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Energetic Self Mastery

Introduction to Psychic Self Defense

A Guardian Family Model for the Ascension Cycle

What is Psychic Self Defense?
Energetic Mastery by Comprehending Personal Power
and Multidimensional Anatomy

Building a strong 4 Body System : Physical-Emotional-

Mental-Spiritual layers

Strengthening Integrity of Bodies builds Core Inner

Sustainability Connection

Understanding the Forces of Polarity that Exist as Pairs

Of Opposite

Having an accurate assessment of this physical reality

system so you “know” what you are interfacing with.

Learning Self Discipline in order to be in control of the

direction you place your attention, focus and energies.

Mastering Neutrality and Now moment Awareness –

Becoming Transparent
Why IS Psychic Self Defense Important?

“It is important to get comfortable in this world of energetic phenomena

through educational awareness so you will begin to break free of the social
stigma around this issue that creates fear in most people. There is nothing
to fear as this is the dynamics of how energy works in a dualistic system
such as ours on planet Earth.

Once we understand that this phenomena exists, we can explore our

Multidimensional anatomy and then better comprehend the natural laws of
which humans are governed by in this energetic system. We begin to amass
the tools to realize that we are playing a part in a stage of evolution that is
divinely orchestrated.

We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by

our higher selves to achieve and direct our soul’s desires. We can
consciously interact with these higher forces to create more accurate
manifestations and experience more joy in our daily lives. As we hold these
higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult
for these negative energies to super-impose upon your energy field and
take advantage of your life force. Further, as you become self aware you
begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these energies
become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are.”
-Lisa Renee
Mission and Goal for Energetic Mastery?

To achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of Self and
live life in order to maximize human potential, which includes more
abundance, love, connection and joy. To strengthen interpersonal
relationship and social skill sets in order to feel completely
comfortable, confident and purposeful in all outside influences and
interactions. To be Soul embodied and actualized in your Highest
Expression and Ultimate Destiny therefore contributing your creative
Genius to the human collective and to our Planet.

#1 Right Relationship to Self

#2 Right Relationship to God

Evolution Phases and Guidelines Defined
Ascension Integration Support Materials

PHASE ONE - Soul Evolution Path

 The unfolding and developing of the intellect and awareness

into a greater sensory perception or interconnectedness
 Discontent and mental confusion over life purpose and personal
life direction
 Responding to the awareness of a greater whole, and its
purpose within the “group” called Human Being and the Issues
of Humanity (Planetary awareness)
 Conscious mind learns to take control, uses mental focus to
control personality functions ( i.e.The Secret- Law of Attraction)
 Asks for Spiritual Help from God/Source ( the willingness to
release personal will and the ego’s need for self righteousness)
 Development of Spiritual Links and energetic communication
through awareness
SOUL Matrix Triad

Build Stabilize
Your Your
Spiritual Core
Phase One Guidelines
( First Triad of Spiritual Awakening)

Tests of Personal Mastery : Attention of Directing your Consciousness

 Ask and Inquire on the Way of your Soul and its Purposes

 Listen, learn the language of Soul and take action on the

guidance of your Soul

 Develop your Inner Connection to Soul that supersede all

reliance on the External Connections or perception of reality.

 Life a Life congruent to your Soul and its purposes, and that it
serves as an example to others.

 Clear Negative Ego /Emotional Pain stemming from Conflict

Stage 1 – CORE Support Practice
( First Triad of Spiritual Awakening)

Ascension Intro and Foundational Spiritual Practice

 Step One: Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the

authority problem between Ego And God) “ My declaration
of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my
highest power, fully completely and totally”

 Step Two: 12 D Shield – AM

 Step Three: General Core Fear Removal – PM

 Add’l Support Material: Introduction to Ascension CD, Ascension Classes,

PSD Class Series, ES Lift Your Veil Articles, ES Meditation Audio
Treatments, Daily Ascension Journal, 5 Pillars to Soul Purpose, Introduction
to Evolution Guides, Breathwork, Intention to Grow the Soul Purpose, ES
Community Support
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

