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5, MAY 2015 1111

Apparent Ultra-High -Value Diffusion-Weighted

Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional
Random Fields
Mohammad Javad Shafiee*, Shahid A. Haider, Alexander Wong, Dorothy Lui, Andrew Cameron,
Ameen Modhafar, Paul Fieguth, and Masoom A. Haider

Abstract—A promising, recently explored, alternative to cases in the United States [2] and in Canada [3] and an
ultra-high -value diffusion weighted imaging (UHB-DWI) is ap- estimated deaths in the United States [2] and 3900 in
parent ultra-high -value diffusion-weighted image reconstruction Canada. Early detection of prostate cancer has shown the five
(AUHB-DWR), where a computational model is used to assist in
the reconstruction of apparent DW images at ultra-high -values. year survival rate to be 98% [2], but prognosis drops to poor
Firstly, we present a novel approach to AUHB-DWR that aims with later detection [4].
to improve image quality. We formulate the reconstruction of an A popular detection approach is the prostate-specific antigen
apparent DW image as a hidden conditional random field (HCRF) (PSA) test which measures the levels of this antigen in the blood,
in which tissue model diffusion parameters act as hidden states in where high levels indicate high risk of prostate cancer. Due to
this random field. The second contribution of this paper is a new
generation of fully connected conditional random fields, called the PSA level variability as a result of factors other than prostate
hidden stochastically fully connected conditional random fields cancer, this approach has led to controversy over its potential for
(HSFCRF) that allows for efficient inference with significantly overdetection and overtreatment [4], [5]. Typically, following
reduced computational complexity via stochastic clique structures. positive PSA screening, the patient is subjected to systematic
The proposed AUHB-DWR algorithms, HCRF and HSFCRF, transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy where eight or
are evaluated quantitatively in nine different patient cases using
Fisher's criteria, probability of error, and coefficient of variation more samples are collected from the prostate for further anal-
metrics to validate its effectiveness for the purpose of improving ysis. Localizing the cancer using this approach is invasive and
intensity delineation between expert identified suspected can- uncomfortable for the patient. This approach also provides a low
cerous and healthy tissue within the prostate gland. The proposed range of visibilty resulting in a high sampling error rate [6].
methods are also examined using a prostate phantom, where the It is therefore desirable to use minimally invasive diagnostic
apparent ultra-high -value DW images reconstructed using the
tested AUHB-DWR methods are compared with real captured and investigative technologies for patient comfort and technolo-
UHB-DWI. The results illustrate that the proposed AUHB-DWR gies that provide large ranges of visibility, such as imaging.
methods has improved reconstruction quality and improved inten- There are various imaging modalities which can be used for
sity delineation compared with existing AUHB-DWR approaches. prostate cancer detection. These include TRUS [7], positron
Index Terms—Apparent diffusion weighted imaging, conditional emission tomography (PET) [8], and magnetic resonance
random field, diffusion weighted imaging, hidden state, magnetic imaging (MRI)[9]; however, all three methods have their
resonance imaging (MRI), prostate cancer imaging, stochastically respective drawbacks. TRUS has difficulty in localizing cancer
fully connected random field, ultra high -value.
foci as many tumors in the prostate gland are isoechoic and
cannot be differentiated from surrounding tissue [7]. In PET,
I. INTRODUCTION the spatial resolution achieved may not be adequate to properly
localize and detect early stage prostate cancer [8]. MRI (partic-
P ROSTATE cancer is the second most common type of
cancer and the sixth leading cause of death due to cancer
among males [1]. In 2013, there were roughly new
ularly T2-weighted MRI), although useful for cancer detection
due to improved contrast between soft tissues [10], [11], has
difficulty distinguishing tumors located in the central gland
Manuscript received August 29, 2014; revised November 08, 2014; accepted from low-signal intensity noncancerous formations [12], [13].
November 18, 2014. Date of publication December 02, 2014; date of current
One promising imaging modality for detecting cancerous re-
version April 29, 2015. This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), in part by the Canada Research gions in the prostate gland is diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI)
Chairs program , and in part by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. [14]. DWI leverages the differing diffusion behavior of water
Asterisk indicates corresponding author.
molecules in tissues of differing density, allowing the differ-
*M. J. Shafiee is with the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Research
Group, Department of Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, entiation between healthy and the higher cellularly dense can-
Waterloo, ON, N2T 3G1 Canada. cerous tissues in the prostate gland [15]–[17]. As such, due to
S. A. Haider, A. Wong, D. Lui, A. Cameron, and P. Fieguth are with the Vision
the restriction of water movement from the higher cellular den-
and Image Processing (VIP) Research Group, Department of Systems Design
Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, N2T 3G1 Canada. sity, DWI has been employed for increased delineation between
A. Modhafar and M. A. Haider are with Department of Medical Imaging, healthy and cancerous tissues [12], [18], [19].
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, M4N 3M5 Canada.
DWI acquisitions are defined by their -values, where the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at -value is defined by the amplitude, duration and temporal
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2014.2376781 spacing of the DWI gradient pulses which allows for the

