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Assignment Record (2019-2020)

Class – 9

1. Environment Application
Project Topic – (any one)

(a) Where have all the sparrows gone?

(b) Importance of green areas in a city.
(c) Zoos as places for conservation of species

Case Study – (any one)

(a) Starvation in Orissa and Andra Pradesh.

(b) Child labour reports.
(c) Development in a tribal region.
(d) The case of Bt cotton

2. Computer Application-

20 programs in Java using standard input/output method, programs should be, based upon using
following methods

(a) Conditional statements (if, if else, nested if – else)

(b) Switch case
(c) Loops (for loop, while loop, do-while loop)
(d) String

3. English Literature -

(a) Who invented television and when was it invented?

(b) What are the benefits of watching television? Discuss.
(c) What harms isbeing caused television on society. Discuss.
(d) What contrast do you find in the present time and time 20 years back?
(e) T.V. has revolutionized our life,but it has taken our privacy. It has taken away our innate and
original thoughts. We have become artificial and overloaded with many unwanted and harmful
information leading us to today’sgeneration crisis with oneself and the society. Discuss with
your parents and grandparents and compare their views with today’s perception.

4. Economics (One project/assignment)

(a) A case study on the effects of industrial pollution.

(b) Conduct a research on the local economy using any one parameter, for example, education,
health, employment and soon.
(c) Conduct a research on any industry and study how the outputs have been impacted post
liberalization and globalization.
(d) Analyze any recent government scheme in context to the infrastructural development in the
(e) Visit a small scale or cottage industry and write a report on the basis of the techniques of
production being used.

5. Geography – list of assignment (any three)

(a) Weather records collection and maintaining the weather records as found in the newspaper.
(b) Make a report/data for natural disaster like drought earthquakes volcanoes, flood etc.
(c) Physical features of India from primary and secondary resources.
(d) Find out the sources of water pollution in the locality.
(e) Collect the information on global environmental issues and problem though appropriate modes
like charts, collage, essays car loom etc.

6. Hindi

(a) jk”VªHkk”kkfganh dh gekjsns’kesaD;kfLFkfrgS\ vkidsfopkjesajk”VªHkk”kk dh leL;kdksfdlizdkjlqy>k;ktkldrkgS\
(b) ^vijk/k dh lekfIr ds fy, e`R;qnaMvko’;d gS* blfo”k; ds i{k vkSjfoi{k esv a iusfopkjizdVdhft,A

lkfgR; lkxj ¼xn~; Hkkx½

(a) ^ckrvBUuh dh* dgkuhdklkjka’k] mn~ns’;] ‘kh”kZd dh lkFkZdrkA
(b) ^dkdh* dgkuhdklkjka’k] mn~ns’; ‘kh”kZd dh lkFkZdrkA

lkfgR; lkxj ¼i| Hkkx½

(a) dchjnkldk thou ifjp;] mudklkfgR; esa ;ksxnkucrkrsg,q ikBesafn, lkf[k;ksd a kHkkokFkZfyf[k,A
(b) fxfj/kjdfojk; dk thou ifjp; fy[krsgq,] crkb, fdmUgksua sviuhdqaMfy;ksea saD;klan’s kfn;kgSAifBrikB ds
vk/kkjijmnkgj.knsdj le>kb;sA

7. History/Civics
The Indian constitution protects the right of children, women, minorities and weaker sections.
Elaborate on the basis of case study.
(a) Make a comparative study of the Harappan Civilizations

8. Maths
A minimum of two assignments are to be done during the years as prescribed by the teacher.
Suggested Assignments

(a) Conduct a survey of a group of students and represent it graphically – height, weight, number of
family members, pocket money, etc.
(b) Planning delivery routes for a postman/milkman.
(c) Running a tuck shop/canteen.
(d) Study ways of raising a loan to buy a car or house, e.g. bank loan or purchase a refrigerator or a
television set through hire purchase.
(e) Cutting a circle into equal sections of a small central angle to find the area of a circle by using the
formula A=𝜋𝑟 2 .
(f) To use flat cutouts to form cube, cuboids and pyramids to obtain formulae for volume and total
surface area.
(g) Draw a circle of radius 𝑟 on a 2 cm graph paper, and then on a 2 mm graph paper. Estimate the
area enclosed in each case by actually counting the squares. Now try out with circles of different
radii. Establish the pattern, if any, between the two observed values and the theoretical value
(area = 𝜋𝑟 2 ). Any modifications?

9. Commercial Studies

(a) Project to prepare a partnership deed.

Objective: The aim of this project is to teach the students how a partnership is formed.
Organisation of the project – teacher may divide the class into a number of group should
consists of five to ten students. The students in each agree to carry on business for their mutual
benefit. They are partners to share the profits in a certain ratio. Each group contacts one or two
partnership firms in the city. It notes down the details and working of the firm.

(b) Project – Visit a ‘Super Bazar’ in your city and survey its origin, growth and working.
Organisation of the project – visit the Super Bazar and note down the following information.

(c) Visit a bank situated near your house or school. Collect information about various functions
performed in the bank. Which of the services provided by the bank is most popular among
businessmen. Find out from the bank manager.

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