Four Body System Model

 Designed to increase self awareness at all levels and how these

areas impact others and the self.
 Designed to harness Energetic Integration/Synthesis as a
holistic multidimensional view of self.
 Designed to maximize success in applying soul infused
energies into eliminating personality weaknesses that limit
effective action.
 Designed to strengthen personal power and energetic
discernment of where you apply focus, energy and attention.
 Designed to attract and become magnetic to your exacting
purposes in fulfilling your life.
 Designed to be deeply connected with a sense of purpose and
meaning in everything you are involved with.
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

Stage 1- Physical Body Goals

 Increase physical body awareness and needs to

optimize and nurture your physical body
function so it can operate at the level you
require of it.

 Identify nutrients, foods, cleanses, physical

supports such as exercise, sunlight, therapyies,
healing modalities, sharing love /intimacy
with others that increase your joy and
physical well being.

 Commit to healing and supporting your

physical self as a priority.
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

 Stage I – Physical Alignment Intro

 Identify any physical weaknesses and implement basic physical

support strategy (Quantum readings)
 Necessity to strengthen physical for building spiritual foundation
 Introduce Personal Energetic Sustainability model ( inner connected,
not externally focused)
 Brain, nerves, adrenal and neurological awareness. ( EMF
overexposure symptoms)

 Nourish or supplement
 Exercise or Movement
 Breath Awareness
 Environmental or nature connections

 Suggested ES Support Material: EMF Class and Audio Calibration, Genetic Pathcutting
Class ( introduce GP agreements), Basic Superfood and Supplementation Program
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

 Stage II – Emotional Body Goals

 Learn to identify how to connect your emotional feelings and sensory to an awareness
you can feel inside your body or cognitive process.
 Learn how to better integrate your emotional self to connect into your physical and
mental self.
 Learn how to bring expression to what you are feeling, as possible in the moment you
become aware of that feeling or sensory perception.
 Master expressing emotion without becoming stuck in the identification of it as who
you are. ( do not define yourself by emotions, experience them as a color pallette you are choosing to
use while painting a picture)
 Identify any negative or unproductive emotions and thoughts and discover where they
are sourcing from. Own all of your thoughts and discern if they are YOURS or not.
 Commit to removing and clearing all unproductive or damaging thought patterns form
your past. Adopt a flexible yet disciplined attitude to be within right aligned thinking.
 Clear fear, limitation, insecurities.
 Identify all emotional conflicts, bring them to surface awareness and resolve them. Ask
for help when needed.
 Eliminate dross, such as : guilt, obligation and emotional vampires in your life. ( or
influencing your life)
 Eliminate all emotional drama and any person or circumstance that persists in this type
of relating in a triangulation or extraction process of your resources.
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

 Stage II – Emotional Body Clearing Tools

 Step One: Specific Core Fear Identification Exercise

( deeper inquiry, specific fear programs)

 Step Two: Specific Core Fear Removal Program

 Step Three: Emotional Releases through Subconscious

Daily Exercise: Learn to Let Go

Practice : Patience, Surrender, Acceptance, Forgiveness,

Be Here Now.
Apply Self Forgiveness , Learn to Forgive others

Suggested Support : Clear Emotional Negativity Exercise (Disidentification),

Personal Power Article, Remove the Negative Form Treatment
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

 Stage III– Mental Body Goals

 Increase “witness” conscious awareness and neutral observation to

external events in your life without emotional shut down. Increase
levels of intelligence by comprehending a multidimensional model of
intelligence field access. Raise the octave of your mental body to the
highest expression possible, and set this as a intention daily.
 Increase mental focus and reduce scattered tendencies . Identify
trigger thoughts and mind control that take you out of yourself.
Attempt to stay connected to your physical presence awareness as
much as possible.
 Comprehend the pitfalls of mind control, its current planetary
agenda and how to transcend mind control programs.
 Create an arsenal of mental refocusing tools for your disposal when
feeling weak or impaired. Learn your limits and respect them.
 Learn how to train your brain to turn off at will, know that healing
and relaxation, recovery all happens at non linear, non thinking
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model

 Stage III – Mental Body Clearing Tools

 Monitor Self – By Cultivating “ The Observer” Observe patterns- Mental

thought Awareness and Self Talk Awareness. Observer has no judgment.
It allows observation of external events without needing
to control the outcome. Practice this intentionally as
a daily exercise.

