Finished Evaluation 1

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For my final major project I created a music video for the song wow by Post Malone, my
music video had to be the full length and fit into the rap genre, I knew straight away that I
was going to do a rap music video as I already have a lot of knowledge on what they contain
and how to make one as I have previously done two of them before. I worked on my music
video by myself this was a change to my previous music videos as in my first one I was in
group of 4 and in my second one I was in a group of 3 but this time I was by myself. This
provided some challenges for me as I had a lot of work on my hands and had to do it all by
myself. The role I had in my production was to be the director of my music video and also to
be the camera operator, I thought I did both of these roles well as my music video came out
well as a whole and a lot of the camera work worked very well to fit in with the rap genre,
by me doing both of these very well it then led to my music video coming together very
successfully. Overall I think my music video turned out very well everything that I wanted to
do in my music video with the clips I did and when putting it all together it worked very well
and all came together very well.

The genre of my music video was rap and I think this came across very easy to understand
from the clothes and also the clips that people were seeing in the video. I made sure that
this was very easy to understand so that people wouldn’t spend time thinking about the
genre and just focus on the music video and enjoy the video with no confusion. From my
survey I found out that a lot of people understood the genre was rap as well. This makes me
understand that people understood the genre and thought that it fit my music video.

I researched about the codes and conventions in rap music videos and find out a lot out
about how they are very materialistic and use their money to spend on chains and also
clothes. After researching out about this I thought I would do the same in mine so I made
Ben my main actor wear a Kenzo t-shirt, Kenzo is a designer brand, I thought by doing this it
would help my music video fit into the rap music video genre. I also did some research into
the visuals of a rap music video and I found out that in a lot of them there is no big storyline
but just a few clips put together to make the whole video. I added this into my music video
by adding a couple of montages in the video to make it look like a standard rap music video.
In my survey I asked what people would rate the content in my music video and I got a few
good results and a few not so good ones, this gives me an idea of if people liked what they
saw and if I do another music video if I should add some of the same kind of clips.

The style of my music video had a little storyline and also a lot of montages of clips, I
researched into the topic of my storyline which was cheating and got some ideas of what to
do from that and then put that into my video which I did. I thought the combination of a
separate parts. I asked people what they liked about the style in my music video and a lot of
people replied saying that they liked the vibe the video gave off and the effects that were in
the video, this helps me understand what I did well in the editing and recording process of
the music video that made people like it.

The narrative in my music video was short but told a story, I didn’t want to make the whole
video a story line because in my research I found out that in a lot of rap music videos there
is never really a storyline throughout the whole video but just a few clips in the video that
were put into a montage so I aimed to make my music video mostly a montage and also lip
syncing. From my survey I found out that some people did not like the idea of my narrative
and I think this may be because they havent watched enough rap music videos to
understand but in contrast to this a few people did like it which shows me that the video
came across effectively to some.

I did some research into what the characters in a rap music video and I found out that a lot
of them have a fresh hair cut when they film and also tend to look very intimidating, so I
thought if I made my characters look intimidating in my music video it will create the same
effect a standard rap music video has with their characters looking intimidating. I made sure
that my characters looked intimidating by making some of them wear masks that made
them look scarier than they would look if it was just their face. From my survey results I
found out that a lot of people liked the characters I chose for my music video with people
saying they were diverse and also funny and also that they were cool. The feedback from my
survey helped me understand that my characters fit into the rap genre and fit in the theme
of the whole music video.
Some of the techniques I used in my music video were different camera angles and after
effects on the clips and also changing the speed of the clips. The change of camera angles in
my music video gave it a more upbeat and quick feel to the music video as it was always
changing. The use of drawing on the clips shows I have gained a new skill from this unit and
also makes the clips look better as it catches the watchers attention a lot. The quick change
from a sped up clip to a slowed down one creates a very cool effect as it goes quick and
then slows down to create a large effect of emphasis on the clip that is being showed. From
my survey results I found out that a lot of people also find that the after effects were and
camera angles were what people liked, this feedback helps me understand what I did well
and if I could add it into another one of my music videos.

