Advanced Nsuns v2.1 - LiftVault

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*full details here* - Thanks, Lift Vault

Current Training Max: Squat 100 [1] Bench 100 Deadlift 100 OHP 100
Routine: 5 Day
Day Exercise Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Accessory Muscle Groups
Monday Bench 65.0 x8 75.0 x6 85.0 x4 85.0 x4 85.0 x4 80.0 x5 75.0 x6 70.0 x7 65.0 x8+ Back, Chest, Shoulders Arms
OHP 50.0 x6 60.0 x5 70.0 x3 70.0 x5 70.0 x7 70.0 x4 70.0 x6 70.0 x8
Tuesday Squat 75.0 x5 85.0 x3 95.0 x1+ 90.0 x3 85.0 x3 80.0 x3 75.0 x5 70.0 x5 65.0 x5+ Legs, Abs
Sumo Deadlift 50.0 x5 60.0 x5 70.0 x3 70.0 x5 70.0 x7 70.0 x4 70.0 x6 70.0 x8
Wednesday OHP 75.0 x5 85.0 x3 95.0 x1+ 90.0 x3 85.0 x3 80.0 x3 75.0 x5 70.0 x5 65.0 x5+ Back, Shoulders, Arms
Incline Bench 40.0 x6 50.0 x5 60.0 x3 60.0 x5 60.0 x7 60.0 x4 60.0 x6 60.0 x8
Thursday Deadlift 75.0 x5 85.0 x3 95.0 x1+ 90.0 x3 85.0 x3 80.0 x3 75.0 x3 70.0 x3 65.0 x3+ Legs, Abs
Front Squat 35.0 x5 45.0 x5 55.0 x3 55.0 x5 55.0 x7 55.0 x4 55.0 x6 55.0 x8
Friday Bench 75.0 x5 85.0 x3 95.0 x1+ 90.0 x3 85.0 x5 80.0 x3 75.0 x5 70.0 x3 65.0 x5+ Back, Chest, Arms
C.G.Bench 40.0 x6 50.0 x5 60.0 x3 60.0 x5 60.0 x7 60.0 x4 60.0 x6 60.0 x8

Accessory Routine Replace chart entries as desired to target weakness SBD TOTAL Upper Body Push-Pull Balance
Day Exercise Sets Reps Weight Rest Based on estimated 1RM Push Reps 300 Count & enter reps
Monday Weighted Chinup 5 5 BW+55 2m 333 Lb Pull Reps 700 (Per Mon-Fri cycle)
Machine Cable Row 3 15 180 1m Ratio: 1:2.3 Ratio Goal: >1:2
Machine Lat Pulldown 3 12 150 1m Goal: ? Lb
Cable Chest Fly 3 12 50 1m You pick.
Hammer Curl 3 8-10 40 1m
Tuesday Dumbbell Side Bend 3 12 105 1.5m
Leg Curl 3 12 160 1m
Calf Raise 3 20 190 1.5m
Ab Routine ? ? ? 1m
Wednesday Weighted chinups 5 5 BW+55 2m
Cable Lat Pulldown 5 15 140 1m
Machine Row 5 12 290 1.5m
Dumbbell Side Raise 3 10 35 1m
DB Arnold Press 3 12 50 1.5m
Hammer Curl 3 10 40 1m
Thursday Farmer Carry 2 1/4 mile 55/hand 2m
Leg Curl Machine 3 12 160 1m
Ab Routine ? ? ? 1m
Friday Weighted Chinups 5 5 BW+55 2m
Barbell Yates Row 3 10 185 1.5m
Face Pull 3 15 80 1m
Dumbbell Fly 3 12 55 1m
Hammer Curl 3 12 37.5 1m
Saturday Barbell Upright Row 3 10 105 1.5m
(On 6-day Barbell Row 5 5 225 2m
variation) Hyperextension 4 15 BW+45 1m
Farmer Carry 1 1/4 mile 70/hand 2m
Ab Routine ? ? ? 1m
Current Training Max Bench OHP Deadlift Squat
100 100 100 100
Green row is the
current week Bench OHP Deadlift Squat AMRAP Reps
Training Training Training Training
Date Weekno. Reps on 1+ Reps on 1+ Reps on 1+ Reps on 1+ Squat OHP DL Bench Comments
Max Max Max Max
7-Jan-19 2 100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1
14-Jan-19 3 100 100 100 100
21-Jan-19 4 100 100 100 100
28-Jan-19 5 100 100 100 100
4-Feb-19 6 100 100 100 100
11-Feb-19 7 100 100 100 100
18-Feb-19 8 65 65 65 65 AUTOMATIC 65% DELOAD WEEK
25-Feb-19 9 100 100 100 100
4-Mar-19 10 100 100 100 100
11-Mar-19 11 100 100 100 100
18-Mar-19 12 100 100 100 100
25-Mar-19 13 100 100 100 100
1-Apr-19 14 100 100 100 100
8-Apr-19 15 65 65 65 65 AUTOMATIC 65% DELOAD WEEK
15-Apr-19 16 100 100 100 100
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
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#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Reached the end? Reset the first date to next Monday, delete the reps in each rep column, then readjust your TMs like when you first started.

