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Project Report


Submitted to the Department Of Computer Science for partial fulfillment

The requirement for the award of the degree of B.Tech(CSE)

SESSION 2015-2019

Submitted By: Guided By:

Amritveer Kaur Ajitpal Kaur
Roll No. 15112381 Asst. Professor
Class – 8th Sem Computer Science Department
Computer Science Department
Devraj group’s technical campus Ferozepur

Department of Computer Science

pg. 1
This is certify that B.TECH Project work entitled “ONLINE VOTING
SYSTEM” has been completed by Miss Amritveer Kaur, Roll No.15112381
under Miss.Ajitpal Kaur supervision. To the best of my knowledge, this is an
original work undertaken by the candidate and has not been submitted elsewhere
in full or in parts for the award of any other degree. The data and references used
in the present study have been duly acknowledged.
I recommend the project work for evaluation.

Place: Ferozepur
(Prof.Ajitpal Kaur)

pg. 2

As the world is progressing, the use of internet is also increasing with it.
One can easily notice new technology coming every year. Slowly and
gradually Digitalization becomes the every person’s needs and wants.
Present topic of project report deals with “ONLINE VOTING
SYSTEM”. It is an online voting technique. This application provides is a
new technique of casting votes using mobile phones. Android voting system is
an application developed for android devices to deploy an easy and flexible
way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere.

The present project report has been divided into various

chapters. The First Chapter is introduction; gives the introduction to the
company profile where I have completed my project. The Second Chapter
gives the introduction of my project (Android Voting System). The chapters
third and fifth deals with the technologies used in the project i.e. Android
Studio (Front End) and SQLite (Back End).

pg. 3

“Gratitude is not a thing of expression; it is more matter of feeling”

I am extremely satisfied in successfully completing the dissertation for my course I take this opportunity to thank all my faculties and mentors who took a
huge part in my progress. I express my gratitude to Mr Upkar Singh Training and
placement officer for providing this opportunity to carry out the semester
industrial Training at “DEZIGN SUITE MOHALI”.
The constant guidance and encouragement received from Miss.Ajitpal Kaur &
faculties has been of great help in carrying out of the project work and is
acknowledge with reverential thanks. Without the wise counsel and able guidance,
it would have been impossible to complete the training in this manner.
I take the opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude and respect to all
those who helped me throughout the period of my project work.
Place: Ferozepur
(Amritveer Kaur)

pg. 4
Chapter Page No.

 Certificate …………………………....... 2
 Preface ……………………………… 3
 Acknowledgement………………………… 4
1. COMPANY PROFILE…………………………... 6
2. INTRODUCTION (Project)…………................. 7-8
4.OBJECTIVE………………………….. 10-11
4. FRONT END (ANDROID)……………………... 11-12
5.CONCLUSION…………………… 12
6.BOOKS REFERED…………..... 13

pg. 5

Dezign Suite Mohali

With a motto of helping as many students as possible to fulfil their
dreams, Dezign Suite (TCS iON) training partner has achieved an all new level
of success which remains unique and unmatched. Dezign Suite (TCS ION)
training partner has expanded its functions in international market providing a
diversity of fruitful results and delivering value through service-based deliveries.

 Personal interviews of all the students are also conducted in order to kill their
hesitation and uplift their confidence while appearing for an interview. These
practices play an imperative role to enhance the communication skills of
students without which it is impossible to clear an interview. Various sessions
are organized on Saturdays to bring a change in the monotonous routine of
students. With an optimistic approach towards the betterment of students,
concentrated efforts are put by our workforce in order to overcome all the
obstacles and lead them towards the path of success.

pg. 6


pg. 7

“ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” is an online voting technique. This

application provides is a new technique of casting votes using mobile phones.
Android voting system is an application developed for android devices to
deploy an easy and flexible way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere.

The application is especially developed for organizations to get

employees/Students votes for any new policy regulation or issues. The issues
or arguments are fed into the system by the admin. Employees/Student can
then cast their vote as yes or no. One voter can only post one vote for an
argument. Each and every vote casted is stored in the database for the
respective argument. At the end of the voting process the system counts the
total votes and generates a brief report of it to the admin.


voter can use his/her voting right online without any difficulty. He/She has to
fill a registration form to register himself/herself. All the entries is checked by
the DATABASE which has already all information about the voter. If all the
entries are correct then a USER ID and PASSWORD is given to the voter, by
using that ID and PASSWORD he/she can use his/her vote. If conditions are
wrong then that entry will be discarded. Statement about the problem Internet
has led to discussion of e-democracy and online voting.