Some of the technical qualities that I used in my editing was some of the drawings that I did
on after effects and also getting some of the clips on the beat and also some of the
transitions doing all of these helped my production reach a higher level as it takes a lot of
skill to do. The transitions were quite easy to do as all I needed to do was add download a
green screen transition package of YouTube and ultra-key the green to put my clips in front
of the green. The after effects drawings were a bit tricky as they take so long to complete as
you have to draw on each frame and then make sure it all looks good after, it takes a lot of
time but when done correctly comes out very well and looks very good. Putting some clips
on the beat helped the whole production look better as it changes when the beat changes.
From my survey results I have found out that a lot of people did like my technical qualities
as 3 answers were about 5 out of 10 but 2 were below 5 out of 10, this feedback helps me
to understand that the qualities to some people were very good but to some people not
very good.
The aesthetic qualities in my final production were the lights that I used in the studio and
also the smoke grenades. By adding both of these kinds of aesthetic qualities in my music
video it brought a lot of colour in my music video that gave the people that watched my
music video a couple cool clips that when put into the whole music video. I made sure that I
used good bright lighting in most of my clips to make sure that the people watching my
music could see everything in the music video clearly and wouldn’t have to think about what
they are seeing in my music video. In the music videos I researched they have either good
lighting or a very smart way of creating an effective lighting scene, I tried to make my music
video have both of these aspects by having a light behind ben to just barely show his face
and also have a light mounted on my camera to create a very good lighted scene where it
shows everything in my scene. In addition to this I added an aesthetic lighting feature were
there was a light but not very bright which created the light in the back to stand out and
also the light be bright enough to see the actor’s faces. From my survey I found out that four
people gave me a rating of above 5 on the astehichs of my music video and only one person
gave me bellow five, this feedback gives me a good idea on if people thought that the
aesthetics in my music video were good and if they were just like what I was aimming for
from my research into other music videos in the rag genre.
The creative qualities in my music video were when I was coming up with some of the
scenes and also the storyline. I did some research into what a storyline were someone
cheats on another person and this gave me an idea of how to make my actors act when they
are cheating or being cheated on by the other person. The creative features in my scenes
were the use of lights and the effect of the smoke bombs, by having bright colours in the
creative parts of my music video it creates a happy effect in a rap music video that most rap
videos do not have. From my survey i found out that there was a variety of answers if
people enjoyed the creative features in my music video or not. The highest score out of ten I
got was 9 and the lowest I got was 2 by finding out about what people thought of the
creative effects of my music video it gives me an idea of if I made a rap music video just like
the ones that I researched and was aimming for.
I think that some of the things that went well in my music video were the camera angles
that I used, I think these were good because none of the angles were just still and a lot of
them were moving which created a less boring music video. The camera angles were either
moving a bit or following the actors movement in where they were going and what they are
doing. Another thing I did well in my music video was the editing. I think that all the clips put
together in the music video with all the editing techniques that were used such as the
transitions at the end and also changing clips on the beat. By doing this it makes the video
flow more swiftly and look better. I think the clips that I used in my music video looked very
well and fitted into the genre of rap very well, by making the clips very well it made the clips
look very proffessional and flow swiftly through the whole video. This helps make people
less bored while watching my music video. Another thing I did well in my production was all
the drawings from after effects that I used, I thought these were good to bring to the music
video even though they take quite a long while to complete and make look good when they
are added into the music video it makes the music video look very proffessional all together
I thought they fit well into the music video because in my research I saw the effects in a lot
of music videos and it looked good in them so I thought it would be a great feature to add
into my music video. In my research I also found out that a lot of the english rap music
videos use some sort of bright lights in the back of their videos so I thought this would be a
good idea to put into my music video, I think by adding the lights into my video made the
visuals in my music video much better and I think this aspect of my music video was very
good as it makes the video look very proffesional and just better in general.
I think some of the things that could be improved in my music video is I could have used the
bright light in all the scenes in the studio, I didn’t do it in one of the scenes in my music
video and in general it just doesn’t look as good as the other scenes in the studio with the
light on. If I do a music video next time I would get a gimble to make the camera steady and
make the scenes when the camera is moving during the storyline much more smoother and
less shaky, I think by doing this it would make the music video much better.
Another feature of my music video that I think I couldve improved on is during the storyline
and make sure that the camera is not wobbly and just very steady to make the scenes look
better. If I do another music video in the future I wil make sure I have the camera mounted
onto my camera at all time to make sure every scene is clear a nd crispy so that the viewrs
see everything clearly.
Something else I think I can improve on is my time management as I oleft a lot of my work
till the last minute, by doing this it created a lot of stress for me at the end of the course to
finish it and I ended up staying up nearly all night to finish my work. To improve on this
next time I do a unit I will make sure I stay behind more often to be able to keep up with my
work so I don’t stress as much as I did in this unit.