0278-0062 © 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/
redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

probing of different diffusion times and length [20]. DWI col- sensitive to noise and has higher contrast between expert
lected at higher -values (e.g., greater than 1000 s mm ), called identified tissue as suspected cancer and noncancerous
ultra-high -value DWI (UHB-DWI), allows for increased tissue.
delineation between tumors and benign tissues [14], [20]–[23] 2) A new statistical random field, the hidden stochastically
and is useful for prostate cancer localization. fully connected conditional random field (HSFCRF) is pro-
Compared to lower -values, a high -value is able to sup- posed. The HSFCRF is an extension of fully connected
press capillary perfusion effects [24], [25] and reduce high random fields where the cliques are determined stochasti-
signal intensity occurrences unrelated to diffusion restriction cally. Based on these clique structures, this novel random
such as T2 shine-through [26] that could interfere with image field utilizes the merits of fully connected random fields,
clarity. Improved delineation is possible as a result of the but with lower computational complexity.
different cellular density that causes the recoverable signal to The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, a review
differ between cancer and noncancerous regions. However, a of related work is described in Section II, followed by the
challenge faced in UHB-DWI is that the acquired images at methodology where the stochastically fully connected CRFs
high -values have low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [27]–[29]. are presented in Section III. Hidden states are then introduced
Current methods for improving SNR performance in DWI are in Section III-C. Finally, the experimental results are presented,
performing signal averaging over a region of interest [27] or followed by the associated discussion and conclusions in
to perform multiple DWI acquisition1 at a single -value and Sections IV and V.
average the data [28], leading to the extraction of more reliable
estimates of the DWI signal. Spatial averaging over a region II. RELATED WORK
runs the risk of losing textural features and edge structures and
with UHB-DWI, in particular, long scan times make multiple The related work is divided to present the related approaches
acquisitions prohibitive [20], [29]. in literature which concern the two main contributions of the
An alternative approach to achieving UHB-DWI that has paper: AUHB-DWR and random fields.
been gaining interest in recent years is the concept of apparent
ultra-high -value diffusion-weighted image reconstruction
(AUHB-DWR) [20], [21], [27]–[29]. AUHB-DWR uses a Various AUHB-DWR approaches have been proposed in re-
computational model to assist in the reconstruction of apparent search literature[20], [21], [27]–[29]. These approaches all re-
DW images at very high -values on the basis of lower -value late -value acquisitions using computational models by esti-
DWI acquisitions. The key advantage of AUHB-DWR is that mating tissue diffusion parameters [20], [27]–[29], [32]. For ex-
it allows for the clinical assessment of the prostate at higher ample, based on the standard mono-exponential model [32], the
apparent -values than can be achieved using direct acquisitions relationship between DW images ( ), at -value and ,
limited by significant SNR drop-off. The decrease in SNR by respectively, is assumed to be mono-exponential [shown in (1)],
direct acquisition is a result of imaging hardware limitations where is the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value, is
in producing long gradient pulses and magnetic field inhomo- the -value associated with signal intensity , and is the ref-
geneities, long echo times (TE), and motion artefacts, to name erence signal intensity associated with
a few [15]. As such, the reconstructions are more useful to ra-
diologists for diagnostic purposes [20]. In addition to improved (1)
image quality, studies have shown that AUHB-DWR may
improve tumor detection [29]–[31] and contrast-to-noise ratio Mono-exponential models have been shown to not fit empir-
(CNR) by avoiding the artefacts caused by the long TE asso- ical decay curves as well as bi-exponential models in -values
ciated with ultra high -values [20]. It is important to note that ranging from several tens of s mm to 3000 s mm [33], [34].
ultra-high -value DW images produced using AUHB-DWR The bi-exponential model models the two contributing factors
methods are not equivalent to actual DW images acquired to signal attenuation in DWI, fast diffusion, typically associated
under similar diffusion time acquisition conditions. For the with bulk flow and micro-circulation in capillary networks, and
sake of correctness, we will refer to the images produced from slow diffusion. The relationship model is shown in
AUHB-DWR as apparent ultra-high -value DW images.
This paper presents a novel approach to AUHB-DWR that
aims to improve image quality via the concept of hidden states.
where and are the apparent amplitudes of the signal
The contributions of this research are divided into two parts:
associated with fast and slow diffusion components and
1) On the basis of conditional random fields, we propose
and are the fast and slow ADCs. This approach better
a new technique for computing AUHB-DWR utilizing
models the diffusion at -values of several tens of s mm which
hidden states to model the relationship between tissue dif-
contribute to the signal attenuation with increasing -value quite
fusion parameters and DWI [hidden conditional random
significantly [33], [34]. As such, alternatives to the mono-expo-
field (HCRF)] simultaneously. Since this method uses a
nential model [33]–[37] provide a much better explanation of
model-based approach, the computed AUHB-DWR is less
the DWI signal, and may lead to significant enhancements.
1The number of measurements (excitations) that are incorporated in aver- As such, in existing AUHB-DWR approaches such as [21],
aging during a scan is represented by #-NEX. [28], [29], the tissue diffusion parameters are first estimated

