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Name: ________________________________

Using William Shakespeare’s play ​The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet​, choose one character and analyze
his/her actions and motivations. What motivates him/her to make certain choices? How do his/her choices
complicate the plot?

Romeo was a star crossed lover doomed to fail. However, how did he end up on this tragic path? His

fate was troubling from his birth. Nevertheless, his actions speak louder than words. So did Romeo doom

himself to a tragic fate or did someone intervene and mess up a good plan, let us find out.

Romeo first appears in love with someone who does not love him back. Which leads him to find a

servant who cannot read with a letter that says the Capulets are holding a party in which the person he is love

with is going (which is Rosaline) ,so he decides to go. At the party, he meets the love of his life Juliet and his

love shifts to Juliet so much that in the next scene he goes to talk to her. He creeps up her in the garden while

she is above him and hears her speak when she is startled that someone is hiding and hears her private

thoughts. However, they fall in love and goes to a priest to get married to someone he just met the next day.

Now in the scenes, Romeo Falls in love with Juliet and Juliet falls in love with Romeo. However, Romeo

is motived by blind love for most of the play. Afterward, Romeo's actions are motivated by both Love and grief.

Due to he just being married and wanting to be with his wife. Grief due to he thinks his wife is dead and being

soo blinded by love that he wants to be with her, this leads to him killing himself. However, Juliet is not dead

and him doing so complicates the plot very seriously.

Now many things complicate the plot in this story. Friar Laurence not being able to send his

letter. Alternatively, Tybalt being so mad that he fought Romeo and got himself a bad case of a stabbing.

However, the most arguable point about the story is who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet killing themselves.

Now then it is arguable, but it could be that Romeo is to blame for the reason that he got the idea to kill himself

to be with his love. However, this not the only way his actions complicate the plot. For example, Romeo kills

Tybalt who is Juliet's cousin and gets himself exiled(not killed because Romeo was defending himself) ,which

leads Friar Laurence to give Juliet the idea to fake her death starting the whole problem. However, it could also
be said that whoever told Romeo that Juliet is dead is to blame for them to kill themselves. But that is a topic

for another time.

In conclusion, Romeo may have been one of the main characters, but he (accidentally) caused

much trouble. Nonetheless, his troubles did lead to the Capulets and the Montagues making up. So he can be

forgiven a little because of him being in love. The moral of the story: "Blind love can turn the wise into fools.”

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