 Basic Daily Exercise: 5 Steps to REFOCUS


 Daily Exercise : Apply Self Forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience ______.

 Intermediate: Negative Ego Homework 1, 2, 3

(Self Inquiry and Questioning)

Audio Meditation : Remove The Negative Form, All

Meditations since Last November 2009, Soul Psychology
by Joshua David Stone
Basic Daily Exercise: 5 Steps to REFOCUS NEGATIVE THOUGHT
“It is Not God’s Job to control your Mind”

 RELABEL - Identify the negative thought or emotion as a distorted pattern

of negative ego consciousness. This “Fear” is my Negative Ego.This is not the real me.

 REATTRIBUTE - Dis-identify from the thought or emotion as you.You begin

to master your emotional states and you can begin to choose. I am the eternal
being, not my thoughts or emotions.

 REFOCUS -Move yourself out of situation, environment or the trigger for

that thought. Go for a walk, listen to music, change your focus. Affirm: Not my
will but Divine.

 REVALUE-Revalue the power you have given this thought or emotion to rule
your life. See it for what it truly IS. Limiting you. Disempowering you.
Robbing you of inner peace and fulfillment as a Divine being. (Get behind ME,
Ego! I AM that I AM!)

 REQUEST Help - Commit to expressing Higher Emotion and Living your

Soul Purpose. Ask for help from Spirit. Work your tools. Be here NOW!
PHASE 2– Four Body System Model
( how to achieve integration)

Stage IV– Spiritual Body Goals

 Increase your interconnection awareness to all things ( Source) and

identify the core essence of your being as the priority over the Image or
Persona the mind thinks you are. Become a Knower of your Essence and
creational purpose. Commit to feeling and experiencing inner peace
with all things, reduce and resolve conflicts in your relationship to self,
and your relationship to God/Source/Universe. Learn to utilize
meditation and ways to quiet and release the mind regularly.
 Comprehend a cosmology/model of levels of intelligence so a
ROADMAP can be established between mind, body and spirit.This is
Spiritual Integration Modeling. – The 4 Body System.
 All that is your external reality, starts from your inner reality.Without
changing your inside connection your external reality will NOT
CHANGE. You cannot reach physical goals without changing from the
inside first. Therefore making this spiritual commitment is the most
important one in your life and should be treated as such.
 Connect directly to the GOD or Christ Consciousness Intelligences, a
Inter-dimensional Spiritual Family .If you can purify your body in order
to communicate and hold the power this offers, nothing will stop you
from your purposes on earth.
Evolutionary Framework
( Further Development with Ascension Education)

 Stage IV- Spiritual Development with Ascension Education

 Ascension Class 1- What is Ascension?

 Ascension Class 2- Multidimensional Anatomy – Intro
 Ascension Class 3- Hidden Human History ( Root Races) and Initiation
 Ascension Class 4- Genetic Pathcutting – Understanding the Evolutionary
Purpose and Transmutational Alchemy within the Physical Body
 Ascension Class 5 – Indigo Races
 Ascension Talk – The Ascension Cycle ( 2012 Timeline and Starseed Purpose)

 Lift your Veil Articles – Monthly Compilation

 Monthly Themes Audio Q & A Discussions
 Community Membership – Introduction to Energetic Support leading to
Inner Sustainability and Planetary Stewardship