based on the available DW images and the tissue diffusion ling and medical imaging. Arton et al. [45] proposed cost-sen-
model being employed [e.g., (1) or (2)]. Afterwards, the sitive CRFs to segment tumor regions in the prostate gland, for-
apparent DW images at high -values are generated based mulating a binary segmentation problem for the CRFs to deter-
on the tissue diffusion model, the estimated tissue diffusion mine cancerous regions from others. Similarly for brain tumor
parameters of that model, and the reference signal . A key segmentation, the authors of [46] used a CRF with binary seg-
component of AUHB-DWR is the reliable estimation of the mentation. The motivation of obtaining CRF models in medical
diffusion parameters. The diffusion parameters quantify the applications is due to the high spatial correlations of anatom-
diffusion properties of the tissue, which several works have ical objects. In other words, it can be assumed that neighboring
sought to estimate using the mono-exponential model [21], pixels should have the same characteristic in the image.
[32]. The two-point (2P) approach [30] is the simplest and most The basic structure of an image is a grid in which each pixel
common approach, where two DWI acquisitions are used to is connected to four neighbors. This can be represented by
compute the diffusion parameters using the formulation in (1) the basic CRF, called an adjacency (local) CRF, which been
or (2). The key issue with the 2P approach is that it is more shown to be effective in image modelling [47], [48], however,
sensitive to the presence of noise in the DWI acquisitions and the very short-range neighborhoods introduce a weakness.
only two -values are used to compute the ADC. Since the basic CRF utilizes unary and pairwise potentials on
A more robust approach for computing the tissue diffusion local neighborhoods, these adjacency CRFs lead to smoothed
parameters is the least-squares (LS) approach of [21]. The goal image boundaries as they are not able to incorporate long-range
here is to determine the diffusion parameters that minimize the relations among nodes. In order to improve the accuracy of la-
weighted sum-of-squares difference between a set of DWI ac- belling problems, the basic CRF framework has been expanded
quisitions and the set of DWI that are computed using this set of to incorporate hierarchical connectivity [49], [50].
parameters. The use of the LS approach for AUHB-DWR has Assuming a Gibbs distribution [51], the probability of a set
several weaknesses. First, based on the foundation of the LS of states given the observations can be formulated as an expo-
approach, it is assumed that the noise of the observations is nor- nential of the energy function over cliques. To maximize the
mally distributed, whereas noise in DW images obeys a Rician conditional probability, the nodes' states change until the energy
distribution [38]. A second drawback of this approach is that the of the random field reaches an equilibrium. For local random
estimated pixels in the AUHB-DWR are assumed independent, fields characterized by a first-order Markov model, the energy
given the set of observations, while pixels real DWI are in fact penalizes the dissimilarity of neighboring nodes, thus equilib-
are related to surrounding pixels [27], [28]. rium is achieved when proximate nodes have nearly the same
To address the first issue of the LS algorithm, Walker-Samuel state value, leading to a degree of smoothness on any bound-
et al. [32] proposed a new algorithm to compute the diffusion aries. However given a model which includes long-range con-
parameters based on maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. nections, it is possible to broaden the definition of energy to in-
They incorporated the Rician distribution formulation in the clude spatial relations beyond those of contrast between neigh-
ML algorithm to better account for noise and then they esti- boring states, allowing richer spatial information to be incorpo-
mated the parameters. However, their method computed each rated in the modelling, which in general leads to a better preser-
pixel of the DW image independently and did not incorporate vation of boundaries.
the relationships between neighboring pixels in the image. In Fully connected CRF frameworks were proposed on semantic
contrast, our proposed new HCRF and HSFCRF approaches image labeling [52], however the complexity of inference in
incorporate short distance and long distance relations of states, fully connected CRF models limited their usage to sets of hun-
respectively, and as a result can preserve edge structures in dreds of image regions. Techniques have been developed to ad-
addition to incorporating neighboring relationships. dress this issue [53]–[55] by concentrating on the computational
complexity of training and the inference steps in fully connected
B. Random Fields random fields. Krähenbühl and Koltun [55] provided Gaussian
kernels as feature functions and formulated CRF inference as a
Conditional random fields (CRFs) proposed by Lafferty et filtering problem. The feature functions are convolved to each
al. [39] are a new generation of random fields which use a node, like a filtering procedure, to calculate the energy func-
probabilistic framework for classifying data. By using CRFs, tion in each minimization step. Thanks to the permutohedral
the direct modelling of conditional probability of states given lattice [56], the computational complexity of the convolution
measurements becomes tractable. Before CRFs, the conditional [i.e., ] is reduced to linear [i.e., ]. Following this
probability of states given measurements was approximated approach, Zhang et al. [53] utilized the stationary assumption
based on a prior and likelihood models, such as the hidden to relax the Gaussian assumption proposed by Krähenbühl and
Markov model [40]. This approximation has the drawback of Koltun [55]. They believed that the spatial potentials over two
assuming the conditional independence of measurements given pixels depend only on their relative positions for each category.
states [41]. Since CRFs model the conditional probability of Therefore, more statistics could be encoded by using different
states given measurements directly, the conditional indepen- distributions. For example, the geometry distribution can be de-
dence assumption is relaxed and, as a result, the model is more fined based on the relative position of an object such that “cow”
accurate. and “grass” should be close together. Campbell et al. [54] gen-
After Lafferty et al.'s seminal work, researchers applied the eralized the pairwise potentials to nonlinear dissimilarity mea-
CRFs in various applications [42]–[44] including image model- sures. They presented the pairwise terms as density estimates of

