DBMS Theory Assignment 1 (B)

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Assignment – 1(B)

Department: Computer Engineering & Applications

Course: B.Tech. (CSE)
Subject: Database Management System(CSE 3003)
Year: 2nd Semester: 3rd

1. Write the name any five DBMS that are based on Hierarchical Data Model.
2. Write the name any five DBMS that are based on Network Data Model.
3. Write the name any Ten DBMS that are based on Relational Data Model. Also write the name
of the companies who are the owner that DBMS.
4. Write the name any five DBMS that are based on Object-Oriented Data Model.
5. Write the name any five DBMS that are based on Object-Relational Data Model.
6. What is Referential Integrity Constraint? Who it can be practically implemented using SQL?
Explain with an example.
7. What is the use of On delete cascade and on update cascade? Explain with example.
8. What is the difference between char, varchar & number? Which is faster and which is
memory efficient.
9. How Roll Back and Save point command can be practically implemented in SQL.
10. What is the difference between delete, drop & Truncate command? Explain with example.
11. Write the command in SQL to add a new column in an existing table.
12. Write the command in SQL to delete column from an existing table.
13. Write the command in SQL to change the name of a column in an existing table.
14. What is the use of Referential Integrity Constraint? Explain with example.
15. Write the command in SQL to create the following tables with proper constraints
that are required.
Customer Table
Column name Datatype Description Constraints
Unique id generated for each Primary Key, Should
CustomerId Varchar2(6)
customer start with ‘C’
CustomerName Varchar2(30) Name of the customer Not null
Date on which the customer
DateOfReg Date
Decided at the time of
UserId Varchar2(15) It should be unique
Decided at the time of
Password Varchar2(15) Not Null

BankInfo Table
Column name Datatype Description Constraints
AccountNo Number(10) Account no of customer
Foreign key
Unique id provided to referring to Composite
each customer when customer table Primary key
CustomerId Varchar2(6)
he/she is registered to (ON
purchase items DELETE

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