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Top 10 Tips for Password Security

Know your guidelines Longer is better
Your organization has its own policies for New research says longer passwords
password security. Know them and push are harder to guess. “Wine” is short;
them to the limits! If they allow passwords “1998dontdrinkwinewithbadchee$e-
of 8-20 characters, always make it 20. 2002worstweddingEVER” is long.

Think phrases, not words

Uncommon sense A space is just another character in a
Substitute uncommon words for string, so long phrases with spaces are space
common ones. Try to avoid words DINOSAUR effectively single unsearchable words.
found in dictionaries, if possible. A phrase like “dinosaurs don’t dance
disco” is unique and memorable!

Choose something Don’t write it down

only you know Put down the Post-Its! Choose a
Think of something that makes sense password you can remember without
only to you. This could be a private joke, writing it down. If you absolutely have to
a childhood nickname or an association write some down, write down a hint that
only you would make. would only make sense to you.

Don’t repeat
Never share passwords
Don’t reuse passwords. If you’ve already
Passwords are like toothbrushes.
used a password for another account, or
Change them regularly and never
used it previously for the same account,
share them with anyone!
invent a new password.

If it hasn’t
worked before … Don’t use common substitutions
Know your common passwords. E 3 It’s become common practice to replace
123456 “Password1,” “123456,” “admin” letters with similar-looking numbers and
L 1
and “qwerty” are all common symbols. These are known substitutions
passwords that hackers will and will not help make a password stronger.
always guess.

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