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Division of City Schools

Department of Education
General Santos City


April 8-11, 2019
Fourth Quarter Week 1
Learning Competency: Use various types and kinds of sentences for effective
communication/ideas (compound Sentence) (EN6SS-IV-a 1.8)

Let’s Learn: Use various types and kinds of sentences for effective communication/ideas
(compound Sentence)

Let’s Begin:
Ask: What is your favorite past time? Why?

Let’s find the meaning of these words used in the selection:

1. Gadgets such as cellphones, tablets and i-pads fascinate kids and adults. (to make one
lively, to make one interested, to make one relaxed)
2. Harry Potter has a lot of adventures.( exciting and happy experiences, exciting and
shocking experiences, exciting and dangerous experiences)
3. The young girls are avid fans of Korean celebrities. ( very eager, very noisy, very

Let’s Discover: Read the selection about the author’s hobby.

Activity 1
Reading gives me a sense of wonder. I love reading books so I always have watt pad
with me. Horror stories fascinate me but Mother just hates them. She told me to read
adventure stories and I tried to follow her advice. Now, I am beginning to appreciate tales of
adventure and Mother is excited about it. My brother is an avid reader too and he loves
suspense stories. Once, he offered me to read his favorite book but I had no time. I had to finish
my TLE extension wire project or I would get a lower grade.
Let’s Find out: Answer the questions about the selection.
1. What is the selection about?
2. Why does the author consider reading really good?
3. What was mother’s advice to him?
4. Did he follow mother’s advice?

Read the sentences:

1. My brother is an avid reader and he loves suspense stories.
2. Once, he offered me to read his favorite book but I had no time.
3 I had to finish my TLE extension wire project or I would get a lower grade.

- Do you know what an independent clause is? * An independent clause can stand by itself as
a complete sentence.
- How many independent clauses does each sentence have?

* Notice that each sentence has two independent clauses.

- What connects the independent clauses?

* The independent clauses are connected by a conjunction to form a compound sentence. The
underlined words in the selection are the conjunctions that connect the independent clauses.

* A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses connected by the

conjunction and, or, and but.
* Sometimes the thoughts or ideas in a compound sentence have no connecting word or
conjunction. The conjunction is then indicated by a semicolon (;). The first word of the second
independent clause is then written with a small letter. If that word is a proper noun, there is no
need to change its beginning letter.
For example:
Collecting pictures of beautiful sceneries is my hobby; my brother collects postcards of tourist
spots in the Philippines.
Activity 2
Combine the following independent clauses to form compound sentences.
1. General Santos City produces plenty of tuna (and, but, for) these are exported to different
countries for a higher price.
2. Chris father is a fish vendor in the public market (and, but, for) he gets fresh products from
the Fish Port.
3. Lion’s Beach is not ideal for swimming (and, but, for) the beach is always filled with
swimmers and excursionists.
4. We have a farm in Katangawan (and, but, for) I seldom visit the place.
5. Edna’s father goes fishing (and, but, so) her mother keeps the house.

Activity 3
Identify each sentence as simple or compound. Write your answers on your paper.
1. Sienna had always wanted to attend the feast of Sto. Niňo in Bula.
2. Melay Cantiveros asked her guest a question; she had intent on making the audience laugh.
3. Joey felt that days were too short.
4. Pedro eats his homemade snacks during recess or sometimes he buys banana cue from the
school canteen.
5. James does his chores at home during weekends.
Let’s Make It Happen: Activity 4 (Pair Share)
Work with your partner and make a compound sentence. One will give an independent
clause, and the other partner will give another independent clause to connect two ideas.

Activity 5. Use the appropriate conjunctions (and, or, but) to form a compound sentence.
1. Jose Rizal was exiled in Dapitan ____he lived there for four years.
2. He had to go there ___ he would be jailed.
3. His life was rather short ____ it was fruitful.
4. Manny Pacquiao used to sell pandesal during his childhood days ____he was not
ashamed of his poverty.
5. Poverty is not a hindrance to success ____ Manny proved it right.


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