Lbs or Kgs Lbs

Routine 5 Day

Progress calculator
Weight to add
2.5KG/5LBS Reps on 1+ set >= 2 ,but also <= 4
5KG/10LBS Reps on 1+ set >= 5
IMPERIAL MACRO CALCULATOR Fill in the highlighted cells

STEP 1: CALCULATE YOUR CALORIE NEEDS Easy way to estimate body-fat percentage
Enter your body-fat percentage (whole number) (If you don't know, use calculator on the right) 14 Height (inches) 72
Weight (lbs) 191 Neck Circumference (inches) - narrowest point 16
Waist Circumference (inches) - Around navel, relaxed 33
Your Lean Body Mass 164.26 Approximate body-fat percentage 12.5
Your BMR 1982.70468

Enter your activity multiplier (See explanation box on the right) (1.1-1.9) 1.5 Activity Multiplier Explanation
Your Estimated Daily Calorie Needs (TDEE) 2974 Sedentary (little/no exercise) = 1.2
Lightly active (training/sport 2-3 days/week) = 1.375
STEP 2 (FOR THOSE CUTTING): Calculate your Calorie targets & macros Moderately Active (training/sports 4-5 days/week) = 1.55
Enter your target weekly weight loss (in pounds) (0.4-3.0) 1 Very active (training/sports 6-7 days/week) = 1.725
Your Target Average Daily Calorie Intake 2474 Extremely Active (twice/day, all difficult) = 1.9
Enter your chosen Fat Intake in g/lb of LBM (0.4-0.6) 0.5
Enter your chosen Protein Intake in g/lb of LBM (0.8-1.4) 1

Option 1: Use the same macros every day (Choose if you train 1-2 days a week, or every day)
Calories 2474
Protein 164
Fat 82
Carbs 270

Option 2: Cycle your Calories & Macros (Only worth it if you train 3-6 days a week)
How many days a week do you train? (3-6) 5
Choose a calorie intake percentage difference between your training & rest days (20, 30, or 40) 30
Chose a fat intake percentage difference between your training & rest days (10, 20, 30, 40, or 50) 30

TRAINING Calories 2706

Protein 164
Fat 73
Carbs 348

REST DAYS Calories 1894

Protein 164
Fat 104
Carbs 76

STEP 2 (FOR THOSE BULKING): Calculate your Calorie targets & macros
Enter your target monthly muscle gain (in lbs) (0.5-3.0) 2
Your Target Average Daily Calorie Intake 3374
Enter your chosen Fat Intake as a percentage of daily calories (20, 25, or 30) 25
Enter your chosen Protein Intake in g/lb of LBM (0.8-1.4) 1

Option 1: Use the same macros every day (Choose if you train 1-2 days a week, or every day)
Calories 3374
Protein 164
Fat 94
Carbs 468

Option 2: Cycle your Calories & Macros (Only worth it if you train 3-6 days a week)
How many days a week do you train? (3-6) 5
Choose a calorie intake percentage difference between your training & rest days. (20, 30, or 40) 20
Choose a fat intake percentage difference between your training & rest days. (10, 20, 30, 40, or 50) 40

