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Once upon a year

The Internet Watch Foundation

Annual Report 2018
The Internet Watch Foundation is a
not-for-profit organisation supported
by the European Commission and
internet companies around the world.
We work closely with police and
governments, globally. For 23 years,
we have given people a safe place to
report imagery anonymously, now
covering 25 countries.
We assess every report we receive.
If it shows the sexual abuse of a child,
we make sure the image or video is
removed. To do this effectively, we
develop new technology and provide
bespoke tools to our industry Members.
Our work relies on compassionate
and resilient staff members, who are
highly trained and carefully looked
after. We encourage others to play
their part, whether it is reporting to
us, funding us, or collaborating on
technology and research.
We have changed the names of children
and some staff members featured in
this report, but their stories are real.

Prologue: Why we are here

6 The problem we are solving
7 Catherine’s story
8 Paul’s story
10 Olivia’s story
Chapter 1: Welcome
14 Welcome from our Chair
15 Welcome from our CEO
15 A message from the Home Secretary
Chapter 2: What we are achieving
18 Our year at-a-glance
22 Highlights and awards
25 Our record day
26 Statistics and trends
Chapter 3: How we help
38 Our services
40 New technology
42 Commerciality and trends
Chapter 4: Who we are
46 Our Members
48 Working with industry
49 Our policy work
50 Our Reporting Portals
52 Caring for our people
53 UK Safer Internet Centre
Chapter 5: Where next
56 Glossary of terms

Once there
was an
invisible child
The child was a real human child,
but sometimes she didn’t feel like it.
Monsters who looked like
men and women took pictures of her.
The pictures were everywhere,
but it was as though nobody could see her.
If people could see her,
surely they would help her.
The child decided she must be invisible.
Sometimes, when she was finally alone
at night, she wondered how
many other invisible children
were out there.

Prologue: Why we are here

Internet Watch Foundation

The problem
we are solving
Imagine a world where there are no
images and videos of child sexual abuse
on the internet. Where children and
adults can experience the wonders
of the internet without worrying about
their safety. Not a lot to ask for, is it?

But, as we know, the internet has We want to make the internet a safer
a dark side where children are place for children and adults.
groomed, coerced, deceived and
We want to reduce—and eliminate—
sexually abused. Beyond the crime
child sexual abuse material all over
of the abuse, and the humiliation,
the world.
is the crime of recording it. Beyond
the abuse, humiliation and recording We want to make the UK the most
of it, is the crime of sharing it, then hostile country in the world to host
the viewing of it repeatedly by others child sexual abuse material and the
who create the demand for more safest place in the world to be online.
‘material’—more sexual abuse, more
We will be innovative and bold
sharing. That’s why the IWF exists.
in how we work to create the
Child sexual abuse has a devastating most impact.
impact on people’s lives. Online
When there are no child sexual abuse
child sexual abuse is increasing
images and videos on the internet,
globally, with criminals using
that would be an acceptable reality.
technology to evade detection.
Children are revictimised every
time their images are viewed online.

Prologue: Why we are here

Catherine’s story
“I’ve worked for the IWF for 10 years We’ve seen a huge rise in child sexual
now and during that time I’ve had two abuse imagery captured by webcams
children of my own. Having a family this year. On commercial sites, where
has affected the way I feel about my an offender could be making a profit
work, but in a positive way. I want from the material, the ages of the
every second to count and doing a children appear to be getting younger.
meaningful job is incredibly satisfying. This certainly makes you more aware
of online safety and that’s a message
Like most of the analysts, finding
I’m happy to share.
images of babies being abused
is one of the hardest things. As a
human being, you are always going
Of course, I could
to be sensitive to this. Some of the go home at the end
hideous things offenders are capable
of inflicting on innocent children is
of the day and think
unbelievable. But we’re highly trained that the world is a
to deal with this and it makes me
even more motivated to search for any
dreadful place. But
associated imagery and get it removed for me, like all of our
from the web.
analysts, I just want
For us, the Holy Grail of an analyst’s
work is finding an image, or
to help the children in
information that could lead to the these terrible images.
rescue of a child. Recently, I identified
a video that had been captured via
I have real empathy
a webcam. It appeared to be new for them and that’s
and suddenly I felt like a clock was
ticking—could I find any clues or
why I love my job.”
evidence that could lead police to
this child? I immediately called in
our Manager and the information we
identified was passed on and flagged
to the National Crime Agency’s Child
Exploitation and Online Protection
(CEOP) Command, the specialist
UK police.

Internet Watch Foundation

Paul’s story
“Most people would think we’d go As a parent, I’ve realised that I’m more
home depressed every night. Yes, conscious now of what my children
we do see some pretty horrific things are doing online or, more importantly,
during our working day. Child sexual who they are talking to.
abuse is an incredibly cruel crime.
The images we see are of real children
and babies. We never forget that. Today most
But this work isn’t depressing,
in fact it’s the opposite. Very early
children are
on in my IWF career, I was involved
in identifying and analysing a series tech savvy,
of child sexual abuse images that led
directly to the rescue of a child. Wow, but they
may not be
I suddenly understood the power an
analyst can have. I felt like I’d been
able to reach into the screen and
help that child.
This year, I’ve had reports from the
tech safe.
victims themselves. They can be On the web, offenders can disguise
desperate by the time they contact themselves as friends and build trust.
us. They may have been coaxed or The challenge is staying one step
groomed into doing something that ahead of these people. And that’s the
they didn’t want to do and then it’s reason I tell friends and family about
on the internet. Of course, we can the job I do, so that I can help spread
only work within the legal framework, the online safety message.
but I see personal reports as a real
Each year the number of images we
challenge and I’m always determined
assess goes up. We are getting better
to do whatever I can to help these
at what we do and we’ve got the best
young people. The very fact that
new tech to hand, like our crawlers.
I can have an impact, that I can
They act like a ‘trusty sidekick’.
help, is amazing.
But I think there will always be a
need for ‘human’ analysts, because
this work is so complex. Child sexual
abuse imagery isn’t always black and
white. Our team will always need to
be there to identify the shades of grey,
that could and sometimes do, lead to
the rescue of a child.”

Prologue: Why we are here

Internet Watch Foundation

Olivia’s story
A survivor’s story,
told by an IWF analyst
Prologue: Why we are here

Olivia is
“I first saw Olivia when she was about The police rescued Olivia in 2013—
three. She was a little girl with big she was eight years old at that
green eyes and golden-brown hair. time—five years after the abuse first
She was photographed and filmed
in a domestic setting. Sadly, it may
began. Her physical abuse ended and
the man who stole her childhood was now a
well have been her home and she was imprisoned. But those images are still
with someone she trusted. Olivia was in circulation and heartless offenders
in the hands of someone who should continue to share and probably profit

have looked after her, nurtured her. from Olivia’s misery.
He betrayed her trust and in the most
We see Olivia every day—five years
hideous way possible. Olivia should

But we
after she was rescued. To show exactly
have been playing with toys e ­ njoying
what ‘repeat victimisation’ means,
an innocent childhood. Instead, she
we counted the number of times we

still see her

was subjected to appalling sexual
saw Olivia’s image online during a
abuse over a number of years.
three-month period. We saw her at
I’ve seen Olivia grow up through cruel least 347 times. On average, that’s five
images and videos, suffering hideous
abuse. She was repeatedly raped and
times each and every working day.
In three out of five times she was
as a child.
Every day.
sexually tortured.
being raped, or sexually tortured.
Some of her images were found on
The abuser made commercial sites. This means that
sure his face in these cases, the site operator was
profiting from this child’s abuse.
We pieced together Olivia’s story over
a three-month period by collecting and
wasn’t seen and he We simply don’t know if Olivia was
recording data every time we saw her.
distorted any image aware that images of her abuse were
Names and some details have been
changed to protect identities.
that would expose being shared online. If she was, it’s
difficult to imagine how traumatic
the crime scene. that knowledge must be, particularly
for someone so young.
It’s highly likely that it was this man,
However, we do know, from talking
her abuser, who first shared the
to adults who have suffered re-
images of Olivia’s suffering. Other
victimisation, that it’s a mental torture
offenders may have followed his lead
that can blight lives and have an
and done the same. It’s also likely
impact on their ability to leave the
that some have profited financially
abuse in the past. Knowing an image
from sharing this abuse. The suffering
of your suffering is being shared or
of children like Olivia is frequently
sold online is hard enough. But for
a commercial crime. And for us,
survivors, fearing that they could be
anyone who subsequently shared
identified, or even recognised as an
or paid to view this heinous material
adult is terrifying.”
contributed to Olivia’s torment.