pg. 8
System Development Life Cycle describes the process of planning, creating,
testing and deploying an information system. It is composed of a number of
clearly defined and distinct work phases in the development of the information
system. SDLC aims to produce high quality systems that meet the customer
expectations, based on customer’s requirements, by delivering systems which
moves through each clearly defined phase, within scheduled time frames and cost
estimates. In brief, SDLC describes different stages involved in a project from the
drawing board, through the completion of the project.
Problem definition is the very first phase of the System Development Life Cycle.
In this phase we focus and consider the problems in our existing system or the
needs to our new system. The aim of this phase is to capture the detail of each
requirement and make sure everyone understands the scope of the work and how
each requirement is going to be fulfilled.
My project is voting system named “online voting system”. This project aims to
replace the traditional voting system especially for universities or colleges. This
project is specially made for election held in universities for student rights.
Requirement analysis is done to seek our requirements for the solution to the
problem. It specifies the goals to be accomplished i.e. what is needed to be done
for getting the solution to the problems. Here we specify the objectives of our
system proposed. These objectives define that what things are required to solve
the problem.

pg. 9
Objectives of our system:

The most crucial factor for a system like e-VOTE to be successful is to exhibit a
Voting Protocol that can prevent opportunities for fraud or for sacrificing the
voter's privacy

The Voting Protocol that will be designed and implemented for the e-VOTE
system will combine the advantages of existing protocols and techniques, while
at the same time it will aim at eliminating most of the identified deficiencies and
problems. The related attributes that the e-VOTE system will fully support, and
against which it will be extensively tested and validated, are listed below. These
attributes can be also considered, according to the literature, as a set of criteria for
a "good" electronic voting system that can easily enjoy the trust and confidence
of the voters and process organizers.

1. Democracy: The system should be "democratic" in the sense that:

it will permit only eligible voters to vote (eligibility) and
it will ensure that each eligible voter can vote only once (un-reusability).

2. Privacy: The system should ensure that:

none of the actors involved in the voting process (organizers, administrators,
voters etc.) can link any ballot (contextually) to the voter who cast it, and
that no voter can prove that he or she voted in a particular way .

3. Integrity: The necessary mechanism should be employed in order to

guarantee that:
none can duplicate his or someone else's vote and
none can change someone else's vote .

The system functionality should ensure that none can falsify or modify the result
of the voting by eliminating a valid vote or counting an invalid vote in the final

pg. 10
The system should allow and support anyone to independently verify that all votes
have been counted correctly.

The system should allow and assist voters to cast their votes quickly, in one
session, and with minimal equipment or special skills.

The system should allow a variety of ballot formats and it should be customized
to the specific characteristics of the voting processes.

The system should not pose any restrictions on the location from which a voter
can cast a vote.

The election can be held in a timely manner (i.e. all computations during the
election are done in a reasonable amount of time and voters are not required to
wait on other voters to complete the process).

The size of the election should not drastically affect performance.

In parallel with the development of the aforementioned e-VOTE functionality and

the implementation of the associated voting protocol, the consortium will take into
account all relevant European legal and regulatory issues that may pose extra
requirements or constraints in terms of the functionality, the equipment, or the
security measures.

What is Android?

Operating Systems have developed a lot in last 15 years. Starting from black and

white phones to recent smart phones or mini computers, mobile OS has come far

pg. 11
away. Especially for smart phones, Mobile OS has greatly evolved from Palm OS

in 1996 to Windows pocket PC in 2000 then to Blackberry OS and Android.

One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is ANDROID. Android is a

software bunch comprising not only operating system but also middleware and

key applications.

Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto of California, U.S. by Andy Rubin, Rich

miner, Nick sears and Chris White in 2003. Later Android Inc. was acquired by

Google in 2005. After original release there have been number of updates in the

original version of Android.


Over the last year, there has been strong interest in E-voting as a way to
make voting more convenient and, it is expected, to increase participation in
process. E-voting Systems are among those being considered to replace
traditional voting system which is tend less reliable.
E-voting may become the quickest, cheapest, and the most efficient way to
administer election and count vote since it only consists of simple process or
procedure and require a few worker within the process.

pg. 12
(Online Reference)

Books Referred
1. Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch
(By: Bill Philips & Brian Hardy )
2. Android Design Patterns: Interaction Design Solutions for Developers
(By: Greg Nudelman )

Android User Interface Design: Turning Ideas

pg. 13

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