TRAINING Calories 3578

Protein 164
Fat 79
Carbs 553

REST DAYS Calories 2863

Protein 164
Fat 132
Carbs 255
Setup The Log page is where this program is calibrated to update automatically each week, as displayed on the Routine page.
On the log page, there is a chart with rows representing each week. Within the chart is cells for date, weights, and reps.
Set the first row's date to the monday of the week that you will start using this program. The first row should now be
hilighted as green if it's the current week. The following cells should be filled with some 100s. These are your training maxes.
A training max is 90% of your maximum weight you can do 1 rep with for the corresponding exercise in that column.
You need to know your 1 rep max for that exercise to calibrate this program. Once you know your 1 rep max, multiply
that number by 0.9 and replace the 100 in the cell of that exercise with the value you calculated. Do this for each
100 in the row, respective to each corresponding exercise of its column. Once you have done this, visit the Routine
page. You will see that the main routine is now updated with weights that are calibrated to your 1 rep maxes.

Want to do 4 days, 5 days, or 6 days per week instead of whatever amount of days you have? Visit the setings page.

Warning Do not modify any other cells that already contain numbers on the Log or Routine page for risk of breaking the sheet's references.
You should only modify the first Log row's 100s, and any cells which already contain numbers and are hilighted. See Use for more info on what can be modified.

Use When you begin this routine on Monday, you will visit the Routine page. Under the Routine chart will be rows for
Monday through Friday. Each row has two sub-rows that contain two exercises. These are your primary
exercises for that day. Monday has Bench and OHP. You will begin Monday with the first set after Bench. There are
9 total sets before you are finished with bench. After, you will repeat this but with the sets of OHP.
After you do these exercises, called the T1 and T2 (Tier 1 and Tier 2), you will do your accessory routine
which is found in the chart below.

Logging You'll notice that some sets in the main routine are hilighted yellow. These sets are your highest weight for that exercise.
Depending on how many reps you're able to achieve, the chart will update your weights for the next week.
You need to log how many reps you get on that hilighted set for that exercise on that day in the Log page.
In the Log, you'll go to the green row (current week), and under the exercise you'd like to log reps on hilighted set
for, find Reps on 1+ column and fill in the value for the number of reps you were able to get. For example, if
on Friday you got 3 reps on your hilighted set of Bench, you'd go to Log, on the green row you'd move right until
you were under the Bench Reps on 1+ column and enter the number 3. The next week, your weight will increase.

Terms TM Training Max 90% of your true 1 rep max. What this program uses to find weights for you.
AMRAP As Many Reps As Possible
1RM 1 rep max The highest amount of weight you can perform one good form rep with
Bench Bench Press
OHP Overhead Press
C.G. Bench Close-Grip Bench Press
SBD Total Based on your TMs, the sheet attempts to calculate the estimated sum value of your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift (3 lifts of powerlifting). 1000 is a good start.
T1 The first exercise of the day on the Routine. A primary skill lift that all other lifts of that day aim to assist the improvement of.
T2 The second exercise of the day on the Routine. An auxillary compound lift that improves assistance muscles to the T1 lift of that day.
Accessory Usually an isolation exercise that assists with a specific weak point muscle group and/or aesthetic hypertrophy.

Macros Diet is what controls whether you build muscle, build muscle and fat, or lose fat/fat+muscle. To calculate a diet plan
that fits your goals, go to the Macro Calculator page and look for the section that fits your needs. It can
help you gain or lose rate at any normally effective rate, with desired percentages of individual macros making up
the composition of your plan. Once you have your macros and calorie needs for rest/workout days, you can
use an app like MyFitnessPal to log enter these macro parameters and log your calorie intake.

Cut/Bulk? You can do either on this program. The creator of the original version of this program, nSuns, ran it on a cut.
I've run it on bulk for over a year with minimal plateaus.

I broke it If you accidentally modified a cell that had a formula in it ao the sheet no longer functions, you can get
a new one here
Just open it, hit file>make a copy
Use that copy and delete the broken one.
Send all questions to
[1] Edit all training max values on the "Log" sheet.

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