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Water resources

Soil Sciences is the study of soil as a natural resource on

Water is vital to life, its cover 70% of the earth the surface of the Earth including soil formation,
classification and mapping
Properties of the water
Water is a universal solvent
Water has a neutral PH level

Pedosphere- it is a living skin of the earth surface

which is a result of the dynamic interaction in the
four sub system.

Soil formations- weathering of rocks, may result from

physical or chemical change it may be in slow or in rapid

3 main process of water cycle Five Factors that affects a soil formation.
*Evaporation- it is a process in which liquid water  Parent Materials- Important in soil formation
changes into vapor because its chemistry and type will determine
*Condensation- it occurs when water droplets in the the kind of soil that will formed along with the
clouds became larger and heavy effects of the other factors.
*Precipitation- water vapor falls down.  Climate- Temperature, rainfall and moisture
affects the pattern and intensity of soil –
3 ways to produce water vapor forming processes such as weathering, leaching,
*Sublimation – when ice can directly transform into transportation and distribution.
water vapor  Topography- The gradient of the slope affects
*Evaporation- when water from the surface of the water flow and erosion. Soils that form in steep
earth transform into water vapor. slopes tend to be thinner because of the higher
*Transpiration- when water from the plants transform rates of erosion.
into water vapor  Biological Factors- Organisms such as plants,
animals microorganisms and humans affect soil
Oceans- is the biggest reservoir of water, it is belong formation. Animals and microorganisms mix the
soil through burrowing, while plant roots aid in
to surface water as marine water. the weathering process as they grow.
 Time- The formation of the soil is long and
4 Recognized Oceans in History
continuous process which may take hundreds
to thousands of years depending on the climate
 Atlantic Ocean
and environment.
 Pacific Ocean
 Indian Ocean Soil profile- the sequence of soil horizons from the
 Arctic Ocean surface down to underlying bedrocks.
Salinity – it is the saltiness of water Major horizons; A, B and C
3 major zone of the ocean
*Surface Layer- first layer of the ocean, it consists of
How human activities degrade soil quality
relatively warm, low density water, extends from the
ocean surface to a depth of 100m  Soil Erosion- refers to the absolute soil losses in
*Thermocline- it is the second layer of the major zone terms of topsoil and nutrients. It is indeed the
of ocean. most visible effect of soil degradation. It is a
*Deep zone- the last layer of the major zone of the natural process but it often made such worse by
poor management practices.
 Soil Compaction- Reduces the amount of air,
Aquifer it is a layers of rock or sand that can absorb and water, an space available to roots and soil
hold water. organisms. An example of compaction is caused
Aquitards – deposits that do not easily transmit water. by repeated traffic or travelling on wet soil.
2 types of aquifer  Desertification- Is the irreversible change of the
a) Unconfined aquifers – geologic units in which land to such a state where it can no longer be
the water is exposed to atmospheric pressure covered for its original use. It is characterized by
b) Confined aquifers – are under pressure and droughts and arid conditions as a result of
separated from the ground surface and human activities and exploitation.
atmospheric pressure by confining layer or Desertification is a major threat to world soils
aquitard. and currently affects about one – sixth of the
world’s population and a quarter of the world’s  Industrial waste- Waste coming
land. from the sources other than mining.
 Intensive Agriculture- Intensification of Demolition waste, scrap from
agriculture has led to the use of more an manufacturing processes, ash
heavier machinery, deforestation and clearing  Municipal solid waste-Materials
of land for use in cultivation.
that people in a region no longer
 Urbanization- The increasing population has led
want because it is broken or spoiled
to the conversion of land to urban center which
are generally characterized by concrete or has no use. Waste from
structure, roads and pavements. communities are often commercially
sold because it can be recycled
Conservation of soil resource and
Methods of Waste Disposal
protection of soil
 Landfill- Cheapest and most
convenient waste disposal.
 Contour Farming- Refers to the tilling at the Constructed above an impermeable
right angles to the slope of the land. It is one of
clay layer lined with an impermeable
the simplest method for preventing soil erosion.
 Strip Farming- Is practiced when a slope is too
steep or too long, in strip farming, alternating  Incineration- Burning in a controlled
strips are closely sown on crops such as corn. manner using an incinerator
 Terracing- One practical method of preventing (thermal treatments). Converted
soil erosion on a very steep land is to construct into gases, particles, and heat for
terraces. Terraces are level areas constructed at generation of electricity.Gases are
a right angles to the slope to retain water and treated to eradicate pollutants
greatly reduce the amount of erosion.  Mulch and Compost- Method of
 Water ways- Are depressions on sloping land allowing the natural process of
where water collects and flows off the land. decomposition to transform organic
 Wind Breaks- reduce the speed of the wind and materials into humus (or compost).
decrease the amount of soil that is carried Mulch – organic material used to
over the soil
 Source reduction- Method of
 LOAM- ideal soil for designing, manufacturing,
agriculture purchasing, using and reusing
 Clay- type of soil that are materials so amount of waste is
mostly rusty- red in color reduced.
 Recycling- Collecting materials and
(NOTE: MEMORIZE AND UNDERSTAND THE turning into new products


Waste Managements- Generation,
prevention, characterization, monitoring,
treatment, handling, reuse and residual
disposition of solid waste.

Solid Waste- Made up of objects or

particles that accumulate on the site where
they are produced.


 Mining waste- Large amounts of
rock and soil removed to get to the
ore. These are left on the surface at
the mine site.
 Agricultural waste- Common form
of waste from raising animals and
harvesting and processing or crops
and trees

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