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AFFILIATE AGREEMENT No. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into effective as of. (the “Effective Daté”) by and between: | __ Service provider Customer Casheat Marketing Solutions | Robocash Finance Corp. | vidual entrepreneur Vitali Kedyk | Registration no. CS201730459 | “TiN 3084721855 Address: Unit A Murphy Center, 205 Bonny Serrano ‘extract from USR No. 2 074 000 0000 025457 Avenue, Murphy, Cubao, Quezon City, NCR, Adress: 17 Puachova Stet, pt. 6, Kyiv Philippines 1109 Bank tile: URRSIBBANK Bank tile: Bank address: Andeiivska Steet 2/12, Kyiv, Ukraine | Bank address: SWIFT: KHABUA2K SWIFT: . Bank account: 6000878796005 | Bank account: Imermediary bank: BNP Paribas U'S.A. - New York | | Branch, New York, USA | SWIFT: BNPAUSIN Corresponding e-mail Corresponding e-mail: v@eashe: ‘Service provider authorized person: Vitalii Kedyk Customer authorized person: Ronnel Mapaye ‘Terminology and application AMfitite website(s) - website(s) managed by Service provider where the Customer’s advertising materials shall be placed, the Service provider pays the Service provider a commission for each activity of potential client — a purchase, registration, a click or other specific activity Commission - fixed remuneration paid to Service provider for certain activity agreed by the service provider and the customer. Visitor - any person or intemet user who has clicked on the link, Link - hyperlink posted by the Service provider on the websites, when clicked on, the visitor enters the ‘Customer's home page. The link can be in the form of text, an image of a product, a button, a banner or in nother form acceptable to the Customer thatthe Service provider offers. Click - activity that navigates the visitor to the Customer's selected selection of a website, Deposit - certain amount of money for a service that is paid by the Customer to the Service provider as a ‘guarantee for timely payment of the commission. ‘Tracking code — tracking code is JavaScript or PHP code placed on the Customer’s website to count the clients attracted by any of the advertising partners. CPA (cost per action) ~ a commission paid per qualified action (click, sale, registration) from an online advertisement or affiliate link. CPL (cost per lead) - a commission paid by the Customer for any activity that does not requires the consumer to make a purchase, CPS (cost per sale) - a commission paid by the Customer based on the number of sales. CPT (cost per thousand) - a commission paid by the Customer for 1000 views of a banner, link or other advertising material on any of the Service provider's websites. CPC (cost per elick) - a commission paid by the Customer for every click on a banner, link, ete. Cookie - cookies are usually used for authenticating users, maintaining session, as well as storing specific information related to the user. API (Application Programming Interface) - a set of predefined functions, which is provided as an application that can be used for third-party software products. 1, Subject of the CONTRACT 1. The Patties agree that the Service provider places Customer's advertising materials on Casheat Affiliate website(s). 2. The Servive provider creates « Customer account on the website htt ay follow the efficiency and costs of advertising, / where the Customer 2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties 1. The Customer provides all the information and support to the Service provider necessary for high quality service rendering. 2, The Service provider agrees within te Customer on the. expected advertising results by combini individually selecting specific options, CPC, CPT, CPL, CPS, CPA, CPS, and Hybrid 3. Price for each activity and detailed description are agreed in the Annex hereto, which forms an integral part of the Contract. 4. All prices are given excluding VA'T (added value tax). 5. The Service provider is responsible for continuous operations with Robocash,ph on Casheat Affiliate website(s) until terminating of this Contract or any provisions thereof. 6. The Customer follows the attracted clients on his Cashcat account and specifies the status of each particular client untess the Casheat API key is used. 7. The Customer shall check the status of the outstanding transactions and mark change of status at last ‘once in 7 (seven) days unless the Cashcat Casheat API key is used, 8. The Service provider may make a test purchase on the Customer’s portal without prior notice to make sure the system is operating properly, as well as in case Casheat has any doubt about client’s failure to fulfill the contract. 9. By mutual consent of the Parties, Customer can create a separate advertising campaign, which is fixed in the Annex hereto. If this type of campaign is active, then the Customer is obliged, at least once in 7 (seven) days, to check on his account Casheat the requests for the relevant campaign and to change the status of transactions, unless the Casheat API key is used. 10. Should the Service provider detect a breach of the Section 2.9, 2.10 he is entitled to unilaterally terminate the Contract. 11. The Service provider guarantees data security and non-disclosure of information to any third person regarding the statistics of affiliate website(s) but has the right to display the index of the campaign. 12. The Customer shall contact the Cashcat regarding all issues related to the advertising campaign, technical failures, service advertised outage etc immediately after the problem has been discovered by Bor Customer. 13. The Service provider before sending invoices, according to art. 4.2. ofthis Contract is obliged to send to the Customer data on the services rendered for verification. 14. The Customer is responsible to servicing, hosting and other activities in relation to his website to ensure cfficient advertising campaign and fulfilment of the Contract, if there are faults on the page, then it should be immediately reported to the Service provider. 20. All the Changes that both parties are agreed to are made electronically and become valid after signing the relevant documents by the Parties. If the Customer does not fulfill any of the obligations under this Contract, including payments for more than 5 days, the Service provider has the right not to provide services to the Customer stipulated hereof in the "Subject of the contract" section. 3. Validity of the CONTRACT 1. The Contraet enters into force from the moment of its signing. 2. Each of the Parties has right to unilaterally terminated this Contract on a condition that the other Party thas been notified in writing of such termination within at feast 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to termination date of the Contract. The Parties undertake and have an obligation to make all mutual payments under this Contract within one calendar month, 4, The Amount and Payment Terms of the CONTRACT 1. The Service provider makes out an electronic invoice to the Customer to be paid within 10 (ten) days from the date of sending the invoice. 2. The Service provider is obliged to send to the Customer data on the services rendered for verification. ‘After verification, Service provider issue an invoice to the Customer. 3. Invoices are prepared electronically and are valid without signature, 4. The Service provider makes out an invoice to the Customer for commissions paid in the previous month ntl the Sth day of current month. 5. If the Customer wants to receive additional service beyond the scope of the Contract, the Parties shall separately agree on price for such a service in the Annex hereof. 6. The Customer shall make payments under the Contract for additional services within 10 (ten) days after receiving the invoice. 5. Trade Seeret 1. By signing this Contract the Parties acknowledge that they have been informed and understand that the provisions of the Contract, financial reports, statistics, interest rates, amounts to be transferred, terms and ‘conditions of advertising campaign regardless of the way of rendering and receiving the above mentioned and/or regardless of information medium that Parties hand over to each other forthe purpose ofthe Contract or the other Party unintentionally becomes aware of such information, are confidential and involve trade seoret that is protected by the Commercial Law and other effective laws and regulations of the Philippines, therefore the Parties undertake to not disclose such information to any third person (except if such information is requested public of local municipality institutions according to the laws and regulations) and use the information only to the extent necessary for the purposes of the Contract. The Parties may disclose the information provided by the other party to any third person only with a written permission of the other Party. 2. In case any of the Partcs violated this Section, he guilty party undertakes to indemnify the other Party

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