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Shāstra says, we don’t say that you should suffer from the problem.

When we say we should not worry over the problem, what we mean is

we have to work on the problem. Working on the problem or any

problem is different from worrying over the problem.

Worry alone is condemned but working over a problem is not

condemned. It has to be done by a responsible person. Now, we have to

find out what is the difference between worrying over the problem and

working on the problem. Working on a problem also has four stages.

If worry has four stages, working also has four stages. If we clearly

understand the four stages of working and four stages of worrying, we

can find out whether we are worrying or working. Because in the name

of working, we are managing to worry and we think that we are


What are the four stages?The four stages we can easily derive from the

first four stages of worry. It is the opposite of that. What was the first

stage there? We said problem chooses to occupy the mind at a time that

the problem wants to occupy.

Here, working on a problem is, I choose the time of thinking about the

problem. It is certainly not in the middle of a class. Therefore, I would

say Decisionis the first stage of working on a problem. Decision means

what?I choose the time and duration of working on a problem.

I don’t allow the problem to enter my mind. I put a board - No

admission without permission. Gate crashing is not allowed. My mind is

not a Satram or a public toilet for the problem to enter. Even if its gate

crashes, it should be allowed to continue only with my permission.

If my permission is not there, it should not enter. Even if it enters, it

should not continue, it should be dismissed. Therefore, the first stage is

Decision as opposed to the occupation. What is the second stage of

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General Talks Stop Your Worry

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working on a problem?If you go to the worry then you will know the

second stage.

In worrying mode of operation, the problem goes on revolving in the

mind and the duration is decided by the problem. But when I work on

the problem, I condense the problem and crystallize the problem into a

few important points - Crystallization of the problem.

It is not a meandering thinking leading to emotional disturbance. I am

not emotionally unbalanced but I am able to study the whole problem

and present it in a few sutra forms or in few stages. So, what is the

second stage? - Crystallization as opposed to victimization.

In victimization, emotion functions. In Crystallization, intellect is in

charge, rational faculty is in charge. If I do the crystallization of the

problem, it will take only limited time and therefore, I can go to the

third stage. What is that?

I can think more of the various solutions available. I call it exploration

stage. So, I see whether solution no.1 is possible, solution no.2 is

possible. So, the third stage is exploration stage which is solution

Oriented Thinking.

Worry is always problem oriented thinking. There is no time for

thinking of solution whereas, working on a problem is never problem

oriented thinking.

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