammatical
errors, language blunders, absurdities, and contradictions. Since the 1830
edition, the Book of Mormon has had more than 3,000 corrections made to
it. A Mormon apostle, Orson Pratt, wrote that, “The nature of the Book of
Mormon is such that, if true, no one can possibly be saved and reject it; if
false, no one can possibly be saved and receive it”. The Book of Mormon
says that a man is a fool who says the Bible is sufficient and that it contains
all of God’s revealed truth (2 Nephi 29:2-12). But the Bible says, “But even
if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what
we have preached to you, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:8).
The Book of Mormon in Alma 7:10 says that Jesus was born in
Jerusalem, but the Bible says Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1).
The Book of Mormon in Alma 46:13-14 says the disciples were called
Christians first in 73 BC, but the Bible says in Acts 11:26, “And the disciples
were first called Christians in Antioch” which was in about 40 AD, a
difference of more than 110 years. The Book of Mormon (Halaman 14:20)
says there was darkness over the land for three days after Jesus’ death,
but the Bible says “about the sixth hour there was darkness over all the
earth until the ninth hour” (Luke 23:44), which is three hours while Jesus
was still hanging on the cross, not three days as the Book of Mormon
falsely says.
Mormonism falsely teaches that here are many gods, but the Bible says
there is, “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:6). They teach that God
the Father has a body of flesh and bones, but the Bible says “God is Spirit”
(John 4:24). Although they baptize for the forgiveness of sins, they teach
that saints can be baptized for those who have already died. They also
falsely teach that “there were several holy women that greatly loved
Jesus…if all the acts were written, we, no doubt should learn that these
beloved women were His wives” (The Seer, Vol. 1, p. 158-159). Pointing
out all the errors of Mormonism would fill a book.

The Nazarene Church was established in 1895 by Phineas Breesee in
Los Angles, California. Their doctrine comes from the Nazarene Manual
and is similar to the creed of the Methodist Church. They say one is saved
and his sins are forgiven when one has repentance toward God and faith
toward the Lord Jesus Christ. Their salvation is by "faith only" and saying
the "sinner's prayer". In believing that God has already forgiven your sins
and saved you, they say you can then be "baptized". They say that
"baptism" can be administered by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. Young
children can be "baptized" upon the request of their parents.

Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church began in Scotland in 1560 under the
leadership of John Knox. The Presbyterian Church gets its name from the
Greek word “presbuteros” which means “elder”. They were governed by
the Westminister Confession of Faith which was revised in 1967. John
Calvin did not begin the Presbyterian Church, but he laid the foundation for
much of its doctrine. Many of the Presbyterian beliefs came from Calvin.
John Calvin is the founder of the doctrine called Calvinism as is
represented in the word TULIP. Calvin’s doctrine can be summed up in
five points: 1) Total Depravity, 2) Unconditional Election, 3) Limited
Atonement, 4) Irresistible Grace, and 5) Perseverance of the Saints.
From Calvinism they believe that God has predestined and foreordained
from the beginning of the world those individual people who are to be
saved and those to be lost. Because God has already selected the
individual people who are to be saved they believe the Holy Spirit acts
directly upon the heart of the individual to persuade him to obey the gospel.
They do not believe that baptism is necessary for salvation. They believe
in salvation by “faith only” and that one cannot fall from God’s grace and be
lost. Their "baptismal mode" is usually sprinkling or pouring. They practice
infant "baptism".  They have women preachers.

Quakers also known as Religious Society of Friends or as Friends had
their beginning in England in 1652 by their founder George Fox. They got
the name Quaker because George Fox told them to tremble at the word of
the Lord. Quakers believe in continuing revelation. They believe one is
saved by repentance which comes as a result of a personal faith in Jesus.
They, along with the majority of the denominational world, believe in
Satan’s doctrine of salvation by “faith only”. They consider Holy Spirit
baptism essential. They do not baptize nor partake of the Lord’s Supper.