the conditional probabilities which were expressed by dissimi-

larity measures between nodes. Finally, an efficient approxima-
tion technique was used to find the set of feature spaces and
thereby encoding the dissimilarity measures as Euclidean dis-
The above mentioned approaches tried to reduce the compu-
tational complexity of the inference procedure by changing the
potential functions and using a convolution approach. Although
they can decrease the computational complexity of the problem, Fig. 1. Realization of a HCRF graph. As shown, the HCRF is a combination
the feature functions are limited to some specific types of fea- of three graphs: a state graph, a hidden state graph, and a measurements graph.
ture functions. For better visualization, the hidden states are shown inside the final states and
the measurements are unified as one square. Actual realization of each element
Here, we define the AUHB-DWR in the context of CRFs. To of the random field is demonstrated to the right: is the state, the hidden state
the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that reconstruc- and the measurement. Each node is connected to its four
tion of apparent high -value DW images is computed using closest neighbors.
this framework. We address the AUHB-DWR by two different
approaches. The first approach uses a local CRF to model the
where is the partition function and is some combi-
adjacency relations among close signal intensities. We formu-
nation of unary ( ) and pairwise ( ) potential functions
lated the AUHB-DWR by a hidden conditional random field
which computes the tissue diffusion parameters in the hidden
states. Second, we propose a new configuration to relax the (4)
computational complexity of a fully connected CRF. Stochastic
cliques are a novel type of clique sampling where the configura- Here is a single state in the set , is the
tion of the fully-connected graph is sampled with relatively few clique structure, is the subset of states (clique), and
connections. We will formulate the AUHB-DWR by a hidden is the set of observations. is the number
stochastically fully connected conditional random field which of random variables in the CRF that is specified by the number
computes the tissue diffusion parameters in the hidden states as of pixels present, since each pixel is considered as a random
well. It is important to emphasize that the effect of noise present variable. Each node is connected to its four nearest nodes in
in the DWI acquisitions is compensated for in the proposed ap- local CRFs. Incorporating longer connection ranges in a direct,
proaches by incorporating the noise model and the spatial re- deterministic manner imposes more computational burdens that
lationships among different pixels, and more details regarding are not tractable.
this are provided in Section III-C. The potential functions and from (4) are the com-
binations of unary and pairwise feature functions and their cor-
responding weights , respectively
The problem that we wish to tackle in this work is to per-
form AUHB-DWR, given a set of DW images acquired at lower
-values, in a reliable and robust manner. Based on the tissue
diffusion model (e.g., mono-exponential or bi-exponential, as
presented in (1) and (2), respectively), we model the conditional
probability of an AUHB-DW image given a set of lower -value
DWI acquisitions. In this section, two different frameworks are
proposed: HCRF and HSFCRF. where the constants control the importance of each feature
The common CRF (local CRF) is utilized to model the function in the energy formulation calculated in the training
relations among signal intensities in various DW images and stage.
the tissue diffusion parameters. Our novel method exploits the We then utilize a local CRF to model the interactions among
advantages of fully connected random fields, but at reduced signal intensities. A hidden state corresponding to each random
computational complexity, preserving the image discontinuities variable is defined to estimate the tissue diffusion parameters
and boundaries. This allows for improved AUHB-DWR image based on available DW images parallel to the reconstruction of
quality by taking into account the spatial and noise characteris- apparent high -value images. Fig. 1 demonstrates a realization
tics of the underlying data while improving contrast between of the hidden CRF used in modeling. Next, we propose a novel
cancerous and healthy tissues. The following section explains type of random field, by taking advantage of fully connected
the proposed methods in detail. random fields which have less computational complexity.
A. Conditional Random Fields B. Stochastically Fully Connected CRF
The conditional random fields (CRFs) approach models the Stochastically fully connected conditional random fields
conditional probability of the state set given the measurement (SFCRFs) [57] are fully connected random fields constructed
, , by a general exponential formulation based on stochastic cliques. All nodes can be connected to
other nodes (fully connected), however, the cliques for each
node are determined based on distribution probabilities, so the

many pairwise nodes will likely be disconnected and as a result,

the SFCRF has reduced computational complexity over fully
connected random fields.

