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8.15- Bidang: Teknikal 1. Guru memperkenalkan bahan EMK:
9.15 Standard kandungan: yang diperlukan dalam EK4 – Pengetahuan
RBT 4.3 Mereka bentuk projek melaksanakan RBT. teknologi
6J bertema berasaskan bahan 2. Murid membincang dalam
bukan logam, bahan logam dan kumpulan mengenai kegunaan Kreativiti:
elektromekanikal. bahan yang diperkenalkan. Mengumpul
Standard pembelajaran: 3. Murid menyatakan dua jenis maklumat
4.3.1 Menyatakan bahan yang bahan yang digunakan dalam
akan digunakan seperti Polivinil menghasilkan projek. Nilai Murni:
Klorida (PVC) dan perspeks. 4. Murid melukis dan melabel Bertanggungjawab
bahan dalam buku nota. Sistematik
9.15- Bidang: Teknikal 1. Guru memperkenalkan konsep EMK:
10.15 Standard kandungan: jawatankuasa dalam struktur EK5 – Prinsip
RBT 1.1 Mengenal pasti struktur organisasi bengkel. tanggungjawab
4U organisasi bengkel. 2. Murid berbincang dengan guru sosial
Standard pembelajaran: dan menubuhkan jawatankuasa
1.1.1 Menyatakan struktur bengkel. Kreativiti:
organisasi bengkel berpandukan 3. Murid berbincang antara satu Mengumpul
carta. sama lain tentang kepentingan maklumat
jawatankuasa bengkel.
Nilai Murni:
11.45- Unit 1: Reading: A Window to the 1. Teacher greets the pupils and EMK:
12.45 World get the pupils to respond. Talk/ask Language
BI 1.1.2 Able to listen to and about pupils activities within their Thinking Skills
6J respond confidently to a given surrounding.
stimulus by using appropriate 2. Displays two conversation and HOT/ITHINK:
words, phrases and expressions ask pupils to talk about the Circle map
with the correct stress and dialogues they’ve read.
intonation. 3. Pupils read the dialogue in the Thinking process:
textbook Cause and Effect
4. In pairs, asks pupils to talk
about their favourite story and
teacher guides them try to give
their reasons.
12.45- Unit 1: Our Community 1. Talk about the picture in EMK:
13.45 Content Standard:: 1.1, 1.3 textbook page 1 Creative and
BI Learning Standard: 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) 2. Classroom discussion. In group, innovative
4U Objective: discuss the picture and practice
By the end of the lesson, pupils the dialogue Moral Values:
will be able to: 3. Individual work. Write about Respectful,
1. Talk about related topics what they can see and buy at the awareness.
with guidance. stationery shop.
2. Listen to and
understanding of oral



7.45- Unit 1: Reading: A Window to the 1. Teacher greets the pupils and EMK:
8.15 World get the pupils to respond. Talk/ask Language
BI 1.1.2 Able to listen to and about pupils activities within their Thinking Skills
6J respond confidently to a given surrounding.
stimulus by using appropriate 2. Displays two conversation and HOT/ITHINK:
words, phrases and expressions ask pupils to talk about the Circle map
with the correct stress and dialogues they’ve read.
intonation. 3. Pupils read the dialogue in the Thinking process:
textbook Cause and Effect
4. In pairs, asks pupils to talk
about their favourite story and
teacher guides them try to give
their reasons.
8.45- Unit 1: Our Community 1. Talk about the picture in EMK:
9.15 Content Standard:: 1.1, 1.3 textbook page 1 Creative and
BI Learning Standard: 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) 2. Classroom discussion. In group, innovative
4U Objective: discuss the picture and practice
By the end of the lesson, pupils the dialogue Moral Values:
will be able to: 3. Individual work. Write about Respectful,
3. Talk about related topics what they can see and buy at the awareness.
with guidance. stationery shop.
4. Listen to and
understanding of oral
11.15- Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1. Teacher instruct students to EMK:
11.45 2.2.4 (a), 3.1.1 (a) read the statements in textbook Creative and
BI innovative
5K Objective: Students able to apply 2. Students guess the meaning of
dictionary skills to locate words the words in red Moral Values:
and meaning of base Respectful,
3. Teacher show students how to awareness.
look for words in dictionary

