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Basic Computer Skills

Skill Early Technology Developing Proficiency Proficient Score/Notes

(1) (2) (3)

Identify specific computer Student can point to at least Student can point to all of the Student can point to and name
hardware: CPU, monitor, one of the named components. components, and name some all of the components.
keyboard, mouse, speakers of them without prompting.
Demonstrate knowledge of Student is not familiar with the Student has some familiarity Student is proficient in the use
function and placement of keyboard – has to hunt to locate with the keyboard – can locate of the keyboard and can
keys on keyboard: enter, any of the requested keys requested keys after a brief describe what the target keys
shift, control, backspace, hunt do
delete, arrow keys, tab,
caps lock, number lock
Identify mouse pointer Student is not able to identify Student is able to identify at Student is able to correctly
shapes and match them to the difference between mouse least one mouse pointer identify all mouse pointers
the correct context of use: pointers
typing arrow (text), arrow
(basic clicking), hand
pointer (clickable links)

Use mouse to select check Student is not able to use any of Student is able to use at least Student is able to use all of the
boxes, use drop-down the mouse selections one mouse selection mouse selection tools
menus and scroll
Identify storage media: Student is unable to identify Student is able to find and Student is able to find and
USB/Flash drives (external) storage spaces on computer identify at least one storage identify all storage areas
and hard drive (external area
and internal)

Identify logout information Student is unable to identify Student is able to find logout Student is able to find logout
and logout successfully logout information or logout information but unable to information and logout
successfully logout successfully successfully.
World Wide Web

Skill Early Technology Developing Proficiency Proficient Score/Notes

(1) (2) (3)

Identify commonly used Student is unable to find icon to Student is able to identify one Student is able to identify all
browsers (Internet connect to a browser icon to connect to a browser browsers available on
Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, computer
Safari) and demonstrate
knowledge of function
Identify the address bar Student is unable to identify the Student is able to identify Student is able to identify and
and enter a URL address address bar address bar, but is unable to enter a URL on the address bar
enter a URL address
Identify the following Student is unable to identify any Student is able to identify and Student is able to identify and
browser toolbar buttons of the toolbar buttons use at least 3 toolbar buttons use all of the buttons: home,
and demonstrate the ability refresh, stop, back and forward
to use them: home, refresh,
stop, back and forward

Skill Early Technology Developing Proficiency Proficient Score/Notes

(1) (2) (3)

Define email The student has heard of email, The student does not have an The student uses email
but never used it email address, but can explain regularly
the use of email

Log into email Student is unable to identify Student attempts to login but is Student is able to login
where to input information for unable to accomplish task successfully
logging into email
Address an email Student is unable to address an Student attempts to address an Student is able to address an
email email, but is unable to email successfully
accomplish task
Send an email Student is unable to send an Student attempts to send an Student is able to send an email
email email, but is unable to successfully
accomplish task
Open an email Student is unable to open an Student attempts to open an Student is able to open an
email email, but is unable to email successfully
accomplish task
Add an attachment to an Student is unable to add an Student attempts to add an Student is able to add an
email attachment to an email attachment to an email, but is attachment to an email
unable to accomplish task successfully
Open an attachment in an Student is unable to open an Student attempts to open an Student is able to open an
email attachment to an email attachment to an email, but is attachment to an email
unable to accomplish task successfully

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