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Which of the following is a contract?

Answer: b. Phuong promised to take An to a cinema to watch a film together
Answers: a. Thang agreed to pass Tuan his answer sheet in the final examination of the
Introduction to Vietnamese legal system
b. Phuong promised to take An to a cinema to watch a film together

c. Nam lent Binh his pencil

d. All of above
 Question 2
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is a valid offer?

Selected Answer:
c. I will leave 5 billion dong to you when I pass away
Answers: a. I want to buy an air ticket to travel with you to England this
b. Do you really want to borrow my books for 5 days?
c. I will leave 5 billion dong to you when I pass away

d. None of above
 Question 3
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following measures can be used to secure contractual performance in a

property leasing contract only?
Selected Answer:
b. Collateral escrow
Answers: a. Deposit

b. Collateral escrow
c. Escrow account
d. All of above
 Question 4
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is a contract?

Selected Answer:
a. Hoa and Bao agreed to travel to Ha Noi together.
Answers: a. Hoa and Bao agreed to travel to Ha Noi together.

b. Thuong donated 5 million dong to a charity.

c. Anh promised to print out a group report.
d. All of above
 Question 5
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is not an offer to enter into a contract?

Answer: c. Elly said to Anne that: I would like to buy your ipad for $400
a. Elly asked Anne: Do you want to sell your ipad to me for $400?
b. Elly responded to Anne s message which asked whether Elly wanted to
buy her ipad for $400 with: I will buy your ipad for $400
c. Elly said to Anne that: I would like to buy your ipad for $400
d. None of above
 Question 6
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following properties can be pledged to secure contractual performance?

Selected Answer:
d. All of above
a. A car
b. A house
c. A land use right
d. All of above
 Question 7
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is a contract?

Answer: b. A grandfather agreed to leave all of his property to his grandson when
he passes away
Answers: a. A lecture agreed to let students re-take their assignments
b. A grandfather agreed to leave all of his property to his grandson when
he passes away

c. A father gave his daughter a bicycle

d. All of above
 Question 8
4 out of 4 points

Which of the following is a valid offer?

Selected Answer:
c. If you are interested in my house, I will sell it to you for 3 billion dong
Answers: a. I am looking for a Samsung galaxy note 8. Do you have it in store?
b. Do you want to buy my watch for 500.000 dong?

c. If you are interested in my house, I will sell it to you for 3 billion dong
d. None of above
 Question 9
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following properties can be pledged?

Selected Answer:
c. An apartment
Answers: a. A house
b. A farm
c. An apartment

d. None of above
 Question 10
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following have civil act capacity to enter into contracts by themselves?
Selected Answer:
b. An 18 year old girl sells her house
Answers: a. A 25 year old student who has mental problems sells his phone
b. An 18 year old girl sells her house

c. A 9 year old boy buys a burger

d. None of above
 Question 11
0 out of 4 points

According to the civil code 2015, who can NOT enter into the following contracts by
Answer: c. A 25 year old drunk man pledges his watch
Answers: a. A 17 year old girl who owns 200 million dong, lends her friend 50
million dong

b. A 10 year old boy buys 24 bottles of water from a shop

c. A 25 year old drunk man pledges his watch
d. All of above
 Question 12
0 out of 4 points

According to the civil code 2015, which of the following has civil act capacity to enter
into a contract by themselves?
Selected Answer:
d. None of above
Answers: a. An, 4 years old, bought an eraser.
b. Tu, 15 years old, borrowed from his friend 50.000 dong.

c. Hue, 40 years old, lent Ngoc her motorbike when she was half - sleep.
d. None of above
 Question 13
0 out of 4 points

What is a valid acceptance for the following offer?

