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Celia Dobbs


Book three


If you are starving

The thought of trying even more than she already has, hurts. The long hours she

used to spend trying and starving for success, are now spent sobbing in the darkest of

hours. Mother and Father do not have a clue, how hard this pain is when all they do is

bask in her mistakes. This we know, will never make a people better, only weaker. And

eventually they will move on to either better, or worse things.

People will never know the times you have been at your worst, when one day,

you will be great. Now, at this moment you may seem to have nothing. We feel nothing.

But when you overcome the dark parts and pieces in your life, everything changes.

One night she is laying in her bed, gasping for air. And it hits her. Nothing will

change when you are starving and do not eat. She is ready to not just try, but strive.

This world is full of people who burn others out. Somethings it's also just

ourselves. We see the good in the world, like there is no bad. But the bad surrounds the

world. The people make it go around. So to strive, rather than try, will make society be

aware of all good and evil, but make us able to know where we stand.

We stand for ourselves and loved ones. Now she'll take life head on, but with a

greater mindset for herself and this world. To free your mind will free you.
If you are just simply alive

Live. We can survive while just being alive. You can be eating, breathing, and

sleeping. But this can't conclude you are actually living. Life is put in front of us and we

do with it, what we choose. But sometimes when a person is just alive, they feel numb,

emotionless, hurt, and have no active life. We were born to move out of our comfort

zones, this is why we are here.

To just be alive hurts people. We sit and think, and thinking can lead to sadness

when we think about the losses in our life. Humans sometimes like to dwell on the past

and things that cannot be changed. But you can always live a different lifestyle.

Only ourselves have the power to step outside of our comfort zones. All we have

to do is live life to the max. Always at one hundred miles per hour. We are our only

weakness. People categorize themselves and others to shy, or reserved. But only some

are aventuras, or wild.

Be wild. Feel how living is supposed to be for the whole world to feel. Understand

you have no limits to life. That is what makes it beautiful. Have no fear of what might go

wrong, only think what will go right. Let your mind go to places it hasn't been, let your

body feel what it has never yet felt, and let your eyes see new color.

This is how you live, rather than just being alive. You will find things you hate,

yes. But you may have things you never even imagined could happen, happen to you

and you will be truly in love with life. Everyone is skeptical about things out of the

ordinary, but if you think about it, what is really normal? Normal for each person is

different. Let your normal be to live and not to just sit alone and be alive.
If you are sorry

How does one go on after doing something that has hurt someone else? How

can we show how truly sorry we are?

Well the true answer is, as many millions of times you can tell someone you are

sorry, it will not mean anything if the victim does not truly believe. Sometimes people

who you think will always have you back, will not. You may mess up, or even be

accused of something that is untrue, but when the other person needs a way out, or

someone to blame it will be you.

This is when you will know how much someone genuinely loves having you in

there life. Also it is when you need to end the fight for them.

When someone needs to put the blame on another, the other person should

know this will not be the only time. You have done all that you could to care for

someone. And when they would rather push you out to keep someone who is in the

wrong in, you no longer need them to hold you back.

To be sorry is not supposed to make you constantly feel hurt. When you have

made you peace and said what you needed to, this is all that can be done. You will

have then put the decisions into the other's hands. And if they are in disbelief, you may

be hurting, but do not hurt for long. You have done everything. Be in a state of peace

with yourself and this person.

Always be sorry if what you have done was unintentional. But never be sorry if it

was false or something that needed to be done. We have to learn from mistakes but

sometimes it is just a way of life. You have to let go when others don't, it will hurt you.
If you are unsure

All you need to do is ask. There is no harm in being curious. We are all

born with a brain that may second guess, or wonder. But if you are constantly in

a state of confusion about something, ask.

If the answer is just as simple as you may have thought, then that's all you

needed. But when it comes down to a hard situation, and the questions must be

asked, do not shy away.

People aren't perfect, answers are not either. Do not go into something

thinking the worst, because you will cause stress for nothing.

Don't forget when an answer is on its way, it could be slightly off. Don't

underestimate how people can change there words from actions. But when a

answer is given, and you can't prove it wrong, leave it, everything comes out.

But never stop wondering or being curious. Wonder to yourself how the

earth got here as beautiful as it is, or wonder why it is people love other people.

Maybe just wonder what the future holds. Being curious is the best part of our

mind. It can sometimes be over the top, but sometimes our minds don't do things


As children we were told to use our imagination. And as you grow older

your parents said to never lose that. So don't. When children grow to be adults

and lose their imagination, they can grow cold. And the world around them will

drag them under. Please make sure to wonder. It is how we unravel our mind

and maybe even smile a little too:)

Now, be at peace

Every emotion inside of us is unique. But sometimes we go through life

the same, but in a different way. As a person of the universe, one can not change

what is coming. They say its fate, but really, it's just the pattern of life.

At the point we think is no return, things may look up just a bit. Do not let

that go. Strive for the best you, and the world will see. Stay true to you and your

morels. People move in on our peace, so guard it with your whole mind, body,

and soul.

Be calm even on the worst of days. Or, maybe just cry. Do not back down

from your feelings and hide from them. Release them as they come. But not to

fast, you still need to feel. That is how we grow to know what is right for us, and

what is wrong. It is by the feeling that our mind remembers the great feelings,

and the horrid ones.

Look around you, at what you have, what you don't, and what you will

never let go. Then think about how much you cherish the little things. Some

people look at life and cherish the object in which they have.

But others, they see the feelings as the most valuable. Maybe the feeling

as you watch the sun rise, or the rain come pouring down. The minimalist things

in life are the most valuable.

Not because of price, but because of the effect. Humans are affected so

much more by how they feel rather than what they have. So be at peace, no

matter how little you may think you have, it will always be greater with love.

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