C. Hidden State
An interesting challenge associated with the problem of
AUHB-DWR is the fact that the tissue diffusion parameters
must also be estimated alongside the AUHB-DWR. As men-
Fig. 2. Realization of a HSFCRF graph. As shown, the HSFCRF is a combina-
tioned earlier, a popular strategy taken to address this issue is
tion of three graphs like as CRF in Fig. 1. Connectivity of each pair of nodes to first estimate the parameters according to the set of lower
and is determined by the edge . Closer nodes are connected with a higher -value DWI acquisitions. Then, given the set of low -value
probability (black solid edges), whereas two nodes with a greater separation are
less probable to be connected (red dashed edges).
DWI acquisitions, the estimated parameters, and the tissue
diffusion model [as expressed in (1) or (2)], along with the in-
dependence assumption amongst pixels, the new AUHB-DWR
number of pairwise cliques in the graph may not be the same as estimation problem becomes
the number of neighborhood pairs.
Each node has a set of neighbors
where is the tissue diffusion model, is the set of estimated
(7) model diffusion parameters, is a DW image corresponding
to , and is a new AUHB-DWR image corresponding to .
where . The specified clique structure , in this There are two main drawbacks to adopting such a strategy
paper, taken to be the pairwise clique to deal with tissue model diffusion parameters in the context of
1) Spatial relationships are not taken into account in the es-
(9) timation and each pixel is estimated independently. How-
ever, pixels within a AUHB-DWR image have spatial re-
for node is determined based upon a stochastic clique lationships amongst themselves. Incorporating these rela-
indicator function, , to distinguish whether two nodes tionships would lead to superior modelling and estimation
can construct a clique according to a pre-defined distribution. of the AUHB-DW image.
For image modeling, this function must consider the spatial re- 2) The estimation procedure for AUHB-DWR is sub-divided
lation among the nodes and must involve data driven into the into two estimation stages that are solved separately:
model. Therefore, the proposed indicator function is the combi- i) tissue model diffusion parameter estimation and ii)
nation of spatially driven and data driven probabilities AUHB-DW image estimation. Dividing the problem
into two stages imposes a greater estimation error on the
(10) solution. As such, given that the two stages are solved
otherwise separately, the estimation error propagates and the solution
obtained using this approach is sub-optimal for both the
applies two types of information on determining the tissue diffusion parameters and AUHB-DWR as a whole.
node connections: spatial information ( ) and the data rela- The first drawback can be addressed through the use of Markov
tion among the states ( ). The threshold determines the random fields (MRFs) [58], [59]. However, since MRFs involve
sparsity of the graph. The spatial information and data in- the relationships within neighborhoods, the resulting adjacency
formation can be selected arbitrarily based on the problem. structure is limited in its ability to model long range connec-
Here we assign two Gaussian distributions based on the Eu- tions and generally results in excessive smoothing of object
clidean distance between two nodes to compute while the boundaries. The second drawback requires a different strategy
signal similarity is utilized to define . to tackle.
Fig. 2 illustrates an example of a SFCRF. Any two nodes in Here, we present a novel method to address all of the above is-
the graph can be connected, however, to improve visualization, sues simultaneously. Since the goal is to estimate a AUHB-DW
only the connectivities of the center node are shown. The prob- image ( ), the estimation of the tissue model diffusion param-
ability of connecting two nodes as a clique is different for each eters ( ) can be considered as a hidden state in the modelling
pair of nodes and has an inverse relation by the distance be- procedure. As such, we can formulate the problem as HCRF or
tween them. According to this probability, there is a possibility a hidden SFCRF (HSFCRF) in which the model diffusion pa-
for two distantly separated nodes and to be connected, as rameters are the hidden state
illustrated in Fig. 2, enabling the SFCRF to take advantage of
the fully connected CRF. (12)
By sampling the configuration of a fully connected random
field, the proposed SFCRF provides the merits of fully con- where is the AUHB-DW image, is the set of
nected random fields. However, the connectivity of pairwise lower -value DWI acquisitions and is the hidden state rep-
nodes is based on the stochastic clique indicator, therefore, resenting the tissue model diffusion parameters. As seen in the

right hand side of Figs. 1 and 2, each node in the HCRF or HS- training parameters' objective function can be formalized as
FCRF is a combination of the actual state (the UHB-DW image),
the hidden state (the model diffusion parameters corresponding
to a single state), and the measurements (the given set of lower
-value DWI acquisitions). As such, we arrive at the following where is a regularization term that controls the value of
energy function for HSFCRF or HCRF we wish to minimize: which is estimated by cross validation. As the log-likelihood
function is concave, the parameters can be chosen such that
(13) the global maximum is obtained and the gradient or vector of
partial derivatives with respect to each parameter becomes zero

where is the combination of unary and

pairwise potential functions. The potential functions
determine the relations among the tissue model parameters, the
given DWI acquisitions, and the new AUHB-DW image. By (18)
involving the tissue model diffusion parameters as a hidden
state in the SFCRF or CRF formulation, the new AUHB-DW
image and the diffusion parameters will be estimated simulta-
neously; hence the propagation error is attenuated.
The unary feature functions are defined by the tissue diffusion
model, DWI acquisitions, and AUHB-DW images

where are all configurations of states.
Since the problem we wish to solve here is the estimation of
(15) AUHB-DW images based on a set of lower -value DWI ac-
quisitions, the DWI acquisitions are typically treated as having
equal contributions to the estimation of the diffusion parameters
where is the node or pixel of the DWI acquisition, and AUHB-DW images. In clinical practice, one can bypass the
is a constant value and is fixed to 0.5 and is the Rician training phase based on this prior information and select
noise variance. Since the DW images obey the Rician distribu- for all unary feature functions.
tion, an asymptotic variance stabilization transform (VST) [38] The for each pairwise term was calculated based on a set of
is taken into account, to incorporate the VST in the unary fea- neighbors of each node using a contrast sensitive approach [60]
ture function. All feature functions are evaluated for all DWI of the observation
acquisitions; the pairwise potential function can be formulated
as (20)

where is the window centered by node with a specified size

and is the window centered by node , (the neighbor of node
(16) on DWI image ). Here, the Euclidean similarity is selected as
the only pairwise feature function, therefore, . The degree
where and are unary and pairwise weights of feature func-
of smoothness and effect of each region are controlled by .
tions corresponding to each of the DWI acquisitions, is the
is dependent on the problem and the spatial relation among
feature function applied on DW image and specifies
random variables. The value of is chosen by an expert based
the number of pairwise feature functions.
on cross validation and is assigned manually. However, it can
Thanks to the fully connected merit of the HSFCRF, this pro-
be trained if enough annotated data is available. The solution
posed model provides long-range relationships among nodes in
was inferred by gradient descent approaches. Since the states
the random fields and, therefore, preserves the discontinuities
are considered as continuous, the belief propagation approach
and boundaries. The main difference between HCRF and HS-
is simplified by a gradient descent procedure.
FCRF is the definition of cliques in the random field. HSFCRF
is the general framework of CRF that is changed to a HCRF if IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the underlying stochastic clique distribution is changed to four
neighboring pixels. A. Experimental Setup
The effectiveness of the proposed methods for AUHB-DWR
D. Training and Inference
was evaluated on an MRI training phantom and nine patient
Maximum likelihood is a common method used to estimate cases with prostate cancer.
the parameters of random fields. The training step is completed 1) Phantom Experiments: It it worthwhile to note that the
by maximizing the log-likelihood on the training data, where the main purpose of phantom study is to examine the robustness of