Somewhere far away

Many miles from the invisible child,

there was a grown-up
who was not a monster. He worked with
other people who weren’t monsters.
And they knew about the invisible children.
They were on a quest to help.
But they knew it would
not be easy.

Chapter 1: Welcome
Internet Watch Foundation

from our Chair
Throughout my first year as Chair, there is demand there will always
I’ve come to appreciate and value be supply. We work to disrupt that
the IWF’s work and its role in supply and shut it down, and our
challenging the sexual abuse of role will remain necessary until
children online. there are no longer people wishing
to access such material. But this
I was left deeply shocked when I saw
requires a serious and long-term
some of the images that the analysts
investment in prevention as well
assess for removal as part of my
as co-operation and resources from
induction into the organisation; that
government, the charitable sector Andrew Puddephatt
the most vulnerable people in our
and the industry itself. As a society IWF Chair
society should be abused in this way
we always tend to favour intervention
is profoundly upsetting and cause
once a crime has been committed
for reflection on how such abuse
(or the illness incurred) rather than
can happen.
in the less glamorous and longer
I deeply respect the analysts’ work, process of prevention. But until we
and that of the whole staff team led by take this approach, we will always
Susie Hargreaves. They deserve our be fighting fires.
support. I also acknowledge the work
Last year our analysts found over
of many of our Member companies
100,000 URLs of children being
who partner with us and act promptly
sexually abused. We should remember
to remove the abusive images we
that each URL can contain hundreds,
find. But I know they could do more
if not thousands, of images. These
and we are exploring with them
figures, while a testimony to the work
how to improve their transparency
of the IWF and its success, are a
and accountability concerning what
reminder of the scale of the problem
they do to prevent and remove such
and the size of the mountain that our
criminal imagery. In an era when it’s
society has still to climb.
fashionable to blame platforms for
the behaviour of the people on them, Abusers are constantly innovating
IWF will always do its best in tackling technically, and we are innovating
problems by working in partnership. to find them. We have a pool of highly
talented engineers, both internally
It was sobering for me to hear from
and as external advisors, who help
the specialist police unit that deals
us keep on top of technological
with child sexual exploitation that,
change. We have a staff team dedicated
in their estimate, something in the
to removing abusive images and a
region of 100,000 men in the UK try
Board determined to support them in
to access images of children being
any way we can. However formidable
sexually abused. We all need to
the challenge, we are ready to face it.
recognise the scale of this problem
and the unpleasant fact that where

Chapter 1: Welcome

from our CEO
Olivia is a little girl who we see every these children are being accessed by
day. She was robbed of her childhood offenders, often in their bedrooms and
by a man who sexually abused her homes, and then taken advantage of in
over many years. Although she’s been the most grotesque way. Everyone needs
rescued from her abuser, and her to take responsibility to protect children.
abuser is now imprisoned, that isn’t
Our work to date has focussed on
enough to stop the images and videos
fighting the supply of images and
of her rape from being watched again
videos being uploaded and shared.
and again by offenders the world over.
In 2019 we want to play a bigger role
Susie Hargreaves OBE
Olivia is now in her teens, but we in fighting the demand and preventing
IWF CEO and Director of
see her every day as a very young people from accessing the content
the UK Safer Internet Centre
girl. This annual report is about in the first place. We’ll be working
Olivia, and all the other children with other people and organisations
whose abuse is watched through through the year to explore how we
laptops, mobile phones, desktop can do this. A message from
computers and tablets.
We can’t fight this alone. We need the Home Secretary
We work for those children to give to work closely with the internet
them a brighter future, free from industry, and others, to bring about
the torment of knowing their abuse any solution to this internet evil.
is being watched—and cruelly Webcams, smartphones and other
enjoyed—by others. recording devices witness the most
severe abuse being inflicted upon
That is what motivates us. And last
the youngest children. Software
year we broke all previous records for
programmes are used to edit this
the numbers of reports we assessed,
abuse. File transfer software will be
and the amount of child sexual abuse
used to share it. Internet platforms
imagery we found and had removed
and online image stores are used
from the internet.
to distribute it. A network of people
“The horrifying amount of online child
We’re here to build the best, most create the demand, and a network
sexual abuse material removed by
sophisticated technology to speed up of people are all too ready to meet
the IWF shows the true scale of the
the work of finding the images and the supply.
vile threat we are facing. This is why
videos of Olivia, and those like her.
We all have a duty to stop this I have made tackling it one of my
We also see the captures of children content, to protect Olivia, and personal missions.
who have been deceived, coerced and other children like her.
I welcome this impressive work and
groomed over the internet to produce
have been encouraged by the progress
sexual images and videos. For some,
being made by the tech companies
they’ve been duped into thinking
in the fight against online predators.
they’re in relationships; others want
But l want the web giants to do more
to gain likes. Each child will have their
to make their platforms safe.”
own story but what is clear is that
Home Secretary
Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP

Each day the
quest continued
The story of the invisible children
spread across the land.
People realised there were many of them.
People kept watch and kept count.
They did what the children had always wanted
them to do —they fought back
against the monsters.

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Internet Watch Foundation

Our year
Since 1996:
We assessed a webpage 1million webpages
every 2 minutes. Every assessed by human
5 minutes, that webpage eyes = millions of
showed a child being criminal images
sexually abused. and videos removed

4 in every 5 2 in every 7
times the public reports
public chose were accurate
to report (28%).

Who are the children?

of images where
victims were girls
reports assessed
of images where
victims were boys

URLs confirmed as child sexual In a small number of images, of images with
abuse images or videos gender could not be identified both genders

Severity of abuse
Cat B Category A: % showing sexual activity between
21% adults and children including rape or sexual torture

Cat C Category B: % of images involving

non-penetrative sexual activity
Cat A Category C: % of other indecent images
23% not falling within categories A or B

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Child sexual abuse URLs

2018 105,047

2017 78,589

477,595 webpages
showing the sexual
abuse of children 2016 57,335
removed since 1996
due to the work of
IWF analysts

2015 68,092

2014 31,266

All URLs actioned by age group and severity When we

started in 1996,
Ages Category A Category B Category C
the UK hosted
0–2 18% of the
68% 24% 8%
known child
sexual abuse
54% 25% 21%
URLs. In 2018
this figure was
just 0.04%
27% 20% 53%

16% 21% 63% 2018

14 –15
14% 17% 69% 1996

52% 38% 10%

*rounded to nearest whole percent.

Internet Watch Foundation

IWF Reporting Portal locations


Akrotiri & Dhekelia


IWF services in 2018 Liberia

Turks & Caicos
25 IWF reporting portals to date British Virgin Islands Democratic Republic of Con

currently offered in 7 languages: Belize Cayman Islands

Montserrat Ascension Islands

• English
• French St Helena

• Spanish
• Portuguese
• Hindi Tristan da Cunha
The Falkland
• Swahili Pitcairn Islands

• Lingala

Which types of sites are abused the most?