Another aspect of my music video I would improve on would have some scenes of a whole
group of people behind my main actor, I think this would fit well as in my research I found
out that a lot of people in music videos are behind a big group of people which could be a
gang and I think adding this would make my main actor look much more intimidating to
people watching my music video. Next time I do a music video I will add something like this
into a couple of my scenes to try and make my main actor look much more intimidating.

The two music videos I am comparing mine to is Handgun by YG and also Medusa by WSTRN
I have chosen these because one is American rap and the other is English rap

The first thing im comparing is the mise-en-scene, My video is similar to both of these music
videos in this aspect as in Ygs music video he is in a group with people in some of the clips
and I have added this into my music video byhaving some people behind the main actor in
mine. My music video is also different to ygs in this aspect as he has a big group of people
showed as the army and in mine there is just 3 of them wjhich is more of a small group not
an army. My music video is similar to the one by WSTRN as in mine there is a max of 3
people with one singing and the other behind by me adding this it makes it seem like the
rapper has a very small group of friends that he trusts. My video is also similar to this one as
I have people dancing by themselves in mine just like the video by WSTRN. My music video
is differentg in this aspect as the video by WSTRN is all in black and white and mine has lots
of different colour, I did a lot of colur instead of just black and white as I believe it would
catch the watchers attention more.

The characters in my music video are similar to the characeters in the music videos I am
comparing it to. The charcters are similar to the yg music video as they are all wearing
similar clothes and ive made sure that my characters in my music video are all wearing the
same colours and also expensive. My characters are similar to the characters in my music
video to the ones in the WSTRn music video for the same reason but more with the
expensive clothes then the colours. I think by making the clothes expensive it makes my
rappers look mkore like the standard rapper in the rap industry. In comparison to the yg
music video from the clothes there is no clear main actor but from the amount of screen
time you can tell that Ben is the main actor in my music video.

I have made the lighting similar to the one is ygs video by having my actors in a dark room
with a single light on to show theyre faces slightly by doing this it leaves the characters
mysterious as you don’t see them very much and leaves you feeling a bit intimidated by
them. My music video is different to ygs as in his video there are many lihts around the
place when I just had two lights coming down from the ceiling. My music video is similar to
WSTRNs music video as it has some parts of the video which is were the characters are dark
and you barely see there face, this leaves my characters as mysterious people as you don’t
see much of them in the clips. My video in this aspect is different to the WSTRN music video
as they have made it so that people still see a lot of their face when in mine you can barely
see the face as it is so dark.
The camera angles in my video were very similar to the ones in ygs music video and also in
WSTRNs, me, him and WSTRn both had the camera moving constantly and never being at a
standstill, by doing this it makes the shots look less boring and looks like the scenes are a lot
more hyped then they acctually are, some differences from the camera angles in mine and
the other music videos are that yg has done a lot more of a variety of camera angles such as
low angles and also high angles and WSTRN have done more panning shots in their music
video then I have in mine.

Media Industry

I think at the end of this final production I am nearly 100% suited to the media industry, I
think this because if you watch my final production I think the editing in that is very good
and I could confidently edit professionally with the editing skills that I have. I think learning
about the different transition that can be done and also using after effects to further my
edits has helped me improve majorly since the start of the year. I have learnt about
different ways of editing such as j-cuts, l-cuts and many more, by learning these it has
helped further my work in many of my different productions over the year and made my
final production better as well. I think the one thing that I will need to improve on to make it
into the media will be to keep up with my work and make sure I do everything on time as
that is what is keeping me from being ready for the media industry.

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