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Question 1

Nuclear matter without envelope occurs in

A Bacteria and Green Algae

B Bacteria and Cyanobacteria

C Cyanobacteria and Red Algae

D Mycoplasma and Green Algae

Question 2

The Golgi apparatus

A Is found only in animals

B Is found in prokaryotes

C Is a site of rapid ATP production

D Modifies and packages proteins

Question 3

Prokaryote is characterized by

Dispersed DNA and lack of membrane

bound organelles

B Absence of nuclear envelope

C Absence of nucleolus

D All of these

Question 4

Plasmodesmata transports gibberellic acid in

A Protists

B Mycoplasma

C Virus
D Algae

Question 5

Smaller cell is

A less active metabolically

B with larger nucleus

C with smaller nucleus

D more active metabolically

Question 6

The cytoplasmic connections from cell to cell are known as

A middle lamella

B plasmodesmata

C cell membrane system

D endoplasmic reticulum

Question 7

The main arena of various types of activities of a cell is

A Nucleus

B Plasma membrane

C Mitochondria

D Cytoplasm

Question 8

The main difference between plant and animal cells is

A Plant cells has small vacuoles

B Animal cell lacks rigid cell wall

C Animal cells has large vacuoles

D Plant cell lacks rigid cell wall

Question 9

The plasma membrane consists mainly of

Proteins embedded in a carbohydrate


Phospholipids embedded in a protein


Proteins embedded in a phospholipid


Proteins embedded in a polymer of

glucose molecules

Question 10

The suffix 'S' in ribosome unit indicates

A Solubility

B Sedimentation coefficient

C Surface Area

D Size

Question 11

Tonoplast, also called vacuolar membrane is a differentially permeable membrane surrounds the

A cytoplasm

B vacuole

C nucleus

D mitochondria

Question 12

Tonoplast is a differentially permeable membrane surrounding the _____.

A Vacuole

B Cytoplasm
C Mitochondria

D Nucleus

Question 13

What is a genophore?

A DNA in prokaryotes

B DNA and RNA in prokaryotes

C DNA and protein in prokaryotes

D RNA in prokaryotes

Question 14

When a ripe tomato is pricked with a needle a watery fluid comes out. This fluid is stored in

A Vacuole

B Plastid

C Cytoplasm

D Nucleus

Question 15

Which one of the following structures between two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway?

A Plasmalemma

B Plasmodesmata

C Plastoquinones

D Endoplasmic reticulum

Question 16

Which one of the following is not a constituent of cell membrane?

A Phospholipids

B Cholesterol
C Glycolipids

D Proline

Question 17

Purines possess nitrogen at

A 1, 2, 4 and 6 position

B 1, 3, 5 and 7 position

C 1, 3, 7 and 9 position

D 1, 2, 6 and 8 position

Question 18

The two polynucleotide chains in DNA are:

A Semiconservative

B Parallel

C Discontinuous

D Antiparallel

Question 19

Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are collectively termed as

A Endocytosis

B Suspension feeding

C Omnivores

D Mucous trap

Question 20

Vital stains are employed to study

A Living cells

B Frozen tissues

C Fresh tissues
D Preserved tissues

Question 21

Which one of the following also acts as a catalyst in a bacterial cell?

A 23 sr RNA

B 5 sr RNA

C sn RNA

D hn RNA

Question 22

Fluid mosaic model was given by

A Robertson

B Schwann

C Dave Donson

D Singer and Nicholson

Question 23

Middle lamella is composed mainly of

A Protein

B Hemicellulose

C Carbohydrate

D Calcium pectate

Question 24

Plasma membrane is made up of

A Protein, lipid, carbohydrate

B Lipid, carbohydrate

C Protein, lipid

D Protein
Question 25

Which one of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells

A Amoeba proteus

B Paramecium caudatum

C Escherichia coli

D Euglena viridis

Question 26

Plasmodesmata are

A Connections between adjacent cells

Lignified cemented layers between


C Locomotary structures

Membranes connecting the nucleus

with plasmalemma

Question 27

Which one of the following pairs of nitrogenous bases of nucleic acids, is wrongly matched with the
category mentioned against it?

A Adenine, Thymine – Purines

B Thymine, Uracil – Pyrimidines

C Uracil, Cytosine – Pyrimidines

D Guanine, Adenine – Purines

Question 28

Keeping in view the ‘fluid mosaic model’ for the structure of cell membrane, which one of the following
statements is correct with respect to the movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid monolayer to
the other (described as flip-flop movement)?

Neither lipids, nor proteins can flip-

B Both lipids and proteins can flip-flop

While lipids can rarely flip-flop,

proteins can not

While proteins can flip-flop, lipids can


Question 29

The length of DNA molecule greatly exceeds the dimensions of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. How is
this DNA accommodated?

A Through elimination of repetitive DNA

B Deletion of non-essential genes

C Super-coiling in nucleosomes

D DNAse digestion

Question 30

Comparing small and large cells, which statement is correct?