"Cuong texted Thuy saying I want to buy your female ox for 15 million dong and I will pay you in cash on
the day you hand the ox over to me"

Selected Answer:
c. Ok. I want you to pay in advance before I hand the ox to you
Answers: a. Ok. The female ox I showed you was sold. If you want I will sell you its female baby

b. Do you really want to buy the one I showed you? If so, I will sell it to you
c. Ok. I want you to pay in advance before I hand the ox to you
d. All of above
 Question 14
0 out of 4 points

According to the civil code 2015, a security measure that can be applied to secure entry
into a contract is_________________.
Selected Answer:
d. Mortgage of the property
a. Deposit
b. Security collateral
c. Escrow account
d. Mortgage of the property
 Question 15
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following properties can be pledged?

Selected Answer:
d. All of above
Answers: a. A farm
b. An apartment

c. A bonsai tree
d. All of above
 Question 16
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following remedies can only be applied with an agreement between
Selected Answer:
d. All of above
a. Fines
b. Compensations
c. Cancellation of contracts
d. All of above
 Question 17
0 out of 4 points

Which of the following is an offer?

Selected Answer:
c. I will drive you out for a date at 8pm.
Answers: a. Do you want to use my phone to send a message to your boyfriend?

b. I can lend you 300 million dong for 3 months.

c. I will drive you out for a date at 8pm.
d.All of above
 Question 18
Needs Grading

On 10th July 2017, Hien emailed the company DHL saying I want to ship a parcel containing 50 boxes of
multivitamin from the UK to Vietnam. I would like to know if you are able to ship my parcel and the
shipping fees . On the same day, DHL replied Yes, we can ship your parcel. Each kilogram will cost £9.
However the fee excludes domestic delivery. If you want us to ship your parcel, please let us know before
14th July 2015 . On 11th July 2015, Hien replied Ok. Can you provide me with your company s address in
the UK so I can post my parcel there? . On 12th July 2015, DHL emailed Hien to inform her that the
shipping fee had increased up to £10 per kilogram due to a decrease in exchange rates. Hien replied
immediately that she was not happy with this. Then the company said they will charge Hien £9 only as
discussed in the email on 10th July 2017. On 16th July 2015, DHL called Hien to ask if she shipped her
parcel to their office in the UK. Hien told them that she already used a service of a different company as she
was not happy with the shipping fee.

Which statement is a valid offer?

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 19
Needs Grading

On 10th July 2017, Hien emailed the company DHL saying I want to ship a parcel containing 50 boxes of
multivitamin from the UK to Vietnam. I would like to know if you are able to ship my parcel and the
shipping fees . On the same day, DHL replied Yes, we can ship your parcel. Each kilogram will cost £9.
However the fee excludes domestic delivery. If you want us to ship your parcel, please let us know before
14th July 2015 . On 11th July 2015, Hien replied Ok. Can you provide me with your company s address in
the UK so I can post my parcel there? . On 12th July 2015, DHL emailed Hien to inform her that the
shipping fee had increased up to £10 per kilogram due to a decrease in exchange rates. Hien replied
immediately that she was not happy with this. Then the company said they will charge Hien £9 only as
discussed in the email on 10th July 2017. On 16th July 2015, DHL called Hien to ask if she shipped her
parcel to their office in the UK. Hien told them that she already used a service of a different company as she
was not happy with the shipping fee.

What is the statement "Ok. Can you provide me with your company s address in the UK so I can post my
parcel there?"? explain

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 20
Needs Grading
On 10th July 2017, Hien emailed the company DHL saying I want to ship a parcel containing 50 boxes of
multivitamin from the UK to Vietnam. I would like to know if you are able to ship my parcel and the
shipping fees . On the same day, DHL replied Yes, we can ship your parcel. Each kilogram will cost £9.
However the fee excludes domestic delivery. If you want us to ship your parcel, please let us know before
14th July 2015 . On 11th July 2015, Hien replied Ok. Can you provide me with your company s address in
the UK so I can post my parcel there? . On 12th July 2015, DHL emailed Hien to inform her that the
shipping fee had increased up to £10 per kilogram due to a decrease in exchange rates. Hien replied
immediately that she was not happy with this. Then the company said they will charge Hien £9 only as
discussed in the email on 10th July 2017. On 16th July 2015, DHL called Hien to ask if she shipped her
parcel to their office in the UK. Hien told them that she already used a service of a different company as she
was not happy with the shipping fee.