8 minutes:
Top 10 site types No of reports 2018 % Our fastest
content removal
Image host 86,197 82%
time last year.
Cyberlocker 5,074 5% 4 minutes:
Banner site 4,558 4% The IWF record.
Blog 3,270 3%

Website 1,265 1%

Forum 1,190 1%
10 occasions we provided
police with a package of
Search provider 818 <1%
information we believed
Image board 783 <1% could help rescue a child.
Video channel 772 <1%

Social networking site 530 <1%

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Where is child sexual abuse imagery hosted?

Continent hosting of all child sexual

No of reports 2018 %
abuse URLs

India Europe (inc Russia & Turkey) 82,803 79%

North America 16,986 16%

Asia 4,961 5%

Africa 1 <1%

South America 28 <1%

Australasia 183 <1%
Hidden services* 85 <1%
Total 105,047

*Hidden services, see page 34


Top 5
2018 data % of total for 2018


Netherlands 48,900

IWF services in 2018

URL List: 100,682 unique United States 12,818
URLs and an average of
6,046 URLs per day.
Hash List: 345,961
individual images. Russian

Slovak Republic 11,004

France 6,607

Internet Watch Foundation

Highlights and awards

January March May
A Demos report says the model of
industry self-regulation pioneered by
the IWF means less than 0.1 percent
of online child sexual abuse content
is now hosted in the UK, down from
18 percent in 1996.
The IWF scoops the Excellence
in Internet Safety ‘Oscar’ from
CorporateLiveWire, whose IWF research on child sexual abuse
Innovation Awards celebrate livestreaming reveals 98% of victims
those that transform industries are 13 or younger and we call for
and set standards and trends. greater public vigilance as the youngest
victim identified is just three years old.
IWF becomes the first non-law
enforcement agency to get Malawi becomes the latest African
access to the Child Abuse Image country to launch an IWF Portal for
February Database—CAID—so we can hash
child sexual abuse images in-house,
confidential reporting.

Africa: On Safer Internet Day,

and share thousands of hashes
through our partners in the internet
the Government of Mozambique industry worldwide.
announces the opening of an IWF Our Internet Content Analysts win
Portal for the confidential reporting
of online child sexual abuse content.
April the illustrious Comms Business
Award, ‘Hidden Heroes’.
UK Safer Internet Day: The country— IWF’s Deputy CEO & CTO Fred
In partnership with entertainment
and world—celebrates Safer Internet Langford becomes President
company LADbible, our film about
Day which results in nearly half of all of INHOPE, the International
the work of our analysts shows how
UK children aged 8 to 17 hearing about Association of Internet Hotlines,
one report can change a victim’s life.
how to stay safe online. for the second time.
Created for the Indecent Images of
Children (IIOC) campaign, launched The Democratic Republic of Congo
in partnership with HM Government, joins the IWF network, opening its
the NSPCC and the Marie Collins own public Reporting Portal.
Foundation, it received over 2.5m views.
The IWF becomes the first Hotline
Our CEO Susie Hargreaves OBE and the first UK organisation to gain
is voted a finalist in the prestigious Observer status at the Lanzarote
European CEO Awards. Committee, giving us influence at
a pan-European level.
Belize joins our network tackling
online child sexual abuse imagery.
Disturbing data: IWF global figures
show the amount of child sexual
abuse imagery found online is up
by one third from 2016.

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

July October
IWF scoops 20th Anniversary Award from
the UK Internet Service Providers Association
(ISPA) for its ground-breaking work.
The IWF was nominated alongside the
UK Safer Internet Centre for another ISPA
award for best partnership.
The IWF and Banco Santander host the first
ever IWF Online Child Safety Hackathon, The IWF wins praise for exceptional
bringing together volunteer engineers in standards, audited by INHOPE.
finding ways to stop the distribution of Assessors reviewed our relationship
online child sexual abuse material. with government, law enforcement
and child welfare agencies, together
with our care for staff, internet security
and data management.
As part of the Children’s Charities
Coalition on Internet Safety, we
flagged the dangers of proposed EC
legislation on e-privacy which would
neuter the ability of tech companies
to scan their networks for child sexual
abuse imagery.

India’s IWF Portal passes the
significant milestone of 1,000
reports from the public.

The Home Secretary the Rt. Hon. Sajid
Javid MP praises our work in bringing
down UK-hosted child sexual abuse
The High Commissioner marks the
content and announces that fighting
launch of Zambia’s new IWF Portal
child sexual exploitation will be his
by hosting Ambassadors, international
top priority.
child-protection organisations, and
Angola and Burundi each set up internet companies in a celebration
an IWF Portal where citizens can of partnership working against the
confidentially report suspected borderless crime of child sexual
child sexual abuse imagery. abuse online.

Internet Watch Foundation

November December
Our expertise is recognised as the Liberia announces it will join the
IWF is granted Core Participant status IWF reporting network and open
on the Independent Inquiry into Child a portal in the New Year.
Sexual Abuse’s Internet Investigation.
Home Office campaign: In partnership
Our analysts break their own with VICE, we publish a feature
record for reports actioned in a single about our analysts’ vital work, to
day, assessing and confirming 2,057 publicise our educational campaign
reports of online child sexual abuse developed in collaboration with HM
imagery and marking them Government, the NSPCC and the
for takedown. Marie Collins Foundation.
The Home Secretary tasks the IWF The Secretary of State for Digital, The Home Office announces a round
with reviewing the extent to which Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt. Hon. table on advertising as a result of
legitimate online ads from mainstream Jeremy Wright QC MP visits the IWF research by the IWF.
brands end up making money for and meets our analysts.
offenders when appearing alongside
child sexual abuse material.
Our Deputy CEO & CTO Fred
Langford travels to Seattle with the
Home Secretary and chairs a panel at
Microsoft’s HQ on livestreaming issues.
At Abu Dhabi’s Interfaith Alliance,
His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed
Al Nahyan presented a public service
award to our CEO, Susie Hargreaves
for her work leading the IWF and as
a Board member of WePROTECT.

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Our record day

How old were the children? 1,301 On 27 November we assessed and
verified 2,057 reports of child sexual
0–2 years old abuse—the most reports we’ve ever
3–6 years old completed in a day. We then worked
7–10 years old with partners across the globe to get
that content removed.
11–13 years old 401
14–15 years old 248

Severity of abuse Who were the victims?

seen in the images Girls
Impossible to tell
Cat A Cat B Cat C
367 570 1,115


Where was the image or video hosted?

Netherlands Germany (4)

(1,331) Slovak Republic (4)
US (474) Luxembourg (3)
Canada (152) Australia (2)
Russia (57) Malaysia (1)
Sweden (15) Hidden Service (1)
France (5) Romania (1)
Israel (5) Singapore (1)
China (1)

Where did the reports Type of sites

come from?
Proactively found 2,002 Non-commercial 2,042

From the public 55 Commercial 10

The totals reflect that 5 sites were gateway sites which

didn't show child sexual abuse but led to such content

Internet Watch Foundation

Statistics and trends

Our annual report gives the latest data Total number of reports
on what’s happening globally to tackle
229,328 reports were processed by
child sexual abuse images and videos
IWF analysts in 2018, a 73% increase
online. We encourage anyone working
on the 2017 figure of 132,636. Please 229,328 132,636
in this area to use our statistics to help
be aware that not all reports we process
inform their valuable work. 2018 2017
are found to contain criminal imagery
within our remit.