the proposed methods against noise, since the microstructure of needed to estimate the true signal attenuation. In the retro-
phantom case is not similar to the biological tissues. spective studies that we have provided, which are acquired
A set of phantom experiments were conducted to examine using typical clinical patient protocol for prostate imaging,
the robustness of the proposed reconstruction methods to only a limited number of -values are acquired for a number
the presence of noise. The MRI training phantom used was of reasons (e.g., reducing patient discomfort, reducing motion
a multi-modality prostate training phantom from Computer- artifacts, hospital and doctor recommended procedure etc.)
ized Imaging Reference Systems Inc (CIRCS Model 053). and as such are insufficient to determine the tissue diffu-
The phantom is composed of a clear acrylic container with sion parameters of the bi-exponential model. Therefore, we
dimensions 11.5 cm 7.0 cm 9.5 cm with a front probe will use a mono-exponential model 1 when calculating the
opening of 3.2 cm diameter and a rear probe opening of 2.6 tissue diffusion parameters (i.e., the ADC) for the experi-
cm diameter. The prostate is composed of high-scattering Blue ments conducted. However, alternatives to the mono-expo-
Zerdine with dimensions 5 cm 4.5 cm 4.0 cm and is placed nential model [33]–[37] provide a much better explanation of
in a background gel similar to water with little backscatter the DWI signal, and may lead to significant enhancements in
attenuation ( ). Within the prostate, there the proposed method and is thus important to explore in the
are three randomly placed lesions of sizes between 0.5–1.0 future.
cm, hypoechoic to the prostate. The urethra and rectal wall are
made of low scattering Zerdine with diameter of 0.7 cm and C. Competing Algorithms
dimensions 6 cm 1 cm 0.5 cm, respectively. This phantom The proposed algorithm was compared against both base-line
was imaged with an inflatable Medrad eCoil ERC using DWI. and state-of-the-art algorithms for AUHB-DWR.
Note that while the microstructure of the phantom used does • 2P [30] 2-point estimation based on the exponential rela-
not mimic the diffusion dynamics of biological tissues, it does tionship in (1). The ADC value was calculated with DWI
provide a good testbed for evaluating noise resiliency of the acquisitions at s mm and s mm , and the
reconstruction methods. AUHB-DW image is calculated using the estimated ADC
The DWI MRI was acquired by a 3T GE Discovery MR750. value and the DWI acquisition at s mm as the ref-
DWI was collected at s mm at erence signal.
3-NEX2 and s mm 8-NEX and used to reconstruct • LS [21], [32] The ADC value is calculated based on a least
s mm collected at 16-NEX. For the DWI data, the squares formulation and the AUHB-DW image is calcu-
echo time (TE) was 71.70 ms and repetition time (TR) was lated using the estimated ADC value and the DWI acqui-
ms. sition at s mm as the reference signal.
2) Patient Experiments: The effectiveness of the proposed
• ML [32] This estimation algorithm incorporates the Rician
method was also evaluated on nine patient cases with prostate
distribution in a maximum likelihood formulation and es-
cancer. The patients ranged in age is from 58–80 years, with
timates the ADC value. As with the 2P and LS approaches,
a median age of 69. Institutional research ethics board approval
the AUHB-DW image is calculated using the estimated
and patient informed consent for this study was obtained at Sun-
ADC value and the DWI acquisition at s mm as
nybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada.
the reference signal.
Patients were scanned using a Philips Achieva 3.0T. The axial
The LS and ML parameters were chosen based on [32]. The
single-shot echo-planar DWI sequences used from the cases
were performed with the following imaging parameters: TR proposed algorithms will be referred to as HCRF and HSFCRF
ranged from 3336–6178 ms with a median of 4890 ms, and in the following sections, figures and tables.
TE ranged from 61–67 ms with a median of 61 ms. The res-
D. Quantitative Analysis
olution of the signal acquisitions ranged from 1.36 mm 1.36
mm to 1.67 mm 1.67 mm, with a median of 1.56 mm 1.56 In addition to coefficient of variation of signal intensity (CVI)
mm. Slice thickness ranged from 3.0–4.0 mm with a median of (22) [61] and coefficient of variation of contrast (CVC) (23), the
3.5 mm. The display field of view (DFOV) ranged from 20 cm following additional quantitative analysis metrics were used to
20 cm to 24 cm 24 cm with a median of 24 cm 24 cm. evaluate the proposed method. It is worthwhile to mention here
The number of -values in each case is either 3, 4, or 6 with the that all the regions referred to in this paper as suspected tumor
highest -value being s mm . regions were identified by an expert radiologist with more than
15 years of experience.
B. Diffusion Model 1) Naive Bayes Probability of Error [62] (NBPE): To provide
a quantitative analysis of the results produced by the
For the experiments conducted, the diffusion model chosen
tested approaches, NBPE was computed for two selected
was the mono-exponential model. The rationale for choosing
this model over the more descriptive bi-exponential model, regions: i) healthy prostate tissue, and ii) suspected tumor
leads from the discussion brought up by Koh et al. [28] about tissue. Gaussian distribution models are trained on the
how many -value acquisitions are required and they exist to pixel intensities of the healthy prostate and tumor regions
warrant using the model. Due to the doubling of parameters to evaluate the separability between the two regions in
from the mono to bi-exponential models, more -values are the AUHB-DW images. After learning the parameters of
the distributions, the decision boundary between the two
2Number of Excitations distributions is determined and the expectation of error is