Can DHL change their shipping fee on 12th July 2017? Explain.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 21
Needs Grading

On 10th July 2017, Hien emailed the company DHL saying I want to ship a parcel containing 50 boxes of
multivitamin from the UK to Vietnam. I would like to know if you are able to ship my parcel and the
shipping fees . On the same day, DHL replied Yes, we can ship your parcel. Each kilogram will cost £9.
However the fee excludes domestic delivery. If you want us to ship your parcel, please let us know before
14th July 2015 . On 11th July 2015, Hien replied Ok. Can you provide me with your company s address in
the UK so I can post my parcel there? . On 12th July 2015, DHL emailed Hien to inform her that the
shipping fee had increased up to £10 per kilogram due to a decrease in exchange rates. Hien replied
immediately that she was not happy with this. Then the company said they will charge Hien £9 only as
discussed in the email on 10th July 2017. On 16th July 2015, DHL called Hien to ask if she shipped her
parcel to their office in the UK. Hien told them that she already used a service of a different company as she
was not happy with the shipping fee.

Can Hien use a service of a different company? Explain.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 22
Needs Grading

Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes and sells machine tools. They
sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017 offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard contract terms. These included a price
variation clause, so that if their manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-Cell-
O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the machinery, but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard
terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It replied
on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this slip it read, "We accept your order on the
terms and conditions stated therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was being
made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while later, nothing further had been said, and
Butler delivered the machinery. They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O.

Is Ex-Cell-O s reply on 27th May 2017 an acceptance? Explain.

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 23
Needs Grading

Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes and sells machine tools. They
sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017 offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard contract terms. These included a price
variation clause, so that if their manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-Cell-
O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the machinery, but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard
terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It replied
on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this slip it read, "We accept your order on the
terms and conditions stated therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was being
made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while later, nothing further had been said, and
Butler delivered the machinery. They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O.

What is the Butler s reply made on 5th June 2017? Explain

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 24
Needs Grading

Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes and sells machine tools. They
sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017 offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard contract terms. These included a price
variation clause, so that if their manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-Cell-
O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the machinery, but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard
terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It replied
on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this slip it read, "We accept your order on the
terms and conditions stated therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was being
made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while later, nothing further had been said, and
Butler delivered the machinery. They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O.

Is Butler s letter made after the reply on 5th June 2017 valid? Explain

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]
 Question 25
Needs Grading
Butler Machine Tool Limited Liability Company (hereafter Butler) makes and sells machine tools. They
sent a letter to Ex-Cell-O Joint Stock Company (hereafter Ex-Cell-O) on May 23, 2017 offering Ex-Cell-O
some new machinery for £75,535. With it were Butler's standard contract terms. These included a price
variation clause, so that if their manufacturing costs went up, the price rise would be passed on to Ex-Cell-
O. Ex-Cell-O replied on May 27 and said they would order the machinery, but on Ex-Cell-O's own standard
terms. Ex-Cell-O's standard terms did not have a price variation clause. Butler replied on June 5. It replied
on the tear-off slip from Ex-Cell-O's terms. At the bottom of this slip it read, "We accept your order on the
terms and conditions stated therein." But later on, Butler added a letter reasserting that the deal was being
made under Butler's own terms, from the May 23 letter. A while later, nothing further had been said, and
Butler delivered the machinery. They asked for £75,535, plus £2,892 according to their price variation
clause. Ex-Cell-O refused to pay the extra. Butler sued Ex-Cell-O.

Does Ex-Cell-O have to pay the extra? Explain

Selected Answer: [None Given]

Correct Answer: [None]

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