Reports 73% increase from 2017

In 2018, we assessed a webpage

every 2 minutes. Every 5 minutes,
Reports by source
that webpage showed a child being
sexually abused.
Publicly-sourced reports
2018 2017
People report to us at iwf.org.uk, or
through one of the 25 portals around
the world, in multiple languages.
All reports come to our headquarters
in the UK. We also actively search 114,735 reports 66,650 reports
the internet for child sexual abuse
imagery. For every such image or 72% increase from 2017
video we identify, we assess the
severity of the abuse, the age of the
Actively searched for
child/children and the hosting location.
2018 2017

114,593 reports 65,986 reports

74% increase from 2017

Of all processed reports

228,333 995
were reports of webpages were reports of newsgroups

Criminal content
105,969 reports
were confirmed as containing criminal
content covering all areas of our remit

32% increase from 2017

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Child sexual abuse

imagery on URLs
106,830 public reports were processed 105,047 URLs were confirmed as containing
by our Hotline where the person child sexual abuse imagery, having links to
thought they were reporting child
the imagery, or advertising it.
sexual abuse imagery. This includes
public reports from all external sources,
which includes law enforcement, Public sources
Members, professionals and the
2018 2017
public. 28% of these reports correctly
identified child sexual abuse images.
This figure includes newsgroups and
duplicate reports, where several reports
have correctly identified the same child
16,272 URLs 13,857
sexual abuse website.
17% increase from 2017
• 16,272 URLs were from public
sources (17% increase from
13,857 in 2017). Active searches
• 88,775 URLs were from active 2018 2017
searches (37% increase from
64,732 in 2017).

88,775 URLs 64,732 URLs

37% increase from 2017

Child sexual abuse imagery on newsgroups

443 newsgroups were confirmed as containing
child sexual abuse imagery.

Removed posts
2018 2017

29,865 posts 43,767 posts

containing child sexual containing child sexual
abuse imagery were abuse imagery were
removed from public access. removed from public access.

32% decrease from 2017

Internet Watch Foundation

All child sexual

abuse URLs
analysed by the IWF
Since 2014 we have seen a gradual 10 years 2 years
14–15 years 11–13 years
drop in the percentage of children or younger or younger
we assess as being aged 10 or younger. 2018
However, where we do see child sexual
abuse imagery of younger children, 5% 55% 39% 1%
it is more likely to show the most
severe forms of abuse, including 2017
rape and sexual torture.
3% 40% 55% 2%
In 2018, 35% of the
imagery showing
children appearing to 3% 43% 53% 2%
be aged 10 or younger
was assessed as being
Both genders
Category A, compared Girls Boys Please note:
Figures are
to 16% of the imagery 4% 5% 5% rounded to
nearest whole %.
showing children 17% 7% 5% A small number
aged 11–17. of the victims
could not be
We increasingly see more imagery 78% 86% 89% identified
of 11–15 year olds in what is termed as either male
‘self-produced’ content created using or female.
2018 2017 2016
webcams and then shared online.
This can have serious repercussions
for young people and we take this Category A: Category B: Category C:
trend very seriously. We have looked % showing sexual % of images involving % of indecent images
into this before and the latest trends activity between adults non-penetrative of children not falling
are explored in more detail further on. and children including sexual activity within category A or B
rape or sexual torture

56 52
23 28
21 21

2018 2017 2016 Please note: Percentages may

contain a small variable due to
URLs linking to child sexual
abuse websites.

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

All actioned reports by age group and severity

Ages Category A Category B Category C

0 –2
68% 24% 8%

54% 25% 21%

27% 20% 53%

16% 21% 63%

14 –15
14% 17% 69%

52% 38% 10%

Internet Watch Foundation

Domain analysis Domain names

For domain analysis purposes, Our Domain Alerts help our Members Since 2016, we have also seen an
the webpages of www.iwf.org.uk, in the domain registration sector increase in the number of domains
www.iwf.org.uk/report, and prevent abuse of their services by in all TLDs being abused to distribute
www.iwf.org.uk/what-we-do are counted criminals attempting to create domains child sexual abuse imagery.
as one domain: iwf.org.uk dedicated to the distribution of child
In 2018, we took action against
sexual abuse imagery.
child sexual abuse imagery being
The 105,047 URLs Several well-established domains distributed across 3,899 domains
which displayed child including .com and .biz are known worldwide. In 2017 this was 3,791.
as ‘Generic Top Level Domains’
sexual abuse imagery (gTLDs). Since 2014, many more
And in 2016, this figure was
2,416 domains worldwide.
in 2018 appeared across gTLDs have been released to meet
a requirement for enhanced
3,899 domains. This competition and consumer choice
is a 3% increase from in domain names, often in specific
categories of content.
3,791 domains 3,899 3,791
In 2015, we first saw these new
in 2017. gTLDs being used by websites 2018 2017
This increase is consistent with the displaying child sexual abuse imagery.
trend we first identified in 2014. Many of these websites were dedicated
to illegal imagery and the new gTLD
had apparently been registered 3% increase from 2017
specifically for this purpose.

New gTLDs being abused for the This is due in part to a rising trend

distribution of child sexual abuse amongst commercial distributors,

imagery continues to be a rising particularly distributors of ‘disguised
trend in 2018. websites’, to register individual

domain names for use on their


dedicated websites rather than using


In 2018, we took action against

the services of free-hosting websites.
5,847 URLs on websites using new
gTLDs. These URLs were located
across 1,638 different domains





and 62 different new gTLDs.

In 2017, we took action to remove
5,002 URLs from websites using
The websites containing child sexual new gTLDs.
abuse content were registered across
151 top level domains, with five (.com,
.net, .co, .ru, .to) accounting for 80% of
all webpages identified as containing
child sexual abuse images and videos.
5,847 5,002
The 3,899 domains 2018 2017

hosting child sexual

abuse content were
traced to 54 countries. 17% increase from 2017

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Which types of
sites are abused
the most?
In 2018, 99,900 URLs (95%) were The top 10 most abused site types
hosted on a free-to-use service where
no payment was required to create an
account or upload the content. In the No of No of
remaining 5% of cases, the content Site Type reports % reports %
was hosted on a paid-for service, 2018 2017
or it was not possible to tell whether
the hosting was free or paid for. Image host 86,197 82% 54,539 69%

Cyberlocker 5,074 5% 11,223 14%

Banner site 4,558 4% 5,712 7%
Blog 3,270 3% 827 1%
Website 1,265 1% 1,091 1%
Forum 1,190 1% 1,984 3%
Search provider 818 <1% 297 <1%
Image board 783 <1% 752 1%
Video channel 772 <1% 587 1%
530 <1% 695 1%
networking site
Image Hosts
Image hosts are the most consistently 2018
abused for distributing child sexual
abuse imagery.
Offenders distributing this material Image host
commonly use image hosts to host
the images which appear on their (82%)
dedicated websites, which can often
display many thousands of abusive
images. Where our analysts see this
technique, they ensure the website is
taken down and each of the embedded
images is removed from the image
hosting service. By taking this two-
step action, the image is removed at
its source and from all other websites
into which it was embedded even if
those websites have not yet been
found by our analysts.

The award-winning
IWF Image Hash List,
launched in 2016, can Website
(1%) board
help image hosts to (<1%)
tackle this abuse. Blog (3%)
Search provider
Banner site (4%) (1%) Social
networking site
Cyberlocker (5%) Forum (1%) (<1%)

Internet Watch Foundation

Global hosting
of child sexual
abuse images
In 2016, we saw that for the first Continent hosting
time the majority of child sexual
Europe (inc Russia and Turkey)
abuse webpages assessed by our
82,803 reports (2018)
analysts were hosted in Europe,
which was a shift from North 79% 2018
America. Since then, this trend
has continued. In 2018, 79% of 65% 2017
child sexual abuse content was 60% 2016
hosted in Europe; 16% was
hosted in North America.
North America
In 2018, 1 webpage containing child 16,986 reports (2018)
sexual abuse imagery was hosted
16% 2018
in Africa. 5% of content was hosted
in Asia. Images and videos hosted 32% 2017
in Australasia, South America and 37% 2016
in hidden services totalled less than
1% of all confirmed child sexual
abuse content in 2018. Asia
4,961 reports (2018)
2018 5%
2017 2%
2016 3%

1 report (2018)

2018 <1%
2017 <1%
2016 0%

South America
25 reports (2018)

2018 <1%
2017 <1%
2016 <1%

Hidden services*
85 reports (2018)

2018 <1%
2017 <1%
2016 <1%

183 reports (2018)