Discuss the Paradox of the Evolutionary Framework, necessity to embody congruency with the God
Consciousness as integration is Key. Allow the framework to continually adapt to the shifting
consciousness. Cultivate personal discernment through personal resonance without judging. At a
certain level of consciousness the framework becomes meaningless.
Roadmap to Unity Consciousness
Multidimensional Awareness
4 Body System Model

 Inner Sustainability as a Unity Model ( 12 D Field)

 Conscious participation and commitment to personal spiritual
 Discipline and Transcend Ego and Addiction (lower emotion)
Control ( First Triad Identity Healing)
 Connect to your God Core, Still Point Inner Source Daily
 Eradicate Fears, Mind Control and Heal your Emotional Body
 Practice Now Moment Observer Awareness
 Cultivate and Practice Building your Higher Sensory
 HSP is the Key to Unlock Cellular Knowingness
and cognition of energy signatures
 HSP communicates with the Universal Intelligence
in Female principle
CORE Support Practice

 Step One: Daily Declaration of Intention (resolve the

authority problem between Ego And God)

“ My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I

commit to serve my highest power, fully completely and

I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!

Merkaba Star
Core Geometry
Core Practice – 12 D Shield – AM/PM
 The First stage purposed for us in working with the 12 D shield is to achieve a
certain level of the following PERSONAL results:
 To fortify and strengthen our Aura and Energy Field by reconnecting to the
Oversoul Matrix and 12th Dimensional Blueprint
 To learn energetic boundaries of our Aura and to be able to boundary test
discordant energies that are uninvited
 To re-imprint the body to physical sustainability and health ( achieved by
perfect balance)
 To allow communication links to be restored with Spiritual Forces and Star
 To begin a process of reawakening dormant or damaged DNA
 To empower our cells to reawaken to our True Origin, including decoding light
language and hidden history of our race.

 After this has been practiced with commitment and dedication on a regular basis, new levels begin to
emerge. Usually you will find you will evolve to institute deep breathing alignments with your 12 D

Depending on your soul gene code, lineage and willingness to be recruited, a certain level of personal light
integrity must be stabilized in order to be effective to do larger 12 D vortexes. Working to harmonize
energy spaces is the next stages of working with the 12 D fields of energy.

Still it is a good mental focus technique to practice, which is necessary for the neurological entrainment
of our energy fields to be receptive to a huge influx of frequencies coming and to be able to exchange
with the Cosmic Intelligences of our wholeness and unity consciousness.
Core Practice – Core Fear Removal
 I call forth the My God Self, The Masters, My Evolution Support Team And Overlighting Angel of
 Please install the lattice work of light into my mind grid field and emotional field to remove all fear
based programs.
 I Request The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. I ask first for a general clearing of all fear-based
programs that are hindering my spiritual growth.
 You will feel them moving out the top of your head. If You feel specific fears you know about yourself , request
them to be removed and identify them specifically to the Masters to remove. The more specific the better.
 I request that my Teams focus on my physical body and ask to remove any and all fear based and mind
control programs lodged there.
 I Request that you clear and heal my etheric body and remove any fear-based programs that are
blocking me.
 I request that you clear and heal my astral body and remove all fear-based programs and spiritual
weeds from my astral, or emotional body.
 I request that you clear and heal my mental body and remove all thought forms of an imbalanced and
negative nature.
 I request to clear and heal my spiritual bodies fully, totally and completely.

I Ask that the programs be completely removed from my soul and from the Akashic Records. I give
full permission for you to do this Now. I thank the Masters and my Team for this healing and support.

During another meditation, to through each of your seven major chakras. Begin with the first chakra and request the Fear Matrix.
Removal Program to remove all imbalanced energies and fear-based programs preventing you from achieving your ascension in
the first chakra. Then do the same for each of the other six chakras. Do this for twenty-one days and see what happens!
12th Dimensional Shield – Unity Intelligence Field
12th Dimensional Shield – Unity Intelligence Field
 For more information visit :
 Empowering Humanities Evolution with Ascension Tools,
Planetary Timeline Awareness, Inner Sustainability Modeling
and Global Web Community

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