4. Students look for the meaning

of words in dictionary

5. Discussion of homework


7.45- Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1. Show students the related EMK
8.45 1.1.3 Able to listen to and textbook page. Respectful
BI respond to a given stimulus by 2. Students read textbook page 4
5K using appropriate words, phrases and understand the story. Moral Values
and expressions with guidance. 3. Teacher explain the words that Trust in yourself
students do not know.
Objective: Students able to give 4. Students discuss the answer to
the correct stimulus when the questions.
teacher ask them questions 5. Teacher guide students to
related to the topic. answer the questions.
11.15- 1. 生活中的小发明 1. 老师引导学生朗读课文内容。 EMK
12.15 4.3 用非金属材料、金属材料和 2. 学生绘画和标记受工具。 科学与工艺
RBT 机电系统设计并制作物品。 3. 学生说出用来制作物品的非金
6M 属材料如聚氯乙烯和有机玻璃。 道德价值
学习成果: 4. 学生说明手工具名称与功能。 认真
学生能够辨认手工具的名称与 5. 学生认识电脑程序的种类
功能。 6. 学生编写日常指令

1.1 说出电脑程序在日用器具里


Content Standard:
Reading 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds and letters

Learning Standard:
Reading 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name the letters of the alphabet.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. To present and practise vocabulary for days of the week.

1. Prelesson: Hold up each flascard in turn and in sequence. Say the word for students to repeat in chorus.
2. Lesson development:
Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in chorus.
Write Days of the week in the middle of the board and stick the flascards around it to make a word map.
3. Post lesson: Teacher revise the lesson with pupils.


11.15- Unit 1: Reading: A Window to the 1. Teacher greets the pupils and get EMK:
11.45 World the pupils to respond. Talk/ask about Language
BI 1.1.2 Able to listen to and respond pupils activities within their Thinking Skills
6J confidently to a given stimulus by surrounding.
using appropriate words, phrases 2. Displays two conversation and ask HOT/ITHINK:
and expressions with the correct pupils to talk about the dialogues Circle map
stress and intonation. they’ve read.
3. Pupils read the dialogue in the Thinking
textbook process:
4. In pairs, asks pupils to talk about Cause and
their favourite story and teacher Effect
guides them try to give their
12.15- Unit 1: Our Community 1. Talk about the picture in textbook EMK:
12.45 Content Standard:: 1.1, 1.3 page 1 Creative and
BI Learning Standard: 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) 2. Classroom discussion. In group, innovative
4U Objective: discuss the picture and practice the
By the end of the lesson, pupils will dialogue Moral Values:
be able to: 3. Individual work. Write about what Respectful,
5. Talk about related topics they can see and buy at the awareness.
with guidance. stationery shop.
6. Listen to and demonstrate
understanding of oral
12.45- Unit 1 Feel Good About Yourself 1. Show students the related EMK
1.45 1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond textbook page. Respectful
BI to a given stimulus by using 2. Students read textbook page 4
5K appropriate words, phrases and and understand the story. Moral Values
expressions with guidance. 3. Teacher explain the words that Trust in yourself
students do not know.
Objective: Students able to give the 4. Students discuss the answer to the
correct stimulus when teacher ask questions.
them questions related to the 5. Teacher guide students to answer
topic. the questions.

Content Standard:
Reading 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds and letters

Learning Standard:
Reading 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name the letters of the alphabet.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. To present and practise vocabulary for days of the week.

1. Prelesson: Hold up each flascard in turn and in sequence. Say the word for students to repeat in chorus.
2. Lesson development:
Hold up each flashcard for students to say the word in chorus.
Write Days of the week in the middle of the board and stick the flascards around it to make a word map.
3. Post lesson: Teacher revise the lesson with pupils.

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