2018 <1%
2017 <1%
2016 <1% *See p34 for hidden services

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

Top five countries

87% of all child sexual abuse URLs Netherlands United States Slovak France Russian
we identified globally in 2018 were Republic Federation
hosted in these five countries: 2018 2018 2018
48,900 (47%) 12,818 (12%) 2018 6,607 (6%) 2018
2017 2017 11,004 (11%) 2017 11,877 (11%)
27,970 (36%) 13,766 (18%) 2017 7,811 (10%) 2017
4,414 (6%) 6,335 (8%)

Internet Watch Foundation

Hidden services
Hidden services are websites hosted Since 2016, we have seen a rising Hidden services commonly contain
within proxy networks—sometimes trend in ‘commercial’ hidden hundreds or even thousands of
also called the dark web. These services—dedicated websites links to child sexual abuse imagery
websites are challenging as the offering child sexual abuse imagery that is hosted on image hosts and
location of the hosting server for sale. Of the 44 newly-identified cyberlockers on the open web.
cannot be traced in the normal way. hidden services distributing child We take action to remove the child
We work with the National Crime sexual abuse imagery in 2017, sexual abuse imagery on the open
Agency (NCA) Child Exploitation and 13 (30%) were assessed as being web. Our analysts also add child
Online Protection (CEOP) Command commercial. Of the 85 newly- sexual abuse images and videos
to provide intelligence on any new identified hidden services actioned hosted in hidden services to the
hidden services which are displaying in 2018, 40 (47%) were assessed IWF Hash List, helping to prevent
child sexual abuse imagery. With this as being commercial. wider distribution on the open
intelligence, NCA-CEOP can work web. Monitoring trends in the way
In 2018, we’ve also seen the first
with national and international law offenders use hidden services to
instances of ‘next-gen’ or ‘v3’
enforcement agencies to investigate distribute child sexual abuse imagery
hidden services being used for
the criminals using these websites. also helps us when we are searching
the distribution of child sexual
for this imagery online.
abuse imagery. Launched in late
In 2018, we identified 85 new 2017, ‘next-gen’ hidden services
hidden services, an increase use more sophisticated methods
from 44 in 2017. of encryption than traditional hidden
services, making them harder to
locate. Of the 85 newly-identified
hidden services found in 2018,
4 (5%) were ‘next-gen’.

Chapter 2: What we are achieving

UK hosting of
child sexual
abuse imagery
The UK hosts a small volume of online 2018 2017
child sexual abuse content. When we
started in 1996, the UK hosted 18%
of the global total—in 2018 this figure
was just 0.04%.
• In 2018, 41 URLs displaying child 41 URLs 274 URLs
sexual abuse imagery were hosted
85% decrease from 2017
in the UK, a decrease of 85% from
274 URLs in 2017.
• 31 takedown notices were sent
1996 2003 2018
to hosters of these 41 URLs.
18% 0.04%
We might send one notice for
several webpages and content
may have already been removed
by the time we get authorisation
from the police.

UK child sexual
abuse content
removal in minutes
In partnership with the online 2018
industry, we work quickly to push
for the removal of child sexual abuse
content hosted in the UK. The ‘take
down’ time-clock ticks from the
moment we issue a takedown notice
to the hosting company, to the time
the content is removed.
Although the URL numbers are
relatively small compared to the
global problem, it’s important the
UK remains a hostile place for
criminals to host this content. 35%
14 companies’ services in the UK 55%
were abused to host child sexual
abuse images or videos during
2018. We issued takedown notices
to companies, whether they are our
10% 60 minutes
or less
Members or not.
• 12 companies who were 61 to 120
abused were not IWF Members. minutes
• 2 companies were
121 minutes
IWF Members.
or more

They discovered
the monsters
were beatable
Word spread about how the monsters
could be defeated.
People invented new tools and
forms of defence. They studied the language
of the monsters and how to use it
against them. They found ways to see
through their disguises.

Chapter 3: How we help

Internet Watch Foundation

Our services
We provide a list of webpages During 2018:
with child sexual abuse images
The list was sent across all seven continents.
and videos hosted abroad to
companies who want to block or
filter them for their users’ protection, 2018 2017
and to prevent repeat victimisation.
We update the list twice a day,
removing and adding URLs.

100,682 unique URLs 77,082 unique URLs

included on the list
31% increase from 2017

2018 2017

376 new URLs 298 new URLs

on average, added each day
26% increase from 2017

2018 2017

6,046 URLs 3,473 URLs

contained on the list
on average each day
74% increase from 2017

Chapter 3: How we help

IWF Hash List Keywords List Newsgroups

Each image can be given a unique Offenders often create their Our Hotline team monitors the content
code, known as a hash. A hash is own language—codes—for finding of newsgroups and issues takedown
like a digital fingerprint of an image. and hiding child sexual abuse notices for individual postings of child
IWF creates hashes of the child images online. sexual abuse imagery. We also provide
sexual abuse content we see and we a Newsgroup Alert to Members, which
To help counter this, each month we
add these to our Hash List. The list is a notification of child sexual abuse
give our Members a list of keywords
of these hashes can be used to find content hosted on newsgroup services,
that are used by people looking for
duplicate images. This makes us more so they can be removed.
child sexual abuse images online.
efficient at what we do. It also means
This is to improve the quality of We are one of only a handful of
the Hash List could stop the sharing,
search returns, reduce the abuse of hotlines in the world that processes
storage and even the upload of child
their networks and provide a safer reports on newsgroups.
sexual abuse content.
online experience for internet users.
Throughout 2018, we monitored and
• At the end of 2018, the list
• In December 2018 the Keywords reviewed newsgroups and issued
contained hashes relating to
List held 453 words associated takedown notices.
345,961 individual images.
with child sexual abuse images
• We processed 995 reports alleging
• Of these hashes, 83,456 relate and videos.
child sexual abuse images hosted
to the worst forms of abuse—
within newsgroups.
images of rape or sexual
torture of children. Looking ahead: • 922 takedown notices were
issued for newsgroups containing
This means that in 2018, our analysts
assessed 4,361 images each, alongside
Using IWF’s intelligent child sexual abuse images
assessing public reports, and actively crawler we can identify (1,729 in 2017). One takedown
more efficiently additional notice can contain details of
searching for child sexual abuse
several newsgroup postings.
images and videos. keywords associated with
imagery appearing on child • 29,865 postings were removed
sexual abuse websites. from public access (43,767
in 2017).
In 2019 our analysts will
perform a manual review • After monitoring newsgroups,
of these terms for inclusion we recommended our Members
do not carry 348 newsgroups
in IWF’s Keywords List. containing or advertising child
During 2019, we will sexual abuse images and videos.
be working on a project
in partnership with
Nominet which may assist
in identifying additional
terms used by criminals
when they are looking for
child sexual abuse imagery
via search engines.

Internet Watch Foundation

New technology
We harness cutting Video hashing
edge technologies
2018 saw the full roll-out of PhotoDNA
and combine this for video hashing. IWF launched the
with expert ‘human’ Hash List, after a successful pilot in
2015. Back then, the technology was
analysts to tackle ground-breaking, creating a huge
online child sexual library of known criminal images that
could be given a ‘digital fingerprint’
abuse imagery. and identified online. However, there
was a drawback; this only worked for
pictures—videos couldn’t be tagged.
That’s now changed. With the help
of Microsoft PhotoDNA for video,
we took our hashing to the next level.
We began identifying and tagging
videos, so that they could be added
to our extensive Hash List. This
was a breakthrough. It meant that
all the images and videos that our
analysts confirmed as containing
criminal material could be put on
our list and given to tech companies.
They could then make sure that
offenders would never be able to
load these disturbing films onto their
systems again.
This is revictimisation-prevention at
its best. And it’s a huge step forward
for the victims of this horrific abuse.