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army was established by William Booth in England in
1878. Its official creed book, "The Salvation Army Handbook Of Doctrine",
is published by its international headquarters in London. It requires its
officers of all ranks, that their teaching shall conform to their eleven
"Articles Of Faith". The Salvation Army does not baptize and does not
partake of the Lord’s Supper. They say that baptism and the Lord’s Supper
are neither necessary to salvation nor essential to spiritual progress. They
say only repentance and faith are required for salvation. (Handbook pp.
185-186). They do not partake of the Lord's Supper so they can testify to
themselves and others "against the danger of trusting in any rite as though
it has a virtue in itself" (Handbook p. 188). They use instrumental music
and women preachers in their worship. All of this is more of the vain
doctrines and commandments of men (Mark 7:7). They along with the
majority of denominational churches believe the false doctrine of salvation
by “faith only”.  What is accomplished in filling a man's belly with bread and
beans if you are going to poison his soul with false doctrine so he ends up
in the eternal torments of Hell? 

Seventh Day Adventist

The Seventh Day Adventist movement was started by William Miller
who won over 50,000 converts by his claiming that Jesus was going to
return to this earth on October 21, 1843. When this prophesy failed, Miller
declared he had miscalculated and he then reset the date to October 21,
1844 which also passed without incident, so most of his followers
disbanded to form new groups of their own. One of these groups formed
the Seventh Day Adventist Church which name was decided on in 1860.
Much of the Seventh Day Adventist doctrine comes from Ellen G. White
and her prophetic utterances. They worship on the seventh day of the
week and believe that Jesus will come soon and establish His earthly
kingdom and rule in Jerusalem 1,000 years.
They teach that salvation is by “faith only”. Their Seventh Day Adventist
“Questions on Doctrine” (p 102) says, “that which saves is grace alone,
through faith in the living Christ”. And this document also says, ”When we
accept Him we are justified” (p 387). But the Bible says, “You see then that
a man is justified by works, and not by faith only” (James 2:24).

United Pentecostal Church
     The beginning of the United Pentecostal Church, as another human
institution, goes back to 1914. The Foreword of the UPC Manual states, "In
the year 1914 came the revelation on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ". 
Here they invented the false doctrine of "Jesus only" or "Oneness
holiness", in which they say that Jesus is the only member of the Godhead.
They say there is no God the Father and no Holy Spirit, but only Jesus. 
The four prominent denominations that believe in the oneness position are:
United Pentecostal Church, Apostolic Church, Church of the Firstborn, and
Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ.
     The UPC Manual (page 41) promises a penalty to one "who speaks or
writes in opposition to any Articles of Faith", that are contained in the UPC
Manual. In order to be saved, the United Pentecostal Church teaches that
people are to be baptized both in water in the name of Jesus only and
baptized in the Holy Spirit.  One’s salvation is complete only after he has
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial sign of speaking in
tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.  They also claim sensational instant
miraculous divine healing.

Unitarian Universalist
The Unitarian Church was formed in Baltimore, Maryland in 1825. Later
in 1953 the Unitarian Church merged with the Universalist Church since
there was very little difference in their liberal doctrines. They also reject the
Bible as the infallible exclusive word of God. They do not regard Jesus as
the Son of God who came to the earth to die for man’s salvation. They
regard Jesus as one and perhaps the greatest of the prophets to the
human race but they revere Moses, Buddha, Confucius, and Mohammed
as the world’s other supreme religious leaders. They do not believe in the
resurrection of the body, a Heaven, a Hell, or any kind of eternal
punishment. They do have ceremonies of dedication of their children but
they do not believe in the necessity of baptism for the forgiveness of sin.
To join their church all you have to do is sign a card indicating your wishes
to join. They believe that man evolved up from the lower animals. In May
1963 they passed an overwhelming resolution in support of abortion. They
are a very, very liberal, denomination.

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