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PARLIAMENT Hon. Moses Kuria, HSC, MP. Gatundu South Constituency Paslament Buildings 4G Chairperson -'Transpore, Public Works & Housing Tek: +254 20 2971591 Member -Budget and Appropriations Committee KCC. Building 25th Floor P.O. Box 41842-00100 P.O.Box 1838 - 00200 Nairobi Nairobi, Kenya Mobile: +254 721 999 064 "PRESS STATEMENT: moseslri, ESSS For Immediate Release: Nairobi, 10th January 2019 Following my speech in Thika Stadium on the eve of the new year, there has been heated debate in the country and rising political temperatures which are coming ata very early phase of a new year On the Ath of January. 2019, | addressed a press conference in Gatundu South and clarified that my Speech was directed at Kiambu County Leadership and not His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta. | have nothing but utmost respect for President Kenyatta with whom I have worked for a long time towards making Kenya a great nation. In that press conference I offered my unqualified apology to the President for any hurt and misconception that my words may have created. | hereby reiterate that apology to the Presiclent and my fellow Kenyans, Despite that apology. I have continued to receive a barrage of personalized attacks from people with Personal and political scores to settle with me. Whereas I have no problem with politicians taking ‘opportunity to revive their dead or collapsing political careers, | am troubled that they are doing it in a manner that is designed to create a rift between myself and the President with whom I enjoy excellent relations and who is indeed one of the 72,000 voters from Gatundu South who are my defacto employers. Even more ominous, is the very wrong misconception that has been created that I am opposed to the Building Bridges Initiative and the Handshake. I have been very consistent in supporting the BBI and | have traversed many parts of this country including Kakamega, Homa Bay and Kisumu, Furthermore there is nothing wrong with the President launching projects in any part of this country. | have similarly sent an invitation to Hon Raila Odinga to come to Gatundu South to come and launch projects there in the spirit of Building Bridges Initiative. It is surprising that those who are accusing me of wrecking the handshake have not contributed in any way to its success. I am a beneficiary of the handshake. Since 2007. the only part of Kisumu I could venture into is Kisumu Airport. Thanks to the handshake. now freely walk in the streets of Kisumu. Asa country we are at the cross roads of a major decision we have to make to continue being captive to the fears and divisions of the past or to redefine our nationhood with a sense of hope and optimism. I we don’t do this, and due to our troubled history, every thing whether minor or major, whether innocent or otherwise will be taken out of context. We ean not live like this, The Building Bridges Initiative offers us @ historie and unique opportunity to redefine our nationhood. As one who has been at the cross hairs of this contiet even facing criminal charges in the course of defending the Jubilee Government, I wll play a very active role in this endeavor. | have requested the BBI secretariat to give me a slot to present my views on how we will achieve a new dawn as a nation including a new constitutional dispensation that will make every Kenyan feel they are part of this nation and believe they will share into her prosperity. At the same time, we are facing momentous chalieri’s ejiecially on the economic front with serious budgetary, revenue and debt constraints and depressed private sector activity. Our Small Businesses are not accessing eredit due to the interest rates cap and our people are really struggling. We can not make this worse through continued political activities and unnecessary distractions. Particularly itis not time to focus on future elections when our economy requires serious work. Its instructive to note that | was one of the leading figures in the Jubilee campaigns in 2013 and 2017. The campaign I conducted under the aegis of Mbele [ko Sawa Initiative in 2017 was based on ‘enumerating Jubilec’s sterling development record all over the country including Mt Kenya region. In any cease I have keenly listened to leaders like Governors Waititu, Waiguru, Kimemia, Kiraitu and Wa Iria and they are unanimous that there is visible development in their counties. I stand guided accordingly and | ‘can not claim to be an authority on their counties more than the 2019 is a watershed year in our country. It is the year we will'conduct the census based on biometric technology. It is my firm resolve that the new CRA formula for sharing of resources will be based equitable formula that emphasizes on population first and other considerations later, The same principle ‘of equity and fairness will be applied for the delimitation of boundaries. The spirit of the handshake should help to redress historical injustices on resource sharing and skewed representation that happened asa result of our divisions of the past. | want to call upon all Kenyans not to give up on this country, To the youth of this country I say, our problems are not insurmountable. We may point our things that are not going right occasionally but we should never suecumb to the forces of negativity, bitterness or perpetual whining. It is within our God ziven abilities to resolve our issues. This is the generation that will fix our country and the future zenerations will not forgive us if we do not. All we need is positivity, unity, hard work and respect for each and every one including our leaders and more so President Uhuru Kenyatta. Finally I hope this will put this debate to rest. Let’s not talk about development; Let’s 20 down to our people and fast track development. This is the duty of all of us especially leaders. To those withia the executive to whom H.E the President has entrusted the duty of executing his vision for this country, 2019 is the year to work harder to deliver. We can do better especially on the speed of execution of already funded projects. And to those who may have wanted to exploit the current crisis for selfish objectives 1 also urge you to go back to working for our people. | trust that this will put to an end the subtle and not too subtle threats to my life from opportunists, details of which I shared with DCI George Kinoti, a man of immense capabilities and patriotism and who is doing everything possible to investigate the same. God Bless Kenya Signed: Hon Moses Kuria MP, Gatundu South.

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