Chapter 3: How we help

The future of tech

New and Artificial
reporting system Intelligence (AI)
Due to the unique nature of our work, Looking to the future, we are already
we’ve always needed a bespoke report working and experimenting with
management system (RMS). It allows AI systems. Auto-classification will
us to receive, process and action the become part of our everyday work.
all-important reports that are made to So, we’re working on projects with
our Hotline. tech partners, to give IWF services
the edge.
This year we’ve launched RMS4.
It brings automation and integration However, we believe that while
to our Hotline analysts; it has harnessing the power of new AI
streamlined the reporting system technology is incredibly important,
and allowed our intelligent crawler it needs to be balanced with real
to be integrated, both of which were people—our experts. We believe
major factors in the record number that what success looks like in our
of reports our analysts have been world demands a balance of human
able to confirm this year. expertise and technical development.
Put simply, we’re working to put the
All this, whilst best new technology into the hands
maintaining the high of some of the world’s best experts.
And judging by our 2018 figures,
level of accuracy and it’s an equation that works.
expertise we demand.
This is more revolution
than evolution.
In addition to this, RMS4, like its
predecessor, allows direct reporting
of suspected child sexual abuse
imagery that’s been identified by
our tech Members’ own abuse teams.
Working together has never been
as efficient.

Internet Watch Foundation

Commerciality and trends

child sexual
abuse material
We define commercial child sexual We will continue to monitor this trend In 2017, we identified changes in
abuse imagery as images or videos and share information with our sister the methods used by commercial
that were seemingly produced or being hotlines and law enforcement to distributors to create their websites.
used for the purposes of financial gain ensure these websites can be removed Increasingly, the names and titles of
by the distributor. and the distributors investigated. these websites were dynamic, meaning
that they change each time the page
• Of the 105,047 webpages we In addition to taking action to have
is reloaded. This resulted in a large
confirmed as containing child these websites removed, we also
increase in the number of active ‘brands’
sexual abuse imagery in 2018, capture payment information displayed
selling child sexual abuse imagery.
6,941 (7%) were commercial in on commercial websites, enabling us
During 2018, our analysts have
nature. This is a decrease on to provide alerts to our Members in
devised different methods to establish
2017, when we took action against the financial industry to prevent the
when these sites still represent the
8,976 (11%) commercial webpages. misuse of their services and further
same ‘brand’ despite changes to the
disrupt distribution of the imagery.
In 2015, we assessed 21% of the name and title. In response, we have
webpages containing child sexual adopted new processes for categorising
abuse imagery as commercial. Since Web brands such sites to ensure the total number
then, we have seen a decline. We of ‘brands’ we encounter continues to
believe this is due in part to changing be accurately reflected.
Our Website Brands Project
methods used by criminals to evade
started in 2009. Since then, • In 2018, we saw 1,245 active
detection, such as the increase in
we have been tracking the brands, compared to 1,624 in 2017.
disguised websites.
different ‘brands’ of dedicated
• Of these active brands, 446
In 2018, we identified a group of child sexual abuse websites.
were previously unknown to
dedicated child sexual abuse websites These dedicated commercial
us, compared to 1,263 in 2017.
apparently associated with the same websites are constantly moving
commercial distributor, which are their location to evade detection We will continue to monitor trends
hosted on the open web but which and our analysts see the same and work closely with law enforcement
can only be accessed using the Tor websites appearing on many partners and our financial industry
browser, which enables people to different URLs over time. Members to ensure the commercial
anonymously browse the internet. Since the project began, distribution of child sexual abuse
If accessed using a normal browser, we have identified 4,452 imagery is disrupted.
the website appears to be offline. unique website brands.
This technique enables the website
Our ongoing analysis of hosting
to stay live for longer and may also
patterns, registration details and
frustrate attempts by law enforcement
payment information indicates that
to investigate the offenders visiting the
the majority of these dedicated
website, as their identity is masked.
websites are operated by a small
This is an emerging trend, however of
number of criminal groups. In 2018,
the 86 instances identified to date, 46
the top 20 most prolific brands were
(53%) related to commercial websites
apparently associated with just 6
which we had not previously seen.
distribution groups.

Chapter 3: How we help

Disguised websites ‘Self-generated’ content

Since 2011, we have been monitoring We increasingly see what is termed These images predominately involve
commercial child sexual abuse ‘self-generated’ content, created girls aged 11 to 13 years old, in their
websites which display child sexual using webcams and then shared bedrooms or another room in a home
abuse imagery only when accessed online. In some cases, children are setting. Of the 27% of webpages
by a ‘digital pathway’ of links from groomed, deceived or extorted into containing ‘self-generated’ child sexual
other websites. When the pathway producing and sharing a sexual image abuse imagery, 94% depicted children
is not followed, or the website is or video of themselves. assessed as being 13 years or under;
accessed directly through a browser, 78% depicted children assessed as
In response, we decided to undertake
legal content is displayed. This 11–13 years of age; and 16% depicted
an in-depth study which was
means it is more difficult to locate children assessed as 10 years or under.
published in May 2018. The study was
and investigate the criminal imagery. We found 44% of these webpages
funded by Microsoft and the full report
When we first identified this technique, contained imagery at the highest levels
is available on our website.
we developed a way of revealing the of severity including rape and sexual
criminal imagery, meaning we could We take this growing trend very torture (Categories A and B).
remove the content and the websites seriously. As a result, we adapted
We identify this imagery and work
could be investigated. But the criminals our bespoke systems to ensure we
with industry partners to get it
continually change how they hide can continue to capture changes in
removed. We will also continue
the criminal imagery, so we adapt this trend over time.
to work with our partners, including
in response.
Of the 72,954 webpages actioned the UK Safer Internet Centre, to raise
• In 2018, we uncovered 2,581 in the last six months of 2018, 1 in 4 awareness of trends in the distribution
websites which were using (27%) was assessed as containing of self-generated content and inform
the ‘digital pathway’ method to a self-generated image or video. strategies for better protecting victims
hide child sexual abuse imagery, We mostly see this imagery being of this form of abuse.
a decrease of 11% on the 2,909 produced through livestreaming
disguised websites identified services, which is then captured and
in 2017. distributed widely across other sites.
• During 2018, we also identified
a group of disguised websites
which are apparently exploiting
digital advertising networks
and legitimate brand owners to
fraudulently generate additional
revenue. In 2019, we’ll be working
on a project in partnership with
brand owners, the advertising
industry, government and law
enforcement to understand more
about the problem and what action
can be taken to tackle the issue.
Disguised websites continue to be
a significant problem. By sharing
our expertise in uncovering these
websites with our sister hotlines and
law enforcement worldwide, we help
disrupt the operation of commercial
child sexual abuse websites.

Many people joined in

Across the world, concerned

people joined the quest.
In every city and every country there
were new battles to fight.
Sometimes people refused to believe
in the invisible children
and asked for evidence. Sometimes people
thought the battle would never be won
and needed encouragement.
Remembering the invisible children
helped them work
even harder.

Chapter 4: Who we are

Internet Watch Foundation

Our Members


£20,810+ £15,605+



Chapter 4: Who we are



We categorize the Web

Diladele B.V.

Internet Watch Foundation

Working with industry

Reducing child
sexual abuse
material with
our Members
We proudly team up with other “Roblox is dedicated to providing
countries and companies to tackle both our players as well as parents
online child sexual abuse material. with the resources necessary to
ensure the safest experience possible
Our Members on our platform. We look forward
to working with the IWF and other
Our Members mean everything to us.
Member companies to play an active
Without them, our important work
role in helping keep children safe
would not happen. We work with the
on the internet.”
world’s biggest and most far-reaching
Remy Malan, Roblox.
companies, along with small-scale
start-ups with great ambitions. “The IWF are a fundamental part
We help them keep their networks of our safety strategy, through the
safe by giving them cutting-edge professional support and advice
solutions to prevent and remove they offer as well as supplying us
child sexual abuse imagery on with invaluable keywords, which
their platforms and in their services. we integrate into our ever-evolving
safety heuristics. We are delighted
Our Members come from all corners
to partner with the IWF, and we
of the globe and they deploy our
would urge any company with an
technical solutions across all
online presence to foster a relationship
continents. Nearly two thirds of new
with them and support the fantastic
companies joining us in 2018 were
work they do.”
based outside of the UK. This isn’t
Steve Wilson, Jagex.
a surprise; online child sexual abuse
imagery does not respect international
boundaries. Universities are learning
the benefits of membership too,
with seven joining us this year.
We welcome Members from
every sector: hosting companies,
domain registries and registrars,
filterers, games companies,
payment companies, virtual
currency companies, mobile
operators, search engines,
social media, cyberlockers, trade
organisations and those joining
for CSR reasons—all keen to play
their part in making sure there is
no place for this criminal material.
Only by working together can
we make a difference.