Fig. 3. NBPE measure is calculated based on overlap of the two estimated

Gaussian distributions for the healthy prostate region and the tumor region. It is
worth to mention that tumor tissues were identified by trained radiologist.

calculated as NBPE. Fig. 3 illustrates the NBPE measure

in an intuitive fashion where the red and blue regions
indicate the expected error.
Fig. 4. CIRCS Model 053 Prostate MRI phantom is shown with the selected
2) Fisher Criterion (FC) Value: The FC value shows the tumor region (shown in blue) and prostate region (shown in red). Due to the
smoothness on different regions in terms of the separa- spatially variant image intensity and contrast in the image, the region used to
bility of two types of regions on the estimated AUHB-DW calculate the CVI value is shown by green rectangle.
image. The FC value has direct correlation by separability
of two regions and inverse correlation by the sum of their TABLE I

and are mean intensity values of suspected tumor

and prostate gland regions respectively and and
define these regions' respective standard deviations.
The following sections explain the results of the phantom and
the patient experiments used to evaluate the effectiveness of the
standard deviation of the nontumor prostate region. A square
proposed method .
block (green) on the upper left corner of the image (Fig. 4) is
E. Phantom Experiment Results used to calculate the standard deviation and the CVI value for
fair comparison across the methods. This region was selected
The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using
due to its homogeneity and as such any signal variation can be
a prostate phantom. The AUHB-DWR method uses the DWI
attributed to estimation error.
acquisitions at s mm to compute
The quantitative results of HCRF/HSFCRF and other tested
the s mm image. The DW images corresponding to
methods were compared with those of the real DWI acquired
s mm were acquired using 3-NEX and
at s mm at 16-NEX. Table I summarizes the com-
s mm was captured using 8-NEX. The apparent
parison results. As seen in the table, the proposed algorithm
DW images reconstructed by different methods were compared
outperforms the real DWI s mm image and other
relative to the actual DW image acquired by the MRI scanner at
methods in the FC, NBPE, and CVI metrics. Although the LS
16-NEX for reference.
result has the better CVC, this difference is not significant.
Using prior knowledge of the classifications for the regions in
It is worth to mention that the HSFCRF preserves the trade
the phantom, the CVI (22) [61] and CVC (23) of the suspected
off between CVC and CVI, therefore, the produced result is
tumor and nontumor regions were calculated in addition to the
very smooth while preserving the contrast difference between
FC and NBPE for comparison of the tested methods. The re-
the suspected tumor region and prostate gland. Fig. 5 demon-
gions used in the comparison are shown in Fig. 4. The CVI is
strates the visual results for the AUHB-DW images produced
computed as
by the tested methods at s mm and the UHB-DWI
(22) acquisition at s mm . Visual results support the
quantitative results demonstrating HSFCRF's improved con-
trast over the other approaches for better classification of sus-
where is the mean value of a region and is the standard pected tissue regions. The HSFCRF preserves edge bound-
deviation of a region. The CVC is computed as aries better than HCRF and the result is smoother than HCRF
in similar regions.
(23) The effect of the number of pairwise cliques on CVI and
CVC on HSFCRF was also examined on the phantom case.
Fig. 6 demonstrates the evaluated CVI and CVC based on the
where is the mean value of the nontumor prostate region, expected number of the pairwise cliques used for HSFCRF. It
is the mean value of the suspected tumor region, and is the can be observed that, in general, both CVI and CVC decrease

Fig. 5. AUHB-DW image results generated by different techniques for the phantom case, as compared with the target UHB-DWI acquisition. HSFCRF result
provides better contrast than the other tested methods as well as the target UHB-DWI acquisition. ROI corresponding to this study is demonstrated in Fig. 4. (a)
2P. (b) LS. (c) ML. (d) HCRF. (e) HSFCRF. (f) UHB-DWI.

Fig. 6. CVI and CVC based on the expected number of the pairwise cliques, which is controlled by in (10). In general, both CVI and CVC decreases as the
expected number of pairwise cliques increases. However, the CVI and CVC improvements decrease after the expected number of pairwise cliques exceeds 1500,
with CVI particularly increasing after 1512. Based on this analysis, the expected number of the pairwise cliques used for HSFCRF in the experiments is set to 1512.

as the expected number of pairwise cliques increases; although iments is set to 1512, which is approximately 2% of possible
increasing the number of pairwise cliques also increases com- pairwise cliques in the fully-connected graph. It is worth men-
putational complexity. However, it is important to observe that tioning that inferencing from a fully connected random field di-
the CVI and CVC improvements decreases after the expected rectly with all possible pairwise cliques is not computationally
number of pairwise cliques exceeds 1500, with CVI particu- tractable when the number of nodes is large, such as for the pur-
larly increasing after 1512. Based on this analysis, the expected pose of AUHB-DWR, and thus no such comparisons are made
number of the pairwise cliques used for HSFCRF in the exper- in this study.