Small cells have a small surface area

per volume ratio

Exchange rate of nutrients is fast with

large cells

Small cells have a large surface area

per volume ratio

Exchange rate of nutrients is slow with

small cells

Question 31

Carbohydrates present in the plasmalemma are in the form of

A cellulose

B hemicellulose

C starch
D glycolipids and glycoproteins

Question 32

Cell organelles are embedded in

A Nucleolus

B Cytoplasm

C Protoplasm

D Mitochondria

Question 33

Cellular totipotency means

A Synthesis of new cells

B Formation of new plants

C Formation of new species

Capability of a plant cell to form

complete plant

Question 34

Compare the statements A and B. Statement A : Sclerenchyma cells do not have plasmodesmata.
Statement B : The cell walls of some permanent tissues are heavily lignified. Select the correct
description :

Both the statements A and B are


B Statement A is correct and B is wrong.

C Statement A is wrong and B is correct.

Both the statements A and B are


Question 35

Distinction of prokaryotes and eukaryotes is based on

A Proteins
B Nucleus

C Plasma membrane


Question 36

Important site for formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids is

A Lysosome

B Vacuole

C Golgi apparatus

D Plastid

Question 37

In a Golgi complex the structure which is the functional unit is

A Cisternae

B Thylakoid

C Archoplasm

D Cristae

Question 3 8

In eubacteria, a cellular component that resembles eukaryotic cell is

A Cell wall

B Plasma membrane

C Nucleus

D Ribosomes

Question 39

Intact chloroplast from green leaves can be isolated by:

A Acetone

B Ethanol
C Sucrose solution

D Alcohol

Question 40

Which of the following is considered an exception to cell theory?

A Protists

B Mycoplasma

C Virus

D Algae

Question 41

Intracellular compartments do not occur in

A Prokaryotes

B Lower plants

C Eukaryotes

D Higher plants

Question 42

Longest cells in human body are

A Leg muscle cells

B Bone cells

C Nerve cells

D Heart muscle cells

Question 43

Membrane-bound organelles are absent in

A Plasmodium

B Saccharomyces

C Streptococcus
D Chlamydomonas

Question 44

Mitochondria do not occur in

A Bacteria

B Green Algae

C Brown algae

D Red Algae

Question 45

The size of molecules, which can pass through the plasma membrane is

A 4 - 15 Å

B 25 - 80 Å

C 8 - 10 Å

D 10 - 35 Å

Question 46

Which one of the following does not differ in E.coliand Chlamydomonas?

A Cell wall

B Cell membrane

C Ribosomes

D Chromosomal organization

Question 47

Select the correct statement from the following regarding cell membrane

Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with

polar heads towards the inner part.

Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane

was proposed by Singer and Nicolson.
Na+ and K+ ions move across cell
membrane by passive transport.

Proteins make up 60 to 70% of the cell


Question 48

What is true about ribosomes?

These are found only in eukaryotic


These are self-splicing introns of some


The prokaryotic ribosomes are 80S,

C where "S" stands for sedimentation

These are composed of ribonucleic

acid and proteins.

Question 49

Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesized in :

A Nucleoplasm

B Ribosomes

C Lysosomes

D Nucleolus

Question 50

E. Coli about to replicate was placed in a medium containing radio active thymidine for five minutes.
Then it was made to replicate in a normal medium. Which of the following observation shall be correct?

Both the strands of DNA will be radio


B One strand radio active

C Each strand half radio active

D None is radio active

Question 51

Assertion: A cell membrane shows fluid behaviour.

Reason: A membrane is a mosaic or composite of diverse lipids and proteins.

Both Assertion and Reason are true

A and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

Both Assertion and Reason are true

B but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is true statement but Reason

is false.

Both Assertion and Reason are false


Question 52

A nucleosome is a portion of the chromonema containing ______.

A both DNA and histones

B only histones

C both DNA and RNA

D only DNA

Question 53

If a cell has twice as much DNA as in a normal functional cell, it means that the cell ______.

A has completed division

B is preparing to divide

C has ceased to function

D has reached the end of its lifespan

Question 54

What is the common point of similarity between DNA and RNA?

A Both are double stranded

B Both have identical sugar molecules

C Both have identical pyrimidine bases

D Both are polymers of nucleotides

Question 55

Cell wall consists of

A Lignin, hemi cellulose, pectin and lipid

Lignin, hemi cellulose, pectin and


C Lignin hemi cellulose, protein and lipid

Hemi cellulose, cellulose, tubulin and


Question 56

Cytoskeleton is made up of

A Proteinaceous filaments

B Calcium carbonate granules

C Callose deposits

D Cellulosic microfibrils

Question 57

Vacuole in a plant cell :

Lacks membrane and contains water

and excretory substances

Is membrane-bound and contains

storage proteins and lipids

Is membrane-bound and contains

water and excretory substances

D Lacks membrane and contains air

Question 58

Polysome is formed by

Ribosomes attached to each other in a

linear arrangement

Several ribosomes attached to a single


Many ribosomes attached to a strand

of endoplasmic reticulum

D A ribosome with several subunits

Question 59

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are because of the presence of

A Mitochondria associated with ER

B Ribosomes on the surface of ER

C Volutin granules on the surface of ER

D Sulphur granules on the surface of ER

Question 60

Assertion: Eukaryotic cells have the ability to adopt a variety of shapes and carry out directed

Reason: There are three principal types of protein filaments-actin filament, microtubules and
intermediate filaments, which constitute the cytoskeleton.

Both assertion and reason are true and

A the reason is the correct explanation
of the assertion.

Both assertion and reason are true but

B the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.

Assertion is true statement but reason

is false.

D Both assertion and reason are false.

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