Chapter 4: Who we are

Our policy work

Shaping policy to
make the internet
a safer place
The right legislative and E-privacy: We’ve shared our views Consultations and committees:
policy environment is with the European Union which We like to contribute to consultations
helped amend proposals for a new and committee discussions and where
needed to allow us to
e-privacy directive. This was important possible, we publish our responses
work with partners to because it might have prevented on our website. During 2018, our CEO
remove child sexual tech companies from scanning their Susie Hargreaves gave evidence to
abuse material from the networks to remove online child the House of Commons Science and
internet. That’s why we sexual abuse material. Technology Committee on its inquiry
help shape policy in the into Social Media and Screen Time,
Brexit: Brexit could have big
the House of Lords Communications
UK, EU and relevant implications for our future funding as
Select Committee, and she was
international countries. 10 percent comes from the European
reappointed to the revamped UK
Union. We raised this concern at a
Council for Internet Safety Executive
Regulation: The UK Government has roundtable meeting with both the
Board. We’re also the only Hotline
committed to making the nation the European Commission (EC) and
and only UK-based organisation to
“safest place in the world to go online” British MEPs. We were pleased to find
secure observer status to the Lanzarote
and we’ve been actively contributing out that our funds are secure until the
Committee, which plays a crucial role
to help shape what this could look like. end of 2020 after the EC approved
in monitoring the convention on the
This topic is also high on the agenda our UK Safer Internet Centre funding
Protection of Children against Sexual
of the Home Secretary, the Rt. Hon. application. The UK Government has
Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.
Sajid Javid MP, who praised our work also pledged to continue that funding
in a passionate speech. during any Brexit transition period. The IWF also secured Core Participant
Status on the Independent Inquiry
Advertising: The Home Secretary Ministerial visits: We welcomed
into Child Sexual Abuse when they
asked us to look into legitimate adverts the DCMS Secretary of State, Rt.
examine the role of the internet. Our
which appear alongside child sexual Hon. Jeremy Wright QC MP, and
CEO Susie Hargreaves will attend as
abuse material online and whether the Parliamentary Under Secretary
a representative.
offenders were able to generate money of State, Rt. Hon. Victoria Atkins
by making this happen. We provided a QC MP, to the IWF. We discussed IWF Champions: Our Champions
report on this work in December and how to help make children and young have continued to raise our issues
we’re looking at how we can work with people safer online, and how this in Parliament on our behalf. A
partners on this issue through 2019. fitted with a forthcoming White highlight was the hugely supportive
Paper on online harms. and passionate speech in the
Online grooming and livestreaming:
House of Lords by Baroness Floella
We went to Microsoft’s HQ in Seattle, Engagement: Our local MP, Daniel
Benjamin OBE who promoted our
USA, with the Home Secretary, other Zeichner MP launched our 2017
portals programme and encouraged
NGOs and tech companies to discuss Annual Report with a roundtable
Commonwealth nations to do all that
challenges around online grooming. discussion with tech companies,
they can to tackle child sexual abuse.
Livestreaming was also discussed policing stakeholders and Government
during a panel chaired by our Deputy representatives. We’ve also been
CEO and CTO, Fred Langford. actively raising our strategic priorities
with more than 30 Parliamentarians
throughout the year.

Internet Watch Foundation

Our Reporting Portals

people around
the world
IWF Reporting Portals enable countries “In Angola, there are 13 million users
and territories without the financial of the mobile network and more than
means or resources, to tackle online five million access the internet through
child sexual abuse imagery. We’re a mobile phone, tablet, computer
proudly launching 50 Reporting and other means. Our children today
Portals by 2020. grow up in the so-called digital era
which supports their education
As the portals are gateways into
and communication, but which can
our Hotline in the UK, they enable
also present serious risks. Children
us to take reports from people around
deserve to grow and develop, free
the world. This fulfils an important
from prejudices or harm caused by
requirement of the United Nations
our inadequate actions, inactions or
(UN) Convention on the Rights of
attitudes of negligence. The launch
the Child, the UN’s Sustainable
of this portal is an added value for
Development Goals, particularly
the Angolan State in the promotion
to end the abuse, exploitation,
and protection of the Rights of the
trafficking and all forms of violence
Child and the fulfilment of the 11
and torture against children, and
Commitments of the Child. With this
the WePROTECT Model National
IWF Portal, Angola joins the campaign
Response (MNR).
against sexual abuse of children on
the internet.”
The Angola Secretary of State for
Human Rights and Citizenship,
Dr Ana Celeste Cardoso Januário.

Angola roundtable participants.

Luanda – July 2018

Chapter 4: Who we are

IWF Reporting Portal locations

IWF services in 2018

25 IWF reporting portals to date
currently offered in 7 languages:
• English
• French
• Spanish

• Portuguese Akrotiri & Dhekelia


• Hindi
• Swahili
• Lingala

Liberia Uganda

Democratic Republic of Congo

Turks & Caicos
British Virgin Islands Ascension Islands

Belize Cayman Islands Angola
St Helena



Tristan da Cunha
The Falkland

Pitcairn Islands

Mozambique, Belize, Malawi, the we are, must play a part in Our international portal
Democratic Republic of Congo, that community to protect partnership in action
Angola, Zambia and Burundi have and defend children.”
joined the portals network in 2018. Our highly trained Internet
We’re pleased that governments are Theodore Menelik, Content Analysts helped the Royal
committing to tackling this online Director of Menelik Education, Cayman Islands Police Service
crime, and that national bodies— Democratic Republic of Congo (RCIPS) to convict a sex offender.
including industry, NGOs and police—
The RCIPS were faced with an
are giving professionals and citizens
overwhelming number of images
the tools to remove criminal imagery.
and URLs to analyse, so we helped
This work has increased the global
them. Thanks to the portal partnership,
awareness of online dangers posed
we swiftly assisted their investigation
to children in the digital age.
by confirming the images were criminal
“I strongly believe that the soul of which contributed to the offender’s
any nation is reflected in how well conviction. The Caymans Islands Portal
it treats its most vulnerable. It takes is now integrated into the RCIPS mobile
a community in the largest sense of phone app, meaning that citizens can
the word, to raise a child and all of us, easily connect with the Reporting Portal
irrespective of who we are and where whenever they need it.

Internet Watch Foundation

Caring for
our people
At the IWF, people are at Our analysts’ working hours are
the heart of everything we strictly monitored; they take regular
timetabled breaks and are encouraged
do. Our Internet Content to take more breaks as and when
Analysts are quite simply they need.
the best. And so we give
Each month they have individual
them the best care we can. mandatory counselling sessions
and all employees who see criminal
IWF may operate in a highly
imagery have a full psychological
advanced technological world,
assessment every year. In fact,
but it’s the expertise and experience
everyone who works for us is
of our analysts that sets us apart.
offered counselling support.
What they do is a tough job. It takes
a special person to be able to view We go the extra mile for our staff,
disturbing images of children because they go the extra mile for
each working day. you. It’s the right thing to do.
Just 13 analysts assessed almost
230,000 reports in 2018. Whilst
they’re trained to identify criminal
imagery, they’re exposed to all sorts
of hideous content they often don’t
expect to see.
It’s our job to look after these
incredible people and we take
this responsibility very seriously.
The health and emotional wellbeing
of our analysts is our top priority. Heidi Kempster, COO

So, IWF have a gold-standard

welfare system in place.
All new analysts go through
a specially-developed training
programme to help them mentally
process and cope with exposure
to disturbing images.

