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You have

STAR Pick a Pick a to go to Pick a Pick a Go back Pick a Pick a

T card card prison card card to card card
FINIS You have to throw 1, 2 or 3 to You have to throw 4, 5 or 6 to You’re
leave prison leave the island
H on an
Go back
5 Pick a

Rules: Talk as much as you

Pick a Throw the dice can!. Make sure you Pick a

and follow
you don’t want or
can’t answer, you
CARDS answer the possible
follow-up questions by
the other players.

Go back
forward should go back 5 2
2 squares. ON!!!!!

Pick a Pick a
You have to throw 2, 4, or 5 to You have to throw 1, 3 or 6
card card
leave the hospital to leave this ghost house

Go to You’
the have to
hospital wait in a
Go back Lose Move
Pick a Pick a 2 Pick a Pick a one Pick a Pick a forward
card card card card turn card card 3
Verb ‘’TO BE’’
Am – Is – Are Name the opposites of the
I _____ very happy because Choose one of the players following words:
you ______ not going to win
and introduce her/him to
this game. He _____ also not Happy
going to win. You ______ rest of the players. Generous
making a big chance BUT, I Deep
_______ going to win!! Sick

Tell the rest of the Tell the rest of the Name 5 adjectives. Choose
players something you players what you are one of them and make a
LIKE and DON’T like to do doing when you have some sentence.
and why. free time.

Choose one of the players What do you like about When do we have to add
and ask him/her to the city you’re living in ‘’ING’’ at the end of the
introduce him/herself to and why? verb?. Make a sentence
the rest. with more than 6 words.
Which country would you How many languages can How would you describe
like to visit and why? you speak?. Say one yourself?
sentence in that

Why do you think English Have you ever traveled What kind of music do you
is an important language abroad?. If yes, which like and why?
to study? country have you been to?

Do you think it’s Where do you think you’ll Can you cook?. How often
important to have be in 20 years from now? and what do you like to
friends? cook?
Do you like to watch Have you ever told a lie Do you want to be famous?
T.V?. If yes, which because you didn’t want If yes, who and why?
programs do you like to to go to school? What did
watch and why? you tell your teacher?

Order the sentence below:

What kind of sport do you Which tense do we use Starting/game/this/like

play/do? What’s so when we talk about win/feel/because/I’m/to/I
interesting about it? something that happened ’m/that/to/going
in the past but does not
happen anymore?

What would you tell or Do you want to be an What is the most

ask the president if you English teacher?. Why or important thing in live
have the chance to meet why not? for you?
Do you think it’s good to When do we use the past Have you ever had an
donate money to a country perfect tense? accident and had to go to
like Africa? hospital for treatment?

Do you like to be on your If you could change What do you know about
own? yourself into somebody Holland?
you like just for one
day, who would that be
and why?

Do you think the Do you think grammar is a Are you for or against
government should make must when you study the death sentence?. Why?
healthcare insurances English?. Why or why not?
much cheaper? why or why
What does the following
expression mean?
Should smoking be totally What do you think about
banned? Why or why not? religion? You can choose your
friends but you can’t
choose you family.

Do you like watching Say a sentence in the Do you think it’s good
movies?. What genre do perfect present tense. that many kids play video
you like the best? games in their free time?

Would you like to be a Say a sentence in the Do you think using drugs
police officer? Why or past continues tense. is a serious crime and
why not? one should be punished
for using any?

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