Fig. 7. AUHB-DW images at an apparent -value of 4000 s mm estimated by the different tested methods for patient case #5. Red arrow identifies the suspected
cancerous region. HSFCRF's estimation results in AUHB-DW images with fewer artifacts, and the suspected tumor is more visually distinguishable from the
surrounding prostate tissue.



The value of in (20) is set to 0.2 for computing the ADC

value as it was found empirically to provide strong performance.

F. Patient Experiment Results

The proposed algorithm was examined on nine patient
cases suffering from prostate cancer. Each of these cases
have cancerous regions with a different shape and size. The
goal is to compute the AUHB-DW image corresponding Fig. 8. Evaluated CVC corresponding to various reconstructed apparent
to an apparent -value of 4000 s mm . As explained in high -value DWIs (1500–4000) s mm . Higher -value apparent DWI
Section IV-A, the number of available -values for each DWI has smaller CVC and allows for higher contrast between suspected tumor
regions and the noncancerous prostate regions. Results are reported based
acquisitions were 3, 4, or 6 with the highest -value being on the averaged value of nine patient cases.
s mm .
FC and NBPE results are presented in Tables II and III.
The proposed HSFCRF and HCRF approaches achieved the very sharp and the visual delineation between cancerous re-
highest FC values for all tested patient cases. The results are gions and prostate glands is much better than other methods.

Fig. 9. AUHB-DW images at an apparent -value of 4000 s mm estimated by the different tested methods for patient case #7. Suspected tumor region
is highlighted by the red arrow. Suspected tumor region in the results produced by HSFCRF is brighter, well-contrasted and the boundaries are very clear
when compared with other tested methods.

Experimental results illustrate that incorporating the hidden TABLE IV

state in modeling and reconstruction of the ADC value par- STUDENT -TEST ANALYSIS; THE RESULTS OF 2-POINT ESTIMATION
allel to the DW image has an impact in the accuracy as ex- BASED ON THE PATIENT EXPERIMENTS
Table V shows the CVC values of the proposed methods
compared to other methods. The results illustrate that the
proposed methods may have improved diagnostic quality in
ultra high computed -value reconstruction compared to other
methods. To illustrate that increasing the -value provides TABLE V
more contrast between the suspected tumor regions and be- COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF CONTRAST: COMPUTED CVC VALUES
nign tissues, apparent DW images corresponding to different INTENSITY DIFFERENTIATION OF APPARENT HIGH COMPUTED -VALUE
are reconstructed using HSFCRF and the CVC calculated. TO THE OTHER METHODS

Fig. 8 is the average value of CVC for nine patient cases.

As seen higher -value apparent DW images provide smaller
CVC, which implies larger intensity contrast between the sus-
pected tumor region and healthy prostate regions.
Student -tests were also done based on the results of
2-point estimation. Table IV shows the p-values for all
methods. The p-values demonstrate that the performance of
the proposed CRF-based methods were statistically significant
( ).

Fig. 10. AUHB-DW images at an apparent -value of 4000 s mm estimated by the different tested methods for patient case #8. The suspected tumor region is
highlighted by red arrow. Suspected tumor region is clearer in the HSFCRF image than those produced by the other techniques. Moreover, the suspected cancerous
region is brighter in the HSFCRF's result and more distinguishable from the prostate region with a clearer boundary.

Figs. 7, 9, and 10 illustrate the results of the proposed method HCRFs based on short-range interactions, and hidden HS-
alongside 2P, LS, and ML estimation methods for cases #5, #7, FCRF based on both short-range and long-range interactions.
and #8, respectively. As seen in these figures, the AUHB-DW Experimental results from both patient cases and phantom
images produced by the HSFCRF have fewer artifacts than tests illustrate that the proposed methods outperform the other
those produced by the other algorithms, and the contrast be- state-of-the-art techniques in AUHB-CDWR with higher
tween healthy prostate tissue and suspected cancerous tissue in separability between tissue, lower probability of error, lower
the AUHB-DW images produced by the HSFCRF is noticeably coefficients of variation of spatial intensity and coefficients
improved, which is very important for the purpose of cancer of variation of contrast. Future work involves investigating
screening and diagnosis by radiologists. The compared estima- different training strategies (currently feature functions are
tions lack contextual detail in the background which further determined based on standard clinical practice) and study
hinders the visibility of the cancerous region. the behavior of the weighting of each feature function. Fur-
thermore, we aim to apply new state-of-the-art inference
methods to increase the efficiency of the proposed method
and also we aim to validate these results by executing a full
In this paper, we proposed a novel approach for generating clinical multi-reader study with a larger dataset coupled with
AUHB-DW images using the concept of HCRF. To reduce histological ground truth. Furthermore, we aim to investi-
the propagation error of estimation, we imported the tissue gate more advanced diffusion models [33]–[37] in a more
model diffusion parameter estimation as a hidden state to the comprehensive study to evaluate their efficacy for improving
model. Based on this formulation, the computation of the reconstruction quality when used within the proposed ap-
diffusion parameters and AUHB-CDWR are done simultane- proach. Finally, we aim to investigate the effectiveness of the
ously and it reduces the error of calculation. Two different proposed frameworks for other medical imaging reconstruc-
hidden conditional random field models were introduced, tion applications [63], [64].

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