Chapter 4: Who we are

UK Safer
Internet Centre
The UK Safer Internet Centre Safer Internet Day
is a European Commission Safer Internet Day is a global event,
funded project, delivered celebrated in more than a hundred
by Childnet International, countries. It calls on children, young
SWGfL, and the IWF. people, parents, carers, teachers,
social workers, law enforcement,
Together we encourage the responsible companies, policymakers and other
use of technology and make the internet stakeholders, to join together in
a safer environment for children and helping to create a better internet.
young people with:
In 2018, it was themed ‘Create, Connect
1. An Awareness Centre run by and Share Respect: A better internet
Childnet International providing starts with you’.
advice and support to children
Nearly half of all UK children aged 8
and young people, parents and
to 17 heard about Safer Internet Day
carers and schools on a host of
and as a result:
subjects including online safety,
cyber bullying and social networking. • 4 in 5 felt more confident about
what to do if they were worried
2. A
 Helpline, by SWGfL, offering
about something online.
independent advice to professionals
working with children and young • 4 in 5 said they learned about
people with online safety issues such safety features online such as
as privacy concerns, inappropriate reporting or privacy.
behaviour and grooming.
• Three quarters said they would
3. A Hotline, by the IWF, to be more careful about what they
anonymously and safely report and do or say on social media.
remove online child sexual abuse
The UK Safer Internet Centre can be
imagery and videos, wherever they
found at www.saferinternet.org.uk
are found in the world.

Once there was
a knock at the door
One day the child who lay awake
wondering about the other
invisible children heard a knock at the door.
There were new voices
she had not heard before and they
seemed like kind voices.
As they came nearer, she wondered
what they would say if they could see her.
Then she heard someone say,
‘Are you OK? We are here to help’.
Their eyes were looking
straight at hers.

Chapter 5: Where next

Internet Watch Foundation

Glossary of terms
Banner site: A website or webpage Dark net: The dark net, also known Image board: An image board is
made up of adverts for other websites as the dark web, is the hidden part a type of internet forum that operates
with text links or images that take you of the internet accessed using Tor. mostly through posting images.
to third-party websites when you click Tor is anonymity software that They’re used for discussions on a
on them. makes it difficult to trace users’ variety of topics, and are similar
online activity. to bulletin board systems, but with
Blog: A blog is a discussion or
a focus on images.
information site made up of separate Disguised websites: Websites
entries, or posts. Most are interactive, which, when loaded directly into a Image host/Image hosting site:
and visitors can leave comments and browser, show legal content—but An image hosting service lets users
even message each other on the blog. when accessed through a particular upload images which are then
The interactivity is what makes them pathway (or referrer website) show available through a unique URL.
different from other static websites. illegal content, for example child This URL can be used to make
sexual abuse images. online links, or be embedded in
CAID: The Child Abuse Image
other websites, forums and social
Database (CAID) is a project led by Domain alerts: Details of domain
networking sites.
the Home Office which will enable names that are known to be hosting
UK law enforcement to assess, child sexual abuse content. IWF Reporting Portal: A world-class
categorise and generate unique reporting solution for child sexual
Forum: Also known as a ‘message
hashes for tens of millions of child abuse content, for countries which
board’, a forum is an online chat site
abuse images and videos found don’t have an existing hotline.
where people talk or upload files in
during their investigations.
the form of posts. A forum can hold Keywords: A list of terms
Category A, B and C: We assess sub-forums, and each of these could associated with child sexual
child sexual abuse images and videos have several topics. Within a topic, abuse material searches.
based on UK law, according to the each new discussion started is
Newsgroups: Internet discussion
levels in the Sentencing Council’s called a thread, and any forum
groups dedicated to a variety of
Sexual Offences Definitive Guidelines. user can reply to this thread.
subjects. Users make posts to a
Since April 2014, there have been
Gateway sites: A webpage that newsgroup and others can see them
three levels: A, B and C.
provides direct access to child and comment. Sometimes called
For definitions see our website:
sexual abuse material but does ‘Usenet’, newsgroups were the original
not itself contain it. online forums and a precursor to the
Child sexual abuse images/videos/ World Wide Web.
Hash/hashes: A ‘hash’ is a unique
imagery/content/material: Images or
code, or string of text and numbers Non-photographic child sexual
videos that show the sexual abuse of
generated from the binary data of a abuse content: Images and videos
children. We use the term ‘child sexual
picture. Hashes can automatically of child sexual abuse which aren’t
abuse’ images to reflect the gravity of
identify known child sexual abuse photographs, for example computer-
the images we deal with.
images without needing to examine generated images.
Criminally obscene adult content: each image individually. This can
Proactive/proactively searching/
Images and videos that show help to prevent online distribution
proactively seeking: We can
extreme sexual activity that’s of this content.
now actively search for child sexual
criminal in the UK.
Hidden services: Websites that abuse content, in addition to taking
Cyberlockers: File hosting services, are hosted within a proxy network, public reports. We’re one of only
cloud storage services or online file so their location can’t be traced. a few hotlines in the world that
storage providers. They are internet can do this.
hosting services specifically designed
to host users’ files.

Glossary of terms

Proxy network: These are systems Webpage: A document which can be

that enable online anonymity, seen using a web browser. A single
accelerate service requests, webpage can hold lots of images,
encryption, security and lots of text, videos or hyperlinks and many
other features. Some proxy software, websites will have lots of webpages.
such as Tor, attempts to conceal the www.iwf.org.uk/about-iwf and
true location of services. www.iwf.org.uk/hotline are both
examples of webpages.
Re-victimisation: Re-victimisation,
or repeat victimisation is what Website: A website is a set of related
happens to a victim when their webpages typically served from a
image is shared online. A single single web domain. Most websites
image of a victim can be shared have several webpages.
hundreds or thousands of times.
Service Provider/Internet Service
Provider: An internet service
provider (ISP) is a company or
organisation that provides access
to the internet, internet connectivity
and other related services, like
hosting websites.
Social networking site: A social
networking service is a platform
to build social relations. It usually
has a representation of each user
(often a profile), their social links
and a variety of other services.
Popular examples include Facebook
and Twitter.
Top-level domain (TLD): Domains
at the top of the domain name
hierarchy. For example .com, .org
and .info are all examples of generic
top-level domains (gTLDs). The term
also covers country code top-level
domains (ccTLDs) like .uk for UK or
.us for US and sponsored top-level
domains (sTLDs) like .mobi or .xxx
URL: An acronym for Uniform
Resource Locator. A URL is the
specific location where a file is
saved online. For example, the URL
of the IWF logo which appears on
the webpage www.iwf.org.uk is

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To be continued
Our work continues every hour of every day.
Follow us on social media for updates.

Internet Watch Foundation Internet Watch

Discovery House @IWFHotline
Chivers Way
Histon #onceuponayear
CB24 9ZR
E media@iwf.org.uk Charity number: 01112398
T +44 (0) 1223 20 30 30 Company number: 03426366
F +44 (0) 1223 86 12 15
‘ The child decided she must be invisible. Sometimes,
when she was finally alone at night, she wondered how
many other invisible children were out there.’

This is the story of a year in the life

of the Internet Watch Foundation.
We identify images and videos showing
the sexual abuse of children,
wherever they are found on the internet.
We then work globally to get them removed.
The children in these pictures and videos are real.
The suffering captured in this imagery
and the knowledge that it could be shared online
can haunt a victim for life.
That’s why it’s our mission to eliminate
this material for good.
And to show every child there is
someone out there who cares
enough to help.

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