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Interview Lewes

Food & drink

Excuse me, sir/madame. Are you from England? I’m Tristan and I’m from the
Netherlands. I am here with the Sondervick college on a study trip. For the
subject ELC I have to do an interview with a real English person. May I interview
1. What is a typical English breakfast?
a. Cornflakes, milk and toast.
2. What do the English people drink the most, you think?
a. Thea and beer.
3. Are there many restaurants in the UK? What’s your favourite?
a. Yes there are many restaurants in the UK. I don’t really have a
4. How does the food shops look like?
a. They are big, but the food isn’t always fresh.
5. What’s the biggest shop company?
a. Testa.
6. What’s in a typical English dinner?
a. Potatoes, roast and meat.
7. Where can you buy exotic food?
a. You can buy exotic food just in the supermarket.
8. Go the people much to restaurants?
a. First they did, but not anymore.
9. What do the most people think about wasting food, you think?
a. They don’t like it.
10. Is your favourite meal typical English?
a. No, it is Indian curry.
That was my last question. Thank you for your time.

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