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When we see a beautiful idol of Krishna or any other deity, we

appreciate the beauty of the idol we and even a revere that idol. It is

natural to us. Not only we appreciate this idol, we also appreciate the

sculptor who had created this idol.

We generally say the sculpture has created this idol and if we analyze

how he has created this idol, we will find that the idol is not really his

creation but it was already inside the rock on which he worked. The

rock was an ordinary rock and nobody appreciates the rock when it is an

ordinary one.

But a sculptor has got a special vision by which he knows that out of

this rock a beautiful idol can be created. Thereafter, what does he do to

create this idol?He does not produce anything new. On the other hand,

heonly keeps on removing portions of rock.

First he uses big chisel to remove bigger rocks and then he gets some

kind of the shape. There afterwards, he uses still smaller chisels and

removes further portions and then he gets a shape of Krishna. There

afterwards, he will use very fine chisels to remove minute covering

portions and then finally, the Krishna comes to manifestation.

So, he has not produced a Krishna. Krishna has been there in the

already. He has only removed the portions which have been covering

the Krishna, the idol. Therefore, what we talk as a creation is nothing

but removal of the extra portion. This is what we call as the sculpture of

a sculptor.

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General Talks Discovering Divinity Through Yoga

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So, the rock was not worshipped before when it was on the road side or

on a mountain. Nobody even looked at the rock. In-fact people were

sitting and doing all kinds of things on the rock. Birds may be sitting
and the birds drop.

But once the refine rock comes into the hands of a sculptor and he

removes the obstacles, the obstructions, the very same rock has become

a beautiful Krishna idol. It no more occupies a roadside but it is

installed in a temple and people regularly do Pūja and Namaskāra.

So, when it is an ordinary rock nobody respected. When the extra

obstacles went away and when the Krishna was brought out, it became a

beautiful idol. In the same way, the scriptures point out that every

human being is like an ordinary wayside rock.

Just as a rock has got rough edges and sharp edges which will only hurt

people. Similarly, human being also does not have any value. He is very

ordinary. When he walks on the road, nobody comes and does

Namaskāra to him. But the scriptures point out that every human being

is like a rock.

Just as there is a Krishna hidden within the rock, which can be brought

out by a beautiful sculptor similarly, if a person handles the human

being and removes the extra coverings, every human being also has got

a Krishna inside, Lord inside, divinity inside.

To become divine being, I need not acquire anything I have to only

remove extra coverings, extra impurities, a

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